Current Track: Blabb
Development Update

The Open Beta has started!

Posted 5 months ago

You can now log in on using your existing SoFurry account, and start using the new site. Anyone in the beta queue has been accepted and may now also access the next version of SoFurry.

All the notes and caveats from the previous announcement still apply of course: This is a beta, please excuse bugs and problems you may encounter, and report them right on the beta site. Also, as discussed before, this is a completely new site and not simply an update. We are sunsetting several features that haven’t seen enough use on the current site, and we are adding new features that have been long requested, like multi-content submissions and comics.

And while we are at it: This may be a beta but as of now we plan to keep the data and not do a big wipe at the end of it. That means everything you will upload on the beta website will stay on the website. We can’t guarantee that no data loss at all will happen at one point - it is a beta after all and bugs may occur - but of course we will try everything to prevent this.

We have one request: Please try the submission importer. We noticed some issues that brought down the new site, but we *think* this should be fixed now. The beta is the perfect time to stress-test the site and make sure this is really fixed. Thanks!