Current Track: Blabb



\n This chapter does not necessarily occur in chronological order, and it takes place over several days. Stahl makes a decision and the tribe tries to figure out what to do about the problems that have presented themselves.


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\n The paw resting on his shoulder did little to calm the young Lahu, who knew that he was finally at the point of no return. If he continued with the apprenticeship initiation, he wouldn't be able to turn back. Len had already waited too long to take an apprentice, and without Stahl, it wouldn't be long before the tribe had no shaman at all. He would have to devote his life to becoming a shaman, and that was still terrifying to him, despite his new resolve. His paws nearly shook as he nodded at Len, signaling that he was ready to proceed.


\n Len stood before him, dressed in his finest ceremonial garments, an ornate beaded loin cloth that hung to his knees, dark green in color. It matched the jade necklace and bracelet he was wearing, and it complimented his tan fur. Len had a warm expression on his face, one that Stahl wasn't used to seeing. He was used to getting in trouble with Len, or being lectured about salvaging and treasure hunting. His heart skipped a beat as he thought about the Heaven's Tear, which Mea and him were still searching for.


\n Stahl did his best to smile up at Len, but he didn't think it looked convincing. Len smiled back, and removed his paw from Stahl's shoulder. He thought back to the first time he had been initiated, as a salvager's apprentice. Alaka hadn't been so kind, but back then, he hadn't needed anyone to be kind to him. All he had wanted was to find treasure. Now, he had many more things to worry about. Through the window behind Len, only short distance away, Stahl could see the dead forest area encroaching on the shore of the Kahawai. Though the sun was shining brightly on the island, the light seemed faded inside the desolate, forsaken patch of the forest.


\n Len turned and walked to the other end of the holt, where there was a woven rug set up, much like the one inside Chief Allwaters' holt. At the center of the brightly colored rug was a simple bowl of water, and sitting on the ground next to that was a knife. Light gleamed off the blade and into Stahl's eyes as he glanced at it. The older Lahu began to close the curtains that were pulled up around the windows, blocking out the sun, but also the view of the dying forest in the distance. Stahl was grateful.




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\n In the days since the circle was found, it had grown, getting increasingly closer to the bank of the river. It had been four days since Alaka first discovered the small circle in the forest. Back then, Len hadn't thought it was a serious threat, and he had tried to deal with it himself. It wasn't until the following day that Chief Allwaters' and Tai had gotten involved.


\n After Len, Stahl, and Mea returned from the circle three days prior, Len had Chief Allwaters' call an emergency meeting to deal with the problem. Stahl wasn't sure why he had been invited, but Len insisted that he needed to be involved in the meeting, because he was his apprentice, even if he hadn't been initiated yet. Stahl stood awkwardly next to Len inside Chief Allwaters' holt, waiting for the others to arrive.


\n Allwaters and Len glanced at each other from time to time, and Stahl felt left out, as if their facial expressions were allowing them to have an entire conversation without words. The holt was lit by candlelight, which wavered and glowed without aim, giving each of the Lahu an orange tint that would have been calming on any other occasion. The rain falling on the roof provided a simple, chaotic beat to break up the silence. The smell in the air was spicy, causing his black nose to twitch, it was the only thing that was truly keeping Stahl calm.


\n After a time, Len nodded at the chief and then turned to Stahl. "Lets have a seat while we wait." He turned back and moved over to the woven rug at the center of the large holt, and sat cross legged at the edge. Chief Allwaters did the same, sitting adjacent to Len.


\n Stahl walked over slowly, feeling uneasy and unsure of exactly where to sit. Len patted the rug next to him, so he took that spot. He observed as both the other Lahu straightened out their loin cloths so they sat flat across their legs, and he adjusted his own in a similar manner. Len had told him to change out of his new shorts for the meeting.


\n Chief Allwaters picked up a pipe, decorated with bright feathers, that had been resting on the center of the rug, and he lit it up using a nearby candle. Stahl recognized the scent it gave off as the same that permeated the holt already. After taking a puff of the pipe, the chief passed it to Len, who did the same before passing it to Stahl. Stahl wrapped his paw hesitantly around it and looked at Len, who nodded at him encouragingly. He placed it in his muzzle and took a deep breath of the herb.


\n The young Lahu was amazed at how quickly he found a calm washing over him, and a light fuzziness overtake his head. He felt his muscles start to relax and the fear in his belly, fear of becoming a shaman, fear of Kai dying, fear of that circle in the forest, all the fear washed away. He handed the pipe back to Len and took a deep breath of the air inside the holt.


\n "They should be here shortly." Chief Allwaters said as he took his pipe back and held it in his lap.


\n "Always count on Alaka to be late. The most important thing in his life is him." Len spat, glancing at the entrance curtain, from which Alaka and Tai should have been emerging any minute.


\n "I'm certain he has a legitimate reason to be late, Len. Let's be patient with him." Allwaters said, looking as calm as Stahl had ever seen.


\n "Why does Alaka have to be here?" Stahl asked, surprised by his sudden question. "He isn't going to be happy to see me." He glanced down, his ears flushing. He didn't want to receive another beating from the larger Lahu.


\n "He was the one who found the anomaly in the forest, the make'loa." Len said, sighing. "As much as I don't want to talk to him right now, he might know something important, and we need all the information we can get if we're going to figure this out. Trust me, I won't let him touch you."


\n Stahl nodded, comforted by the confident look in Len's eyes. He knew the shaman could make good on that promise if the need arose.


\n "Stahl, tell me about your decision to become Len's apprentice." Chief Allwaters said, looking over at Stahl. "I know you've been hesitant, reluctant to accept it in the past. I also know you're not the best at following instructions." He chuckled under his breath. "So, why now?"


\n Stahl mulled it over for a minute, and then looked at the two older Lahu. "I don't want to leave. As much as I want to hunt for treasure, I can't. It's a silly dream, like Len's told me a thousand times, so I should focus on something I can do. The tribe needs an apprentice shaman, so I might as well."


\n "Do you suppose that 'because you've got nothing better to do' will lead to you becoming a successful shaman?" Allwaters asked in a tone that was surprisingly devoid of judgment.


\n "No, I guess not. I'm still looking for the reason, then. I'm not sure, it just felt like the right thing to do at the time. Maybe I'll realize why I did it, sooner or later. For now, I'm going to do what I can to become a shaman." Stahl tried his best to believe what he was saying, but found that it fell short. Allwaters seemed satisfied, however.


\n Before the conversation could proceed any further, the curtain to the holt was pulled open, and the three Lahu were bathed in sunlight for a short moment as Tai and Alaka both entered. Alaka scowled as he saw Stahl sitting there, but took a seat across from Len without saying anything. Tai gave Len a similar look, before sitting across from Stahl.


\n "Ah, it looks as if we can begin the meeting." Allwaters chirped cheerfully, smiling around at the group of Lahu before him.




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\n As Stahl returned to attention, he noticed Len lighting various candles around the holt to replace the now blocked sunlight. He was surprised to see that each flame burned a different color, from red to blue to green to purple. It gave the holt an interestingly silver colored glow, which had a calming effect on Stahl. After Len was finished, he waved Stahl over.


\n "Take a seat there, nothing to be worried about. This doesn't need to be as formal as it seems." Len said, sitting on the far side of the bowl of water.


\n "No, no formality. You're just going to be cutting a hole in my arm. Nothing to be worried about." Stahl said, rolling his eyes as he sat down. He examined his right shoulder, which was now a much different design than the one that used to signify his job. It had been altered in Len's attempts to heal the cut.


\n "I'll be gentle. At least, more gentle than I'm sure Alaka was." He chuckled, and Stahl knew from experience that it was most likely true.


\n "I'm not sure he knows the definition of the word gentle." He replied, a bit of a growl in his voice.


\n Len's ears flushed and he appeared lost in thought. "No, he knows how to be gentle. He just doesn't like to show it."


\n "Could've fooled me. So, should we get started?" Stahl asked, chuckling nervously.


\n Len snapped back to the present, his focus returning to the ritual. "Ah, right. The ceremony. The apprenticeship ceremony to become a shaman is a bit different than for the other jobs. First, we should go over exactly how things work."


\n "I know how it works. You use magic, and it takes some of your life away. Eventually, you either stop or you die." Stahl sighed, his own words increasing his fear.


\n "It's more complicated than that, Stahl." Len said in return, fighting the urge to sigh at his soon to be apprentice. "You've got to drop that defeated attitude about it, too, or you'll never become a shaman proper."


\n "Okay, if it's complicated, then explain it to me."




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\n "I'm not sure how helpful I could be. I was trained to be a Saria, by the Yukulta tribe, to the east." Tai said, glaring at Len, who was sitting across from him.


\n "And I'm sure you blame me for that, right?" Len tilted his head to the side, making eye contact with Tai.


\n "Blame? No, of course not. I was able to learn a skill that no one in this part of the world is familiar with. It has proven to be quite valuable to me and the Haku tribe." Tai spoke condescendingly, his words sharp, matching his bared fangs.


\n Len's twitched his ear as he thought of what to say. "Oh, we're on speaking terms now?"


\n "Again, no. You asked a question and I answered it, that's all. I don't blame you for my time with the Yukulta. I do blame you for killing my master." Tai growled, speaking slowly and evenly, years of anger finally reaching a peak.


\n "I've spent my life making up for what I did. Everyone I know has managed to forgive me, besides you. I'm sorry for what happened, but I think my actions have helped me atone."


\n "I'm here, I've forgiven this tribe, Len. I convinced the Haku to begin talks with Chief Allwaters. I just can't forgive you."


\n "Thats enough, Len. Tai, tell me more about your dream-walking, if you would be so kind." Chief Allwaters intervened, steering the conversation back to the topic at hand.


\n "I can enter the dreams of the sleeping, and help them sort out their problems. Unfortunately, it's useless for healing physical ailments, and can't be used to alter the real world in the same way as shamanism." Tai's tone changed completely, and he smiled at the chief.


\n "So it wouldn't be useful for dealing with the make'loa, then. That's unfortunate." Allwaters nodded at Tai, and then turned his attention to Alaka. "Is there anything important you can tell us about when you found the make'loa?"


\n Alaka shook his head. "I happened upon it on my way back from scouting out the Koena ruins for the recent salvage. I took a different way back to the village than I normally would have, because I got distracted by an intruder in the ruins. That Mea girl, the one from the city. She was swimming around the ruins before she came to stay."


\n "Alright, thank you. Len, you said you tried to inspect the make'loa, but it didn't go well. Is there anything more you could do to inspect it without putting yourself in danger?"


\n Len glanced over at Stahl, who was sitting silently at his side, before answering Allwaters. "It's possible that if I had another shaman helping me, I could get a better feel for it before it started to drain from me. If I initiate Stahl, he could fill that role."


\n Stahl's heart jumped, his stomach twisting a bit. He had agreed to become Len's apprentice, but he was only doing it to avoid being exiled. Being expected to perform such an important task so soon made him consider changing his mind. At least if he got exiled, he could hunt for treasure freely. "But I don't know anything about magic." He spoke up, his voice more meek than he expected it to be.


\n "You won't need to know much, Stahl. Don't worry about it, I'll do all the heavy lifting." Len reached over and patted his shoulder. Stahl just nodded in response.


\n "If you think it might help, then I believe that is the best course of action to take. Unfortunately, this means that the initiation can't be held off for too long, Stahl. Are you ready to be initiated now?" Allwaters asked, and Stahl got the feeling that he would understand even if he said no.


\n "I'm ready, but I have a question first." Stahl fixed his gaze on Tai. He could tell that Len and Tai had a history, but he wasn't sure exactly what the problem was. As well as he knew the shaman, no one had ever talked about what Len had done that was so bad. He figured if Lakeland knew, he'd have told him, but Lakeland wasn't around so long ago. "You said you're a dream-walker?"


\n "That's correct. Why do you ask?" Tai treated Stahl with the same kind, calm respect that he gave Allwaters.


\n "I have a friend who I think you might be able to help."




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\n "There are two worlds. The one we can see, and the one we can't. The world we can see, we can touch and influence with little trouble." Len said, picking up the knife off the rug and swinging it in the air in front of him. "Anyone can do it, without a problem."


\n Stahl nodded, running a claw through the dirt nearby. "So what's that got to do with the other world?"


\n Len put the knife down and pointed at the bowl of water sitting between them. "Each of us has a source of energy inside of us, an 'Uhane'. We can use the Uhane to interact with the world we can't see, the World's Uhane, or the Ola Uhane. Doing so is somewhat the same as reaching your paw into the water." Len dipped a paw digit into the water, and then pulled it back out.


\n Stahl mimicked the action when Len nodded at him. "When you extend your Uhane into the Ola Uhane, you can manipulate the life of the planet. You can eventually learn to identify the Uhane of different living things, and learn to control more of the world around you."


\n "Which is how you can find fruit in the forest without looking, or how you can tell what the weather will be like before it starts to change." Stahl said, running his claw through the water, watching the ripples as he did so.


\n "Exactly. Unfortunately, when you reach your Uhane out into the Ola Uhane, a small portion of it doesn't return. This is why, when you use magic too much, you start to weaken."


\n Stahl looked down, studying the floor below. "You trade your life to perform magic."


\n Len reached over to lift up Stahl's chin with his paw, but before he could, Stahl lifted his head and returned his gaze to the shaman. "Yes, but as long as you stop before you're too weak, there is little danger of going too far."


\n "So its important to train an apprentice early, so that you can retire before you use too much of your Uhane on rituals." Stahl made eye contact with Len, trying to keep a determined look on his face. He was starting to realize why he was okay with becoming Len's apprentice. "By becoming your apprentice, I can help protect you."


\n Len studied Stahl's face for a moment, unsure of whether the steeled expression was true or merely a mask. "You don't have to protect me. I knew the risks of being a shaman when I was initiated."


\n "Len, I've never done anything useful with my life. If becoming your apprentice can help you, and it can help the tribe, then thats what I want to do. I want to be useful."




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\n Stahl squeezed the ruby furred paw in his own, his other paw gently petting the fur on top of Kai's head. Kai's belly moved slowly as he slept, lost in some dream Stahl wished he could see. His paw was warm, but squeezing it didn't cause any reaction.


\n Stahl nearly fell off of his stool when a large paw clasped down on his shoulder, an arm wrapping around his neck, and a large muzzle appeared next to him. "You can't sit here all day, kid. It's not healthy."


\n "I haven't been sitting here all day. I'll have you know that I had an official meeting with Len and Allwaters." Stahl said, beaming triumphantly at Lakeland.


\n Lakeland turned his head to look at Stahl, faking surprise. "Oh, now that's something I never thought I'd hear. The great treasure hunter Stalwart Stahl, becoming an apprentice anew. I don't even know you anymore."


\n Stahl growled playfully and tapped Lakeland on the nose. "Well, if I don't want to get kicked out, I've got to do something. Unless you need an engineer apprentice?"


\n Lakeland frowned, backing up a step. "You don't really have it in you, to be an engineer. The only reason I'm so good is because I grew up in the city, its sort of a necessity there. A tribal kid like you? You wouldn't stand a chance."


\n Stahl frowned for a second, and then turned back to Kai. "Yeah, well, then it looks like the great treasure hunter Stalwart Stahl is going to be the great shaman apprentice Stahl instead."


\n "Why, though? I mean, you could easily make it by as a treasure hunter, if you got exiled. You don't need the tribe to survive, so why do something that you've fought so hard against just to stay here?"


\n "If I got exiled, I wouldn't be able to be confused by your engineering anymore. And I wouldn't get lectured by Len anymore." Stahl looked down at Kai's face, his paw still petting the other Lahu's head. "I wouldn't be able to see Kai anymore."


\n "Oh." Lakeland said, watching the Lahu for a second as realization settled over him. "Oh! I get it. You wouldn't be able to see Kai anymore. He's important to you." His muzzle settled into a wide grin.


\n Stahl raised an eyebrow and turned to Lakeland. "Of course he's important to me, he's my partner. Same as you're important to me, you're my friend."


\n Lakeland nodded, still grinning. "Sure, its the same. Doesn't that mean, though, that you're becoming Len's apprentice to stay with the people you care about? It's a bit different than avoiding exile."


\n Stahl thought it over and then nodded. "Maybe thats it. I don't know."


\n "I'm glad you're starting to feel better, by the way. I don't like you being so out of sorts. The Stahl I know is full of energy, and is way cockier than you."


\n "Cocky? I thought I was stubborn, if nothing else." Stahl said, his tone mocking Len's frequent lectures.


\n Lakeland chuckled, and Stahl couldn't help but join him. After they were done laughing, they both turned to Kai. "The diplomat from the Haku tribe, Tai, he's a Saria. A dream-walker. I asked him if he would take a look at Kai."


\n "Oh, and what did he say?" Lakeland asked, stepping up next to Kai's hammock.


\n "He said he'd take a look if he had a chance, but he said that someone who is as bad off as Kai is unlikely to be helped by a dream-walk. Its worth a shot, though."


\n "Thats good thinking, kid." Lakeland gave him a rough pat on his back for his efforts.


\n "You know what else? Mea and I think we've found Heaven's Tear, down in the Koena ruins." Stahl smiled, his tail wagging behind him.


\n Lakeland's smile faded, his expression souring. "Mea. Listen, I need to tell you something about her."


\n "What do you know about Mea?" Stahl asked, his curiosity piqued.


\n "I used to know her, before I moved here. She isn't to be trusted, Stahl. She'll find the treasure and run off before you even realize that you've found it. She says she'll include you, but all she thinks about is herself."


\n "You knew Mea before you joined the tribe? How come you didn't tell me before?"


\n "You know I don't like to talk about my past, but this directly concerns you. Stay away from her, she'll stab you in the back if she gets the chance."


\n "She said she'll keep me in the loop. She said she'll needs my help to find the Tear." Stahl said, having a hard time believing Mea couldn't be trusted.


\n "In the city, a promise like that doesn't mean much, and thats all Mea knows. Trust me, don't get too attached to her. No one means more to her than herself."


\n Stahl looked down at Kai, and then he stood up, letting go of Kai's paw. "I'll keep that in mind. I should go and find Len, we need to have an initiation soon." He turned towards the entrance of the holt, but he didn't move.


\n Tai stood just outside, looking in. "You wanted me to look at your friend?"




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\n "All magic starts with an inscription. The inscription is what you use to break the surface of the water. They're not specific, but they're not random either." Len said, drawing a small inscription in the dirt.


\n "I don't understand. Is there a different inscription for each ritual, or not?" Stahl inspected the inscription on the ground.


\n "Yes and no. It's artistic. Each shaman has their own style, and each ritual can be performed with any number of different inscriptions. There are an infinite number of inscriptions that can work for any ritual, but there are also an infinite number that will not." Len drew a few more inscriptions next to the one from before. "It takes a bit of practice to get down."


\n "I think I get it. We'll have to go over it more later. Can anyone do it, though? If they know the inscriptions, I mean."


\n "Not quite. Your Uhane is locked in, so to speak. To be able to use your Uhane to reach the Ola, another Shaman has to touch your Uhane with theirs. Thats the only time a Shaman will ever use their Uhane to influence another person's. Anything more is far too dangerous."


\n "Dangerous how? What would happen?" Stahl was curious. He had never heard about Shamans being able to use their magic to hurt others.


\n "I imagine it would be akin to reaching your paw inside someone else, physically. You can see how that would be undesirable."


\n "Uh, yeah. That sounds unpleasant. But didn't you say we were going to work together to deal with the make'loa?" Stahl asked, starting to become genuinely interested.


\n "Working together, combining our Uhane to perform a ritual, its different than influencing each other through magic."


\n "If you say so. So you were going to release my Uhane?" Stahl said, his brow narrowed, excitement glinting in his eyes.




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\n Tai sat on the stool, his eyes closed tight, his paws resting on Kai's. Stahl and Lakeland stood a few steps behind, tails twitching in anticipation. Tai had been sitting with Kai for quite some time already, and Stahl wondered what was going on inside. Suddenly, Tai's eyes opened, and he lifted his paws from Kai.


\n Stahl stepped forward, raising a paw towards Tai. "Well? How did it go?"


\n Tai stood slowly and turned to Stahl, looking down. "I didn't see much. Wherever he is, I couldn't get there. I'm sorry."


\n Stahl sighed, looking down, his heart sinking. He felt Lakeland's paw move to rest on his shoulder, but he brushed it off.


\n "Don't give up yet, he might still wake up, Stahl." Lakeland said, though he was starting to doubt himself as well.


\n Tai looked somber, almost apologetic. "Your friend is right, this doesn't mean there isn't hope."


\n Stahl didn't hear them, he was lost in his head, staring down at the ground. He could see Kai just above, as he kept going back over the previous day, trying to figure out what he could have done differently to protect him. The wind picked up, blowing a chill through the holt as Stahl stepped forward and clasped Kai's paw in his own.


\n "I don't know what happened, Kai. Even if this wasn't my fault, I didn't do enough to help you. I don't know how I could have." He said, not sure who he wanted to answer him, or what he wanted to hear from them. Stahl's eyes widened as a realization dawned on him. "But I can learn. If I become Len's apprentice, I can learn how to be useful. I can learn how to help people."


\n Outside the holt, the rain still fell with fierce intensity, the sound punctuating Stahl's words. The sun was starting to fall from its high arc, and the bright rainy day was soon to end. Stahl took a seat on the stool and returned to his vigil, waiting and hoping still for Kai to wake up.




\n Stahl had no more distractions through the night, and when he eventually became too tired to sit by Kai's side, Kauka set up another hammock next to Kai's. When the morning came and the sun started to rise on the village, Len peeked his head around the side of the entranceway, smiling as he saw that Stahl still held Kai's paw in his own as they slept side by side.


\n The rain had stopped sometime through the night, leaving a fresh scent on the river. The current was flowing strong, and the youngest of the Lahu were back to playing games in the water. The tribe was alive with energy still, unaware of the potential danger that was lurking off in the woods. Len entered quietly, trying to keep from making too much noise as his paws padded against the dirt. Grabbing the stool, he sat down next to the two sleeping Lahu, unable to bring himself to wake Stahl. The calm look on his face was a rare sight, and the way he held Kai's paw was cute in its own way.


\n Len reached over and shook Stahl's shoulder gently, causing him to wake slowly. He opened his eyes and looked down at his paw before letting go of Kai's, his ears flushing as he turned to Len.


\n "Sleep well?" Len asked, unable to hold back a quick smile. "I heard Tai wasn't able to help. I'm sorry, about that."


\n Stahl looked down, sliding his feet to the ground as he rolled into a sitting position in the hammock. He sat with his paws clasped together in his lap. "I thought I could help Kai, but I wasn't able to do anything."


\n "When he wakes up, I'm sure he'll agree that having you by his side the entire time was helpful. At least he isn't alone." Len glanced at Kai, then back at Stahl, who he was enjoying embarrassing. It wasn't often he got to make Stahl blush so much.


\n "What good is that?" Stahl asked, shifting in the hammock.


\n "Just having someone else there is helpful. Having the people who you care about sit by your side when you're sick is important. You have to remember that you're not alone. By staying with Kai, you're showing that you're capable of thinking of other people, which is a necessary trait for a shaman."


\n "If you say so, I'm not so sure." Stahl said with a sigh.


\n "I'm sure. Anyway, listen, I want you to go meet with the tailor today so you can have some ceremonial garments made. Its a formality but tradition is important."


\n Stahl just nodded in response. Len nodded back and started back towards the river.


\n "Stahl?" A voice asked, and at first, Stahl didn't know where to look. Len had said anything. "Is that you?"


\n It dawned on him slowly, but the voice was coming from behind him. He turned around and suddenly the weight was lifted from his shoulders. Kai was awake.




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\n "Place your paw into the bowl of water." Len instructed, starting to draw an inscription in the dirt around them. Stahl did as he was told, dipping the entirety of his paw into the bowl and holding it under the water.


\n When Len was finished with the intricate design, which he merely carved into the dirt with one of his large claws, he knelt down across from Stahl once more. He placed a paw in the bowl of water, resting it on top of Stahl's and the other paw was placed pads down on the ground. He closed his eyes and focused, and as usual, the world around him seemed to slow down. He could feel the ripples of the water created by the broken surface tension. He could feel the flickering of the flames lighting the room. Most of all, he could feel Stahl's Uhane, strong and clear, since they were physically touching. He could feel Stahl's fear, and he could feel his strength. All of Stahl's feelings were apparent from his Uhane, but Len tried not to focus on them.


\n It didn't take him long to find what he was looking for, as he clasped his ethereal paw around Stahl's, and he held it tight, feeling the younger Lahu's energy. He was strong, and had a lot of life left to live. Stahl closed his eyes and started to breathe slowly as the world around him started to slow down. He was starting to become aware of things he had never noticed before. It was as if he had an entire extra sense, and he could feel the world around him as if it were a part of him. Most of all, he felt Len's paw wrapped around his, and for a moment, they were one. Stahl could feel every hair on Len's body, every whisker, as they were his hairs, his whiskers. His breathing slowed, and he opened his eyes, looking at Len, who seemed to be the only thing still moving normally. The candles flickered slowly, and the air seemed unnaturally still.


\n Len opened his eyes, and smiled at Stahl. Stahl smiled back, the warmth of Len's energy spreading through him as he started to realize he was aware of Len's emotions as well. Before he could get a grasp on them, however, Len let go, and lifted his paw out of the bowl of water. The candles returned to normal, and Stahl felt the connection to the world snap and fall away.


\n "Wow, does it always feel that good?" Stahl asked, breathing slowly as he pulled his paw out of the water.


\n Len shook the water off of his own paw. "You get more used to it, but its still a nice feeling, to be so connected, isn't it?"


\n "Yeah, it was warm. Comfortable. Not as scary as I thought it'd be. Though, I have a question. About those emotions I felt, were they yours?" Stahl asked, his ears flushing as he realized that Len must have been able to feel his as well.


\n It was Len's turn to blush as he chuckled just a bit. "Not a word, Stahl. I'll keep yours to myself if you'll keep mine."


\n "I didn't quite know what they were, anyway." Stahl shrugged, shaking his head. "So I guess you're safe."


\n "See, you're protecting me now. Happy?" Len grinned, reaching over to jab Stahl in the shoulder playfully.




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\n "How long have I been asleep?" Kai asked, trying to sit up in the hammock, but he found himself unable. His lower body was still weak from the injuries.


\n "Two days now, and we were starting to think you weren't going to wake up." Stahl said, tears clouding his vision as he leaned over Kai.


\n "That doesn't sound like me. Did you really think I'd give up that easily?" Kai beamed, patting Stahl on the head. "Enough tears, buddy. You're just gonna embarrass yourself and everyone will think you're more of a wimp than they already do."


\n Stahl wiped the tears from his eyes and then reached down to grab Kai's paw. Len walked up behind Stahl, smiling along with him. "How do you feel, Kai?" He asked.


\n Kai shrugged and looked up at Len. "I feel tired, exhausted. What happened to me?"


\n "You got attacked by a sea monster, by the Koena ruins." Stahl said, squeezing Kai's paw to make sure it was real.


\n Kai pulled his paw back. "Careful, don't break me. I remember now, yeah. That big fanged, finned thing that attacked us. How bad did it get me?"


\n Len pointed down at all of the light red tattoos covering Kai's legs and tail. "Pretty bad. I was able to put you back together, of course, but you lost a lot of blood. I had to use the blood to make the inscriptions."


\n Kai looked down and raised his eyebrows, inspecting the new designs on his body. "Oh wow, you're not kidding. These scars are incredible."


\n "Incredible?! You nearly died, Kai. I...I'm sorry." Stahl said, looking down.


\n Kai reached up with his other paw and clasped Stahl's between his own. "What are you sorry for? You saved me. You dragged me away from that monster when I didn't know what to do."


\n "I didn't get you to safety, and by the time Alaka found you, you were nearly dead. How can you say I saved you?" Stahl looked up, studying Kai's face.


\n Kai was smiling, and then he flashed his fangs in a mischievous grin. "Fine, if this is your fault, then you're going to have to make it up to me."


\n Stahl leaned back, confused. "What? Make it up to you how?"


\n With a chuckle that sent a chill down Stahl's spine, Kai nodded. "You'll find out soon enough."


\n "I'm glad you're feeling well enough to tease Stahl, Kai, but you should really let Kauka take a look at you. She can make sure you're really as well as you feel." Len said, putting his paw on Stahl's shoulder. "We can fill you in on everything that has happened later, once you're fully recovered."




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\n "We're almost done. All I've got to do is give you a new apprentice tattoo. My least favorite part of the ritual, really." Len said, picking up the knife. "Since your right shoulder has that scar on it, we'll have to apply it to your left shoulder."


\n Stahl nodded, and sighed. It was his least favorite part of the ritual as well, for good reason. Len stood and walked around, kneeling behind Stahl, who slid his tail to the side to make room.


\n "Oh, what color do you want it to be? I hate that gray color that Alaka uses for his apprentices." Len asked, placing the knife on the ground as he ran off to the side to get the different dye mixtures.


\n "I get to choose? I didn't really think about it. The blue of the sky? No, the green of the sea. Oh, could you mix the two together?"


\n Len looked through his various paints and dyes and thought it over. "Shouldn't be a problem. You're sure? You've gotta stick with it your entire life."


\n "I know, I'm not a first time apprentice, remember?" Stahl said, closing his eyes and tensing the muscles in his arm.


\n Len chuckled. "I guess I forgot, sorry. Okay, are you ready?"


\n "Ready as I'll ever be." Stahl said, taking a deep breath as Len placed the blade edge against his left shoulder.




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\n "So let me get this straight, you're becoming Len's apprentice to avoid being exiled, Len and Alaka aren't talking, an ambassador Saria from the Haku is here to try and mend relations between the tribes, there is a strange circle of death encroaching on the edge of the village, and you and that treasure hunting outsider think you've found the Heaven's Tear of legend. Wow." Kai said, taking a deep breath before huffing it out quickly. "Busy couple of days."


\n "You're telling me." Stahl said, sitting next to Kai in the hammock. He had his arm around Kai's side, helping him to sit up without falling.


\n "I had a pretty neat dream. We were searching the Koena ruins, and we kept finding all sorts of treasure. Useful things and useless trinkets, so we were both happy." Kai said, glancing over at Stahl. "You still like useless trinkets, right? That hasn't changed?"


\n "Of course, I'll always have a place in my heart for useless pieces of scrap. I'm easy to find gifts for."


\n "That's good, but you're the one who owes me gifts anyway. And you have to do whatever I say, whenever I say to do it. That is, if you ever want to make this up to me."


\n "So I'm your slave now? I guess I'll have to tell Len too bad on the whole apprenticeship thing."


\n "Nah, its fine. He can have your during the day and I'll take you at night. How does that sound?" Kai flashed the fangs once more.


\n Stahl glanced over at Kai, shrugging. "Sounds good, as long as you don't have anything weird planned."


\n "Of course I don't have anything weird planned." He paused, taking a deep breath. "I'm a saint."


\n "Yeah, a saint. Keep telling yourself that. You know, those scars do suit you."


\n "They do. I should get near fatally wounded more often. Totally worth it." Kai looked down and admired his lower body, and Stahl followed suit. "Are you looking at my crotch?"


\n "No, I'm looking at your tattoos. I mean, you have tattoos on your crotch. Maybe I should get a set to match?" Stahl asked, looking up and into the distance.


\n "No. No they wouldn't look good on you." He looked over and inspected Stahl's lower body. "You're too stocky, not sleek enough."


\n "You're right." Stahl nodded in agreement. "They wouldn't. We won't be able to salvage together anymore, you know."


\n "That's fine. We'll be hanging out together a lot more, since you're my slave now and all." Kai nodded matter-of-factly, and then winced as the nod caused a flash of pain in his neck.


\n "At night. During the day, I have to do what Len says. I'm so concerned that you're not joking about this." Stahl glanced at Kai before looking forward again.


\n Kai looked over and mustered as serious a face as he could. "Joking? Whose joking? I don't ever joke."




\n It wasn't until the next day that Kai was able to get up out of the hammock. He was eager to get out and about, even though Kauka and Len both advised him to take it easy. No swimming, he was told. Naturally, this meant nothing to him, so he decided to go for a swim and find Stahl.


\n "Where ya headed? Official shaman business?" Kai asked as he swam up behind Stahl.


\n Stahl turned and rolled his eyes, stopping swimming and treading the water. "You're not supposed to be swimming. And yes, I'm going to get my ceremonial garments made."


\n Kai smiled, rubbing his paws together. "Excellent. I'll come with you. And they just suggested that I take it easy."


\n "They suggested pretty strongly. Since when were you so eager to misbehave?" Stahl asked as he turned and started to swim again.


\n Kai caught up with him easily. "Since I almost died. I have to try to live my life to the fullest. You should know all about that, its what you always used to talk about, with all that treasure hunting nonsense."


\n "Yeah, but thats not so important to me anymore." Stahl said as he swam to the side and climbed up onto the bank of the river.


\n Kai followed. "So what is important to you then?"


\n Stahl shook his head. "It doesn't matter." He entered the tailor's holt without pausing.


\n "Good morning Stahl! Len said you'd be coming by. I already started putting together a loin cloth for you, but I need to make sure it fits. You know, I can't say how good it is to hear that Len finally found an apprentice." The tailor was a short, older Lahu with graying fur. She was one of the few other Lahu besides the shaman and Allwaters who wore very decorative clothing.


\n "Good morning, Hauka." Stahl said as he was assaulted by Hauka's words. Kai followed closely, nearly stepping on his tail, as they entered the spacious holt.


\n "Ah, and Kai." Hauka beamed. "So good to see you up and about as well!" She pointed at the ground in front of her as she put the fabric that she had in her paws down. "Stand here, Stahl. And take off those silly city clothes. I can't get a good measurement with them."


\n Stahl sighed and rolled his eyes as he took the spot in front of Hauka and slipped the shorts from Mea off.


\n Kai snickered under his breath. "Now I get to look at your crotch."


\n Stahl's ears flushed as Hauka started to measure his waist and legs. "I don't have any cool tattoos to look at though."


\n This elicited a shrug from Kai. "I don't mind. So when is the initiation?"


\n "Can't be until tomorrow. I won't have this loin cloth done until then." Hauka said, recording the measurements on a spare piece of scrap fabric.


\n "I guess its tomorrow." Stahl said, slipping the shorts back on as Hauka finished her measurements.


\n "Off you go now, I've got lots to do. Oh, I'm excited. I remember when I made Len's ceremonial garments. We haven't had a shaman apprentice for so long. You're going to be so handsome in them, Stahl." Hauka said as she ushered them out of the holt.


\n Kai couldn't help but laugh as he nudged Stahl playfully on the shoulder. "You're going to be handsome, hear that?"


\n "Shut up. I'm already handsome." Stahl said, pushing Kai back, almost knocking him off balance. "Oh, sorry, forgot you're still fragile."


\n After he regained his balance, Kai said, "Thats not what I hear from the tribe girls. They think you're too chubby." He patted his paw on Stahl's belly.


\n "I don't care what they think. Whats it to you anyway?"


\n "Nothing, nothing. So what about you and that outsider? Mea?" Kai asked as they slipped back into the river.


\n "What about us? She's like you and me. A friend, who is helping me look for stuff. Thats all. Damn, you're nosy now."


\n "There's a lot to be nosy about. Things haven't been this exciting in years."




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\n Len cleaned the blade off in the bowl of water as Stahl inspected the new tattoo on his left shoulder. The intricate design differed from his relatively simple salvager's tattoo, which was marred by the healing scar covering it up.


\n "So I'm your apprentice now." Stahl said, looking down at Len.


\n Len nodded. "You're my apprentice now. How does it feel?"


\n "A lot the same as before." Stahl stood up and walked towards the window, pulling the curtain aside. "When do we have to get started?"


\n "As soon as possible. We've got to stop this thing before it reaches the village. If it gets any closer, we'll have to evacuate. I'm sure the Haku don't want that, so we should try to avoid it." Len stepped up beside Stahl, staring out the window.


\n "Then we should get to it." Stahl said, turning around, letting go of the curtain. "How do I start?"




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\n "Are you going to follow me around all day?" Stahl asked as he swam lazily up into his ramshackle holt.


\n Kai nodded. "Until the sun sets, and you belong to me."


\n "You can't be serious." Stahl climbed up onto the bank and sat down on his hammock. "You just don't know what to do with yourself since you can't go back to work yet."


\n "That, too." Kai leaned on the wall of the holt, watching Stahl. Before he could say anything else, Mea swam up.


\n "Stahl, oh, hi. Kai, right? I'm glad you're awake." She said as she entered, quickly turning her attention back to Stahl. "We need to go check the ruins out again. We're so close the to Tear."


\n Stahl waved his paw in the air. "I'm too tired. Can't it wait until after my initiation tomorrow?"


\n "I guess so." Mea said, crossing her arms. To the side, Kai was fumbling with Stahl's pouch belt, snooping through his things. "Will Len really let you go explore the ruins when you should be learning shaman stuff?"


\n Stahl shrugged. "We'll go at night, Kai willing, of course."


\n Kai waved his paw, dropping the pouches onto the ground, causing Stahl's salvaging equipment to scatter out. "Oh, whoops. Yeah, thats fine by me. You're my slave forever, so one night doesn't matter much."


\n Mea raised an eyebrow. "I'm not going to ask." Her eyes scanned over the things on the ground, and one thing in particular caught her eye. It was a rectangular shaped card, wafer thin and pure white. "What's this?" She asked, picking it up.


\n Stahl got up and looked closer at it. "Its just a piece of junk I picked up from the Koena ruins the other day. I completely forgot about it."


\n Mea reached into her pocket and pulled out another card, identical in almost every way. "This is the key I used to activate the Koena ruins. That means this card you found might also be a key. Do you wonder what it does as much as I do?"


\n Stahl took both the cards and turned them about in his paws. "They do look the same. Maybe they do the same thing, though?"


\n "There's only one way to find out." Kai said, taking one of the keys, holding it up the sunlight. "You'll have to go try it in the ruins."




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\n Stahl watched as the sun set outside, and found his attention being pulled away from learning inscriptions. Len crossed his arms, tilting his head to the side. "Do you have somewhere to be?"


\n "I sort of have a date, yeah. We won't be able to go work on the make'loa yet anyway. Do you mind if I go?" Stahl asked, looking down at all the inscriptions he had drawn in the dirt.


\n Len mulled it over, biting his lip. "Alright, you can go. First thing in the morning, I want to see you right back here, though. I don't want to have to come searching for you after the sun rises. You'll be in trouble if you don't show up."


\n Stahl nodded, quickly planting his paws on the ground to push himself up to a standing position. "Yes sir. I'll be here. Thank you."


\n Without another breath, he was outside, diving into the river. He swam quickly downstream, heading for the ocean. He told Mea he'd meet her as soon as he could, so he expected to find her waiting on the beach. They had to move fast, since they had to fit their exploration into Stahl's new schedule. He felt a twinge of excitement in his belly as he thought about finding the treasure. Or maybe it was when he thought about learning more magic. He couldn't be sure.
