Current Track: Blabb

“Man wants but little here below

Nor wants that little long."

How often hath that platitude

Been strangled into song?

By men who do not want, but have

Their little and their more.

In rhymes perforce, in meter bad,

They serve it to the poor.

“Contentment in a humble home,"

They preach to homeless men,

“Is best." Then purchase palaces,

As many as they can.

“Thy simple bread and wine is more,"

To those who starving wait,

“Delightsome than delicacies!"

As they refill their plate.

“Humility! Forgiveness!"

To the millions they have wronged.

And they would not even notice if

The last of us were gone.

If man doth want so little

Then little it should be

For these mighty and strong to give

Our needs to you and me.

Man wants but little here below.

My wants are only one:

Take every scrap of doggerel.

Make them to eat each one.