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"Lord of the Manor" species survey
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So as you may or may not know, I'm working on a gay furry game called "Lord of the Manor".
It's set in Africa, and features almost exclusively African species. I've learned that Americans and Europeans are largely unaware of the vast array of fauna that live here - apart from the famous ones like lions, elephants and zebra - and I am hoping to give some lesser-known ones a chance to show off.
At the same time, I'm interested to see if my choices click with people. After all, I want other people to enjoy the game; if nobody seems interested in a certain species, it probably means I should consider replacing it.
So, let me know what you think! Either here, or over on my Twitter post:
And if you're interested in supporting the game, you can do so over on Patreon:
It's set in Africa, and features almost exclusively African species. I've learned that Americans and Europeans are largely unaware of the vast array of fauna that live here - apart from the famous ones like lions, elephants and zebra - and I am hoping to give some lesser-known ones a chance to show off.
At the same time, I'm interested to see if my choices click with people. After all, I want other people to enjoy the game; if nobody seems interested in a certain species, it probably means I should consider replacing it.
So, let me know what you think! Either here, or over on my Twitter post:
And if you're interested in supporting the game, you can do so over on Patreon:
4 years ago
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