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Hunters Pag 45
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Title can't be empty.
Finally a new page, like always i want to try new ways of doing it.
CONTEST: theres a HUGE error in this page, i know i made a lot of that and maybe you find more than one i missed; but this one is unforgivable.
The first user who finds it and tell me what is the mistake in a COMMENT in this submision, will get a free sketch (only a sketch, so no color, only lines, no background and maximum 2 characters)
Have fun.
WINNER: ERYTHWOLF posted the right answer first, congrats ^^
CONTEST: theres a HUGE error in this page, i know i made a lot of that and maybe you find more than one i missed; but this one is unforgivable.
The first user who finds it and tell me what is the mistake in a COMMENT in this submision, will get a free sketch (only a sketch, so no color, only lines, no background and maximum 2 characters)
Have fun.
WINNER: ERYTHWOLF posted the right answer first, congrats ^^
14 years ago
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