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Job Search Tip 33 Remix: Boolean and Search Terms
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Title can't be empty.
This allows you to give clear instructions to the job board search engine so it can return relevant jobs. The goal is to minimize the need for manual sorting of search outcomes. It will take time, but save your search terms in a document so you can use them again.
Search online for job board-specific guides. Every board is a little different with how it uses Boolean operators.
I am looking for help to generate buzz about the book (see website for details). This would involve posting about the book two or three times on your social media/friend group on a given date.
Consider becoming a promoter if my tips have been helpful in your job searching pursuits. It would mean a lot to the contributing writers, artists, and myself.
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Edwin, an anthropomorphic jackrabbit, is wearing a business casual outfit and has a grumpy expression on his face. He gives job searching tips by speaking directly to the reader using a dialogue bubble. Edwin says,
"Consider using Boolean search operators when looking for jobs on popular job boards. For example: adding a “-” before a word would exclude instances of that word from the listed results. Using -“5+” would omit “5+ years of experience”. This can reduce the amount of irrelevant postings in your results which is a big time saver!"
Search online for job board-specific guides. Every board is a little different with how it uses Boolean operators.
I am looking for help to generate buzz about the book (see website for details). This would involve posting about the book two or three times on your social media/friend group on a given date.
Consider becoming a promoter if my tips have been helpful in your job searching pursuits. It would mean a lot to the contributing writers, artists, and myself.
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Edwin, an anthropomorphic jackrabbit, is wearing a business casual outfit and has a grumpy expression on his face. He gives job searching tips by speaking directly to the reader using a dialogue bubble. Edwin says,
"Consider using Boolean search operators when looking for jobs on popular job boards. For example: adding a “-” before a word would exclude instances of that word from the listed results. Using -“5+” would omit “5+ years of experience”. This can reduce the amount of irrelevant postings in your results which is a big time saver!"
1 month ago
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