Current Track: Blabb

Thing were going great between Terry and me back then. And what happened that particular night only made it better. But despite that it happened and that it was such an enjoyable experience for me, we realized we did something pretty damn stupid… I guess neither of us thought of the possible consequences when we were at it that night… Because even though it's genetically impossible for me to get pregnant by Terry,  there are always these nasty things called STD's, or sexually transmittable diseases… And because I was with my head in the clouds, I wasn't realizing it until the very next day… When Simon and Catherine came home from their vacation and after I got the air squeezed out of my lungs from their hugs and kisses, I talked to Catherine about it… I told her that it finally happened… And it was so nice to finally talk freely about sex to her… I didn't feel as if I had to hide these things anymore, you know… I guess Catherine was thinking that I finally started to explore it all when I was twenty years old, even though she knew what happened between Blain and me when I was young… She thought that it wasn't me who did that at that age but other people who told me to do so… But despite the fact I felt guilty for her to believe something not to be true, I never told her what really happened out of shame. What Catherine didn't know was that I already slept with other girls and I kept that a secret from anyone else, except for my grandmother because having sex with girls was the only thing I knew back then until Terry came in my life… So it was nice to finally talk about sex to Catherine seeing as I had nothing to hide anymore… And I think Catherine was genuinely happy for me that I was finally able to be intimate with Terry the way I wanted it to be…

Of course, bringing up that particular topic to Terry was difficult as the two of us felt uneasy to discuss. But honesty is something I truly appreciate in these kind of matters and I felt that it was important for us to talk about it before we continued where we left of… And well, Terry was being honest… He said he never slept with a girl without wearing protection before and I guess that was something special to him when that happened with me… To me, it was even more special because I never gave myself willingly to anyone like that before… And maybe that's the reason why I wanted it to happen without one, as if Terry became a part of me each time we were doing it… It were awkward conversations, I can tell you that… But the two of us went to see a doctor in order to test ourselves on STD's. The days that were following were rather tense but once we got word that both of us were negative on STD's, we sighed in relieve and before I knew it, we were at it again…

The first few times hurt a little as I still wasn't very comfortable with the idea… Despite everything, I still was nervous every time it was about to happen but Terry just took my doubts away… And well, I needed a little help with it as well… Yes, lube… I needed that stuff to make it more comfortable for me… Nevertheless, at some point, it became natural and being intimate with Terry like that was one of the most enjoyable experiences I've ever had… And of course, we weren't at it all the time but usually during the weekends… Either at night or in the morning… Or both… Sex before I went to sleep and sex in the morning when I woke up… Let's just say we had a lot to catch up ever since we're together… It's a funny sight for me to wake up and see Terry playing with my feet… Hehehe… In the beginning, Terry always made the first move… But at some point, I took some initiative as well whenever I was in the mood… And if I wasn't, Terry had some effective ways to make sure that I was… All in all, it was very beautiful to have experienced it all with him… He made me the most happiest little kitten in the world and for that, I'm very thankful… Even now, many years later…

'You done yet?'
'Yeah, yeah, almost, hold on. Just gonna finish this level.'
'You said that an hour ago! You said that we'd watch Apocalypto together!'
'Yeah but that was before Cortana sent messages. She needs me, dude!'

I looked at the back of the box of the game Terry was playing. We went to town earlier that day and he bought a new game for his X-Box 360. It said something about “Finish the fight" and “Covenant" on the back and I wasn't really interested when I saw him playing. And at the front of the box, I saw some kind of a green robot holding a weapon and an alien with a weird mouth… “Halo 3"
'Didn't you play this game before, Terry?'
'No, that was Halo 2. It's a trilogy, this is the last game of the series.'
'How come that robot has a male voice now? He sounded like a girl in the previous game.'
'Girl?! Dude, what makes you think it's a girl?'
'Because  it's clearly a rip-off of Samus from Metroid Prime.'
'It's not a rip-off! It's a compelling story with interesting characters!'
'So it's a guy with a girly voice then?'
'No, that's Cortana you heard before.'
'Sooooo… He's male robot with a split personality…?'
'No, dude, he's called Master Chief. Cortana is the artificial intelligence who helps him out.'
'So it's a robot who happens to be a Master Chef…?'
'He's not a robot; it's a suit he's wearing.'
'But he's still a Master Chef, right?'
'He's a soldier!'
'Aaaaah, so he's a Master Chef in the army.'
'Now you're just annoying.'

I sat next to Terry on the couch and just knew annoying the fuck out of him wouldn't do the trick to make him quit the game… He's been playing the damn game for an hour and a half now and well… I was kinda bored to say the least so I just watched how he was playing. Terry seemed to have a lot of fun clobbering the fuck out of those little aliens who scream and yell in a high-pitched voice and ran away from him. He threw a blue grenade which got stuck on the alien's head and then he blew up. I admit, that was funny… Terry just looked at me with a smile on his face when he saw my expression…
'You wanna give it a try?'
'Do I get to throw grenades?'
'Uhm… Yeah, sure, why not.'

Terry explained how the controls worked and everything and well, after I un-paused the game, I started walking. Those little aliens were fun but then there was a bigger one which looked like an ape, surrounded by more of those little ones when I turned into a corridor. I tried to aim and pressed the button to shoot and I hit everything, except for those aliens…
'Dude, throw a grenade towards them!'
'Left trigger, left trigger!'
'Where's the left trigger?!'
'On the left!!'
'Take some cover, you're taking damage!'
'Shit, shit, shit!!'

I pressed the left trigger like Terry said and I threw a grenade. My aim was too high though… The grenade hit the ceiling of the room and bounced right back at me… And well, you guessed it. It exploded right in Master Chef's face… Those little aliens were dancing around Master Chef's dead body, still screaming and yelling…
'Uhm… How many lives do I have left?'
'… You're not used to modern games, are you?'
'Hehehehe… There's no “game over" or something. When you die, you'll respawn at the last saved checkpoint.'
'So it doesn't matter if I die a lot?'
'No dude, die all you want in the game.'

I got back to the game and respawned at the last checkpoint, like Terry said I would. I started walking again and turned into a corridor on the left and recognized the place. It was the exact same spot where a grenade blew up in my face. And they were still there, as if they were waiting for me. As soon as they noticed me, they opened fire and I immediately threw a grenade towards them. It got stuck on the big ape alien and it exploded, killing all but one who was separated from the rest. I pressed the button to shoot and sprayed bullets all over the damn place by randomly moving the right stick, accidently hitting that little alien…
'Yeah! Whoohoo!'
'You got 'em, dude.'
'I feel sorry for those little ones, they're actually cute.'
'He just tried to kill you a minute ago.'
'Hm… How can you beat them with your weapon?'
'You mean melee attacks? Press B.'
'Oh okay. Where do I go now?'
'Just follow the corridor. Watch out for those Brutes though.'
'What's a Bru- Oh…'

Talking to Terry about my minor victory got me distracted. I didn't notice those giant alien ape's were shooting and clobbering Master Chef to death. And by the time I looked at the screen, it was already too late...
'Hehehehe… You still wanna watch Apocalypto?'
'Yes, lets… I'm obviously not cut out for saving the universe.'

Who'd have thought that some shooting game with aliens could be so addicting? Then again, I've always been fascinated about the thought that aliens could possibly exist. It would be arrogant of us to think that we're alone in the universe. And I like these kind of scenario's; movies, documentaries and games that portray how things could be if aliens actually visit us. They always made it seem as if they don't really come in peace as they say they are but in Halo 3, it was quite obvious.  And pistol-whipping them on the head only adds to the fun. I got kind of addicted to the game ever since Terry handed the controller to me. And I think that Terry never actually had a girl before who liked a game just as much as he did. So I guess we had something new to spend quality time together… And even though I totally sucked at the game, I had a lot of fun playing it… Like Terry once said; it doesn't matter if you suck at it, as long have you fun sucking… Hihi…

But of course, I had other things on my mind as well. College, for example. I passed with flying colours and already applied for the next semester, following the course of “System administrator". The following semester was going to be a lot more tougher because there were certain certificates you had to get before you were even allowed to take the finals. And before I was allowed to attend those classes, I had to take an intake test, which determined if you were allowed or not. It was pretty difficult, but I passed the test with a score of seven-hundred and thirty. The maximum score was one thousand so I passed. The bad thing however, was that I was going to be the only girl of my class, surrounded by guys. That wasn't much of a problem; the problem was that they were all nerds. Not typical nerds, but geeky goofy nerds with no lives… The first day I got into class, I was being stared at, for being the only girl… The guy sitting next to me kept gawking at me and when I smiled at him, he had an annoying giggle-snort, as if a girl never smiled to him before… Some of the guys looked okay but… I couldn't really imagine me having the same interests they have, except for computers… But it felt to me as if computers were the only things they thought were worth living for and that certainly wasn't the case with me. They talk about computers during class, during lunch and most likely after school as well. I didn't completely isolated myself from them because they were geeky and nerdy in a funny way… During the small coffee-breaks between classes, I was most of the time outside to have a coffee and a cigarette and I usually stood with them, listening to what they had to say. After several weeks, I think they got used to the idea that a girl attended IT classes with them as well…  

The only thing I didn't get used to was that I started to see Nikki more and more during the breaks and lunch in either the hallways or in the cafeteria. That in itself isn't strange but considering her classes are at the other end of the compound, it's a rather long way for her to get here. So what business did she had here that made her walk all the way from C-Wing to B-Wing, where I had my classes…? I didn't mind, I really didn't but it got me curious nevertheless. I started to keep an eye on her as well from a distance and most of the time, she always sat alone in the cafeteria. And you know, she looks absolutely gorgeous and most guys stared after her whenever Nikki passed by. She even got approached by some guy I didn't know one day and from the looks of it, he was trying to hit on her… The conversation was very short though and I saw the guy walking away when Nikki wasn't even responding to him… “That's odd… She didn't even talk to him…" She always kept herself in the background and just watched other people instead… And I just didn't understand why she'd do that… Or why she was here in the first place… And then I finally realized it… Terry and I have been together almost twenty-four seven over the months and he barely visited his friends anymore because of me. And I thought that Nikki was one of his friends who didn't liked the idea of me claiming Terry. I was so caught up with my own that I just totally forgot what Nikki did for me and Terry, even though I barely even knew her... So I figured that had to change…

I remember it was a Wednesday afternoon when I had my lunch break at half passed one. Nikki wasn't always present during the lunch-breaks in the cafeteria. I noticed that she'd usually sat there on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, so she was in the cafeteria that day. I noticed some guy was trying to have a conversation with her. And while I was standing in line to pay for my lunch, I kept watching them and something just told me that her conversation was anything but pleasant to her. And just like that, the guy left her table as if he was pissed or something and walked out of the cafeteria… Once I paid for my lunch, I went over to her table where she seemed to be carried away in thoughts…
'Is this seat taken?'

Right that very second, she looked up to me and her eyes fixated on mine, as if she was very surprised to see me there. She quickly recovered however and looked to me as she smiled rather nervously…
'O-Oh, hi! Uhm… Hi, Ceylan…'
'How you doing?'
'I-I'm good, how about you?'
'They've got meatball sandwiches again, so I'm doing pretty good.'
'Is everything alright…?'
'Uhm, yeah… Y-Yeah, of course, why do you ask?'
'I just saw that guy approaching you earlier and well… I was just wondering if everything's okay.'
'Oh, well… He, uhm… H-He's a classmate of mine, you see… He just asked me if we could go out some time…'
'Hehehe… What'd you say to him?'
'Heh… I told him that it's probably a bad idea so…'
'I see…'

Nikki stares down at her empty plate and nervously twiddled her fingers… I had no idea why she was so nervous all of a sudden when I sat at her table… Nikki really didn't seemed to know what to say or to do now that I sat with her to just talk, you know… And I understand she was angry at me for keeping Terry away from her, seeing as she's one of his best friends… Still, I couldn't help to shake the idea that the two of them ever had something together… A friendship so close is just a little too suspicious to me… And even though I always told Terry that it was okay for him to sleep with other girls, Terry always told me he didn't. So how come I wasn't reassured and took his word for it when I saw Nikki…? I didn't mind if he slept with her… But I would've died if Terry was lying to me about it…
'You know, Nicole… I never actually thanked you for what you did…'
'Thanked me for what?'
'Well, you know… Talking some sense into Terry… You know how he was like before we got together and well… I really owe you for opening his eyes… So… Thank you…'
'Heh… You're welcome... I mean, I've never approved of the things he did whenever he was with a girl and well… He just didn't realize he was hurting their feelings whenever he pulled something off like that…'
'Heh… We've been together for a while now and he really makes me happy…'
'That's good to hear…' she said with a weak smile…
'He told me all about you…'
'H-He did…? O-Oh my… Uhm…'
'Well, it's okay… I'm glad you and I had the guts to tell him the truth…'
'O-Oh! Well, yes… Uhm… I think Terry's just scared…'
'Why is that…?'
'You didn't hear this from me but… I've known him ever since high-school and he was absolutely fond about a girl who dated him and well… He got dumped after two weeks and the poor guy was absolutely heartbroken… And I guess that's the reason why he acted like that, you know…'
'Maybe to brag to his friends about it and act like a typical macho with girls but I know Terry's not like that… You don't seem like the kind of girl who would do such a thing…'
'So you don't owe me anything… Terry is so madly in love with you and he talks about you all the time whenever I see him… I just helped him a little, that's all…'
'You helped me too with that, you know…'
'Heh… I'm glad I could…'

It stayed silent for a while as I took a bite from my meat-ball sandwich as Nicole stared down at her own empty plate… I tried to chew as fast as I could and swallow that chunk down so that I could get to know her a little better…
'So what about you, Nicole?'
'I mean… Do you have a boyfriend or someone you fancy or…?'
'Me? O-Oh no, I'm happily single… Hehe… Just haven't found someone yet so…'
'Not even a secret crush…?'
'Aaaah…! Now we're getting somewhere…'
'Well, not really, I mean…'
'What about that guy who approached you? He was rather good looking… I'd say you should take his invite.'
'O-Oh no, no…! No that would be a bad idea…'
'Why's that?'
'I just don't know what to do or what to say, you know…'
'That's rubbish… I'll bet you'll do fine.'
'Heh…Well, I-I, uh…'
'What do you like to do for example…?'
'T-Things you'd probably not be interested in…'
'Well… I love going to the beach, to watch the sunsets and… Going for a walk in the forests… I love to read and… I-I really like to cook… Also, I love movies…'
'That's all I do on a Friday evening and in the weekends…'
'You don't go out with friends or…?'
'Well, if I had any but… I guess I'm not really that interesting…'
'W-What about you…? I-I mean… What are your hobbies…?'
'I love to go out with Terry, we go to the movies, or go shopping or any place that catches our interest. I got the red belt in Tae Kwon Do aaaaaaaaaand… I love movies too.'
'O-Oh, how cool is that, I mean… Heh…'
'What kind of movies…?'
'Well you know, action, thriller, comedy and horror, those kind of movies.'
'Me too… Did you ever watch Reservoir Dogs…? From Quentin Tarantino…?'
'Nope. I did see Pulp Fiction though. I loved it…'
'O-Oh, well… Y-You can borrow the dvd some time if you like… So that you can watch it together with T-Terry…'
'I'd love to…'
'Well, I-I've got to go now… Class is almost starting again…'
'It's cool, we'll talk later then.'
'I-It's been really nice talking to you… I never really got to know Terry's girlfriends before… And well… If I may be honest with you…'
'Of course, what's on your mind?'
'I think it's really refreshing to see Terry together with a girl like you…'
'Heh… So uhm… Bye…'
'See you later, Nicole.'

And with that, she got her things and nervously smiled at me once more. She took her tray and placed it on the trolley and quickly made her way to the exit of the cafeteria as she looked back to me once more, which almost caused her to stumble over her own feet. Luckily, she didn't fell and quickly went to the exit to get out as fast as she could… That meat-ball sandwich I still had in my hand was gobbled down quickly… And when I looked at my mobile phone, I noticed I've only sat there with her for about ten minutes… But what got me was that Nicole said that her classes would start soon… That's odd because I noticed her lunch on a Wednesday started at the exact same time as mine… So why'd she left me so early…? Even I know it doesn't take forty minutes to get to C-wing…

'I don't know, she seemed nervous to see me, Terry.'
'Yeah and I don't really know why.'
'I mean, it's not like she's against me being with you, is she…?'
'Nikki? Naaah… I don't think that's it. Nikki's just really shy to new people, you know.'
'I understand if it's awkward, I mean, You've always been good friends with her ever since high-school.'
'Yup… But that's just her, you know. Nikki's just so awesome, you can really have fun with her once you really get to know her.'

Terry called me that evening while I was in my room at around half passed eleven. I was about to go to bed when he called me and the topic quickly changed to Nikki. All day long, I felt as if Nikki didn't like the idea of Terry and me being together despite the fact she told me that she's perfectly fine with it. And it's been gnawing on my mind since. I felt I had to talk to Terry about it so we did…
'I'm sure she is but I'm driving the two of you away and I don't want any of that.'
'She just accepts the fact that we're together now and well, that you need me as well.'
'Heh… But that's not really it, Terry…'
'What is?'
'I mean… She seems lonely… Nicole told me the things she does in the weekends and well… It's like she's missing out on so many things.'
'Isn't that how you used to be…?'
'Exactly, that's why I notice it so much with her.'
'It still feels as if I'm driving the two of you away and well… I know what's it's like to be lonely…'
'Nikki's always been like that, for as long as I know her…'
'All the more reason for us to let her hang out with us…'
'Heh, trust me, I've tried to. I wanted to take her to clubs but she always finds an excuse not to go… And when I finally managed to persuade her, it didn't look she was having a good time at all…'
'Maybe clubs aren't just really her thing…'
'Perhaps… I guess Nikki just needs more friends… But that you and I are together is just-'
'Look… Terry, I think it's really sweet of you that you want to be around me all the time, I really do… But other people need you too, you know… And I think Nikki is one of them… You shouldn't let your friendship with her go to waste like that because she seems like a very sweet, sensitive girl…Take her out some time to a place she likes. I bet the two of you got a lot of catching up to do.'
'Actually, now that you mention it…'
'There's a car show coming up in two weeks and I plan to take Nikki with me.'
'Uh… A car show? She's into that?'
'Oh yeah, definitely, dude. Hehehe, I told you, you barely even know her.'
'Wow, uhm… Okay… Well yeah, if she's into that, you should definitely go with her.'
'You feel like coming along too?'
'Uhm… I-I don't know, I don't know much about cars…'
'You don't have to, we'll teach you to like it.'
'It'd also be a great way to get to know her. Like I said, she just needs more friends.'
'So it's settled then? You're coming with us?'
'When's the car-show?'
'It's on the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth of September. Should be a lot of fun.'
'It's not like we're going for three days, are we?'
'No dude, we're only going on Saturday the seventeenth.'
'Yeah, okay… I'm convinced. I'll go with you.'
'Sweet, I'll be ordering the tickets tomorrow then.'
'How much are they?'
'Fifteen dinar each.'
'That shouldn't be a problem for me.'
'Oh come on, the tickets are on me, dude.'
'You sure? It's still forty-five dinar you'll have to cough up for us. That's a little too much if you ask me.'
'No worries. We're gonna turn it into a fun day with you, Nikki and me.'
'Sweet… Hey listen, I have to go now, I really need to get my ass to bed otherwise I'll have a lot of trouble to get up early tomorrow.'
'Sure thing, babe.'
'See you tomorrow in college?'
'As always. You know, my parents aren't home tomorrow evening…'
'Hm…. Can't wait to see what you've planned…'
'You heard me… Pringles… Lots and lots of Pringles… Whaha…!'
'Hehehehe, why is that?'
'Pringles is like a metaphor for sex to me. You know… “Once you pop, you can't stop?" And you know how much I love Pringles…'
'So I'm a potato-crisp to you?'
'A very delicious one at that, yes.'
'Hmm… I can't wait for you to taste me…'
'Cheeky… You do realize we're only gonna pop a can of Pringles and stuff ourselves, right?'
'You just keep telling yourself that, babe… You and I know better…'
'…Seriously, comparing me to a can of Pringles…? Whahaha! Terry…'
'What, it's a compliment! You'd be hot and spicy!'
'Flattering me gets you everywhere, you know that, right…?'
'I certainly do…'
'Hm… Well, I'll see you tomorrow… And then I'll show you how hot and spicy I can be…'
'Girl, seriously… You make my peepee go doi-oi-oi-oi-oing!'
'Whahaha! Come on, be serious… We're supposed to have a sexy conversation now…'
'I am! And we do have a sexy conversation. My peepee currently nods in agreement.'
'Hm-mm… Hopefully your peepee still thinks the same tomorrow…'
'It better be.'
'I love you, Terry…'
'I love you too, babe…'
'Sweet dreams…'

Once the call got disconnected, I flopped down on my bed and turned the lights out. There used to be a time where I would think things over as I stared at the ceiling in the pitch black but that wasn't the case with me that night… Thoughts just vanished once I closed my eyes… So it didn't take long before I fell asleep…

So that was the start of everything… A short conversation between me and Nikki that only lasted for ten minutes. But those ten minutes with her revealed everything to me. I guess the most important thing was that she reminded me a lot of myself and that I used to be exactly like her. Isolated myself, had barely friends and just didn't go out. I knew what it was like to be so lonely and I knew exactly how she was feeling. I never was able to relate myself to anyone like that ever before in such a short time… I just thought to myself that she just needed someone else to be friends with as well… And all of a sudden, I knew the answer to a question I had back in high-school… Why Samantha approached me out of the blue just to be friends with me… I guess we're nothing without friendships, to have someone to rely on… I didn't know if I was ever going to be friends with Nicole and if she actually liked me… I didn't even know if I was gonna like her… You can't get to know someone based a ten minute during conversation… So in order to find out, I had to come back to Nicole, just to get to know her… But if I was ever going to be friends with her, something just told me that it wouldn't be an ordinary friendship…