Current Track: Blabb
For all you who have waited so long and patiently for this... I'm sorry for the long delay. I don't know when the next one will come around.. But I got past the part that was causing me problems, for now. This chapter is a little longer than most of the others have been. I hope I can keep them around this length, or longer.
-Zolgar the Insane

In the darkness of his office, the Doctor pondered briefly Kilin's words to his underling. There were implications made he didn't like, but he would let those slide for now. Kilin was no fool, and his skills could be useful in the future. He could always be removed later if it posed any real issue.

There was the matter of a new player in this game. The Doctor was unsure of this lions nature. However if he was deemed an ally of the human, he would likely need to be removed.

"Hal. Access the logs from the Jump Pads star port. Show: last seven days. Filters: Show only those still on the station. Show only inbound. Show only lions. Show only non-PDD."

Hal's screen flashed on and began showing data as the Doctor spoke, quickly filtering the list to meet the orders.

The Doctor eyed the list, only two entires. He brought them both up. One was the wife of a stationed officer. The other looked promising though, an employee of Ion Tech, supposedly there on business.

He noted the information and forwarded it to his minions on the jump pad, with specific orders to eliminate.

* * *

Kasa sighed, walking down the corridor towards her apartment. It was the end of a long day, and she wanted nothing more than to get out of her uniform and pass out. The station was on high alert since the attack, patrols were looking for the snake. Everyone was traveling armed now.

As she passed Tiera's apartment, her night suddenly went down hill. The door was half open, obviously forced, and the smell of blood permeated the air. She slipped her bolter out of its holster and edged through the door.

The room was a mess, there had obviously been a significant fight, which was rather odd considering Tiera was out on leave. A small sound caught her ears and she froze. It came from the other room, she couldn't place it, but it sounded like metal on metal.

She slid through the doorway, and quickly trainer her bolter on the only person in the room, a lion working on his cybernetic arm with a broadsword on the couch next to him.

Maximus didn't even bother looking up from his work, "If you want to kill me too, make it quick." he said with a laugh. "Otherwise, point the gun elsewhere."

"I will. When you answer a few questions." Kasa said, "First, why the hell are you sitting in Tiera's apartment, working on your arm?"

"Easy answer. This is where it got damaged."

"Okay. Then why were you fighting in Tiera's apartment?"

"Because this is where I got attacked."

"Why were you here in the first place?"

"You're full of questions aren't you?" Maximus shook his head, "I was in here because I was looking for Tiera."

"And why is that?"

"Well, actually I'm looking for a friend of hers who is supposedly staying with her." Maximus shrugged. "As for why, that is confidential."

"That's all well and good," Kasa growled, "but why did you feel the need to force entry in to her apartment. And who, precisely did you fight with?"

"The door was open when I got here," Maximus explained, "it showed signs of being forced so I entered to make sure everything was alright. There are many parties who seem to desire Tiera's friend dead.

"As for who I fought," he continued, "First it was a snake. He was in here when I got here. I would assumed he's the one who broke the door. He was an assassin, and a skilled fighter. I find myself lucky that he opted to retreat instead of finish the fight. I gather he didn't want to draw attention.

"Second, was a panther." Maximus said with distaste. "A harlot with delusions of grandeur, really. She might have been a fair fight if she didn't grossly underestimate her opponents, but even then I doubt she'd be a match for me. She seemed to hold some grudge against Tiera and sought to settle it."

"Interesting tale." Kasa said, holstering her pistol. "I know of both the snake, and panther you speak of. I ask you this though, what business have you with Tiera and the human?"

"I've no business with Tiera," Maximus explained, "I only know of her, and came to her apartment because I was informed she was housing Nathaniel Ericson, the human. My business with him, is that I am to deliver a message."

".. Why would you get in to two fights, if that was your only attachment to him?" Kasa asked, puzzled.

"Simple," Maximus smiled, "One cannot properly deliver a message to a dead man, and I firmly believe in doing my job to the fullest."

"I suppose that makes sense." Kasa nodded, "But I wonder, who would send a trained fighter to simply deliver a message?"

"You are implying that I myself am an assassin." Maximus set aside his tools, testing his arm out. "It is a logical assumption, and one I know I cannot convince you otherwise. I was sent by Dr. Redding of Ion Tech, the message I was sent to deliver is for Nathaniel Ericson, and only for him. It is one of good will though."

"Now that is pretty well unbelievable." Kasa said, shaking her head. "I seriously doubt Dr. Serge Redding would have any call to contact the human, and if he did, he would certainly not send an armed barbarian. If he would even have one in his employ."

"Barbarian?!" Maximus growled, standing up. "I would suggest not speaking of that which you do not know. I am Maximus Alexander Fireheart, son of Joseph Alexander Fireheart. Direct descendant of the legendary commander Alexander Fireheart of the 1001st infantry division, and inheritor of his blade, Excalibur.

"Employed as Dr. Serge Redding's chief security officer, charged with protecting his son Toel Redding. He has a special proposition for Nathaniel Ericson, which he does not trust to the standard channels of communication, as such he chose to send me to deliver this message personally, knowing there would be many who sought to eliminate him, because of what the existence of a human means to many."

Kasa looked up at him, somewhat stunned. Be it by his words or the manner in which he spoke them, she found herself believing him. "I'm sorry, sir." She said meekly.

"No worries." Maximus said with a crooked smile, "You just expressed that which you observed, I am well aware what I appear. I must ask though, how do you know Dr. Redding?"

"Huh? Oh, I don't." Kasa shook her head. "I only know what I've read, I study bio-engineering. I don't particularly want to be a military sniper all my life."

"Most understandable." Maximus nodded. "Now.. If you're thoroughly convinced that you don't need to kill me, I would appreciate it if you could point me towards the medical bay. I may be able to repair my own cybernetics, but I'm not nearly as good at mending my own wounds of the flesh."

"You are kinda beaten up." Kasa nodded. "I can take you to the med bay, yeah."

As she guided Maximus to the med bay, Kasa quietly examined him, and quickly came to the conclusion she would not stand a chance against him, unless she were around a hundred yards away. She judged him to be a veteran of many battles, she could tell by how he moved that one leg was artificial, as well she judged that he likely had an armored artificial rib cage.

"Do you see much combat?" She asked curiously, "I wouldn't think a security chief on Europa would be that busy."

"Not now, no." Maximus said. "I used to though, before I was bou... Employed by Dr. Redding, I was a gladiator on Deimos. That is the cause of the scars and cybernetics."

Kasa just nodded and continued on in silence until they reached the med bay. "Here we are, I'm sure we can get you properly patched up. Then you're going to security to give a proper report on what happened."

"Still don't believe me?" Maximus asked with a chuckle, heading in to the med bay. "Why take me here first then?"

"Simple," Kasa replied, "Because if you wanted to cause me any harm, it would be done by now."

"Very observant." Maximus nodded.

"Ve haff customers?" Interrupted a panther, Kurz. "Vat can ve do for you?"

"It should be rather obvious, Kurz." Kasa said, thinly veiling the disgust in her voice. "This fine lion here needs to be patched up."

"Ja, ja, he does." Kurz nodded, seemingly oblivious to Kasa's disgust. "Vat of you, pretty little Kasa? Ve can do something for you?"

"Other than drop that awful accent?" Kasa asked
"Vat accent?" Kurz snapped. "Vatefer. Ve vill focus of ze task at hand. Zis vay. Sit zer." Kurz said to Maximus, pointing to a chair. "Zese marks, ist a snake ja?"

"Yes, a snake." Maximus confirmed, taking a seat as directed.

Kurz nodded, and quickly went to work patching up Maximus' wounds. For all his strangeness, one could not deny that Kurz was good at what he did. He finished wrapping the last bandage in just under fifteen minutes.

"Ze vounds should heal vithin zirtysix hours." Kurz said, turning to a cabinet to retrieve a small vial. "Just vun small zing left."

"What are you doing, Kurz?" Kasa snapped, eying the vial he was holding.

"Vat? Zis is ze anti venom" Kurz said innocently. "Snakes are poisonous."

"It's fine," Maximus began.

"That is no anti venom" Kasa growled, cutting Maximus off.

"Vat?" Kurz asked, looking at the vial. "Oh! So very clumsy of me, grabbing the wrong one.."

"Don't worry about an anti venom," Maximus said, "I've nothing to fear from a snakes toxins. Due to the popularity of snakes as gladiators, I was given and immunity to their venom."

"Ah." Kurz nodded, returning the vial to its proper place in the cabinet. "Vell if you should need anything else, you know vere to find me."

"Indeed." Maximus said, rising to leave. "Forward the bill to Dr. Serge Redding of Ion Tech's Europa facility. RE Security Chief's expenses."

"Ja, ja. Vill do." Kurz nodded.

"What was in that vial?" Maximus asked Kasa as they left the med bay.

"Trilinthoric Acid." Kasa said, "Nasty stuff, favored by some snipers. It was intentional too, I just don't get why he patched you up properly, only to try and kill you."

"That is easy to answer," Maximus replied. "He didn't want it traceable to him. The use of Tril, that would have been pretty well perfect."

"You're right." Kasa nodded. "But, there's another question. Why would he want you dead?"

".... That, I have no answer for." Maximus said.

"The snake and Mayhem make sense." Kasa said, pondering. "The snake was sent by uh... someone to kill him. And Mayhem did have something of a grudge against Tiera."

"I have a question for you." Maximus said, "Why when at least two of your crew mates seek to kill me, do you side with me, a complete stranger?"

"That's easy." Kasa laughed. "Mayhem is a chaotic pain in the ass, only loyal to Kilin. And Kurz... anything I can do to make Kurz's life more miserable, I will. Besides, so far I trust you."

"Will you agree to let me skip meeting with the stations security then?" Maximus asked with a laugh. "I am guessing someone checked the security database and found out why I am here, and issued orders to trusted individuals to have me removed. So the less people I have to expose myself to, the better."

"I think you may be right." Kasa nodded. "But why do you trust me?"

"I don't." Maximus said. "It's just not wise to alienate a potential ally. Make no mistake, I am not foolish enough to let myself be caught off guard."

"Kurz nearly got you." Kasa noted.

"Not really." Maximus shook his head. "My blood has filtration nanites in it that remove toxins."

".. Those exist?" Kasa asked, "I'd heard the technology was being researched a long time ago, but it was scrapped due to numerous issues with nanites, especially ones injected into a bloodstream."

"They are." Maximus nodded. "Although I am not allowed to go in to further detail."

"Top secret Ion Tech technology?" Kasa asked.

"Something like that."

* * *

"You're sure this is going to work, Aerix?" Tiera asked, pulling her uniform on.

"No," Aerix said, "got any better ideas?"

"Exactly." Aerix shook his head. "Every minute we're here makes us more likely to be found. It's been to days already, we can't risk it much longer. There's a ship in port now, the Valkyrie, her captain is an old friend who has no qualms carrying illegal cargo. They have to be out of port in two hours, so we don't have much time."

"... I don't really like it." Tiera said. "But, it's probably our best bet."

"That's what I figure." Aerix nodded, heading towards the basement stairs. "I'll go get Nathan."

"Something up?" Nathan asked when Aerix reached the basement.

"Yeah, we gotta move." Aerix said "And fast."

"What's the plan?" Nathan asked, heading for the stairs.

"I'll fill you in up stairs." Aerix said as Nathan passed him, then brought his hand down in to the back of Nathan's neck, causing him to collapse like a rag doll, "Sorry Nathan." He muttered before casually flung Nathan over a shoulder and ran back up the stairs.

"I hope you didn't hit him too hard," Tiera said with a chuckle, meeting him at the top of the stairs. "Might cause brain damage or something."

"Regret for another time." Aerix said, "For now we gotta move."

"Right behind ya." Tiera said, nodding.

The trip went smoothly, just as planned. Two PDD officers with the human that everyone had been warned about, no one was going to question. They avoided main thoroughfares, just so that they wouldn't draw undue attention, but that was seen as a perfectly normal thing, too. Things only began to get problematic when they reached the entrance to the star port.

"Hold it right there, you two." The gate guard called to them as they tried to enter. "I have no record of the human being transported out today. And he doesn't appear to be properly prepared to fly as a prisoner."

"I know there's no record of it, sir." Tiera replied politely, "We have direct orders from Admiral Kilin that he is to be taken aboard a private ship. The Admiral has .. different plans for this prisoner, and wants him delivered to the Jump Pad, away from certain prying eyes."

"Alright." The guard replied, "Let me just call him and confirm that."

"I wouldn't recommend that." Tiera said, "You should know every single thing you transmit through your radio is recorded, and there are powers above even the admiral.. If word of the admirals plans gets to them, because of you.. Well, believe me, you don't want to face the admiral's wrath."

"I'll send a private dispatch then." The guard said.

"Not a good idea either." Tiera said. "It will take far too long."

"Besides which." Aerix added menacingly, "These orders were only to be known about by the admiral, and us. Anyone else who knows is a potential threat. It will be best for you to forget that you ever saw us, and go about your day."

"Okay, okay." the guard said, backing away. "Just.. go about your business. I didn't see nothing."

"Thank you, sir." Tiera smiled. "You made the right choice."

"Aye, unless the powers that be find out you let us go." Aerix laughed. "Come on, the Black Moclips is taking off soon."

Tiera gave him a slightly puzzled look as they headed for the Valkyrie, then caught on.

The Valkyrie was an impressive sight. Tiera almost wished Nathan were awake to see it. It looked like something out of a 20th century sci-fi movie. It gleamed of polished silver, the hull had two black lightning bolts running down the side, and a mighty female warrior, a minotaur in light plated armor with a spear and great feathery wings was painted on the front.

The thing was armed to the teeth, too. Tiera counted four quad-rain gun turrets, and five harpoon guns. From it's design, she also guessed it had drifter mines, and probably at least a few hatches that covered Gatling guns, most likely armed with acidic shells.

Any fool could see, that this, was a pirate ship.

"Aerix.." Tiera started "How exactly is it that a pirate captain owes you a favor?"

".. I'll explain later." Aerix replied, noting a massive tiger walking towards them. "ODIN! You old dog. Long time no see."

"Aye, Aerix. It's been some time." Odin replied, meeting Aerix with first a hand shake, then a hug and a laugh. "You have our cargo?"

Next to anyone else, Odin would seem a monster, yet Aerix still dwarfed him. The massive tiger had obviously seen his fair share of fights, his face and body were covered in scars, including one eye missing. In contrast, the large spear hanging across his back, was in pristine condition, looking as though it had never been used.

"Unless this is a sack of potatoes I'm carrying." Aerix said.

"It IS a sack of potatoes, Aerix." Odin laughed. "Come now, both of you get inside, we're taking off soon, and the less time you hang around outside with such obvious contraband, the better."

"One moment." Tiera said to Odin, and then more quietly to Aerix. "Are you sure we can trust them?"

"It's too late to change our minds now," Aerix replied. "Besides, I'd trust Odin with my life."

"He's .."

"A pirate?" Odin cut Tiera off. "Yeah yeah. Time is short, and I can hear you anyways so bicker ON the ship?"

"He's got a point Tiera." Aerix said, heading in to the ship. "Trust me, this lot is more trustworthy than the crew of the Jump Pad."

"... I still don't like it." Tiera muttered, following Aerix.

"That's more like it." Odin said, following the two in, and closing the hatch behind them. "Frekki, Gerri!"

Not a minute later two wolves rounded the corner to the hatch. Identical twins, seven feet tall, pure silver fur piercing black eyes. The stuff most young girls dreams are made of. And a lot of young boys, too for that matter. One had a broadsword slung across his back, the other a rail gun.

"Yes, sir?" The one with the rail gun asked.

"I'd like you to take our unconscious guest to one of the spare rooms." Odin said, then after a moment. "Oh yes, Aerix, these are Frekki, and Gerri. Frekki is the one with the sword. They are the new additions to the crew I told you about."

"A pleasure." Gerri said as both nodded. Frekki then moving to take Nathan from Aerix.

"The rest of the old crew still the same?" Aerix asked, gently handing Nathan over to Frekki. "And my friend here, is Tiera. .. The unconscious one is Nathan."

Before Odin could answer, a reddish blur flew past Frekki and Gerri to cling to Aerix. "SLEIPNIR!" the blur, was a fox. A vixen to be precise, a vixen wearing a rather complex looking silk dress that seemed to only be one piece of cloth wrapped around her, with two short swords hanging from her back.

"Hello, Loki." Aerix laughed. "And I've told you before, I'm not a horse. And I only have three legs."

"Feh!" Loki replied. "Close enough. What made you come back?"

"It's just temporary." Aerix said, peeling Loki off his arm and setting her on the floor. "I happened to need some help getting someone the PDD wants, off this rock. And Odin was nice enough to offer."

"Oooh. Is it the cute wolf?" Loki asked, turning her attention to Tiera.

"No, it's not." Tiera said, blushing a bit. "And, you are aware Loki was a male in the Nordic mythology?"

"Ahuh." Loki said, smiling. "And are you aware that he also polymorphed in to a female horse to distract the horse of a giant so that the giant couldn't finish building a wall which would cost Odin his woman? And in doing so, ended up giving birth to a six legged steed which later served Odin?"

"Uhm... Okay..." Tiera said, shaking her head.

"Lady-ish-thing, and gentlemen?" A voice came over the speakers. "this is your captain speaking. We're about to take off, so I would suggest that if you happen to like remaining in one piece you find some place to sit down, shut up and strap yourself in for one hell of a ride."

"We better do as he says." Odin said, "Thor hasn't gotten any better at taking off."

"... Great." Aerix muttered.

* * *

Sore. Came the first conscious thoughts, overtaking the beauty of dreams. His eyes flickered open hesitantly after what felt like a long sleep. Where am I and why am I so fucking sore? For that matter, why am I strapped down..?

He started to panic, trying to figure things out, then he noticed a weight on his chest and glanced down, Tiera was sitting next to him, her head laying on his chest, at least half asleep.

He took a quiet stock of the situation, not wanting to disturb her. He calmed when he realized that he didn't appear to be in any kind of cell, and that while his torso and legs were strapped down, his hands were free, and the restraints seemed meant more for safety.

After a moments thought, he had a pretty good idea of what had happened, and it all made sense.

"You awake there, Tiera?" Nathan asked after a moment, poking Tiera's ear.

"Mrf." Tiera muttered, her ear twitching. "I am now."

"I don't know why you're still helping me, but... Thank you."

"I said I would." Tiera said coldly as she sat up. "I don't have the habit of stabbing people in the back."

"You think you're that much better, eh Tiera?" Nathan said, undoing the straps so he could sit up. "The only interest you had in me was from your childhood fantasies. I'm human, that's the only criteria you had. You did me all these favors, and I wondered why. Well, two days alone in a dark basement gives one time to think.

"And I saw through you." this time, Nathan meant every word of what he said. It was evident in his voice, and in his eyes. "It was nothing by fantasy and curiosity. Where does that leave me when you finally grow up?"

"You're right." Tiera growled as she stood up and stalked out of the room. "I do need to grow up. Fantasies are pointless."
The picture in the mirror always hurts. Nathan thought as he watched her go. Then collapsed back on to the bed with a sigh. I should know.. I've been staring in to it long and hard.

* * *

"They said they were on a private mission, from me." Kilin growled to the low ranked officer who had been working the star port gate not two hours ago. "And you believed them, did you?"

"I'm sorry, sir." The officer said, "I don't know what I was thinking."

"You weren't thinking, fool." Kilin growled, "You ignored the fact that anyone seen with him taking him anywhere BUT PDD headquarters was immediately to be detained, and if he was seen, even in custody of other PDD officers, that HQ was to immediately be notified.

"They simply intimidated you to the point of stupidity." Kilin finished, rising from his desk. "It's perfectly understandable."

"... I'm sorry, sir." The officer said, bowing. "Thank you for understanding."

"However, an officer who can be intimidated so easily..." Kilin said, lashing his claws out, cutting cleanly through the officers throat. "Is of no use to me."

The officer stared for a moment, before collapsing, trying to breath, but only bubbling and choking on his own blood.

Kilin calmly poked his head out of his office and turned to his secretary. "Send for someone to remove bulky refuse from my office, if you would."

"Yes, sir."

"Thank you." Kilin said, hiding a smile as he stepped back over to his desk and dialed up the PDD port commander. "Riker, I have a bit of an issue. I need you to freeze all outbound traffic from the public port, I need every ship currently in port searched thoroughly. Issue orders to all ships that have departed in the last two hours that they are to return to port at once, all are to be thoroughly searched as well.

"Send a specific squad of high-speed fighters after the Black Moclips, she is to be boarded and searched. Send squads after any ship which refuses to turn around, as well. They are to be boarded, searched, the entire crew is to be arrested and the ship and all its contents are to be confiscated."

"Aye, Sir." Riker said over the com. "May I ask what my men are looking for?"

"The human." Kilin replied.

"Understood. Riker out." the com went dark, the immediately flicked back on to show the Doctor, who looked angry.

"I am sorry, sir," Kilin said, "For this inconvenience and the idiocy of my men. I do not know if the Black Moclips and/or their destination was a ruse, however I am taking every possibility in to account. I will keep my men here on alert, and I will send out an alert to the Jump Pad."

"Sst. Very good, Kilin." the Doctor hissed. "You learn faster than your predecessor. Make sure you do not allow something like this to happen again though."

"So long as it remains in my control, sir." Kilin said as the screen went black once again. "TERZA!"

"Sir?" His secretary said from his doorway.

"Orders need to be sent to the jump pad." Kilin said. "Record and submit."

"Yes sir." Terza said, seating herself cross legged on the floor and taking out her note pad.

"We believe the human criminal to be bound for the Jump Pad," Kilin began, "As such, until further notice. The station is to be on high alert status. All non-PDD personnel are to be confined to their designated dormitories. All inbound traffic is to be searched thoroughly before the crew is allowed to even leave the ship.

"All non-PDD outbound traffic is to be frozen. All outbound PDD traffic is to be thoroughly searched before it leaves port. Any who refuse to submit to the search are to be arrested and have their ship and all its contents confiscated. Anyone caught aiding the human is to be immediately arrested, lethal force is authorized if they resist. The human is to be taken alive at all costs.

"These orders are in effect, and over ride all other orders, until I personally alert you otherwise. Signed, Admiral Kilin Fleshraker, Lunar Prime."

"Will there be anything else, Sir?" Terza asked when he finished.

"No, send them right away." Kilin said.


* * *

He's right. I did come off that way. Tiera's mind wandered as she drifted through the empty corridors of the Valkyrie. The ship was far too large for just a crew of five. She suspected it might even be capable of touching down on Earth's surface. I never really thought of his feelings, I never thought of anything but my silly fantasy.. How could I be so foolish?

Not that it matters anymore, anyways. He's shown his true colors. Or.. has he. He seemed hurt back there, there was no sense of superiority. Just pain... Maybe... fuck I don't even know what to think anymore.

"Oh, Tiera. Nathan awake?" Aerix asked. Lost in thought, she hadn't even noticed him standing there, staring out a port hole.

"Yeah, the bastards awake." She said with a sigh.

"Somethin' wrong? Looks like you've been crying again."

"Naw." Tiera said, shaking her head. "It's nothing. He just .. made me think."

"Ah." Aerix just nodded, and returned to looking out the port hole, looking ponderously at Earth, deciding it best not to press Tiera for details.

"So, you said you'd tell me how it was you knew this lot." Tiera said, changing the subject.

"Yeah. I did, didn't I?" Aerix said, "It's pretty simple, I was part of the crew for about three years."

"You.. Part of a pirate crew?" Tiera asked, laughing.

"You don't believe me?" Aerix looked down at her. "You know I've only been in the PDD for seventeen years. I left the orphanage a little over twenty. Right out of the orphanage, I started working at the port, hauling heavy cargo. Hitting things and moving things were the only things I was good at.

"One day the Valkyrie pulled in to port, I was in awe of her. Odin left the ship, alone, and picked me out of the material handlers there, said to me 'Son, can you keep your mouth shut about who you moved what for?' I just smiled and said 'Huh? I spent the whole day sitting on my ass, no work to be had.'

"It was supposed to be a simple deal of hauling goods from the ship to the buyer. Nothing more, and the pay was great. Problem was, a rival crew wanted the cargo. We were pretty well outnumbered, Thor, Odin and myself. But we stood our ground, I forget how many of them there were.. But each of us could probably have single handedly taken out half of them.

"Once the goods were delivered, and Odin had paid me, he expressed his surprise that I stuck around for the fight, rather than just running because it had nothing to do with me. When I told him that I had agreed to deliver the goods, and that meant not letting someone else take them, besides which, I enjoyed a good fight, he offered me a spot on his crew.

"I was thusly dubbed Sleipnir after the beast of burden that served Odin, in ancient Nordic mythology. From that day on, I served as part of the skeleton crew that runs this ship.

"And for the record. We were, and still are really, more smugglers and bounty hunters than pirates." Aerix finished, laughing.

"Why did you leave?" Tiera asked.

"Well, two reasons." Aerix said. "One, is I was just tired of constantly moving. I wanted to settle in to one place. And two, well. We'd touched down on Deimos to drop off a crate of black market weapons. Problem was, it was a set up. They locked our ship down as soon as we got in to port. I stayed behind and got the ship unlocked.

"THAT is why Odin owes me a favor." Aerix said with a smile.

"What made you decide to join the PDD after that?"

"Simple enough." Aerix shrugged. "What else is there to do on Deimos?"

"Point taken." Tiera said, nodding. Then after a moments pause she looked up at Aerix. "What did you and Nathan talk about two days ago after he.."

"Nothing important." Aerix said. "Why?"

"... No reason." Tiera sighed. "Thanks for the story, I need to think some more though."

"Any time, Tiera." Aerix said, resting a hand on her shoulder "Don't worry yourself too much with thing you can't change."

"What of things I can change?" Tiera asked, walking off.

As always, feedback is always accepted..

In case you're wondering (because it's not said, and likely never will be) Trilinthoric Acid takes about an hour to manifest and when it does, for upwards of about 20 minutes based on the resilience of the victims body, they will experience realistic and disturbing hallucinations that usually cause the victim to go berserk and attack everything around them, and about 95% of the time causes the victims internal organs to all rapidly fail.
this is why it's a favorite of snipers in wartimes. Kasa however hates the stuff. She prefers a more direct kill.