My sister called me on my cell phone while I was having breakfast in the kitchen in my house. She was getting ready to go to school. We were talking about my trip to the diner with mom and Ray along with Roxanne as a human.
I said to Miley on the other end, "Well at least there wasn't any drama between us, at least everything seem normal."
Miley said on her end, "Yeah but at least you and mom didn't yell at each other, I'm very proud of you!"
I said, "Thanks, at least I have some praise from someone in my family."
Miley yelled, "Oh whatever you ass." Then we both laughed, and she said, "So by the way, mom said that some woman named Roxanne came with you guys. Who is she?"
Then right on cue Roxanne as a human came in the house, and then I said to Miley on the phone, "Look Miley, I'll talk later ok? Bye." Then I hung up on her.
Roxanne came and sat down near the dining room table, "Who was that?"
I gave her a look and said, "I didn't know you knew about cell phones."
She giggled and said, "Well you got to learn what mortals do sometime, right?"
I giggled with her, "Right." Then I could see that Roxanne had a weird look on her face. I said, "Hey you look weird, are you okay?"
Roxanne gave me a reassuringly smile and said, "Yeah I'm fine Frank, I didn't get enough sleep last night."
I looked into her eyes trying to see if she was hiding something, because she sure is acting like it.
Roxanne then asked, "Frank why are you looking at me like that?"
I shook my head and said, "Oh nothing." Frank don't worry about it, she's not hiding anything. It's probably your imagination.
I hope it is, she looks like she has seen a ghost.
I was walking with Roxanne in town, just enjoying the warm sun. I showed Roxanne all over town, telling about what I did before I moved away from here when I was younger.
I still didn't tell her the reason why I moved away from town yet. Maybe I will, maybe I won't.
We were walking still we a familiar face came around the corner and saw me and Roxanne. It was Daniel.
Daniel smiled and said, "Hiya Frank!"
I waved at him and said, "Hey Daniel, what's shaking?"
He shrugged and said, "Nothing much is shaken in these parts today buddy if that's what you're thinking?"
I shook my head, "Didn't think so."
Daniel then looked at Roxanne and said, "Oh hi there."
Roxanne said, "Hello there."
Daniel didn't take his eyes off Roxanne, "Who's this Frank?"
I said, "She's just a friend of mine." Then I introduced them to each other, "Roxanne this is Daniel, Daniel this is Roxanne."
Roxanne said, "Very nice to meet you. So Frank how do you and Daniel know each other?"
Daniel then said, "Me and his father grew up together, we went through school together as well."
Roxanne looked at him and said, "Oh, I didn't know that."
Daniel giggled, "Well that's why I'm telling you."
Roxanne smiled, "Good point."
Daniel was just staring at her for a long time. Oh boy I know that look, I know Daniel for a long time to know that look. I said, "So Daniel you heading to work tonight?"
Daniel took his eyes off her and looked at me, "Yep, you coming to work as well? I mean last night you haven't and you really pissed off our boss last night."
I nodded, "Yeah I am."
Daniel beamed, "Well good! Maybe you could take your friend to the bar tonight and show her around there, she would love the cocktails that I would make for her."
I smiled, "That sound like fun. Roxanne are you up for it?"
Roxanne nodded, "Sure."
Daniel then reached and shook hands with her, "Alright then I better get going talk later!" Then he was off doing whatever he was planning to do.
Roxanne said, "He seems friendly. But he kinda stared at me for a long time."
I giggled, "Yeah I saw that. I think it's because he likes you."
Roxanne's face went wide and she stared at me, "You don't know that. So how do you know Daniel really?"
I smiled and said, "Daniel's a pal. Also he's a very nice guy. In fact he's just like a uncle to me. Even when dad died he was there for me to talk to. Before I moved away from this town."
She said, "Oh....He was like a dad to you?"
I only said, "More or less for a fact." Then I sighed and put on a smile and said, "Well come on Roxanne lets go get something to eat."
Then we went off to the diner.
I was a Pegasus again after me and Frank got back home from town. Pretty strange how mortals live in these times, a lot different than before I would imagine.
I was walking in the woods just have some alone time. I was walking on a trail when I had this feeling that I was being watched, and I figured out who it was.
I turned to the watcher, "You can come out now."
It was Louis who right now is the black Pegasus, "I was wondering if you were coming back to the house." He walked toward me.
I said to him, "Did you find Loki?"
Louis shook his head, "No I didn't. In fact I looked for him all over last night. He could be anywhere. He could shape shift into anything and we wouldn't know who it would be."
I nodded, "Yes I know that. But we have to keep looking for him. You know we have to stop him."
Louis then narrowed his eyes, "You mean I have to look for him. I'm the one who is doing all the work while you're staying with the mortal."
I glared at him, "So then what are you doing here then?"
He answered, "Just getting concerned about you."
My expression didn't change, "Why?"
"About you being a mortal for long periods of time. I was thinking if you became a mortal for a long time you might start thinking like a mortal. You wouldn't be yourself."
Inside my thoughts I was shocked at what he said, but out of my mouth I said, "You're being paranoid."
Louis had a concerned look and said, "Listen Roxanne, we've known each other since we were little. In fact we're still best friends up to this day. So at least give me a break."
I stared at him, "I'm sorry, but I thought for certain that you've said that just to get me away from Frank. You do understand that I care about him right?"
He nodded, "Duty noted, but you should also know that he can never be your son. He's a mortal. And you don't belong here either."
I sternly said to him, "Maybe I do belong here and maybe I don't. But the point is I care about Frank right now and if you don't mind I'm going back to him, since he's getting ready to go to work tonight. So talk later." Then I walked past Louis and went back to his house.
Louis called out to me, but I ignored him.
Me and Frank went to this place called the bar, but I wasn't a Pegasus this time, I became a mortal. Frank was worried that I wouldn't hold on to my transformation forever since his shift ends in a few hours. But I told him not to worry.
We went inside the bar, and I could see a lot of mortals in one place. And they're all drinking.
They all remind me of Bacchus, the god of wine. But that's not important right now, what's important is Frank. Loki could be in this area and for all I know he could be pretending to be one of those mortals here, that's actually the other reason why I came along with Frank.
If Loki strikes here, then I would be ready for him, and I hope Louis is nearby.
Me and Frank walked through a crowd of people and he found me a spot to sit down in the bar, I sat down.
Frank said, "Now Roxanne you going to be okay sitting here for a few hours?"
I nodded.
Frank then said, "Listen Roxanne this place could be bad for you. I mean sometimes when mortals drink too much they might get angry and start a bar fight. So if you feel scared and if I'm not around to help you, find Daniel, he should be working behind the bar."
I nodded again and then he left. I don't need anyone's help to be truthful, I can take care of myself. But if that'll make Frank feel better I'll go to Daniel if I need help.
Even though I don't really need help at all.
A few hours have passed and a few people have already left, it was almost time for Frank to go back home. I was starting to relax in the booth when one mortal came to me and started to stare at me all weird, he was staring at my mortal body. I glared at him, "What?"
The mortal said in a drunken stupor, "Oh nothing m'lady. I was wondering if you want to sleep with me?"
I was shocked and then shouted, "Excuse me?!"
The mortal said, "I'm sorry but maybe I need to speak slowly so you can hear me you dumb broad. I said I want to sleep with you."
I got up angrily and said, "You son of bitch! Do you know who you're dealing with?!"
The mortal laughed and said, "Yeah, a dumb broad like you." Then he tried to touch my breast. I slapped his hand away, I screamed, "I will not violated by someone like you!"
The mortal laughed again, "How do you plan to stop me?"
Then I saw Daniel come up behind him, "Hey! What are you doing Horace? Get out of here!"
The mortal named Horace turned around to face Daniel, "Are you going to hit me?"
Daniel crossed his arms and said, "I don't know should I?"
Horace then made an angry grumble and then walked away. Daniel came to me and said, "You alright?"
I nodded and said, "I could handle piece of shits like him any day."
Daniel giggled, "Yeah I could see that. It looked like he was harassing you."
I answered, "He was."
Daniel then said, "Well next time if he does, kick him in the nuts for me would you?"
I giggled and said, "Perhaps I will."
Daniel still stared at me and then I broke the silence, "What?"
He shook his head, "Nothing I was thinking, can I make you something to drink?"
My eyes went wide at that, a mortal is offering to make me a drink? I would have said no, but I'm a mortal right now, so I might as well act like one, I said, "Sure."
Daniel smiled and said, "Alright what you would like to drink?"
I tried to think of something to drink but I don't know any alcoholic beverages, "Sorry I don't know."
He waved his hand, "It's okay. I know what cocktail to make you, be right back." He left to make a drink for me, then he came back with a glass. He smiled and said, "Give it a try."
I picked up the glass, I smelled it first and then I took a sip. Hmmm not bad so far, then I dranked it some more and smiled, hmmm not bad at all. I've never had this stuff before.
Daniel smiled at me and said, "I take it you like it?"
I nodded and said, "Yes, it's very good."
He beamed and said, "Good!"
We were staring at each other now, for some reason I didn't care how long he was staring at me, he seems pretty nice to me. Then all of a sudden I've felt a very strange feeling inside me, something fuzzy and warm.
Wait what is that feeling? I've never felt it before.
I was still figuring it out while Daniel was staring at me with smile on his face when Frank came out of the kitchen and came to me, "Hey Roxanne I'm done for tonight, you ready to go?"
I snapped out of my thoughts and said, "Yeah lets go." Then I got up from the booth and said to Daniel, "Thank you Daniel and goodnight." Then me and Frank walked past Daniel out to the front door.
Daniel hollered, "You guys take care!"
After me and Frank left the bar I was still wondering about that strange feeling I've had before we left.
What was it? What was that feeling?
After me and Roxanne came back home she returned to her original form and we sat down outside near the lake at my house.
Roxanne still had a weird look on her face, ever since we came back home, I asked her, "Roxanne?"
She looked at me.
"Roxanne are you okay? Because before I came out of that kitchen tonight I heard you screaming at someone, did someone try to hurt you?"
She had an angry scowl and said, "I'll be honest, some retard mortal came on to me while you were in the kitchen. But I turned him down."
I sighed and said, "I was afraid something like that would happen to you, in face I've never should have brought you to that place at all."
She shook her head, "No Frank it's fine. In fact that guy actually reminded me of someone. In fact that guy reminded me of the god of wine named Bacchus."
I tilted my head, "Bacchus, never really heard of him."
She nodded her head, "Well he's not as important as the other gods, in fact he's not superior as they are."
I giggled and said, "I can see why. Why did that guy remind you of him?"
She answered, "Lets just say, when I was living on the island, Bacchus usually visits always drunk and stupid, actually he's a dumbass in my opinion."
I giggled again, "Why? Did he fall over a lot?"
She shook her head, "You don't want to know."
I shrugged, "Try me."
I heard her sigh and she said, "Lets just say when we try to sleep, he always tries to have sex with us. I mean really Bacchus, that's really disgusting!"
My mouth fell open agape, "He tried to have sex with you?! And you're a horse with wings."
She nodded.
I asked incredulously, "He tried to have sex with you? A horse with wings?"
She giggled, "Hard to believe huh?"
We both laughed real hard and then she said, "But at least Daniel was looking out for me."
I nodded, "Good, very good."
Roxanne then said, "Can we change the subject?"
I nodded, "Sure. What do you want to talk about?"
By the look on her face she wanted to tell me something, she tried to form words but she couldn't. I said, "What is it? You know you can tell me."
Roxanne then said, "I was thinking about something."
I asked, "About what?"
She then looked at me and said, "About your mom."
I was surprised and I said, "What about my mom?"
"You showed me around town today and you introduced me to Daniel. Now it has been all day and you still never really told me why you moved away from here years ago."
I closed my eyes and sighed, "It really is a touchy subject."
Roxanne nodded, "I know, but still you really need to tell me. Do you trust me?"
I answered, "Of course I do."
She narrowed her eyes, "Then at least tell me, I am like a mother to you after all."
I smiled at her and said, "Well....Remember when I said that mom wasn't really the best mom in the world after dad died, and she changed?"
Roxanne nodded.
"Well lets just say the reason why I left town is because my mother became an alcoholic and didn't treat me very well."
She cocked her head, "What do you mean?"
I sighed, "I mean...Look she used to be verbally abusing to me, not to mention one time she hit me. She wasn't like that with Miley, I mean sometimes I think it was because I remind her of my dad."
Roxanne then said, "Sounds like she was having a hard time letting go of your father."
"Maybe she did, then when I was thirteen I moved to my grandparents house in Seattle. I lived there for a long time. That's actually the reason why you haven't seen me for a long time."
She had a sad look on her face, "I didn't know all that. I met your mother a few days ago and she didn't seem bad to me."
I got up and angrily said, "Yeah well you haven't seen her like that years ago. I mean I know she invited you to come and eat breakfast with us at the diner but sometimes I don't trust her. It's not something you could just let go."
Roxanne then said, "Maybe the reason why she wasn't like that when I met her few days ago, is because she's changed."
I sighed, "I know and Miley told me she's changed but I still can't accept it. It's pretty hard."
Roxanne then had a very sad look on her face and said, "Frank, you should forgive your mother."
I looked at her and said, "Why? Why should I?"
"Because you'll regret it. One day your mom will die and you'll never forgive yourself if you don't."
I looked at her still.
Then she said, "You want the truth? You see...My parents died when I was younger, a few years after I was watching you and your family when you were little years ago."
My eyes went wide and I said, "Why?"
She got angry and said, "Because they were old and frail. Zeus wanted them to be strong and proud, it usually happens to Pegasus who are older. When they are not young and strong they would destroyed by him. I didn't want them to go away. But when they did I feel like I've lost a part of me inside."
I only said, "Oh...I'm so sorry."
She shook her head, "I still think about them everyday they would always tell me stories about my ancestor being rode by Perseus. I would still remember them telling me those things. The point is you should forgive your mother while you have the chance."
I looked down at my feet. Should I? Should I really?
Roxanne then changed the subject, "Hey listen I'm only asking you this because you're like a son to me. Do you want to go for a ride with me?"
I raised my head and looked at her, "What?"
She smiled at me, "You heard me. Come ride with me, lets make up for lost time."
I was getting ready to ride on her back outside. Of course I was afraid and I said no, but then she said, I was only doing this because you're still plagued by your past and I want you to be happy. So after she made that statement I said yes.
So now here I was, standing before her, getting ready to jump on her back. I was hesitant still, "I really don't like this."
She sighed, "I know how you feel, but trust me it's worth it. You should honored honestly, no mortal has ever rode on a Pegasus's back before, you however I can make an exception." Then she used her head to urge me to get on her, "Come on Frank, trust me."
She actually has a point, I'm probably the first mortal ever to ride on a Pegasus, hmmm it would be an honor. Then I smiled at her and said, "Ok."
She smile back at me and I was near her. I jumped up swung one of my legs over her back and I managed to sit on her back. I rode on a horse before with dad years ago. But only this time it's a horse with wings. I learned forward to talk to her, "Can I trust you?"
She twisted her head to look at me, "Yes, just don't look down." After she said that she got a running start and started to flap her wings.
I held on to her real tight, and after I did she jumped and we were up in the air. I screamed when we were heading over the house, the woods and to the sky, "Ahhhhh!" I screamed. Then she whinnied.
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