Current Track: Blabb


“S-Stay back!" Nyla gripped the pistol in her hands, the slick
blood coating the grip making her fur feel sticky. “I-I'll shoot!" She remained
rooted to the spot, her tail fleeing between her legs. Her hands shook so
badly, she could barely hold on to the gun. Her shoulder burned from when he
had bitten her before. Shoot him. That's
not Keith anymore. That's not your husband.
The thought replayed in her
mind continuously, but she couldn't act on it. All she saw was the wolf she
spent the last thirteen years with. Even dripping with blood, she couldn't
acknowledge the monster she saw now.

continued his slow advance, not even acknowledging her threat. His arms hung at
his sides, one arm bleeding from the cut she gave him before. He dragged one
leg which had a hole in it from the officer's gun. Blood poured freely from the
wound, but Keith showed no signs of pain. The same officer lay on the floor
behind him, the mangled remains all that remained of the human. The wolf's
brown fur stood on end, his lips pulled back into a snarl as blood dripped from
his fangs. His eyes—the same blue eyes Nyla had fallen in love with—were
lifeless like a doll's eyes. He didn't see her—no, he did see her.

            He just
didn't care.

            How? Why?
Is this my punishment because of what I did?
Her time with Keith had been a
good one. They met at a college party when she still had dreams of being a
school teacher. She was young, just entering early twenties, while he was a
little older. They continued to run into each other and eventually started
hanging out. Hanging out turned into dating, and dating turned into marriage,
taking three years total. Ten years later she was a graphic designer for an
advertising company while he became the partner of a small construction
business. It wasn't the ideal life she set out for, but it was good enough. He
hardly ever raised his voice to her, he was always caring and considerate, he had
no bad habits worth mentioning, and he never hit her.

            Now he was
ready to kill her without a second thought. She just didn't understand why. He
had been sick the last few days, and she took good care of him. Just this
morning, he got out of bed claiming he felt better. He wanted to “thank" her
for being such a good nurse, the beginnings of an erection rubbing against her
buttocks giving away his plans.

            It was
going to be a good morning. One minute he was licking her neck and telling her
how much he loved her. The next, he was sinking his fangs into her shoulder
like a piece of meat. She didn't know when she grabbed the knife, just that it
was in her hands, and she had cut him. It didn't faze him. He continued to
chase her around the house until the police arrived.

            Nyla shook
her head forcing away the memories. She couldn't afford to lose focus. Keith
had crossed half the gap between them and wasn't slowing down.

flowed freely down her face. “K-Keith, please. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Keith didn't respond. He continued
his advance.

“Please. Don't—"

Keith snarled and lunged. Nyla
squeezed the trigger out of reflex. The gun's boom was deafening, causing a
ringing in her ears, and she felt the kickback in the bones of her hands. Images
flashed through her mind. Their first meeting at the college party. Their first
date where they ordered takeout because their dinner plans were ruined. Their
first time making love—a moment she'd never forget. Their first apartment
together, marking the beginning of their life together. Finally, the first time
she lied to him marking the end of her perfect marriage. Keith's head jerked
backward, pulling the rest of his body into an almost cartoonish flip. He
landed on his back and lay still. Just like that, their ten-year marriage,

Nyla dropped the gun to the floor
and fell to her knees. Her ears still rang, and she wanted to vomit. Her eyes
were glued to Keith's lifeless body bleeding on the rug they picked out


She jerked and saw Lincoln kneeling
before her. His soft brown eyes looked into hers and his round soft face was
twisted with worry and slick with sweat. Just yesterday, the idea of seeing
Lincoln made her tail wag. Now, she wasn't sure how she felt about seeing him. At
first, their interactions were just the casual hello when they saw each other. He
was her neighbor, nothing more. She didn't know when things went beyond that. She
just remembered waking up one morning with her arms wrapped around a human
instead of the wolf she married. It was supposed to be a one-time mistake, but it
became a two-time mistake, then a third. Eventually, they talked more than they
had sex, and she found she enjoyed Lincoln's company more than Keith's. They
had so much more in common. She started wishing she had met Lincoln first.

Nyla couldn't help but wonder if
she hadn't had the affair, if she had been honest and gotten the divorce like
she said she would on so many drunken nights, would this have happened?

“Nyla?" Lincoln shook her again.
“Nyla, I know this is a lot to take in, but we can't stay here."

“Hey, is she okay?" Another human
knelt next to the cop's remains on the floor. Unlike Lincoln, he was dressed
like someone who lived in the woods, and he reeked of tobacco. His face looked
as if someone carved it out of wood, and his voice was rough like his vocal cords
were hugging sandpaper. “If she's done with her little 'episode' we need to

“Will you give us a minute, Dean?"
Lincoln growled. “She just shot her fucking husband for christsakes!"

“She can cry about it later!"

Lincoln grumbled under his breath, gently
took Nyla by the arm, and pulled her to her feet. He then pulled her close and
led her to the door. His body shielded her from the view of Keith's and the
officer's bodies. Nyla took in Lincoln's scent. Beneath the sweat, she could
still smell his cologne. It calmed her down a little.

She didn't look around when they
got outside. The sounds told the story: people rushing about, glass breaking,
sirens blaring in the distance. Her mind felt hazy. Just this morning, there
was nothing but the usual morning traffic outside.

She was sat down in the back seat
of a car painted with mud and rust. Lincoln sat beside her and buckled her in.
The other human, Dean, climbed into the driver's seat. Without a word, he
started the engine and peeled off down the street. He weaved through the abandoned
cars and running people that cluttered the street, even driving onto the
sidewalk. The car creaked with every movement, but it moved smoothly and held
together. The cops never appeared to stop him. It seemed they were busy getting
the city under control.

Nyla sat silently and played with
her wedding ring. On the days she was with Lincoln, she would take the ring
off, but for now she wanted to keep it on. Lincoln held her and slowly stroked
her hair while whispering how everything was going to be okay. His voice was

She knew it was all lies. How were
they supposed to move on with their relationship given how things ended with
her and Keith? That was assuming they lived through whatever happened.

After a few minutes, she found her
voice. “Lincoln, what's going on?"

“I'm not sure. I just know that
people are getting sick."

“No, the fuzzies are getting sick," Dean corrected. “By the way, sweetheart,
if you show any signs of turning into one of 'em, I'll take you out my—"

Lincoln frowned at the back of
Dean's head and pulled Nyla closer. “Dean!"

“Yeah, yeah. She's your problem
now. I still think you're taking too big a risk. Even if she was human, how do
you plan to explain—"

“Where are we going?" Nyla asked,
hoping to change the subject and remind Dean she was in the car.

“Dean is a bit of a survival nut,"
Lincoln said. “He's got a bomb shelter we can hole-up in until this whole thing
blows over."

Dean laughed. “ 'Blow over?'
Cousin, you are living a lie. Have you never watched a zombie-apocalypse movie?
We're not dealing with zombies, but its close enough."

“You watched enough of them for
both of us."

“True. But now crazy-ass Dean is
the one everyone wants to pull their dicks out of the fire." He looked at Nyla
in the rearview. “Hey, sweetheart, if you got any family out here, you'll need
to forget about 'em. Like I said, the fuzzies are the ones getting sick. I'm
taking a big risk just adding you to the party; I won't be taking anyone else."

Nyla had no immediate family. She
had a few cousins who lived in Canada somewhere hundreds of miles away. She did
have friends, both human and anthro, whom she worried about, but she didn't say
anything. As much as she hated leaving them behind, she was a plus one. She had
no right to make any demands.

Dean swore as he swerved to avoid a
human woman who had run into their path. “Listen, we can't stay at the bomb
shelter. We need to get out of the city before they lock it down."

“What the hell are you talking
about?" Lincoln asked. “A couple of anthros turn violent and suddenly the whole
city goes on lockdown? Just give it a few days. I'm sure the police will—"

 “Cousin, we got fuzzies running around
attacking people," Dean said firmly. “We have no idea why or what's happening
to them. At best, they're gonna kill every fuzzy they see to be safe. The
National Guard is probably on their way already. If we don't leave the city
now, your girlfriend is fucked."

“She's n—Fine. We'll do things your

There were no further arguments.
Dean offered his theories behind the sudden violent outbreak, everything from
viral epidemic to government experiment to alien invasion. Nyla stared at her
lap and half-listened to what he said. Lincoln held her and said nothing.
Eventually, Dean stopped talking and turned on the radio. The few stations that
were broadcasting all said the same thing: anthros across the country were
going on sudden violent rampages and no one knew why. Several cities had
already been locked down.

Nyla's heart sank with every broadcast.
No one knew why her kind were attacking people. It meant that at any moment,
she could turn. She could attack Lincoln, and he would have to put her down
assuming he didn't die first. She squeezed her hands together. Her fur was now
matted from the dried blood, and she could still hear the loud pop of the
officer's pistol. If she closed her eyes, she could see Keith's face, wild and
fierce, staring at her. She shuddered.

“Hey, Dean, can you turn that off?"
Lincoln said. Dean switched off the radio, and Lincoln pulled Nyla closer and
whispered. “Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you."

Nyla squeezed his arm and nodded.

Up ahead was a long line of cars
leading to the highway's on-ramp. Dean brought their car to a stop at the end
of the line.

“Nyla, get down," Lincoln said,
leaning Nyla's head toward his lap. She had to unbuckle the seat belt to lay
comfortably. Lincoln put his jacket over her head, and she tucked her tail
beneath herself.

“This ain't good. This was the
fastest route out of here," Dean said. “I didn't think things would be
backed-up like this already."

“Dean, we can't stay here," Lincoln

“I know. Just hold on."

The car began moving backwards then
it came to a sudden stop.

“Shit! Some asshole is boxing me
in. Come on, buddy! There's no point in staying here!" Dean cried. A moment of
silence. “Okay, here we go."


Someone screamed in the distance.
It was a sound of pain and horror that made Nyla's fur stand on end. The car
lurched and there was the sound of breaking glass and crunching metal.

The jacket was snatched off her
head. She didn't want to sit-up and risk being seen, but Lincoln was opening
the door and pulling her out. “The car's no good. We can't stay here."

Nyla quickly got out of the car.
The front of the car had been smashed by the minivan in front of it. It looked
as if the two vehicles had been welded together. They weren't driving anywhere.
Two cars ahead of them, the door was wide open. She saw the tail of an anthro
and blood covering the windows.

She turned away and followed Lincoln
and Dean across the street into an alley. More people started screaming mixed
with snarling. Many of those screams were silenced. She didn't look back.

The moment she reached the alley,
something slammed into her from behind. The air rushed out of her lungs as she
hit the ground, her attacker on top of her. Her head was pressed against the
pavement, and something breathed onto the side of her face.

            The weight
was snatched off. She pushed herself to her feet to see Lincoln and Dean
struggling with a large canine anthro. He had short, black fur and pointed
ears. He had the same lifeless look in his eyes Keith had. Dean and Lincoln
pummeled the anthro, but he didn't seem to feel any pain.

            The anthro
struck Dean in the face, sending him stumbling backward. He grabbed Lincoln,
and bit down on his shoulder. Lincoln screamed and tried push the anthro off.
He lost his balance and the two of them fell to the ground.

            Nyla leapt
onto the anthro's back and wrapped her arms around his neck, squeezing as hard
as she could. The anthro stood up as easily as if she wasn't there, still
holding Lincoln in his jaws. Dean rushed over and stabbed the anthro in the

            He didn't
flinch as he shoved Dean against the wall. Nyla squeezed harder. His breathing
was ragged from lack of air, but he refused to release Lincoln. Another anthro,
this one a feline with black fur and dressed like someone going to a casual
business party, rushed in. Nyla feared the feline would join in, but instead he
stabbed the canine anthro in the chest. The canine's eyes widened in shock, and
he released Lincoln. The feline stabbed the canine again. This time the canine
fell to his knees. Nyla continued to hold on until she could no longer hear his
growls then immediately checked on Lincoln.

shoulder was bleeding heavily. Already, he was looking pale. She folded his
jacket and pressed it on the wound. “We need to take him to a hospital."

            “No good.
All the hospitals are packed, if the infected haven't swarmed them already,"
the feline said. “The hospitals are always the first to fall in the event of an

of infected, thank you for saving us," Dean said. “I didn't think fuzzies were
that strong."

is happening, anyone infected seems to have above average strength and immunity
to pain," the feline added.

            “You know a
lot about this," Dean's skepticism was clear in his voice.

            “I don't
know much else about it," the feline stated calmly. “I'm just stating what I've
noticed so far."

            “Well, I noticed you seem awfully calm for
someone who's essentially witnessing the end of the world."

cares?!" Nyla said. She helped Lincoln to his feet and faced the feline. “Thank
you so much for your help. Would you mind helping us a bit longer? We need to
get out of the city before it's too late."

            The feline
pondered her offer, but she saw in his eyes his mind had already been made up.
Eventually, he stuck out his hand. “Name's Sebastian, and I'll be glad to help
you out. Honestly, I was hoping to tag along anyway."

            “So saving
me wasn't entirely out of the goodness of your heart," Lincoln said through
clenched teeth.

            “No. It's
only a matter of time before all anthros become target practice. I'll live
longer if I have some humans to vouch for me. Seeing as you already have one
anthro with you, I know where you stand on the matter."

faced twisted in either disgust or pain as he stared at Sebastian. Nyla was
also put off by Sebastian's attitude, but she appreciated his honesty. Knowing
where they stood meant there would be no surprises later. “I'm Nyla, and this
is Lincoln."

            Dean walked
up standing at full height and looking Sebastian in the eye. “And my name's
Dean. Look, I'm glad you saved my family and all, but it's bad enough, I can't
turn my back on her"—he pointed at Nyla—“Adding another fuzzy is too risky."

            Sebastian shrugged.
“How 'bout I sweeten the deal? A friend is trying to get a bus and evacuate as
many people as possible before the city is locked down. You help me get there,
and you three can be my guests."

Nyla said quickly. She gave Dean and Lincoln stern looks, silencing any
objections. Lincoln was hurt, and they had no car and no supplies. She was
willing to take whatever help was offered.

smiled. “Good. Do you have weapons?"

            “We got a
gun and knives," Dean said.

work. Let's try to hold off on the gun, though. I'm pretty sure more will be
attracted by the sound. As for the knife, go for the heart or the throat.
They're immune to pain, but they're not invincible."

            They started
moving again. They stuck to alleys and avoided places where there were large
groups of people, human or anthro. The anthros could be infected, and the
humans might attack them fearing they were infected. All around them people
were looting and destroying property. Cars and buildings burned. A few times,
they passed a body laying in the street either torn apart or filled with bullet
holes. It made Nyla feel sick. No one said anything except when to warn the
others of something they saw or to suggest another route. Sebastian and Dean
led the way, somehow communicating with each other without saying a word. Nyla
stayed by Lincoln who was having a bad time with his shoulder wound. The
bleeding had stopped, but it was clear he was in a lot of pain. He dripped with
sweat, and he was breathing heavily. He could only walk a few blocks before
needing to stop and rest.

            No one said
anything, but he was slowing them down. Nyla knew it was only a matter of time
before Sebastian suggested leaving him behind, and she knew what her response
would be.

            “We're not
gonna make it," Lincoln said. “I'm slowing you all down."

stopped and turned to Lincoln in surprise.

            “What are
you suggesting?" Sebastian said. “You can't expect us to leave you here."

We're not leaving anyone," Nyla argued.

You can't expect me to leave you, cousin," Dean added. 

leaned against the wall. His shirt clung to his sweat-soaked chest, and he was
looking very pale.  “It's okay. I'm barely
walking, and I can't run. If we get attacked again—"

            Nyla shook
her head. “Lincoln—"

            “—we're not
gonna make it. You have to—"

slapped him, hard. The sound echoed through the alley, swallowing all other
sounds as if the whole world had been stunned into silence. Nyla ignored the
stinging in her hand and glared at him. “Don't even think about starting that 'heroic
speech' bullshit. We are getting out
of here together." She faced the
others, daring them to challenge her.

            No one
argued. Nyla took their silence as acceptance and pulled Lincoln's arm over her
shoulder. They walked a few feet when they heard growling behind them. Two
infected canine anthros had wandered into the alley. The infected stared at
their soon-to-be prey with wild eyes.

Dean drew his pistol and walked to
the front of the group. “You three go on ahead. I'll catch up."


“No time to argue," Dean shouted.
The infected snarled and charged. Dean fired two shots, hitting one of the
infected in the leg. The canine hit the ground, and his companion tripped over
him. The two snarled and bit at each other trying to get up first. “I can outrun
'em. Lincoln can't. Go on ahead and I'll draw them away."

Nyla was about to argue when Sebastian
touched her shoulder. There was no time to argue, not if she wanted to get
Lincoln somewhere safe. They hurried down the alley. Dean shouted curses at the
infected and fired more shots. Nyla didn't look back.

They moved as fast as they could
until Dean's shouts could no longer be heard. Nyla fought the feeling of guilt
twisting in the pit of her stomach. All that talk of not leaving anyone behind,
yet she folded so easily when Dean stayed back. If it had been Lincoln, there
would have been no convincing her.

“It's okay," Lincoln said. “Dean
will be fine. He's trained for this kind of thing."

“Your cousin is ex-military or
something?" Sebastian asked.

Lincoln made a dry wheeze that Nyla
assumed was supposed to be laughter. “He always said the world was gonna end
one way or another. Viral outbreak, massive earthquake, robot takeover—"

“I'm starting to think I found the
wrong humans to get involved with."

Lincoln laughed again, but it
quickly turned into a fit of coughing. Nyla's stomach flipped when she saw

“How much further?" Nyla asked.

Sebastian stopped and looked
around. “Another block or two."

The next block seemed to stretch on
forever. Every sound Nyla heard, she jumped fearing it was another infected
anthro coming to attack them. Sebastian was also tense. His fur stood on end
and his ears swiveled in the direction of every sound. Lincoln's condition was
worsening. His eyes were dull, his breathing had become ragged, and he was moving
more slowly. Nyla was practically dragging him.

“Just a little farther," she
whispered into his ear. “You're going to be okay. Once we get out of here we
can get your shoulder looked at, and then we can figure out our next move." She
had no idea what their next move was going to be. She wanted to be with
Lincoln, but to just turn around and jump into the arms of another man so soon
after Keith's death felt wrong. But Lincoln wasn't just any man; he was someone
she loved and wanted to be with. There were nights where they would hold and
talk to each other while watching the sun rise from the window of their hotel
room. She never had moments like that with Keith, nights where they would sit
up all night, talking about nothing. She enjoyed Keith's company as well, but
sometimes she felt as if Keith saw her as something beautiful and precious
rather than a living, breathing individual. She wondered if Keith knew about
the affair. Some of the nights when she lied about going to be with friends,
she saw the pain in his face. He never spoke on it, but some spouses never did.
Maybe he never spoke on it because she came home to him each night. He had
resided himself to a contract, ignoring his wife's infidelities, in exchange
for her staying with him. To keep this beautiful precious thing by his side. Sometimes,
she imagined leaving her husband and starting a new life with Lincoln, but the
idea of leaving her husband simply because she wanted to be with someone else
felt wrong. Now that Keith was gone, nothing stood in her way. They could be
together with no strings attached.

But then why did she feel so

Sebastian spoke, snapping her out
of her thoughts. “We're need to move!"

Nyla looked over her shoulder and
saw at least a dozen infected rushing toward them with more on the way. She got
Lincoln into a better position to start running. “Come on, Lincoln! Just a
little farther."

“N-Nyla…you have…to leave—" Lincoln

“Shut up!" She knew he was probably
right. Lincoln couldn't even manage a half-jog; she was essentially trying to
run while carrying a grown man. She blinked away the tears blurring her vision.
She could hear them getting closer, their snarls growing more savage and

have to leave him,
she thought. If I
leave him behind, it will slow them down.

She shook her head furiously to
chase the thoughts away. Leaving Lincoln behind wasn't an option, period.

it was so easy to put a bullet in your husband wasn't it?
Her mind taunted.
You had no problems letting him die. What
if there was a cure? What if he could be saved? You didn't even bother to try
and save him. Not surprising. You've been lying to him for years, watching him
die inside. That you were the one who killed him is almost poetic.

She tried to push the thoughts
away. An infected caught up to them, trying to ambush them from the side. Nyla
took the pistol from Lincoln's waistband, the one he took from her, and fired.
She was aiming for its head, but the shot was wide, clipping the side of its
face. It was good enough to catch it off guard and send it sprawling along the

rounded the corner. Sitting in the middle of the street was the bus Sebastian
mentioned. Nyla had expected a large yellow school bus. This one was a large
white coach bus. She didn't care if it was a motorized wagon so long as it got
her and Lincoln to safety.

struck them from behind. She lost her balance and fell, pulling Lincoln on top
of her. She tried to get up, but one of the infected jumped onto Lincoln's
back, the extra weight forcing the air out of her lungs. The infected bit into
Lincoln's back and he screamed. Nyla pressed the pistol against the infected's
temple and fired. Part of its head exploded, showering her in blood and bone. She
ignored the renewed ringing in her ears.

shots rang out in rapid succession, and the growling of the infected had grown
significantly quieter. Dean appeared and pulled the infected anthro off them
and helped them to their feet. Dean's face was covered in blood and sweat, but
he seemed fine. The infected closest to them lay dead in the street, the
survivors tripping and fighting one another to get their prey first.

Dean pulled Lincoln's other arm
over his shoulder, and they were able to get him on the bus. Sebastian held the
remaining infected at bay using an assault rifle he had to have gotten from the
bus. Nyla wondered why a transport bus would be carrying such firepower, and how
Sebastian was so good at using it. Sebastian waited until they were safely on-board
then joined them. The driver then closed the doors and peeled off down the

An anthro on the bus gave Nyla some
gauze and disinfectant to treat Lincoln. The places where he had been bitten
were swollen and discolored. His skin seemed paler than ever and felt cold and
oily. She cradled Lincoln's head to her breast and held a hand over his heart.
They used to lay like this on many nights after their passionate lovemaking.
Nyla found it comforting how their heartbeats would eventually sync. It always
put her doubts to rest. She tried to ignore the guilt of considering even for a
moment to leave him behind and save herself.

Sebastian stood next to the driver,
the two engaged in conversation. Dean rose from his seat and approached
Sebastian. “I just want to thank you for saving my family's skin back there,"
he said, offering the feline a handshake. “You didn't need to save 'em or wait
for us."

shook Dean's hand. “We had a deal, remember? You helped me get to the bus, so
you three will be my guests. The whole world is likely going to shit, so it
pays to have people you can trust, right?"

            Dean nodded
and returned to his seat. Nyla again felt a pang of guilt. She couldn't be
trusted, not after what she'd done. She looked around the bus and noticed that
everyone, except for Dean and Lincoln were anthros. They were scared. It was
plain in their faces and in the tension in the air. She didn't say anything.
With the anthros going berserk, no one else would be looking out for them.

            The driver
avoided the main highways, instead driving to an old road that led out of the
city. The road hadn't been maintained in years, so it was a bumpy ride, not that
anyone complained. It wasn't until Sebastian announced they were outside city
limits that everyone calmed down. They began talking to one another about where
they could go, their families and how to contact them, and how they would
rebuild their lives.

            The rumble
of the engine drowned out most of the conversation happening around Nyla, not
that she was listening. She couldn't feel Lincoln's heartbeat. Even with the
sweat and grime on his face, he looked so peaceful. She continued to hug him,
tears streaming silently down her face.