Current Track: Blabb

It was a simple enough concept: transportation by much larger creatures. Why walk yourself when you could instead hitch a ride on a Kaiju?

Turns out, there are plenty of reasons why.

For those upon the transport, it was quite the wild ride as they small passenger container moved about with every step. Even when securely affixed, there was still significant movement. A few alternatives were available, but securing such a thing along a Kaiju’s collar or near their waist would have sparked wild speculation about things that would have dissuaded upright, professional travelers from using the service. Hats were briefly considered, but wind ruled it out.

Below, things were wilder still. Even given the dedicated spaces for Kaiju to move about, there were still the challenges of getting people in and out of the transport, as well as the traffic and structural damage issues. The impacts of footsteps, gusts created by tail movements, and the primal, wild terror some experienced in the presences of creatures dozens of times their size.

After a few short weeks, the wild idea was shelved as common sense took hold. The hired Kaiju would have to resume other work, such as demolitions, instead.