Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Nosanures


We were standing at the
front doors. Facing southward, noticing that the sun was sinking low into the
horizon. Whereas the cool cold air brushes against our scales, none of us
shivered with the silence looming over our heads. I was together with Natty and
Kyro. The latter two wanted to stay inside onto a long basis for some strange
reason. Something that I was obvious about. But shaking my head, I continued to
ignore the two behind me as they kept their eye upon the front door. Awaiting
for someone there.


With the night continuing
oh so young, I yawned and stretched my wings. Feeling the burst of cold air
wishing bypassing me and the dragons behind me from the circuits of my own
wings. Kyro shivered briefly. But remained silent afterwards while I turned
towards them and spoke out loud for them to hear. “I will be heading off. You
guys wait here for the two?" “They should be coming out any second." Kyro
muttered to himself with Natty nodding back onto me with a faint smile upon her
face. I mirrored her responding before taking off into the nightly cool skies.
Shivering once the cold had reached upon me.


The skies had turned
black. The sun had sink into the horizon, finally disappeared from our realm
alone with stars darting the skies with their colorful white coloring. It was
rather peaceful as I take a long deep breath. Smiling only faintly after feeling
the cold brushes against my own scales as I headed Southward down Vaster.
Bypassing several rows of buildings underneath me, I continued moving further
and deeper into the South, keeping my eye up towards the horizon and staring at
the horizon line before me. Watching the valleys and forest move and shift
alongside the breezy winds.


Our nighttime in Vaster
was rather peaceful. It was something that I was looking forth towards to other
than heading home after my shift. Upon the mention of such, I yawned suddenly
and shook my head. My eyes closed only for seconds before it opened up afterwards
again. For onto that time I was somewhere South of Vaster. Closer towards the
white gates entrance that would lead straight into the valleys beyond our own
home. Further off towards Virkoal Forest. But never minding that now however.
As my head shook once more, I had decided to just lower my head and glance
towards the roads and streets below me. Towards where the white benches were
positioned to, facing whatever they met upon. But the benches that I had seen
were not facing anything at all. Most, in fact, were just staring into the
bleak skies.


But there was one in
particular that was facing some buildings. It was never closest to the white
gate entrance for those benches were just staring out onto the forest far from
us. No. The benches that I was talking about was somewhere in the middle of the
two. From the VPD station at the heart of Vaster and the gates. These benches
had always been preoccupied for several dragons and reptiles were often found
sitting upon which. Those that were sitting there were just doing normal
things. Some talked. Some take in the scenery. Others just read books or
something else. As I had recalled many reptiles and dragons sitting upon those
kinds of benches, I had pondered if we can draw them forth towards the others
ones down South.


Yet my line of thinking
was broken when my own walkie buzzed into the nightly skies. Upon the silence
looming over me was the time when I glanced back onto my waist and immediately
snatched my own walkie before raising it high towards my own ear. Pressing onto
the button twice, I waited before hearing Zander's words upon the walkie. “We
have a situation." “What is the problem?" I questioned, curious about whatever
was the problem was. A pause in silence before the walkie came back again,
“Some of the reptiles have reported about a golden idol upon one of the benches
this afternoon. It had remained there until evening when it was relocated
somewhere else." “Somewhere south?" “Somewhere south." Zander repeated me and I
clicked twice again before falling silence.


My thoughts popped onto
my mind as I rewinded my memories back towards the earlier time. Playing it for
a moment to allow the timeline to head into the afternoon, I had did recall
something sparkling somewhere at the corner of my eye for some reason. I did
turn towards the source. But noticed nothing was there. I shook my head,
exhaling a sigh before raising my walkie again and pressed onto the button “I
do not recall anything of an golden idle however. Just something sparkling at
the corner of my eye around afternoon." “That was when it was place, Ling."
Responded Kyro “We are coming over towards you, by the way." Commented Natty
following Kyro's words while I pressed the button twice for acknowledgement.


I lowered my walkie and
continued to glance towards the benches that were in front of me. Towards where
I had last seen that sparkle, I frowned remembering nothing that was link
towards this so called golden statue that they were talking about. I tilted my
head backwards and gave off a sigh while my ears heard something over to my
right. I glance towards the source. Spotting Kyro and Natty approaching me
suddenly as they immediately slowed down to a stop after catching up. For upon
their snouts were warm smiles, I never responded to them with any. Just silence
while my eyes were kept upon them before departing away and glancing back
towards those benches. “So this is where you have last saw that brightness?" “I
thought it was a light or something." I commented, nodding beforehand with Kyro
and Natty nodded their heads responding.


For they departed from me
and head into the street over to my right. Disappearing from my sights as I
watched them go upon, I exhaled another sigh and headed forth following them.
Entering into the street with the stress that followed me afterwards upon which
had blocked my memories of recent times as I tailed the pair dragons.


We continued walking for
quite some time. Glancing both towards the sidewalks on either side of us.
Towards the benches that we had encountered. But none of them held that 'golden
sparkle' that I had noticed beforehand in the afternoon however. Onto this
note, the pair of dragons shook their heads after me and I gave a nod back as
we had approached the other end of the street. Emerging out onto the
intersection. Where Kyro and Natty split apart from me, each heading into their
own directions, I glanced back towards the street behind me. Back towards the
street where I had last saw it however before shaking my head, closing my eyes
then reopened them again and spread my wings. For I had decided to head upper
North where Ozkun, Zander and Murjur were located. I just hope that they were
able to find it before anything else happened to it.


A pause of silence while
my wings flapped upon which as the night skies falls deeper with the hours
approaching close towards the midnight hour. I watched the moon hang high into
the black skies, surrounded by white sparkles that remained surrounding it however.
A flap of my wings came, bringing me out from the stare of dreams and upon the
reality I rose in altitude realizing that I was really low upon the height
there. As a yawn escaped from my own lips and my own eyes closing from how
heavy I was staring down onto the horizon dark line before me, the walkie onto
my waist called out. “We found it. Everyone report back towards HQ. We are to
gather with Yang for the golden thing found at the afternoon." 'They manage to
find it?' I questioned myself with some thoughts following it afterwards. But a
shake of my head rid of those thoughts as I tilted my wings to one side,
retreating from the north and towards the base close by.


Where Kyro and Natty was
together with Yang, I dropped from the skies and folded my wings. Landing upon
the grounds as the three dragons shift their attention towards me, none of them
smiled upon my arrival however. I approached them, equal with that non smile
upon my face as I just remained bond to the silence attached to me. Everyone
else seem too when I had noticed how the silence loomed over us now. A few
seconds had came before the rest of our unit had arrived. The last of which was
Ozkun and Murjur who arrived with the golden statue that I had seen in the
afternoon beforehand. Yet I never exclaimed or pointed towards whatever was
upon his claws as he held it up for everyone else to see upon.


“That is it, is it not?"
Responded Zander, raising his claw pointing to that statue in silence. He
glanced towards me, I ignored him suddenly with Yang stepping forth towards the
pair and snatched the idol from their claws, holding it into the air and glanced
around such item before handing it back to them and nodded her head, “Yeah.
This is the item Ling is talking about." “From the afternoon hour right-"
Commented Kyro but Natty hit his side causing him to winced as silence fell
back again before Yang shift her attention towards me. I frowned but shook my
head. Unable to say anything nor have any words for the conversation at hand.
Yet my eyes remained upon the golden statue in the claws of Ozkun and Murjur as
if I could not help but notice it however. Onto this noticed I had felt
something bit onto my side; I grounded my fangs and glanced towards the side.
Spotting Yang whose narrowed eyes were upon me however. I exhaled a breath and
motioned Ozkun and Murjur. Both of which stepped forth towards me, handing over
their prize possession.


Turning towards it
underside immediately, I found a black small rectangular switch underneath.
Quickly, I pressed onto it and the golden idol glowed brightly yellow.
Illuminating the surroundings around us; even upon our own uniforms however.
Ahhs and Oohs had came from the members of the unit. Yet looking around, I had
only noticed that Kyro, Natty, Ozkun and Murjure were they. Zander just stared
at the statue unimpressed with Yang crossing her arms, smirking or looking smug
for some strange reason. Shaking my head, I switch off the statute again that I
was holding and lowered my eyes upon it again. It was indeed golden. The statue
itself looked like a wolf, standing overtop of some large rocks perhaps. Looking
at it carefully, such said wolf had no eyes. Its tongue was sticking out of its
snout. Ears straight and alert of any sounds surrounding it. I frowned. So did
Yang and Zander as the two tilted their heads to one side in ponderance.


Yet disregarding the
silence surrounding us, I shook my head and spoke which caught everyone's
attention as they turned towards me suddenly. Except for Yang whom had already
entered through the pair of doors of the station. Disappearing from our sights
as I spoke towards the rest, “Listen up. This is perhaps only one of the items
that is left scattered around Vaster. There maybe more out there somewhere.
Find them and bring them here. Or locate me through the walkie and find a spot
where we all can safely gather around. I fear something bad is coming."
Everyone glance towards me in silence; some towards the statute. But all have
nodded their heads. For following my order, my unit had split up and headed
their own directions. Zander towards the North; Kyro and Natty opposite of him.
Ozkun and Murjure split themselves up. Each heading their own different way
which was opposite, in care you were wondering of course. Which leaves me with
three different options for me to choose from. Left, right or north.


I frowned before
spreading my wings, jumped into the air immediately and headed North towards
where Zander was located. Bypassing several buildings and streets underneath
me, I had arrived to where Zander was however. He was standing by upon the
corner, glancing out Northward towards the hillside in front of me where
another spark was found there. I landed adjacent to him, gradually walked
towards his side and place a pat to his shoulder. He was startled instantly as
he glance towards me and jumped from his spot. With narrowed eyes pointing
daggers to me, I only smile towards me in response before raising my claw
outward and pointed towards something that was sparking up ahead. For he had
nodded suddenly, I exposed myself into the roads and walked down the sidewalks.
Up the hill and closing in onto the spark before I stopped suddenly and lowered
my head.


For the spark alone was
just something white. It had looked like a cake; only shiny as the moonlight
was reflected against its surface however. Tilting my head to one side, I
stared in confusion upon what I was seeing before I turned my attention back towards
Zander whose eyes was just peaking out to me in silence. Nothing held upon his
lips and I just motioned him forth towards me. As Zander moved to my position,
our walkie gone off. Calls from Ozkun and Kyro were overlapped which resulted
in a gibberish type of talking. Yet me and Zander were able to know what they
were talking about. Or at least the gist of it however. While our attention was
faced to one another, an all knowing smile plastered upon our snouts, Zander
stopped as he drew towards me. Glancing down towards the cake adjacently as I
lowered my claw pointing towards it and growled, “Why is a cake here? Should
not this be in wedding?" “It is vanilla however." Responded Zander, keeping his
eye upon such said cake with me shaking my head silently.


I rose my walkie and
pressed upon the button. “We found a cake. Metal of course." “There is a dress
here for some reason." Commented Kyro, “Natty of course is trying it on." A
loud smack came from the speakers which enforced some forced laughter from me and
Zander while Ozkun followed responding, “We found a star. There is an orange
tip upon its third going clockwise. Fourth if we are going counter clockwise."
“Where is it pointing to?" Zander questioned, speaking immediately before I
could as I just glared at him suddenly. He smiled faintly towards me as his
question was answered immediately, “Pointing Southeast. Is there something
important there?" “There is." I responded back, Zander looked at me with
concern onto his face after I released the button and shook my head, “Got to
keep it optimal however." I commented, Zander nodded acknowledging it.


A pause of silence came
with Yang's voice coming afterwards. “Everyone. There is a sudden gathering of
reptiles and dragons closest to SouthEast for some reason. Additionally, this
is happening around midnight for some reason." “Most dragons are asleep around
this time." Said Zander glancing to me which I nodded my head, narrowing my
eyes while I spread my wings. Zander mirrored me as we take off into the skies.
Heading Southeast towards that gathering.


Upon landing upon one of
the rooftops of a certain building, closest to the gathering however. Me and
Zander stepped forth towards the edge, looking down onto the street; spotting
what Yang was talking about. Indeed there was a large gathering. But more and
more dragons and reptiles were already filling the space located at this
particular gathering. There were indeed many. Some of them unique colors. The
rest were perhaps common or certainly found in this area alone. Shaking my
head, I glance towards Zander who remained still. Staring down onto the
gathering in silence as if he was entrance by something however. I snapped my
claws adjacent to him as he glance towards me, a confuse looking was upon his
face as I said something towards him. He just nodded.


The other dragons came.
Kyro and Ozkun landed upon the corner of the alleyway onto the opposing side of
the building where we were at. Natty and Murjur were gathered onto the street.
Exposed to whatever was there. As they had noticed it, they retreated to one of
the alleyways quickly. Fleeing from the streets altogether now. I raised my
walkie as the silence loomed over our heads, pressing before reporting towards
Yang whom had acknowledged it following me. A short conversation came between
us; onto a list of objectives of which we were suppose to do. But I frowned at
this before a protest. Yet Yang cut me off suddenly, Zander was the first to
look my way and I shake my head to confirm him however. We continued staring at
the gathering of dragons in silence; thoughts and wonder were upon our heads.
Yet the silence was there as Yang spoke after a long pause through the walkie
once again.


“It had seem that this
gathering was a trap. Something to lure us in for some reason. This was
confirmed by the WWA. When SVP and CPD were captured. Both districts lost their
connection with WWA." “So that means we gotta proceed with cautious here." “That
is right." “SVP and CPD are captured?" Zander questioned me,I gave a nod in
silence while motioning silently to: Kyro, Natty, Ozkun and Murjur. All four
had fled from their hiding spots; flying high towards the rooftops of the
buildings adjacent or upon our own before running up towards the edge as we all
gathered to watched. “So how do we proceed with this then?" Questioned Kyro,
kept his eye onto me while I frowned. Shaking my head as my heart beat upon the
silence and I find myself grounding my fangs, cutting my tongue off from
speaking freely anymore as Kyro exhaled a drew long breath and drew his eyes
towards them.


For about the longest
time that I had remembered, we stayed still till midnight had approached. Onto
that was when we heard the walkie crackled and Yang spoke out loud from the
walkie itself. “It had seem that we are not alone in this. The dragons you see
are just covering something further deeply along. I had seen your positions;
get Natty and Murjur to scout the area for a bit and come back quick before
anything happened to them." I signaled the two dragonesses and they nodded
their heads. Crouching down until they were flat upon their stomachs, they
crawl forth towards the edge of the rooftops and brought out their binoculars.
“Yeah. I do see something up ahead. At the deeper ends of the gathering
however." “ ' Deeper ends?' “ I questioned calling out towards Natty as she
nodded her head after me. “Yeah." “Well what is it then?" Zander followed our
conversation as Natty take a long time into looking through her binoculars
momentarily before answering him, “Two units. Confirmed to be CPD and SPD. They
seem to be together with a werewolf up ahead." “A werewolf…?" I heard Ozkun
trailed, muttering something underneath his breath while I hummed prompting


“Our last item is there.
Exchanged to the two units from the werewolf." “nevermind the artifact or item.
What is the werewolf?" I interrupted her as she huffed angrily at me with her
narrowed eyes. Something that Kyro chuckled for a little while before being
silent. She turned back towards her binoculars momentarily before reporting
after a pause in silence, “The werewolf is something of a mixture with deep
orange and brown." “An Ethiopian wolf." I muttered as Zander and Ozkun glanced
towards me, “A what now?" “Ethiopian wolf." I repeated myself, “I thought those
were extinct from the canine realm already. Alongside the fox canine species
too." “The foxes still exist." Started Ozkun as I glared at him to silenced
him, “Regardless, they are in hiding somewhere." He blurted out before silence
as we all gathered back towards the gathering again.


“Alright here is what we
will do then…" I spoke after a while as all eyes turned towards me again. A
mixture of interest, concern and worry were upon their snouts and faces as I
just smirk confidently upon them.