Current Track: Blabb

Doom: Rise of Evil.

   "When I woke up, everyone was dead." A male voice said, awating his fate in an Earth courtroom. "The UAC base had gone to shit. I was the last one alive." He added. "It all began November 5th, 2145."


Mars; November 5th, 2145; 9:17:43 AM.

   "Please verify identification." the computer lock for Locker #2214 said. "Master Sergant Thomas Kelly." Another male voice said, but not the same as the one in the court room."Access denied, please repeat identification." the computer lock said. "Master Sergant Thomas Kelly." The male said again. "Access granted." The lock opened, revieling a weapons cache: Machine Guns, Pistols, Shotguns, Plasma guns and a BFG 9000. "Yo, Sarge." The male from the court room said. "Ah, Angus." Sergant Kelly said. "Your first assignment is to find Communications Expert Johnathan Ishii, he's gone missing in the Mars City underground. Bring him back in one piece." He said. "I will, Sir." Angus said, walking off. "You need a gun first, Marine." Thomas said, tossing Angus a Shotgun. "Thank you, Sir." Angus replied, catching the gun.


Mars City: Communications; November 5th, 2145; 11:18:59.


   "Are you looking for the scientist? I don't think you want to find him." A scientist said to Angus. "They say he's done some strange experiments." The scientist added. After making it to Communications, Angus looked at Johnathan. "No, let me get this communication out! I've seen things, things you can't possibly understand or chomprihend: The Devil is real! I know, I built his cage." Ishii said before a transparent skull flew through his chest. "No, wai-!" He screamed before turning to Angus, his face horribly disfigured: he was a zombie. Angus fired one shot, killing him instantly. "Sarge? Sarge! Dammit!" Angus said before leaving. He then heard hissing behind him. Angus turned around and saw an ugly, pale skinned creature, of other worldly origins. Angus shot this thing twice, killing it.