Current Track: Blabb

A loud banging wakes me up. “Dox? Dox you up there?" 

Who…? I groan as I pick my head up bed? What the… I wipe the drool off my muzzle - ew - and lick my lips, looking around. My pillow is also covered in some of my drool - again, ew, what the hell happened to me last night?

The loud continued pounding causes my ears to ring. “A-Alright, I'm coming!" I stand up and immediately regret it, stumbling back into bed and groaning. 

“I'm coming up!" It takes me a moment to recognize the voice and steps as they come upstairs. “Hey, you alright?"

“Oki…" he looks at me with concern in his eyes. “What - what time is it?" The brown hyena just keeps looking at me up and down. I rub my head, groaning at my growing headache. I notice a mug in his hand and gesture towards it. He gives it to me with a smile, watching as I sip. Hot tea with lemon and honey. “Ahh, thanks. You didn't answer my question."

“Oh sorry, it's around 10 a.m." He kept looking at me with a smirk. “You comfy?"

It was my turn to tilt my head. “What - no. My head is killing me." He continues smiling and lightly blushes, looking away after a bit. “What?"

“You might want to uh…" he points down at my lap, chuckling. 

I squint at him before looking down and yelping. “W-wh-why wouldn't you tell me?!" I yip, lunging for my blanket to cover up. “Pervert…" I say, hoping my embarrassment isn't too noticeable.

“You're such a prude, it's not like we haven't seen each other naked," he rolls his eyes and heads to my desk. He taps my keyboard a few times and sticks his tongue out. “So uh what do you remember from last night?"

I hesitate a few moments as I try to think. “I...I can't remember…" Oki gives a quiet grunt. “We...we went out, didn't we?" Wow, my head really hurts.

“Yeah, with Xander, Taylor, and Rylee." He's quieter than usual. “Zanchee's was having a party and ball drop."

My ears fly up as a brief memory popped up. “Oh yeah, drinks were free- oh…" My tail curls onto my lap, turning yellow as my ears fall. “I overdid it, didn't I?"

“Well…" Oki rubbed the back of his head with a chuckle. It was only now that I noticed he was dressed up, wearing his purple varsity jacket and nice khakis, though the pants were stained with something. He sat in my chair across from me. “We'd decided that we were all going to drink…"


“You know I hate going out…" I grumbled, fidgeting with my sweater vest and collar. “Why can't we just stay home?"

“Because that is a sad thing to do on New Years Eve." He was wearing his purple jacket and khakis, making similar adjustments. “Why are you wearing that dorky sweater? It's a bar party, not some upscale restaurant."

“Hey, I like this sweater," I huff. 

Oki rolls his eyes and turns me around. “Here, let me help you."

“I'm not a pup-"

“Hush," he smirks. He adjusts the collar of my polo, popping it up and straightening it around my neck. “You really need to trim your fur."

My tail shifts colors as he fusses with my outfit. He unbuttoned a few buttons and ruffles my hair, causing me to flatten my ears and whine. “H-Hey! I spent like an hour brushing that!"

He spins me back around facing the mirror. “Much better," he smiles and wags. Truth be told, a smile comes to my muzzle as I look at myself. “Oh, and wear your thin rim glasses. They won't fog up as much."

I roll my eyes. “Yes, mom," I giggle. His tail twitches and ears flick at my comment. He hates when I call him that. 


“To new beginnings!" Xander roars with a laugh, slapping Taylor on the back.

“Woah there, grizzly! Nearly made me drop my drink!" Taylor chuckles nervously. “And ow…"

Xander gently pats her, lightly blushing. “Sorry hun, didn't mean to hurt you." He nuzzles her and murrs.

Taylor blushes furiously but returns them happily. 

I smile at them as I sip my own drink. Normally I don't like rum but the bartender blends it with sugar and, well, who am I to pass that up? I glance up at the TV. “I can't imagine being out in that cold street surrounded by millions of furs."

“Yeah, I can't imagine you there either," Rylee giggles next to me. “You hate cold and furs."

“I dont...I don't hate furs…" I pout, looking down at my cup. “I just-"

“-don't like being around others," Oki finishes after having gotten his drink. “You're anti-social."

“I am not!" I bark.

“Would you have come here had I not dragged you by your moody tail?" Oki smirks, taking a sip of his Full Moon.

I squint at him, tail flicking behind me with flecks of red forming. “Shut up…"

“Anyway…" Rylee butts in, flipping her blonde hair back. “You boys got any resolutions for next year?" I looked at Oki as he looked at me and we both started laughing out loud. She huffed. “What?"

“Every year, you list off the same things as the last," Oki starts. “'I want to find the perfect man.'"

'I want a bright red sports car,'" I continue. “'I want to be famous.' You've got to be more realistic than that, Ry."

Rylee pouts. “Those are perfectly attainable goals. I've already got enough for a down payment."

Oki raises and eyebrow. “On what? A trunk?" he snorts. 

Rylee smirks at him. “Cute, but no. A Mustang convertible." Oki spits out his drink, watching her sip her own. “Shocking, isn't it?"

“How could you afford any kind of Mustang that wasn't junk?" I ask.

“That's the thing, it is junk, but my dad's friend and his son are willing to fix it up for me." She wags happily. “It's actually a great deal."

“Pics or it didn't happen," Oki demands. She pulls out her phone and the three of us spend the next hour discussing the pros and cons of buying a lemon or fixer upper. Personally, I wasn't that into cars, but it kept me from sitting in silence like I normally do. Plus, the drinks were starting to loosen me up.


“Alright, so I remember Rylee telling us about her car, but nothing after that," I said as we headed downstairs. Oki had made waffles for breakfast and was popping them out of the oven. I had managed to take a shower and clean up a bit, now wearing sweatpants and a hoodie.

“Yeah, well, not much happened after that," Oki hummed as he made me a plate. “We all hit the dance floor then counted down until the ball dropped. At some point, we made it back here and crashed, I guess."

I couldn't help but notice that Oki wasn't his usual cheery, sometimes cocky, self like when he first came into my room. He must be hungover too, I thought as I dug into breakfast. 

He sat next to me, scrolling through his phone. “Oh, Xander posted some pictures. Maybe that'll jog our memory." I glanced over as we looked together. 


I could feel the bass pounding inside my chest as we made our way to the dance floor. Rylee insisted on getting me to 'shake my tail'. I could see Oki and Xander were already making fools of themselves around Taylor who was laughing hysterically. It made me laugh too. This was a night to have fun and let loose for a change. Maybe Oki was right. I need to loosen up a bit.

After a few more drinks, I had joined in on the festivities, doing the wackiest of dance moves and letting my tail colors change to the beat of the songs, much to everyone's awe and excitement. It truly was a fun time, possibly the greatest I've had all year. 

Overtime, the music started slowing down and it was clear it was meant for couples. Xander and Taylor had paired off and Rylee had gone off on her own somewhere, leaving Oki and I. “I guess we should take a break, huh?" I knew I felt a little buzzed and energized, my cheeks feeling warm.

Oki had felt the same, judging by his reddened muzzle. “Yeah, but I don't wanna sit down."

I simply nodded, taking a sip of...honestly, I didn't know what it was, but it was sweet and kept me moving. “Wanna pretend to be mates?" I giggle jokingly. Clearly the drinks are affecting me.

“Well, nothing wrong with two friends dancing together," he replied. I felt my tail wagging behind me and he blushes. “I take it you like the idea?

Had I been sober, I would've denied it instantly. And maybe I would've noticed the gleam in his purple eyes. But something moved me to say “Sure, why not?" My cheeks heated up a bit more and Oki offered a paw. I took it, stumbling a little as he guided me towards the center of the floor.

We stayed farther apart at first, mostly goofing around, but soon I found myself in his arms. I felt dumb, not knowing any slow dances and feeling the drinks make me heavier by the minute. But Oki didn't seem to mind. He held me up and nuzzled the top of my head. 


I was laughing embarrassed. Oki had just scrolled by the photos Rylee had taken of us. “I can't believe we danced together like a couple!" 

Oki was chuckling too, but didn't say much other than “Yeah, we were definitely drunk." 

“That's so embarrassing, but now that I think about it, I don't think either of us minded much. It felt...good?" I blushy wagged. 

Oki blushed as well, nodding. “Y-yeah. It did. " He smiled at me. “Although if I remember right, you kept stepping on my paws."

My ears shot up. “Wh- I did not!"

“Did too, I've got the bruises to prove it," he smirks. 

“You can't even see bruises through fur, idiot," I said, lightly punching his shoulder. 

He laughs and kept scrolling. “Oh look, a video of the ball dropping. Here, I'll play it on the TV." 

I got up from the table to put my plate away before I plopped on the couch next to Oki, pulling the blanket he was using over my own legs. He rolled his eyes and scooched closer. “Hey, this is my side," I pouted.

“Didn't your mother ever teach you to share? Now shush." 

I rolled my eyes as he hit play.


Oki and I left the dance floor together, meeting up with the others outside. I forgot to bring my jacket and Oki put his on my shoulders. “T-Thanks Okiii~" I slur a little.

“Yeah, of course, my drunk buddy~" he giggles. 

“I'm nooot drunk, you aaare…" I giggle and lean on him for support. By this point, I could barely hold myself up. 

“Sure, buddy...let's go see the pretty lights," Oki chuckles, leading me. I wagged excitedly like a pup. Fireworks, as annoying and loud as they are, were the most beautiful sight to me. 

“Well there you two are," Rylee smiles once we made it outside. “Oh, Dox, how much did you drink?"

“Too much," Oki says. “He can barely form sentences and I had to practically carry him around on the dance floor," he laughs.

“Nooot true!" I protest. “We were pretending to be maaates."

Rylee raises an eyebrow, looking at Oki. “Really?"

Oki, now blushing, moves on without hesitation. “Y-yeah, don't we make a cute couple?"

I continue wagging but don't let go of him for fear of falling. “I thought sooo~" I giggle.

Rylee chuckles and rolls her eyes. “Woo boy, just be glad he's drunk, Oki, or he might actually break your heart."

“Oh hush, you. He's cute like this," he says, blushing more as we walk over to Xander and Taylor. The countdown had started. 


Oki held me closer, telling me to look up.


I looked at Oki, ears folded back. My heart was pounding. Being this close and under his warmth...


Oki felt someone was watching him and glanced down to see me.


I gulp, blushing hard as my tail wraps around Oki's. Are we about to…?


Oki smiles and pulls me close. 


We close the distance between our muzzles, kissing each other gently at first before the hyena takes the lead, kissing me passionately. I murr and whine, enjoying my first ever kiss with my best friend.

After a few seconds, Oki pulled away, panting hard and staring at me. “Um…" he whispers, unsure of exactly what just happened. 

My tail was bright pink and wagging as I slowly opened my eyes, staring directly into the purple ones above me. “Oki…" I gasped quietly, regaining my breath. “You...we…"

Oki smiles down at him. “I love you."

I stiffen in his arms. He what? I open my muzzle to say something, but nothing comes out. My vision starts going dark and I can only hear Oki calling out my name.


The video ended soon after the kiss, leaving Oki and I sitting on the couch. Me in disbelief, Oki in silence. I looked over at him, noticing he was blushing as I'm sure I was. “We-"

“Yeah...-" was all he could say. 

“W-wow!" I chuckle after a bit of silence. “We really were drunk, heh…" I find it hard to look at him. “I prefer the dance video over that…"

Oki just stared at the screen, a smile on his muzzle. 


“I love you…" he whispered quietly. 

The words hit me like a baseball to the chest, my ears falling flat against my head. “Y-you what?"

“I love you, Dox." Oki repeats himself with tears streaming down his muzzle as he turns to face me. “I've loved you since the day we met. Since the day you moved in, all those years ago. You're kindhearted, smart, funny, and damn cute!" I was taken aback by his words as he continued. “We've always been so close and I thought, maybe, you were feeling the same way but you said...we were drunk…" His ears were flat on his head. “I just...I couldn't keep it to myself anymore. I love you, Dox."

I blinked a few times. My best friend that I've known since high school, who's always looked out for me, who's been through everything with me, is in love with me.I stare into his eyes, my tail sitting on my lap with flecks of yellow and pink. 

“Please…" Oki said with his voice cracking. “Don't let what I said change anything. I-if uh you don't l-love me back, t-that's fine. I just needed you to know." He starts to get up, shaking his fur out. 

I grab his paw. “Oki…" I said. He looks back down at me with those purple eyes, staring deep into my heart. “I- I-“ I stumble over what to say, millions of thoughts running through my mind. 

He sits back down, closer, and caresses my head with his paw. “I know," he whispers with a smile. He wraps his arms around me and I do the same, hugging him tightly. He lays back, bringing the blanket up over both of us. I look up at him as my head fits perfectly under his chin. He kisses my forehead and rubs my back. 

My heart pounding, my mind screaming Say it back, goddamnit! but nothing would come out. All I could do is hug him tighter and whimper quietly as my tail pulsates pink under the blanket, giving Oki my answer. He murrs soothingly and pets it gently. 

“You don't have to say anything, Dox. However and wherever you want to take this, I'll be right here to support you, no matter what."

I nod, relaxing in his arms and letting out a deep breath. “I'm willing to try it," I finally say. “With you."

Oki wags excitedly and kisses me again, my second kiss ever. I can't help but kiss back happily until he pulls back. “Happy New Year, Dox."

“Happy New Year, Oki."