Current Track: Blabb


This is not an adult story, so if you are caught reading this no one will care.  Now for the part I dont like doing but must for this story.  If you read this you MUST, MUST, MUST leave a comment, otherwise me putting this up is pointless.  I am putting this up here for the sole perpose of geting feedback.  HOWEVER, please do NOT comment on spelling.  that will get edited out when i am finaly done.

This is also a WIP (Writing In Progress), so check back often, ther might have been a change.  also this os LONG (5000+ words and growing)!  so make sure you have plenty of time to read.  Other than that enjoy!!!! :)  Oh!!! I almost forgot, there are some... mild political statements in here, so pleace be mature and don't rant and rave at me if you disagree with them.


 The following are the last entrees from the journal of the Head of Archeology, Peter Schwartz.


January 14, 2058--Entry 756


I have made the most astounding discovery!  While at the Bonampak site in Chiapas, Mexico, there was a 9.5 earthquake that could be felt as far as Mexico City.  Since I was the Head of Archeology, and also science the epicenter is an archeologist’s dream, and potential nightmare, I was asked to go and see if anything had been uncovered or damaged.  When I arrived, the most astonishing site greeted me.  At the epicenter a perfectly square 5 mile wide by at least a mile and a half deep sink hole had opened up reviling a pyramid by those same dimensions: 5 miles square by a mile and a half tall.  But that in itself is not the only thing that made this find so incredible.  Here is what made it so extraordinary: 1) If you were to draw a line from each of the four surrounding pyramids you would find that where the lines crossed was right in the center of the new one, 2) when scanned it was found that there was a hall way leading to the only chamber.  This chamber is huge!  It is at least the size of the main lobby of the Library of Congress.  3) It shows all of the main featuers of every know pyramid bilding style knowen to man…and even some that aren’t.  I am currently standing in front of a huge door.  Fortunately I brought the scanner with me.  This place is full of contradictions.  First this place is dated back to 40,000B.C.; witch is only 5,000 years after the Earth was created.  Like with the other pyrimades that have been unearthd by similar events, it has many Old Tech safe guards.  For those that are reading this jurnal and do not know about Old Tech, it is technology that is far beond what we a capable of, yet dates back to a time period befor technology should have existed. The door itself is intriguing.  It has a section that is about 3 foot square that is covered in some sort of strange writing.  It seames so familiar…I’m going to run them through the Language Archives and look through my recordes to see if there is any comparison to another language.  This is going to take quite a bit of time so it may be a while till I write again.




March 23, 2058—Entry 757

I knew that I had seen something like these somewhere!  These are the same sort of lettering that I say in Peru!  I shoud have seen it sooner.  Anyway I’m on a tried again.  I ran the letters that are on the door to that huge chamber through the Peruvian letters and we we able to translate them.  Now I hat to say it but they are a bit incomplete due to some sort of tampering.  There are areas that are completely smoth while the rest of the stone is slitly abrasive, so I have not fully translated what is on the door, but I can give you a brief summry.  The basic jist of things is that there is a great power within the center of the chamber that can control the “elements” which is the literal translatin.  The context however suggests that whom ever wrote this meant the natural forces.  If I can get this door open maybe I can bring it back to the States with me and we can figure out how to use it as a power sorce or as a way to keep at bay the strange weather ocuences that we have been experiencing.





December 29, 2058—Entry 758

I have to admit, my work has been lacking in last few months due to insomnia.  I have been having the strangest of nightmers.  I see the most terifing face emaginable.  Its not that he is deformed or anything it is just his eyes!  His eyes are black and red! And he is wreathed in the flames of the same color.  He keeps teling me things.  Things like that I am the only one worthy enough to open the door, that I am the only one that can figure out the lock.  That I am the only one worthy to weald his power.  Any way there just dreams.  We did find a lock though and it has the strangest set ups.  It has a set of nine colored crystals and they are all shaped differently at the ends but have multiple places they culd possibly fit.  We tried rearranging the crystals and the pad lit up.  As we rearranged the crystals they changed color.  We figured that the ones that changed were in the right spot.  I am running an algorithm to try and brake the code, but this is unlike anything we have ever seen.





February 20, 2059 -- Entry 759

All my men have desertded me.  They think I have gone quite mad.  But I’m not crazy.  I know what I know.  There is a power in there and I am the one that is destend to find it.  I am the one who has been called to free it from its restraints.  Something like this was never meant to be bottled up and hidden from the world.  Not only that but I am the only one strong enough to use it.  The men I have hired think I’m nuts to, but they will stay with me if they want to get paid.  Ha, ha they did it! They have broken down the door!  Its so beautiful.  A jet black sphere on a pedestal with the same kind of force shielding we contrived to keep out war.  Its mine, all mine!



Part One

 The Director of Science was in his usual white suit and black tie.  He sat at his very expensive desk, witch was equipped with three of the latest holo-screens reading a report on an unauthorized ‘search and recovery’ mission to the Swartz pyramid site.  Everything was stark white and the florescent lighting made it even more so.

“So, according to this report, you went and retrieved this…sphere.”  The Director of Science said

“Yes sir, we did.  We took every precaution.  We wore

Has-mat grade force shields, took Geiger counters.  We originally thought that it was the shilding that kept us from going insane like our late friend Mr. Swartz.  But upon further study we found that the nanites that this thing is constructed of has a DNA key.” the man in a lab cote said reassuringly.  In truth he did not want the Director to find fault with anything he had done.  It was well known that the Director was a by the book, safety at all costs kind of man.

“A DNA key?” the Director asked, still not sure if he would through this man in detainment or commend him for wanting to help the country. “Simon, there is no such thing.”

“There is now, sir.  Take a look.”  Simon had known that his would come up and had come prepared.  At a press of a button a

holo-screen rose from the Director’s desk and a code sequence was displayed.

                  “And what is this?” the Director asked.

                  This sir, is the key that I mentioned.  You see that sequence there at the end?  That is the DNA sequence that will activate it.  Unfortunetly we have not found the person that can activate the black sphere, but, if you will read the next section of my report you will see that we may not want to.”

                  “Yes I saw that.  It talks about ‘machine dominancy coding’, and that you found a way to shut it off.”

                  “Yes sir, I and my team of researchers did.  And, if you will look at the next section of my report, you will see that it had an unexpected result.  The sample that we had extracted from the original sphere to get to this coding separated out into three ‘pieces’ if you will and constructed three new spheres.  One red, one blue, and one green.  Unfortunately, the “switch does not function in the black sphere”

                  “And I don’t suppose you know what these new spheres do, do you?”

                  “Well, sir, we can only speculate on what their function is, but we found some strong evidence.  There was a diagonal potion of the inner wall on the door side of the chamber that had been freshly melted but we could not find a source for the fire.  Not only that but there were three things about the body of Mr. Swartz that were very startling.  First of all he had been burned to death.  But he had also been crushed by a perfectly square section of the wall.  The cuts on this section were very fresh.  Also when we did the autopsy we found water in his lungs, but there was no sign that there had ever been enough water in the chamber to drown him. Also srvivers of the event told us that he had fire, water and stones swirling around him. So we can speculate that the colors of the spheres tell us of their function.  The red allows the user to control fire, the blue allows the user to control water and the green allows the user to control earth.  Unfortunately, only human testing will tell us.”

                  “So you want me to grant you a human testing permit?  Do you even have any test subjects in mind?” the Director asked with a hint of frustration in his voice.

“Yes sir, I do.  The spheres have a DNA activation code like the original sphere, so there were only three possibilities.  And I have also attached their signed consent forms to my report.”

                  “So you have.  I see here that one of the candidates is Eric Hunter.  He is the renowned fire fighter isn’t he?” the Director said, recognizing the name

                  “Yes, sir he is.”

                  “And isn’t his wife Head of Flood and Hurricane Rescue and isn’t his brother-in-law Head of Earthquake Research?

                  “That they are, although his brother in law does more than just earthquake research.” Simon said, a little hope coming to his face.

                  “I see that Mr. Hunter wants to meet with me before anything is made official.”

                  “Yes, sir.  He just has some concerns that he would like to speak to you about before he and his wife give a definite yes.”

                  “I assume that he is on his way.  When will he be here?

                  “ETA 15 minutes”



Eric Hunter was a man of twenty-five.  He was not a tall man but not short either.  He had short-cropped brown hair.  It was not a buzz cut but it was close.  His eyes were the same color as his hair and were slightly sunken back into his scull.  His skin was tan from all the time he spent in the sun.  but his most famous future were his eyebrows.  They always gave him a serious look because they had a downward angle that would remind you of a Vulcan or romulun from the classic Star Trek. He was currently in a jet that he had only heard about.  It was the Mark-10 Raptor which looked like a barn swallow.  Long, curved wings, a streamline fuselage and a forked tail. The cockpit and passenger area was one piece of molded plexy-steel with one barly detectable seam.  He watched the seanery go by in a big brown-black blear.  This bluer was, on ocation, broken by a bit of green-electric blue or some grey.  During the Drought of 2012,  fires had broken out in severl states.  They had raged for months, consuming everything in there path.  Despight the fire crews atemts they were not able to contain the fires.  All they coud do was wach as homes and farm land went up in flames.  It got so bad that the fires all combined into one Great Fire.  This fire swept across the country burning whole towns and even some cities.  Fortunetly, a group of scientists had planed for just such an event.  They had devised a way to block large populated areas and other important locations.  Shield walls were constructed and the fire was stoped,  but it could not be prevented from burning across the whole of nothe America.  Then the wares started.  China and Russia left the United nations and  proceded to    He wasn’t thinking about the plane though.  He was thinking about the possibilities of what he was about to do.  If everything went according to plan then he would be able to save countless lives.  He was just worried about having this project being taken over for military purposes.  He also had some other miner concerns but at the moment his getest was the military.  Even though war had been for the most part eliminated, it was not unherd of for a small number of ground troops to bribe their way past the shields on the major cities.  So it was nessesary to have some sort of armed forces on standby to counteract, and provide a response to, these attempts.  He did not want his wife to be drawn into the kind of life that would bring.

“Sir, we are going to drop out of HS flight soon.  If you and the other passengers would strap into you inertial dampening seats we will begin the landing proses.”

                  “For the last time, don’t call me sir.”

                  “My apologies si…” the pilot caught himself as he noticed a hard glare from Eric, ”Mr. Hunter, its just a habit.”

                  “That’s quite allright, but I’m no more deserving of ‘Sir’ than Alex back there”

                  “Hay!” a lean man of the same age replied.

                  “Well you were just doing your job to”

                  “Now boys,” a rather attractive woman said, “lets all try to get along”

Katrina Hunter and Alex Travel were paternal twines and it showed.  Katrina had curved features.  One could almost say that there was not a single discernable angle to be found on her face.  If you were to ask Eric, he would say that she was the embodiment of beauty. 

Alex had much the same looks as his sister, but he did have a more angular appearance due to the fact that he was a man.  What really separated them were their hair and eyes.  Katrina had sholder length jet-black hair with piercing storm-blue eyes.  Alex on the other hand had short blond hair and emerald green eyes.

                  “So how it going with Fay?” Katrina asked

                  “She’s still as temperamental as ever, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.  She will be following as soon as she can.” Alex replied with a blissful look on his face

                  “You really love her, don’t you?”

                  “Yep. She’s the love of my life”

Eric smiled remembering when he and Katrina met and got married.  He looked out the front of the cockpit, admiring what little sceanery there was left in this war and disaster riden country.  As he gazed outside he happened to notice a wolf head tattoo on the lower arm of the pilot.

                  “I’m going to go talk to the pilot for a minute.”

Katrina looked at him with a questioning look on her face.

                  “Oh its okay. I just have a few questions to ask him”

                  “Ok. Just be carful.  We are about to come out of HS.”

                  “Don’t worry, hun.  I will”

Eric slowly made his way up to the seat next to the pilot.

                  “Is everything alright, Mr. Hunter?”

                  “Ya, I just notice your wolf head tattoo.  That means you’re a Lycan, right?” Eric said in a low voice

The pilotes eyes took on a paniced look.  The lycanes had been discovered to be real a few years ago, when the lycan race had grown tiered of staying hiden.  They had hoped that in the more scientific era that they would be able to live in peace with humans.  People were afraid at first, but once they realized that most of the myths and stores were not true they began to except them.  However there was an organization that was formed that would not accept the Lycans as equals and as friends, the All Human Alliance.  Their end goal was to exterminate the Lyken race.  They had infiltrated the government had had attempted to pass laws that would restrict the rights that had been given to the Lycans, and ultimetly leading to their extermination.  The AHA had, for the most part, failed in their mission.  However they had managed to get a law passed that required a wolf head tattoo to be put on the lower arm of all Lycans.

                  “Is that a problem, Mr. Hunter?”

                  “No, no. I personally am fascinated by Lycans.  I just wanted to know what its like.”

                  The pilot gave a sigh of relief, “It’s like nothing you have ever felt.  All your senses go through the roof and our speed and strangth are off the charts.” He said with a grin on his face.  But then that grin was replaced with a somber expression, “But its not all sunshine and roses.  Being that we are part wolf, we are susceptible to strong instincts.  People do have a reson to fear us.  In serten situations we lose control of our instincts.  Its like a black out.  We have no memory of anything that happened.”

                  “Surely there has been something done about that?”

                  “Oh there has.  Just last year they created this,” the pilot said holding up his left arm.  He ware a brace like device on his wrist, which was attached to a black cloth glove that reched almost to his elbow and had the tips of the fingers cut off “our instincts are triggered by hormones.  This keeps them from getting out of control.  It also allows us to transform at any time.”

                  “That’s amazing.”

                  “Ya.  Unfortunately the AHA are trying to sabotage the factory’s were these are made and trying to get a law passed saying that these gauntlets, as we call them, are illegal DNA manipulation.”

“Even I can see that’s not true.” Eric stated completely taken aback by how ruthless the AHA were.  He had alwase known that they wanted the Lycans gone and would go to great langthes to give the people a reson to rally behind them. However he never knew how badly they wanted to get rid of them.

“I know. They list all of these reasons why it’s a bad idea to have Lycans running around with ‘pure humans’, but when someone comes up with an answer, they don’t like it.”  Suddenly an indicator on the dashboard started beeping, “Well its time for Drop.  Is everyone strapped in back there?”

“Ya, we’re all good back here.” Katrina said

“Alright, here we go.” The pilot said as he pushed a button on the dashboard.  There was a sonic boom that made everyone’s ears  ears pop.

“Alright everybody.  There’s your destination.”

“Were? All I see is water” Alex said dubiously

“That’s because you are going to one of the under water labs.  We are actually over the Pacific.  Alright, switching to submersible mode.” the pilot said as he puled a lever.  A metallic shield came over the cockpit making everything go dark.  A hole-screen rose up and displayed the outside world.  He angled the plane down and cut the engines.  Eric, Katrina and Alex all flinched as they knifed into the water.  The drone of the engines came back and they were propelled through the water.  The shield rose and they were presented with a spectacular view of the ocean floor.  The pilot angled down over a underwater cliff and there, at the base of the cliff, was a cluster of cylindrical buildings with domed topes.  Transport tubs connected all the buildings.  Some were for pedestrian use, but most had transport pods shooting back and forth among the buildings.

“This is Raptor 9 reporting in and asking clearance to dock with Lab one-nineteen.”

“Raptor 9 this is Lab 0ne Nineteen control.  You are cleared to dock at bay twenty-three.”

“Acknowledged control. Proceeding to bay twenty-three.”

Eric, Katrina and Alex could only look on in awe.  They had heard of such laboratories, but had never even seen one in a picture.  There craft cruised over to the large central dome were the door to bay twenty-three opened and they setaled down with a soft bump.  The door closed behind them and the water was drained away. 

                  “Welcome to Lab One Nineteen.” the pilot said

As Eric was about to step out he said, “Oh!  All this time I have been talking to you and I never asked you name.”

                  “It’s Luscious.” the pilot said with a smile

                  “Luscious, it has been a pleasure to meet you.”

                  “Trust me, the pleasure was all mine” Luscious said

                  “Mr. Hunter,” a mans voice called from across the landing bay, “If you will follow me, I will take you to see the Director.”

                  “My request was approved then?”

                  “Yes, Mr. Hunter, it was.  The director is waiting for you as we speak.”

                  “What about my wife and Alex?”

                  “We have a tour set up for them.”

                  “Lets go then.”

Eric was lead through the door that the man had used and down a stark white, hexagonal hallway to another seemingly plain door.

                  “Mr. Hunter is here to see you, Mr. Director.” The man said as he pressed a button on a panel next to the door.

                  “Ah, very good Simon. Send him in.” a deep voice said over a speeker.  The door slid open and Eric was presented with a courtroom style room.  Everything was stark white and the florescent lights made everything even more so.  There was a rased platform with a desk on it.  At this desk sat a man of about forty-five in a white suit and black tie.  Next to him was a man of about thirty wereing a government standerd issue black suit and read tie.  Infront of him was a open brief case.

                  “You would be the Director, I presume.” Eric said addressing the man in the white suit.

                  “Yes I am. And this is the President of the United States.”

                  Mr. President, I was not expecting to meet you face to face.  I must say, it’s an honor to meet you sir.”  Eric said in awe

                   “The honor is all mine.  I’ve heard about your exploits.  I’ve been wanting to meet one of Americas finest heros.”

                  “Thank you sir.  It means a lot, coming from you.

                  Well thank you.  now down to bissness. I was told that you have some concernes that you wish to have addressed.

                  Yes, two actually.  The first is the millitary


                  “The lab we need to go to is not in this dome, so we will have to take the pod system.” the Director said, interrupting Eric’s train of thought.,


                  The hallway opened to reveal the dome itself.  All maner of plants grew arowed the perimeter and even in the center of the “plaza”.  There were several shopes that inevitably created walkways.  The husal and busal also reminded him of a farmers market.  The director lead him through the least crouded part of the cmmen area.The director pushed a buton to open the door they had come to.  Inside there was a perfect sphere with an open hach, just waiting for passengers, siting in the middle of the room.  All around there were tubs, leading to the other domes Eric assumed.

                  “So how does this thing work?” Eric asked as they stepped in to the pod.  There were six seats, and the director took the center one in the front row, while Eric took the one to his right.  As the hach closed and sealed, soft incandescent bulbs lit the interior.

                  “Its simple.  This rotates inside of an outer shell, acting as a wheel and allowing it to role in a tube system that is connected to all of the pods.  The system just gives the sphere enough kinetic energy to make it to its destination.” as the director was saying this he had been programing the destination into the computer of the pod. 

                  “Authorization code required” the central computers artificial voice said through a sets of speakers though out the pod.

                  “Authorization code Director 1”

The pod gave a lurch as it was lifted of the ground.  Eric was momentarily pushed back into his seat as the pod was propelled into a tube.

                  “Now that we are alone, we can have a chat.  I’m sure that you have heard a great many stories about me.  I can tell you that most of them are not true.  I’m not a soulless person, and I do have fun every now and then,” the Director said, “I allowed you to come here and take part in these trials because I think you and your team can do some real good in this country, if not the world.  I would like us to get off on the right foot, so if there is ever anything you need, just ask.”

                  “That’s very generous of you sir, thank you.” Eric replied with genuine gratitude.

                  “That’s another thing.  We are now on a first name basis, unless I have company.  My name is Travis Conwell.”

                  Wait! The Travis Conwell?!  I thought he, I mean you, died three years ago.”

                  “That was the only thing that the conspiracy theorists got right.  I had a little plastic surgery to make myself less identifiable, but it is still me.  I had to stage my own death because I was getting threats from the AHA.  I would not let them infiltrate the Science Department and create anti-Lyken weaponry.  Shortly after my ‘death’ I had this base created.  The AHA know that its here but since I still haven’t let any one in from that vile organization, they can’t get here.”

                  “That is quite impressive…Travis.”

                  “It is so good to be called by my first name again”

                  “You have arrived at your destination.” the computers voice said again as the pod came to a stop and was lowered to its morings.  The hach opened and they were again in a room similer to the one that had started in.

                  “The sphere samples are this way.” The Director said as they exited the pod bay.  Everything was so much like the main dome that Eric could not tell the difference.

                  “Why is everything so similar between domes? One would think you could very easily get lost in this base.”

                  “Government protocols.  The government micro manages everything these days.  Now lets see, Lab 604, 606, ah here we are. Lab 608. Lets begin the introductions, shall we?” the Director said.  He placed his hand on a pad next to the respective door and his prints were scanned.  This then activated a retinal scanner.  The door slid open reveling a room full of computers and a large containment unit.  Inside this unit there was a black sphere no bigger than a golf ball.  He stared at it for what seamed like forever.  An opresive feling came over him the longer he looed at it

                  “Mr. Hunter are you allright?”

                  “Ya,” he said hesitantly, “That thing is locked up tight, right.  I read what this thing can do.”

                  “Oh yes it is quite safe.  We found that in order to activate it you have to be in physical contact with it.  Now, I believe you have met Simon.  He is the head techy on this project, if you can call him that.  Next to him is his assistant, and wife I might add, Samantha”

“Nice to meet you Samantha” Eric said.  When she did not reply, he looked at the Director with a questioning look.

“She’s completely deaf.  She’s been that way ever since she was seventeen.  She was waking home from school on a rainy day, when she was struck by lightning.  She was wearing ear buds so that is what drew the lightning.  She was lucky to be alive, unfortunately the inner workings of her ears were damaged beyond repare.  She has to rely on lip reading”

“Well, fortunately, that’s not true anymore” she said, turning around in the swivel chair.  She had very attractive apperance.  Her hair was a solid auburn.  Her skin was neither pale nor tan, but somewhere in-between.  But her most striking feature was her eyes.  They were a bleu grey.


                  “Mr. Hunter here thinks that he may be able to at least tell you what language it was written in.”

                  “Oh.  Alright then.” Simon said as he hit a few keys to display the code on the central viewing screen.

                  “This is from the red sphere, the one you will receive.  Right here,” Simon said pointing to a line of text on the screen, “is were we get lost.”

Eric looked at the line and everything that followed very closely for a few seconds, then smacked his palm on his forehead in disbelief.

                  “I don’t believe it.  Its ancient Latin.  Very ancient.  I’m not apprised that you did not recognize it.  Even the medical fields don’t use it vary often if at all.  The part that gets me is down here,” he said pointing to a series of numbers, “It looks like its encrypted. Now how far that encryption goes I have now idea.”

                  “but do you know what its says up here though?” Simon asked

                  “Well, there is to much to decipher all at once, but there is a warning about not being able to reverse the ‘procedure’.  Then it has a set of instructions.” He said, looking at the dumfounded Simon and Director.

                  “I guess there is a first time for every thing.” Simone said getting over the initial surprise.

                  “Is this on every sphere?”

                  “ It is worded differently but yes.”

                  “Well, these instructines won’t do us any good until the sphers have been uh…installed.”

At that moment the intercom came to life, “Director, General Armstrong is demanding docking clearance.  What do you wish me to do?”

The director scouled, “I thought that they would dishounerably discharge him after his last stunt,” me mutterd to himself, “Stall him as long as you can!  Eric, we need to get those spheres installed, as you put it, now!”

                  “Agreed,” he said with an equaly disgusted tone, “the last thing we need is for that scumbag to get hi hands on the sphers.”

They went into the ajoining room, three pedistales stood in the center with a containment field sarounding them.

                  “Ah, you must…” a man in the typical lab coat started to say but the Director cut him off, “we don’t have time for plesentries samule.  We need to get those spheres…installed…now!”

                  “Wow, it must be serious then,” he said as he lowered the containment field, “Alright as far as we can tell all you need do is touch them,  but”  however, before Samule could finish, Eric, Katrina, and Alex had steped fowerd and picked up their respective sphere.  As soon as the spheres made contact with their skin, they began to dissolve, fuzzing with their skin and the rest of their body.  The sensation started as a slight tingling in the fingertips, like they had fallen asleep.  This tingling spread thought their body.  When it reached their back, however, it began to burn and then into a mind numing pain.  All three doubled over and sank to their knees.  Eric grited his teeth, trying not to screem.  It seamed like forever, but the pain soon began to fade into a dull ache.  Eric realized that the Director and Samule were standing over him,  “Eric!  Are you all right!”

“I’ll…I’ll be fine.  How are the others,” he said, panting slightly

                  “In about the same condition”

                  “Director, sir, I can’t stall General Armstrong any longer.  He is threening ot blow the doors open if we do not let him land.” the controlmans voice said though the intercom

                  “let him land, he can’t do anything now”

                  “Yes sir”

                  “come on we had better get to the bay to great our “guest”.

A quick ride in the pod system and they were just in time to see the general storm though the door.

                  “What is the meaning of this!?  Why have I… what is HE doing here” he said, pointing a finger at Eric

                  “He is here to participate in our project.

                  “First of all there is no project, it is now a military operation.”

At this point Eric’s anger at the general’s arrogance boiled over.


“Mister Armstrong, I’m afraid you are wrong.  I have orders here that say you are to have nothing to do with this project.”

                  “On whose authority?”  Armstrong said, getting up into Eric’s face.

                  “Mine” the president said, stepping out of the shadows, with Lucius at his side.

                  “I do not recognize your authority,” the general said aregently

                  “Really?  I had hoped we could do this the easy way, but… Lucius arrest him.”

                  “if your sane, you’ll ignore him.  You couldn’t touch me anyway.”

                  “Oh, I beg to differ” Lucius said pressing a button on his gauntlet.  Almost immediately he began to his transformation.  Fur began to grow all over his body, his nose and jaw fused and elongated into a wolfs muzzle, his ears became pointed like a wolf’s, his tail bone grew and became a wolf’s tail, and the nails on his hands and feet became lethal claws.  With blinding speed, Lucius was ran behind the general, “I’m faster than you, stronger than you,” he said renching the generals armes behind his back and cuffing him.  Then he took a inhaled deeply, “and I have a better sense of smell than you” he said slashing through the back of his shirt.  There, tattooed in what apperd to be red ink, was the symbol of the AHA: a fist crushing the Lycan wolf head.  “You really shouldn’t use Lycan blood to make that ink.  You think it is an insult to us, but in reality it just gives you away.  It just goes to show how stupid some of you pure-blood humans can be.”  He renched the former general around and forced him back into the docking bay were the jet rested in its morings.  The intercom crackeled to life once again.

                  “Sir, we have another craft requesting…”

a female voice, much like katrina’s, suddenly cut in, “requesting my foot!!!  Director you had better tell this numb scull of an operator to let me land!!! I have a bone to pick with you!!!”

                  “I’ll give ya a good five minute head start, if you want.  Not that it will help much,” Alex said stepping out of a pod, “Siriously though,  I will compleaatly understand if you want to start running.  Fey can get quite testy when she thinks she’s been wronged.” He said, looking at the intercom with a broad grin.

                  “I heard that!!!” Fey screeched back

                  “I know” Alex said

The director sighed, “tower control, let her land.  Not like you could stop her.”

 Few short minutes later Fey came storming in, “Director!!! You have some nerve. We’ev…” At that preicice moment the intercom came to life yet again.

                  “Director, sir. You need to get back to the lab. Another sphere just materialized.”

                  “What?!” he replied “ill be right there. Fey im afraid this conversation is going to have to wait.”

                  “Oh, no! You are not getting away from me that easy!!!”

                  “Fey! Not. Now” the director said very pointedly.

                  “This must be important.  You’ve never talked to me like that”



 a man sat in front of a computer in a dark room.  Lines of encryption scrolled across the screen.  A window poped up when the program was done and a siloet of a man appeared.

                  “Mister Hunter, I was not expecting to hear from you so soon.”  The shadowy man said, his voice sounding machanicle from the masking software.

                  “Your diversion worked perfectly.  While they were destrakted by ‘General Armstrong’, I was able to hack the security feeds.  I know every security rutine they have.  And best of all I know were “it” is.

                  “Good.  When can you have it?”

                  “In a few days.  Unfortunately the new arrival has caused some commotion, and they are watching “it” rather closely.”

                  “this is not a time sencitive mater, so take your time and do it right.  I do not have to remind you of what will happen if you fail.

                  “No sir, you do not.”


The silhouette disappeared, leaving “mister hunter” alone.  He would have to be careful if he was going to pull this off.