I got up a few hours ago to eat at the mess hall in the base, I got to say the cook there really knows how to cook breakfast. I mean it's better than the food I ate at the camp three years ago.
I was still thinking about Jade today, man I really hope she gets to the pond without any suspicion from Chad. I mean if he seems sadistic enough, if he finds me with Jade alone, he'll kill me. Not to mention Tabitha and the others will come with me as well and that could be bad. Lets seriously hope it doesn't come to it.
I was on my way back to the barracks to sit around and wait for Tabitha and the others, since they're not ready to leave the base to find Jade yet.
I was about there when I heard a voice somewhere nearby. A girls voice. I followed the voice and around the corner I could see Amber standing in front of a bush her back to me, talking to it. Like she was speaking to someone.
I crept closer to her when I could barely hear her saying, "Yeah I know, but you know me it's pretty lonely here. Oh! You're not going to believe this! I have made a new friend here. His name's Casper and trust me, he seems nice enough. Even though he's new here, but he seems nice to me. Also too he's not even a marine, he's just a normal person, like me. Which is yeah it's better than talking to a marine. They're always busy."
I frowned, is she talking about me? Who or what is she talking to? I walked up to her and said, "Hey Amber."
Amber gasped and turned around fast. Then I saw the bush move like something inside scurried away. Amber had a nervous look on her face, like she was hiding something and I caught her in the act.
I had a curious look on my face and said, "Amber? Are you alright? Who are you talking to? You acting like you're hiding something."
Amber looked like she was trying to think of something to say, and then she said, "Nothing. I wasn't talking to anything."
Ok yeah she's hiding something. I pressed her, "Amber, I know I heard you talking. Was there something in the bush? What was it?"
Amber then let out a sigh and said, "Alright come here. I'll show you." She led me to the bush, and I got closer to it and I could see what she saw. It was a Meerkat, and after I saw it, it scurried away and ran under the fence that surrounded the base and ran out in the wild.
I giggled after it ran away. I looked at her and asked, "You were talking to a meerkat?"
She looked down at her feet and sighed, "Casper...I know it's weird, but frankly I don't care what you say. Its just...My father and I don't talk to each other much, he's always busy here since he's the captain here. Not to mention I don't have anything in common with anyone here. I just get lonely here. And when there's a animal that somehow sneaks in here, I just...Talk to it. It makes me feel like I want to get some things off my chest."
I felt sorry for her. I guess I could understand why, a bunch of marines with nothing in common with her, not to mention a father who is always busy, I would get lonely as well. I smiled at her and said, "Amber, there's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation. I was just wondering who you were talking to. But I guess I didn't expect it to be a meerkat." I giggled.
Amber giggled as well, "Well like I said, I don't have a lot of friends. And besides, the thing looked so cute."
I nodded in agreement, "Yep they are." We both laughed.
She stopped laughing and said, "Hey Casper...Thanks for not judging me. I mean I know it looks weird but-"
I waved her off, "I wouldn't worry about it. To be honest...When I was growing up, I didn't make a lot of friends either. I mean even when I try to they always refer to me as a freak and what not. I mean I never even knew why a lot of kids at my age would call me that."
Amber frowned and simply said, "You don't look like a freak to me."
I shrugged, "You're right, I don't. And I always learned to accept that. I don't let anyone get to me anyways."
She shrugged as well, "Well still...I don't think it's fair for them to call you a freak, I mean really why?"
I shook my head, "Guess I'll never know."
I was going to say something else when me and Amber heard Captain Michael come toward us. He smiled, "Hey kids, hope I wasn't interrupting anything."
I shook my head, "No you didn't. Me and Amber were just talking."
Captain Michael grinned and said, "Ah yes, Amber did mention to me the other day that you guys met and talked to each other. I have to say, I want to thank you for keeping my daughter company. She doesn't have a lot of friends here and I have to do my job."
I smiled, "Well it's the least I could do. Amber seems to be a nice girl."
It looked like Amber blushed and then she said, "Well I got to go guys, bye." Then she left me and Captain Michael alone.
Captain Michael giggled and said, "Well just as shy as usual. I thought she would grow out of it by now."
I watched Amber leave and mentioned, "Yeah I have noticed that she seems shy. I mean when I first met her the other day, she didn't respond to me at first. And she told me it's because she loves to sketch."
Captain Michael said, "Well there's that too. She loves to sketch, in fact she really has a talent for it. She really is a special girl." Then he looked straight at me and said, "Hey Casper, I really do mean it when I said thank you for talking to my daughter."
I smiled and said, "Thank you, Captain."
Captain Michael giggled, "Call me Nick, Casper. After all you're not a marine here, so you don't have to call me Captain."
I laughed, "Ok, Nick. I will." Then I walked past him and said, "Hey listen, I might talk to your daughter again sometime. Is that okay?"
Nick nodded, "Sure, just come to my quarters. That's where Amber stays. She doesn't sleep in any barracks."
I nodded, "Alright, I'll do that. Anyways later." I gave him a thumbs up and then I walked off away from him.
While I was walking I thought about what Amber was doing before I talked to her. Poor Amber, I kinda feel sorry for her. I think me and her have something in common. We both never had a lot of friends.
Then I smiled, well I'll be her friend. After all us people who don't have a lot of friends need to stick together.
I was near the jeeps, waiting for Tabitha and the others to get over here. I've been standing her for ten minutes already. If they don't get here in five more minutes, I'm gone.
Right after that thought came to me, they finally came. I asked them, "Geez guys, what took you?"
Tabitha then said, "Sorry bucko, me and Eileen here were puttin on makeup after we took a shower. It kinda took us a while."
Walker then rolled his eyes, "You girls do know that we're meeting with a lioness, not a person right? So why bother putting on makeup at all?"
Eileen slugged him in the shoulder, "Hey even in Africa we can be fashionable, right? Besides that I just thought of a crazy idea, maybe we could have Jade put on makeup as well! I mean let her try something new."
I laughed hard at that statement, "Eileen! Jade wouldn't like it. And besides that her face is full of fur."
Eileen shrugged, "Don't know until you try, right?"
I shot at her, "You're weird sometimes, you know that?"
She stuck her tongue out at me, "Up yours."
Tabitha said, "So do you have the keys, nephew?"
I nodded and held my hand out with the keys to the jeep, "Yep right here. But I'm driving to the pond. I might know where to go. At least bear with me, it has been awhile."
Walker shrugged, "Don't care how long it takes, I just want to travel again. I mean we can hardly leave without that fence all around the base."
I looked at the fence, Walker's right about that. That fence is tall and all around the base. If anyone tried to climb over it, the top of the fence is so spiky, you'll never get over it.
Then a thought came to me, now that I think about it, if Jade found out where I'm staying, how is Jade going to see me? I mean she can't climb a fence anyways, so that means she won't try to find me. Not to mention a bunch of marines might shoot at her, thinking that she's a threat.
Eileen waved her hand in front of my face and said, "You hoo, Casper. Wake up! We're leaving, remember?"
I shook my head and said, "Oh right sorry! Alright guys, lets roll." Then we got into the jeep and drove away from the parking lot, went through the guard station at the entrance of the base and drove to the savannah.
I walked out of the cave after my afternoon nap, and gave myself along stretch on the ground. After I stretched I let out a loud yawn.
Christa came to me and asked, "So how was your afternoon nap?"
I smiled at her, "Pretty good. At least I didn't have Chad hounding me to death all day. I mean seriously I hate him when he always follows me around."
Christa eyes went wide, "Wow, sounds like you're quite an attraction to him."
I had an angry look and nodded, "I know."
"Hell I even heard that last night you swiped him across the face. I got to say you really know how to stand up to your new boyfriend."
I shot a glare at her, "He's not my boyfriend."
Christa put a paw to her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh, "Oh I know, I was kidding. Gotta put some humor in you, you have been moody lately even before your favorite human came back."
I put on a smile for her, "Yeah, I'll admit it does make me feel better. And sorry for snapping at you. I knew you were kidding anyway."
She waved her paw, "No worries. By the way, you meeting your favorite human today?"
I giggled and said, "Yep, I'm meeting him and his family at the pond where we first met three years ago." Then I put on a serious face, "Hey have you seen Chad outside? Its just that I don't want him to find out I'm leaving to find Casper. He really hates humans, and I don't want Casper and his family hurt."
Christa shook her head, "Nope I think he went off somewhere, so I think you're in the clear."
I had a glum look and said, "Hmph, Chad is probably trying to find a female to be with. After all I did reject him, he really is a asshole."
Christa laughed and said, "Well knowing what kind of male he is, it's not entirely impossible."
I shot my head up and said, "No doubt." Then we both laughed. After we were done laughing I said, "Ok well, I better get going before he know what I'm up to. And whatever you do, don't tell him where I went. I'm planning on taking Casper and his family to Leon today as well."
Christa smiled, "Ah, so you and your favorite human are heading off to your favorite mate, this should be interesting."
I laughed, "Christa!"
Christa gave me a mock expression, "What? After all Leon is your favorite mate!"
I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "Whatever, anyways later." Then I ran off to the pond to meet Casper.
We arrived at the pond, didn't take me longer to find out where I was going than I thought.
Me, Tabitha, Eileen, and Walker are all waiting for Jade to arrive, and so far she hasn't come.
Eileen knowing her started to complain about the heat and said, "Casper can we leave now? I'm hot."
Walker giggled, "Yeah, you're hot alright." Then he started laughing.
Eileen shouted, "Shut up!"
I said, "Oh no Eileen, you're not going to complain about the heat like before. If you're going to complain, then wait in the jeep and turn on the air conditioner."
Tabitha then said, "Yeah and besides you should get a tan out here."
Eileen whined, "But I don't have a bathing suit! I can't take off my clothes and get a tan right now."
Walker then grinned, "Or can you?"
Eileen yapped, "Walker, what did I say. Shut up."
I laughed and then Eileen shouted at me, "You shut up as well!" Then I laughed even harder.
I finally stopped laughing and then I could see Jade on her way here. I smiled and said to the others, "Hey guys, she's here." After I said that the others saw my gaze and saw Jade as well.
Tabitha, Walker, and Eileen beamed when they saw her coming. I got up on my feet and ran to her.
Jade saw me coming and beamed at me. She ran to me and gave me a hug.
We pulled away from our hug and I said, "I knew you come here sooner or later."
Jade grinned, "You didn't think you would stay here without me, would you?"
I shook my head and smiled, "Nope."
Jade laughed, "Well I'm here!"
Then we both started laughing, and then I said, "Oh guess what? My family is over there waiting for you."
Jade gasped and exclaimed, "Eeeee! They're here!"
I pointed to my family and Jade ran to them. From where I was standing I saw Jade pouncing on my sis and heard Eileen made a loud shriek. I laughed when I saw that, boy oh boy Jade's going to have a field day with this.
Eileen was rubbing Jade's stomach and Jade is loving every minute of it. I smiled when I remembered that was one of her favorite reasons for Jade being with my sister, she loves it when my sister rubs her belly.
Jade then looked at me and said, "Eileen hasn't lost her touch, she still knows how to rub a belly."
Eileen then asked me, "What did she say, Casper?"
I giggled and said to Eileen, "Jade says you haven't lost your touch and you still know how to rub her belly pretty good."
Eileen giggled, "Yeah for some reason she doesn't let anyone else do it but me, I wonder why?"
I shrugged, "Who knows why."
Tabitha then smiled and said, "It really is great to see her. She hasn't changed much."
Jade saw Tabitha talking and then she asked me, "Hey Casper, what did your aunt say? Was she talking about me?"
I answered to Jade, "She said you haven't changed much."
Jade smiled, "Well good because you guys haven't changed much either."
I giggled, "Yep."
Jade finally got off her back and on all fours when Eileen was done rubbing her belly and then she said, "Hey Casper, I've been thinking. Why don't I take you to see Leon? He would love to see you."
I had a worried look on my face and asked, "Are you sure? How far is Leon? I mean what if Chad finds out you have been gone for a long time?"
She shook her head, "I wouldn't worry about that asshole. Besides he's probably trying to find a female and mate her. So who cares?"
My eyes went wide with that and I laughed so hard, "Wow Jade, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
Jade giggled, "No."
"Well good, because it's a bit much!"
Then we both laughed. While Tabitha, Eileen, and Walker were wondering what we were laughing about. Walker asked, "Uh, what are you guys talking about?"
I waved him off, "You don't want to know."
After I was done talking to Walker, Jade said, "Come on Casper. Leon would love to see you. He still thinks about you too."
So have I, he's a pal. I said, "Well....Alright, if it's not far."
She shook her head, "No, it's not THAT far trust me. So you wanna come or not?"
I nodded, "Sure. Why not?"
Jade grinned and then she turned her back on me, "Alright then follow me." Then she started to lead the way.
Tabitha came to me and said, "Where's she going?"
I looked at Tab and answered, "She's going to take me to Leon. To his cave."
Walker had a quizzical look on his face, "Leon's cave? Ah, I don't know about this. What if Chad finds us when we are there. I mean doesn't Chad hate Leon? I mean what if he thinks that Jade is on her way there right now and he would be there?"
I shook my head, "Look I wouldn't worry about it. And let me tell you this, if Chad tries to hurt us, I'll make sure he doesn't."
Walker asked, "How?"
I thought about it and then said, "I....Haven't really thought that far up ahead."
Eileen crossed her arms and said, "You don't know do you?"
I let out a sigh, "Look I'm sure things are going to be fine. Listen if you don't want to go, then either wait here, or go back to the base. I'll be back later, ok?"
Tabitha said, "Oh no, you're not leaving my sight. I'm going with you."
Walker then waved his arm and said, "Ah the hell with it, I'm going with you. Can't exactly leave you alone out here."
Jade then hollered for me, "Hey if you want to die of thirst, you could've just asked!"
I hollered back, "I'm coming!" Then I looked at the other and said, "Alright guys lets go."
Then we all went after Jade and followed her to find Leon.
We made it to Leon's cave, pretty much further away from Jade's cave. Only that cave was a little different than Jade's. There's no one else here but him.
I whispered to Jade, "Are you sure he's here?"
Jade shrugged, "Either that, or he's hunting. I'll go get him, you guys wait out here." Then after she said that she went into the cave to get Leon.
Eileen looked around and said, "Looks pretty bare, he's all alone here."
Then I hear Tab muttered, "Poor thing."
Then all of us saw a figure beside Jade coming out of the cave. Leon.
Leon saw me and the others and beamed, "Casper!" Then he jumped on me and I gasped. Leon started to nuzzled me and purr. I heard the others laughing.
Leon stopped nuzzling and purring and said, "Wow, I didn't know you came back here! When did you come back?"
I looked up at him and answered, "A few days ago, actually."
Leon looked down at me and said, "Hmm, feels like you have been gone for a long time."
I giggled, "Actually three years, I've been gone."
Leon eyes bugged out, "Three years? Wow."
Jade started to laugh, "That's what I've thought. Can you really believe it? My best friend finally returns!"
Leon got off of me and he nuzzled Jade, "I missed the guy so much, and I missed you too. You haven't talked to me in a while."
Jade nuzzled back, "Sorry I haven't came here lately, you know Chad."
He sighed, "Yeah I know." Then he looked at me and the others and he asked, "Guess you know why I'm here?"
I took a few steps toward him, "Yeah I know. I don't think it's fair about what's been happening here lately."
Leon had an angry look, "I know right? Bron thinks I'm not going to be a great king and Chad thinks he's better than everyone else. This really is bullshit."
I nodded, "No kidding."
Leon then sighed and smiled at me, "Well...At least you're here. Things really haven't been the same without you."
I shrugged, "I could imagine."
Leon laughed and when he stopped he said, "So you want me to give you a grand tour of my cave? It's not much, but I kinda like it."
I shrugged again, "Don't see why not."
Leon nodded and then walked back to his cave with Jade side by side.
I smiled when they were walking together. Jade doesn't belong with that scumbag, Chad. She belongs with Leon. I only wish Bron would understand it.
Walker asked me when Leon said something to me, "What did he say?"
I giggled, "He said you smell bad."
Walker's eyes went wide, "What?! I don't smell! I took a shower today!"
When Leon saw Walker's expression he knew that he got him, Leon laughed hard. You see Leon never really said that Walker smelled bad, he said something else. But I decided to play a joke on him.
Leon already gave us a tour of his cave, like he said nothing much in there. So now here we all are outside chatting with each other.
Walker then let out a frustrated huff, "Casper I don't believe Leon said it. I think you were making that one up."
Eileen said, "Well lets put it this way Walker. You do smell bad."
Walker gawked at her, "Why I outa..." Then he trailed off and he crossed his arms.
I laughed and said, "Jesus guys, sometimes I wonder why you two bicker so much."
Eileen then stared at me, "Sorry not telling you."
I shrugged, "Wouldn't really care."
Leon then looked at me and asked, "Hey Casper can I talk to you alone?"
I nodded and asked Jade, "Jade can you keep Tabitha and the other buys? I need to talk to Leon."
Jade nodded, "Yes of course."
Me and Leon got up and went to another spot to talk to each other. Leon looked up at me and said, "So uh, how's everything going at Bron's pride?"
I gazed at him, "That's what you wanted to talk to me about?"
Leon then sighed and said, "Not really. I'm just wondering about Jade."
I had a concerned look, "You're worried about her?"
Leon had a concerned look as well, "Yeah, I mean....Chad is bad news. I mean from what she's telling me, he always comes on to her and Jade doesn't want him. Not to mention he's so controlling it makes me sick."
I nodded, "How do you think I feel? I mean I can't talk to Jade at her home without feeling worried that Chad might eat me. He hates humans."
Leon then said, "You know I was beginning to wonder if he met you."
I nodded, "Yeah...We met. But he really doesn't like me."
Leon nodded, "Yep, that's why I don't like him. I mean I wish I could go back home and be with Jade. But her father won't let me, because of Chad."
I had a pity look on my face, "I wish there was something I could do for you two. I mean you guys are so close."
Leon looked down at the ground, "...Yeah."
I had a curious look, why do I think there's something more to it than this? Leon's not telling me something and I asked him, "What's up pal?"
Leon looked up and shook his head, "Nothing."
I pressed him, "Come on man, there's something bugging you. What is it?"
Leon had a nervous look and said, "Well...Ok, it's about Jade."
I had a quizzical look, now I was really curious. "What about Jade?"
Leon went on, "Well she's-" Suddenly Jade's voice interrupted us.
"Leon! Casper!"
We both gasped and we ran back to the others. We when came back, I gasped again when I saw Chad in front of Jade, Tabitha, Eileen, and Walker. Threatening them.
I ran to them while Leon stood where he was at. Chad saw me and he said, "Ah there he is! I've figured you were here too."
I angrily asked him, "What are you doing here?"
Chad smiled, "Lets just say I figured Jade would be here and I see a bunch of humans here as well. Pretty weird meeting if you ask me."
I screamed at him, "You stay away from my family!"
Eileen had a very nervous look on her face, "Casper...Is that Chad?"
I answered without taking my eyes off Chad, "Yes."
Chad then said, "You know I've been thinking about prey all day. I think I've found some right here."
I exclaimed, "We're not prey!"
Chad then smiled, "Oooh, nice and fresh as well."
I muttered, "Shit."
Walker eyes bugged out of his skull, "Casper you said shit, what's going on?"
Leon shouted at Chad, "You don't belong in this kingdom! If Bron finds out who you really are, you're paying for everything, including tormenting my mate!"
Chad yapped back, "And what are you going to do about it? Tattle tale on me? Bron won't believe you, I got him in my claws and he's a fool. You got nothing."
Leon growled at him.
Chad shook his head, "You and Jade might as well let me do what I want with the humans, after all I am hungry." Then he giggled and looked at me and my family.
My eyes went wide, oh shit this can't be good. Chad was getting ready to pounce when Jade jumped on him and pinned him down. I gasped.
Then Leon ran past me and shouted, "RUN!"
I yelled to Tabitha, Eileen, and Walker, "Run guys, lets go!" Then we all took off while Jade and Leon distracted Chad. I could hear them fighting.
I knew something like this would happen.
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