Current Track: Blabb

It was a dark rainy night and the pavement on the road is wet. A bus with nine high school basketball players are on their way home from their game. On one side of the road is near a cliff and at the bottom of the cliff is a ocean with raging water splashing against it. On the other side of the road is the woods.

The basketball players are just sitting in their seats, talking among themselves. Their coach who is middle aged is sitting at the front of the bus. While the middle aged female bus driver is keeping her gaze on the road.

The rain falling down hard against the windshield, the windshield wipers working at full speed. Lighting flashing in the sky and thunder make its roar in the night sky.

The bus driver made a sharp turn around the corner and suddenly a raccoon is in the middle of the road. She gasped and she turns the wheel to dodge the creature. She turned the bus sharply to the left, right at the edge of the cliff.

The players and the coach screamed real loud in fear, and the bus driver hits the brakes hard. The tires squealing on the pavement. The bus went through the guardrail, almost went over the cliff headfirst. The bus was just halfway there from falling, until the bus stopped. Now the bus is just tipping back and forth on the edge of the cliff.

The coach screamed at the players, "Everyone go to the back of the bus!" Then he looked at the bus driver and shouted, "Back it up!"

But then the bus was starting to tip forward, further for the back end off the ground and they all screamed again. It was too late to back it up. The bus driver shouted, "We're going to fall!!!" A few of the players were hanging on to their seats. A few others slid on the bus floor to the front. The wind from the storm blowing real hard against the bus. The bus tipped forward a bit more and the bus driver could see the bottom of the cliff now. She screamed in terror, "AHHHHHH!!!!!"

But before the bus could fall down over the cliff, everyone on the bus can hear something outside on the roof of the bus, like something jumped on it. Then they could see something piercing through the ceiling of the roof. Like big claws sticking through the ceiling and then the bus stopped falling. Everyone can hear wings flapping outside. The back end of the bus was being pulled and it got back on land. Soon the front end is back on land. When both ends of the bus are on land, everyone went to the back of the bus.

Everyone on the bus, including the bus driver started to breath heavily. In shock and relief.

Then one of the basketball players hollered, "Hey there's someone behind us!"

Everyone looked back toward the rear window of the bus  and when the lightning flashed, they could see a person outside holding a rope. Apparently the person is wearing a ski mask and the person tied the rope to the back of the bus and the person is pulling it. Gripping tightly on the rope.

Then something on the roof of the bus jumped off and landed near the person. It was something big with wings. Everyone gasped. The creature lowered its head and bit down on the rope and started to pull it as well, its wings flapping for power. Helping the person pull the bus back to the road. They pulled and pulled until the bus got back on the road again. Safe away from the cliff.

When everyone is safe the players in the bus just muttered, "What the hell?" "What is that thing?" "Who is that guy?"

The person untied rope on the bus and the person faced the creature. The big creature with wings lowered its body and the person with the ski mask got on its back. Lightning flashed in the sky and then the creature flapped its wings and it took off the ground.

Everyone went to one side of the bus and looked out the windows. The lightning flashed once more and they could see the creature flying for a second and it disappeared in the darkness.

The basketball players, the coach, even the bus driver were all in shock and surprise. The coach just muttered to himself, "They saved our lives." Then the coach looked at the bus driver and asked, "What was that thing?"

The female bus driver shook her head still with a surprised look, "I don't know. But I'm wondering who was this person?"

They all didn't do anything, just staring out the windows. The rain still falling hard against the bus windows. The bus safe on the road.


Two Weeks Later

I was working at the grocery store just working as cashier today.

It was just a warm afternoon in Southport, North Carolina. Which I really wish that I had a day off already. One customer who is a very old woman named Irma came to me and smiled, "Why hello there Emma. How's your father?"

I smiled back at her and said, "Hi Irma, he's good actually still being the sheriff as usual. I've heard that your grandson came and visited your house the other day. How did it go?"

Irma nodded, "Oh it went well. I haven't seen my grandson in four years. Always busy being a corporate man. You think that big corporations would give my grandson and all the other workers a break. That's why I don't like jobs like that, they hardly ever give you a break." She giggled.

I giggled with her and rolled my eyes, "I know what you mean." I scanned her items for checkout.

Irma said, "Well if you and your family are open for dinner at my place, you can come over."

I nodded, "Yeah sure, but knowing my dad he's always busy. But me and my mom would come over."

Irma nodded, "Ok, that would be great." Then she loaded her groceries in her cart, wrote her check to pay for the stuff and said, "You have a wonderful day, young lady." Then she pushed her cart and left.

As I watched Irma walk out of the store, I sighed. My father was always busy, busy being the sheriff. Of course my mom does fear for his life, but she always managed to put up with it. Me? Well me and my dad don't get along all that well. I don't hate him, its just we don't see eye to eye on most things. Not to mention he's overprotective.

By the way I'm Emma Banks, and I've lived in Southport since I was a baby. Pretty nice quiet town most of the time. I don't see trouble here a lot.

I have long brown hair and have a good looking body. I'm just twenty years old.

Something vibrated in my pocket and I sighed in annoyance. I reached my hand down in it and I pulled out my cell phone. I opened it and saw that I had a text message from my ex boyfriend. I huffed angrily, not the first time he texted me. That's the fifth time this week.

That bastard, I don't like him anymore. He cheated on me by kissing another girl who is my rival named, Dana Gatton. My ex boyfriend's name is Jared Talley.

God he was so handsome and I can't believe he did that to me! I hate him! He can just jump off a cliff and die, that cheating bastard! I closed my phone. I closed my eyes and sighed.

I don't ever want to see him again.


I was just walking back home, after my shift at work is over. Still fuming about Jared texting me. What NERVE! He has the balls to even text me after I told him to fuck off! He's so pig headed!

While I was on the sidewalk I kept walking until I could hear someone hollering for me, "Emma, wait up!"

I stopped in my tracks and turned myself around to see me best friend April Herrera running after me. She was huffing and huffing out of breath. I giggled when I saw her coming toward me.

April is beautiful just like me. She has long black hair and her skin is a little different than mine, just a bit darker. She told me once that she was of Mexican decent. That would explain the skin color.

April and I have been best friends since 9th grade. Both of us have graduated from high school and we both still live in Southport. Even out of high school we're still best friends.

April leaned forward, her hands on her knees and tried to catch her breath. Finally she stopped huffing and straightened herself up giggling, "God Emma, I thought you would wait for me when my shift was over too."

I giggled again, "Well I've waited for a long time, but I thought that Jordan wouldn't make it today. She was late!"

April put her hands to her hips and said, "Well I'm here now, and beside Jordan's always late for work. That's no big surprise with her."

I rolled my eyes, "I wish she was fired already! She's driving everyone crazy!"

She exclaimed, "I know right?" Then we both giggled and we both walked side by side on the sidewalk.

April said, "But I can tell you this much, since I have a job like this one I wouldn't be late at all. I always show up on time."

I poked her in the ribs, "That's no surprise there. Usually I'm just a late sleeper and I'm always ALMOST late. I mean, sometimes I feel like I don't get enough sleep and I just sleep in."

April giggled, "Well lets put at it this way, at least you're not late."

I sighed, "Yes, because I just rush in the shower every morning and then I always skip breakfast! I have to pack up my own food!"

April smiled, "Well still you're not late."

I nodded, "No kidding." Then I had a glum look on my face.

April noticed it and had a concerned look on her face, "You ok? You look tired or something."

I nodded again, "Yeah...It's just I got a text from Jared again."

April narrowed her eyes at me, "Now Emma, we talked about this. Don't give into his beautiful, shining blue eyes. They're deceiving."

I gave her a small smile and muttered, "Yeah I know. It's always so frustrating, when I'm trying to move on from him he always buts in. Like one time I thought I saw his car parked outside my house last week, probably stalking me now I suppose."

Her eyes went wide, "Seriously? You don't call texting you for days stalking?"

I shrugged as we walked, "Guess I didn't think about it that way, but parking outside my house seems a little much. He doesn't get the hint that I don't want him anymore! He kissed that bitch!"

April asked, "Did you tell your dad about it?"

I shook my head, "No in fact, I thought I would just let it go already. I mean he hasn't parked outside my house for days. I don't think he would do it again."

She said, "Well I think you should block his phone number. I mean, it's not exactly healthy that you're letting your ex boyfriend text you everyday."

I huffed angrily, "Well I don't think it's healthy for him. He's so freakin....Persistent!"

April had a devious look and said, "Do you want to get rid of him, or can I? I can punch him in the nuts for you."

I laughed and shook my head, "No I'll handle it. Besides that he can't bother me forever. He's going to have to move on sometime."

April looked like she still had doubts, but she nodded, "I hope so."

I looked at April and said, "Well hey listen, I need to run to the gas station and grab for some milk for mom. I haven't got it the other day."

April said, "You know, I still don't understand why your mom won't get the milk form the store we're working at."

I shrugged, "I probably told you this already, but she says the gas stations milk is better. I don't know why really."

April patted my shoulder and said, "Well I need to get home as well." Then she had an determine look on her face, "And remember if that asshole doesn't stop bother you, come find me. I'll take care of him."

I nodded and smiled, "I know." Then I started to walk away from her and said, "Well I'll see you later. Maybe we can grab some lunch together tomorrow."

April smiled, "That would be great! But can we go to the diner tomorrow. I really hate that new restaurant that we have here now. The food's disgusting." Then she stuck out her tongue and said, "Ewww."

I laughed and waved, "See you later!" Then me and April went our separate ways.

While I was walking my phone vibrated again. I looked at my phone and looked at it. Jared again. I shook my head in annoyance and closed the phone. Then I made my way to the gas station nearby.


I walked on the side of the road, just making my way to this gas station that I see here, with my bag over my shoulder. I believe I'm in a small town called Southport.

Looks like an okay place. Even though I'm not planning to stay here forever, and neither is my friend.

You see what I look like is I'm just a handsome young man with short blonde hair. I have a good build.

I went through the front door of the gas station, the bell ringing when I went through the door. The gas station attendant came behind the counter and smiled, "Oh hello sir, how's your day?"

I smiled at him and said, "Just having a wonderful day."

The gas station attendant frowned and asked, "You live here in town? Because I didn't see your car here. Usually when someone lives in this town they always walk here. Only they drive here to get gas."

I shook my head, "No sir, I'm new here."

The gas station attendant said, "You hitchhiking?"

I just said, "Something like that."

The guy nodded, "Oh yeah? Where are you heading off to? Florida?"

I shook my head, "Just living my life the way I want to live in, I guess. I don't have any plans of going to any place actually."

The gas station attendant said, "Ah, well perhaps you should be careful of where you'll end up. A young man like you wondering all alone. I mean, how long have you been hitchhiking?"

I just stared at him in silence. My silence was the answer I was giving him. The gas station attendant nodded and said, "I see. I won't ask anymore. Holler if you need anything." Then he went to the storage room to stock up the shelves.

I walked around the aisles. Just thinking of what I need. You see what I'm doing right now is stealing a few things.

I know it's a little much and stealing is not great at all, but I haven't had any money for a while, because the last town that me and my friend came from didn't have any job applications.

Of course my friend is just waiting for me and he didn't have to work a job like me. Which it's fine by me, he's just...Different.

I saw a couple cans of chicken noodle soup and I looked around to see if there are any cameras watching me. There was none. I could see one but it's not looking at me. I put my bag to the floor, and opened it. Then I grabbed the cans of food and put them in my bag. Like I said stealing not great, but sometimes you just got to have to do some desperate measure.

I zipped up my bag and I picked it up off the ground and went to browse around some more. I saw a bag of Doritos nacho cheese flavor and I put my bag on the floor and did the same thing with the canned food. Putting the bag of chips in my bag. I zipped up the bag and kept browsing some more.

I saw some double a batteries and I grabbed them and just put them in my pocket. Finally I was done, got everything that I've needed and started to walk out of the aisle. I bumped into someone and the person fell to the ground.

I had a concerned look on my face and I reached out for the person, "Sorry about that, you okay?"

It was a young girl, about my age. She nodded and said, "Yeah I'm okay." Then she reached her hand out and grabbed mine. I pulled her up and we both stared at each other. She smiled at me, "Thanks."

I smiled back and nodded, "Sure no problem."

I was about to turn and walk away from her when she said, "Hey wait."

I whirled around and asked, "Yes?"

The girl frowned at me, "You're new here aren't you?" Then she pointed at the bag over my shoulder, "I can tell. You're not from around here."

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm not from around here. Is this place called Southport?"

She nodded, "Yes it is." Then she had a curious look on her face, "Why are you lost?"

I shook my head, "No actually, I'm just traveling. Sometimes I do get lost though, can't help but ask."

The girl giggled, "Well if you've gotten anymore lost, you would've wounded up in Wonderland just like Alice did."

I laughed, "Good point there. But I haven't seen any rabbit holes to crawl in."

The girl asked, "So what's your name? Just out of curiosity."

I answered, "Jonas. Jonas Hemingway."

The girl introduced herself, "Emma."

I nodded, "Emma....Well it's nice to meet you, but I need to get going."

Emma said, "You going already? And here we've just met."

I just frowned at her, "Did your parents ever tell you it's not safe to talk to strangers?"

She waved me off, "I'm old enough to take care of myself. Beside, my dad's a little overprotective of me anyways, so he needs to get used to the fact that I'm not a little girl anymore."

I just looked at her. Wow...She seems to be a determined woman.

I leaned my head to her and said, "Well do yourself a favor, don't wonder late at night. Because in my experience, trouble is always brewing during the night. Remember that." Then I backed away from her and smiled, "You have a wonderful day." I walked away from her.

Emma hollered, "Hey wait!" But I've just kept on walking. I'm not here in this town to make friends. I'm only here for a couple of days and then I'm gone.

I went to the front door of the gas station. Good no alarm went off. Well I became a thief again. This wasn't the first time I became a thief, and usually I get away with it.

Once or maybe twice in my life, I got caught by the owners of their stores and they just chase me down. And before the police would find me, I always hid. I'm a damn good hider actually.

I walked away from the gas station and put my bag down to the ground. I zipped it open and pulled out my portable cd player. I zipped up the bag and carried it over my shoulder. I sighed.

I opened up the battery compartment of my cd player and inserted the new batteries that I've stole from the gas station in there.

There was already a cd in the portable player. I just put my headphones on my ears and pressed the play button. Then 'Gimme Shelter' by The Rolling Stones started to play in my ears. I smiled in contempt. I always liked The Rolling Stones. Ever since I was little, I always listened to them.

I hummed with the song playing and I went to walk on the side of the road, heading back to my friend who's waiting for me.


I walked in the woods about an hour later, after I went to that gas station in that town. Well so far the police weren't called and they haven't found me. Good, that was easier than I thought.

I walked on the trail, just trying to find the spot where HE would be at. I walked on until I could see a rock I can sit on.

I walked to it and I sat down on it. I sighed when it was time for a break.

I hummed to myself, and then about a second later when I was starting to hum, a big shadow was over my body. Something's behind me.

I grinned and smugly said, "I know you're right behind me."

Then I heard the voice behind me and heard wings flapping, "Damn it and I was going to scare you." Then the voice giggled.

It's the voice of my friend.

I got up from the rock and whirled around to face my friend and he's actually a Gryphon.

Pretty much bigger and taller than me. With a head of a bird and the body of a lion. My friend has black feathers on his head, two white stripes around his neck and his body is just white fur. All four of his feet are basically just lion paws. Even though I've had heard that gryphons mostly have talons on their front legs. But my friend just have lion paws. HIs wings full of feathers. On one side of his wings  his feathers are white, but on the other side of his wings his feathers are black.

His beautiful green eyes staring down at me, and on his black beak he formed a smile. He said, "I would've scared you to death if you hadn't saw my shadow."

I rolled my eyes, "Please Ben, when will you learn you will never scare me? I've known you for years. You've scared me before, but you won't scare me now."

The gryphon whose name is Ben, playfully muttered, "I will scare you one of these days Jason. I know I will and you'll get what's coming to you."

I laughed when he said that. Oh by the way my name was never Jonas Hemingway. It's actually Jason Morgan. You see I've changed my name so no one would find out who I really am.

Why really? Well it's a long story. But lets just say it happened when I was fifteen. I've been alone with Ben the gryphon for six years now.

Actually I've known him for my whole life. My parents met him years ago, and that's a long story as well.

Ben is really a great guy when you get to know him. Of course in a way he can be stubborn, not to mention he's...Pretty vain.

Ben cocked his head and narrowed his eyes at me, "Hey Jason, if you're just staring at me for my magnificence at least just compliment me. I need one after waiting for you all morning."

I rolled my eyes and said, "You deserve a compliment? Well if you were just bored, then maybe you should just take a walk or something. Instead of waiting for me."

Ben shot up his head, his feathers ruffled, "Really? Me take a walk in the woods? It's not like I haven't took a walk in the woods before. I mean everywhere you look there's more freakin trees!"

I smiled at him, "You're kinda moody today."

Ben shot a glare at me, "Only because I'm still a bit sore from that last bit of saving a lot of people on that school bus. Did you know how heavy it was? It's kinda heavy on my legs you know. Digging my claws into the damn thing and trying to pull it up from falling down a freakin cliff!"

I patted my chest and exclaimed, "I helped too you know! I pulled the damn bus with a rope and after you jumped on the back end of the bus, you jumped off the bus and helped me pull it with your mouth."

Ben sighed and rubbed his beak with his paw, "Yes and my beak still feels sore from that experience as well. I can't even chew straight right now."

I laughed, "You know I think the whole bus thing was two weeks ago and you're still complaining. Next time I'll save a lot people on another bus, all by myself."

Ben grinned at me, "You do that, little man. You do that."

I giggled, "Just be happy that we've saved a lot of people that night."

Ben nodded, "Yep we did and you know it's not the first time we've saved a lot of people. Hell I still remember that me and you saved a few people from a burning apartment in the last state we came from." Then his eyes went wide, "And my feathers were about to be on fire!"

I laughed, "Jesus big bird, still worried about your 'precious feathers'. I mean really you're too much!"

Ben just looked at me, "You know, your father was just like you. He always did complain about my precious feathers."

I said, "You always said that to me." Then I looked out at the trees.

Ben had a curious look on his face and said, "So how was that town? Find anything interesting?"

I shrugged, "Just a small fishing town not far from here. And I think it's called Southport."

Ben asked, "Did you get anything?" Then he added, "Because if you've got something to eat for me, then you might as well forget it. I already hunted and ate it. So my stomach's full."

I dropped my bag to the ground and said, "Well I've got a few things from a gas station."

Ben gave me a concerned look and said, "Let me guess Jason, you stole a few things did you?"

I sighed and nodded, "Yes, but I wanted to eat REAL food. Not eat wildlife like you do."

Ben glared at me, "Young man, you know damn well that stealing is bad. And eating wildlife is not THAT bad." Then he smiled to himself, "I eat it all the damn time!"

I said, "Exactly! I can't eat game all the damn time like you do. I want to eat something else for a change. Like Doritos, or maybe a cheeseburger."

Ben giggled and said, "A burger is made of meat and wildlife is made of meat. So....How's that eating something else for a change? I think it's the same thing."

I glared at him, "I'm not playing this game with you. Beside THAT, what I've stole is a couple cans of chicken noodle soup, a bag of Doritos, and some double a batteries."

Ben narrowed his eyes at me, "That all?"

I shrugged, "Well I can't fit everything in my bag you know. I don't see you walking in that gas station with me and take all the food you want."

Ben muttered, "I don't STEAL young man."

I let out a frustrated sigh, "Look I've lost all that money that I've earned, because some asshole looked through my bag and took it. And I was eating at a diner in the other state when it happened."

Ben sighed and angrily said, "If I wasn't hiding, I would snap that man's back."

I nodded, "I know big guy. I know."

Ben looked at me with a smile and said, "Well I guess I shouldn't call you a thief. After all it's like your father said, desperate measures call for drastic measures."

I said, "And I don't enjoy it at all." Then I had a devious grin and I pointed at him, "You better not call me a thief again, or I'll snap your beak shut."

Ben laughed hard, his wings flapping. Then he stopped and said, "And how are you going to do that?"

I muttered, "I'll find a way."

Ben grinned and shook his head, "You're full of shit buddy, you know that?"

I grinned and asked, "Aren't we all full of shit?"

Ben lowered his head to my level and I reached out to touch his feathers on his neck. Petting him. His feathers as usual are just soft. Just like I remember them.

I said while I was petting him, "You really know how to clean your feathers, huh big guy?"

Ben giggled and bumped his hard beak against my face playfully. Then I giggled as well. He raised his head and said, "So you hungry right now?"

I nodded, "Yeah I kinda am. Did you find some firewood for my food? I need to bring out the pot and cook one can of soup. I need the fire."

Ben nodded, "Yeah it's back in the cave we've found last night. Lets go."

And with that, me and Ben went to the cave.


It was starting to sunset now, the beautiful sunset shining off the ocean.

My family and I live near the ocean on the beach in town. Just the three of us near this spot.

I went to the front door and I went through it. I closed the door behind me, carrying the big with mom's favorite milk in there. I hollered, "Mom, dad I'm home!"

I heard mom's voice, "In here!" She's in the kitchen.

I walked in the hallway and walked into the kitchen saw my mom sitting on the bar stool near the counter. She smiled at me, "So did you find the milk?"

I nodded and handed her the milk, "Here it is." Mom took it out of my hand.

Mom then put the milk in the fridge and said, "So how was work?"

I shrugged, "It's ok. I saw April today." I looked around and said, "Let me guess, dad is still working right now?"

Mom nodded, "Yes, he and the deputies caught some drug dealers in the far end of the town and they've arrested them. Teach those no good people not to sell death to people like that."

I just nodded and said, "Well I'm going to bed, so I'll see you and dad in the morning." I waved at her and then I walked out of the kitchen and went up the stairway. I took two steps at a time, until I made it to the second floor.

I walked in the hallway and went to my bedroom door. I went in there and closed the door behind me. Then I flopped on my back onto my bed. I just stared up at the ceiling and sighed. Still thinking about Jared.

I know he's an asshole, but why do I still feel for him? I still can't figure it out.

I should hate him, not love him still! He cheated on me, that pig!

I moved my body over to my side and just stared out at my window. I sighed again.

I wish it was that simple. But as usual I feel like I don't have a lot of people to talk to.

I mean I would talk to mom, but what can she say? She hasn't been through that kind of thing like I have.

And dad...Dad is so busy with being the sheriff, he doesn't try to pay attention to me. He's even SO judgmental, I can't even speak to him. Also he's a CONTROL freak.

Maybe April, but I've already talked to her about it.

Sometimes I really hate my life. Sometimes I hate being the sheriff's daughter. Sometimes...Oh I don't know anymore.

I just want someone who doesn't see me as a sexy looking girl. I want someone who...Understands me.

I wish there was someone there for me. I've had breakups before, but Jared feels like the final straw.

As the sun still started to set, I sighed again.

Maybe I just need to take a shower and go to bed. After all tomorrow is another day.

I got up from bed and walked to my bathroom to take a shower.


I sat in the cave near the fire and looked at the photo of me and my parents. It was taken when I was eleven years old.

My dad looks like me, but I pretty much have mom's eyes. She has long brown hair that goes down near her shoulders.

I sighed. All of us looked happy in the photo, and I miss them. It's been six years since they died, and that's why I'm alone with Ben. I can't forget that day when they died.

And I also can't forget what happened to me afterwards. I was so...Shocked and scared all at the same time.

I wish I was home in New York. Back where I belong. Back to...My life.

But there's no going back, it's been six years now and I have to live with that.

As I stared at the photo, I heard footsteps in the distance. I put my photo down and saw that Ben came back.

I looked up at him and asked, "So how was your flight? Feeling better that you've stretched your wings?"

Ben came around the fire and he laid down next to me on his stomach. His wings stretched out to his sides. He looked at me and said, "More or less, my wings don't feel stiff right now."

I giggled at him, "Maybe you're old now. That's why your wings are stiff."

Ben glared at me and said, "You seriously wanna call me old? That's a little pathetic of you."

I laughed, "Jesus pal, no wonder you're pretty grumpy lately. It's because you're old."

Ben groaned and shouted, "I'm NOT old!" Then me and him laughed.

Both of us stopped laughing and then he sighed as we both stared at the fire.

I looked at him and said, "Hey Ben, can I ask you something?"

Ben looked at me and tilted his head. Then I asked, "Do you...Do you miss mom and dad?"

Ben's face went wide and then he closed his eyes in sadness. He sighed without opening them, "We have already been through this before, Jason."

I looked down at my feet and muttered, "It's just...I can't stop thinking about them."

Ben opened his eyes and looked down at me, "Yeah I know how that feels, I can't stop thinking about them either. I miss your dad the most."

I looked out of the cave, pretty much night now and said, "But...Don't you...Feel like you want to...Go home?"

Ben sighed again and said, "Jason we've been through this before as well. We can't go back."

I groaned and got up off the ground and just stood facing him, "I sometimes hate this! I sometimes hate living this life, and I feel like that I really want a home. I mean all we do is travel from place to place, saving people and we never considered one place to be home. Hell I never finished high school because of THIS!"

Ben narrowed his eyes and said, "But there's a reason why we left. Your parents died and you didn't want to leave me. Not to mention to...You know what happened after they died."

I just stared at him for a moment and I nodded, "Yes...I was about to be sent to a foster home and I didn't want to leave you and....And...They...." I trailed off. God that memory still scares me.

Ben lowered his head to my level and said, "I know, a few people tried to kill you and they almost succeeded."

I said, "But they tried to kill you as well. I still don't understand why... I mean who are they? How did they know about you? .....Why would they-"

Ben cut me off, "We can't trust anyone, understand? We can't, because of what happened. We killed the people who tried to kill us. Not to mention that the police wouldn't believe you that you've killed them in self defense, they would arrest you for murder. You know there were no witnesses. They would arrest you and I would be alone without you. We both ran from our home only to protect YOU. That's what your mom and dad would want. I mean...Look what we've done for six years!"

He waved his paw and said, "We are heroes living in the wild. We have saved countless people and quite frankly we both feel like heroes. Because we want to honor their memory. We have responsibility for the greater good!"

I sighed and looked down at my feet, "But even when we do save people, I still feel like we're not connected with the people that we save. I don't talk to them after we save them."

Ben shook his head, "You can't do that Jason. If you tell anyone what your real name is, then MAYBE those people who tried to kill you will find you and then they'll find me. There could have been more of them."

Ben had an angry growl and said, "I wish that I knew who those people were, then I would find out why they are after us and who they were working for."

I started to have tears form in my eyes and I put my hands to my face. I started to sob. My hands were muffling my voice when I said, "I miss them Ben...I miss them so much."

Ben had a sad look across his face and he leaned his head toward me, nudging his beak against my chest. I let my hands fall to my sides and looked at him.

Ben looked into my eyes and said, "You're still my family Jason and I won't let ANYONE or ANYTHING hurt you. I will never leave your side. You are Alan and Cassandra's son and I will do this for THEM. Not for anyone, but them."

I decided to wrap my arms around his neck. Burying my head into his feathers, crying in them.

Ben wrapped his paw around me, comforting me and said, "You're like a nephew to me Jason and I love you." Then he had a tear in his eye and it fell.

I said, "I love you too, big bird." Ben giggled when he heard that.

I cried into his neck for a long time. My thoughts on mom and dad.

Mom...Dad...What would you do in a time like this?

What would you do?


I was just snoring softly against Jason, who is laying underneath my wing close to my body. His back laying against me.

Having Jason sleep by me like that is like having a child lay close to me.

I never had a child before. Honestly I think I'm the only gryphon in the world. I...Never met my own kind.

For all my life, I've known Alan and his wife Cassandra, their son Jason. Even Alan's father George, he was the one who found my egg.

I treated him like he was my father when I've hatched and that's how I've met Alan.

Pretty much a long story from there.

While I was sleeping peacefully, I heard Jason's voice, "....Mom."

I eyes shot open and I looked over my shoulder to look at him. Jason was mumbling in his sleep, "Mom....Dad?" Then he was silent.

I had a pity look when I looked at him. He's dreaming about them. I know how that gets. I dream about them all the time now. After they died, I've always dreamed about them. I could never forget them. NEVER.

I looked away and looked straight ahead. I sighed.

I will protect your son Alan and Cassandra.

I will....No matter what.