Current Track: Blabb

Lion Around

for Jensen


Cederwyn Whitefurr

October, 2021

Rights Reserved.



name is Phillip,” He spoke into the tablet he had propped up in
front of him on the desk. “I worked for the Inteli-Pet
Corporation. It was my job as one of the maintenance staff to do the
jobs that others refused, or outright just did not want to do.”

paused and took a sip from the steaming mug of coffee.

corporation genetically cloned animals from a multitude of species.
They were, through methods I do not understand, granted sentience and
intelligence equivalent to a human. Also, they gained their
remarkable ability to speak in whatever language their owner desired.
Imprinted with deep control processes – they were completely
subservient to human or anthro alike. Pause...”

chirp come from the tablet.

paced back and forth as he pondered what to say and how to say it.


the tablet chirped.

worked for the Inteli-Pet Corporation for nearly twenty five years.
As one of the maintenance staff, I had access too many laboratories,
holding pens and other places. I saw much in my time. From things
that fascinated and amazed – through to horrific and nightmare
inducing. Stop, erase last.”

chirp come from the tablet.

I particularly enjoyed being with the newly created – what do I
call them? Animals? No. Sentient property? No... I shall call them
'Companions'. For that is what and why they were made...officially
on record anyway. I'll get to that
other part in a moment.”

another sip, he sighed softly and brushing a hand over his thinning

companions, when they first were... born? No, that's not right
either. Constructed? Good a word as any. When they were first
brought into existence, they were emotionally and mentally blank
slates. Through whatever processes the company employed... they were
grown from nothing to fully formed product in less than a week. One
of my jobs was to clean their stables, pens or cages – ensure their
comfort and feed them.”

were innocent, pure of spirit and body. Shortly after their
inception and creation – they would be taken and put through the
conditioning process. This granted their malleable young minds the
rich vocabulary, knowledge and core directives they would be
compelled to obey. A few, very
few, were given a completely additional imprint...pause.”

stood up and began pacing again, trying to work out the right words
and how to put it forwards objectively, his own thoughts and emotions
kept separate.

These Companions were given what was known amongst the staff, well –
whispered about – as the 'Deep Conditioning'. This imprinted on
their minds, how, to sexually pleasure their master or mistress. If
a Companion could do
such, given their physical limitations and having been given the
training, they would oblige without thought or refusal. As to please
their owner, in turn, must have given them pleasure. Whether it was
the physical act, or something mental inside them. Like endorphin's
in we humans. Or so I believe...”

name is Phil, Phillip Bailey, this is my tale on how I come to trust,
bond and love, one of these Companions...”