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M4M4 Reference Sheet
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Time for a new character reveal! Sorta, cheating a little...
M4M4 (yes it’s said exactly how you think. ^^) was a character who appeared once or twice name only in a few of my old pictures, but even back then I knew what I wanted her to look like if I ever featured her for real in a comic. She was not as hard to design her robot form as I thought she was going to be, very different beast to betamax and glad to finally have it out of my head. The idea for her to have a hologram form is only a year or two old, but since she’s a nanny bot designed to look after children under normal circumstances, I thought it made sense for her to be able to call on something a little less intimidating if she needed it.
It's a fairly new ref, only finished this a week or so ago, but I think I’ve fallen in love with this character. Look at that face, either of them. She has no real animosity, she’s just a robot caretaker trying to be the best she can be for all those little babies!
Whether they're babies or not. >w>
M4M4 (yes it’s said exactly how you think. ^^) was a character who appeared once or twice name only in a few of my old pictures, but even back then I knew what I wanted her to look like if I ever featured her for real in a comic. She was not as hard to design her robot form as I thought she was going to be, very different beast to betamax and glad to finally have it out of my head. The idea for her to have a hologram form is only a year or two old, but since she’s a nanny bot designed to look after children under normal circumstances, I thought it made sense for her to be able to call on something a little less intimidating if she needed it.
It's a fairly new ref, only finished this a week or so ago, but I think I’ve fallen in love with this character. Look at that face, either of them. She has no real animosity, she’s just a robot caretaker trying to be the best she can be for all those little babies!
Whether they're babies or not. >w>
2 months ago
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