Current Track: Blabb



>The easiest part of how you'd explain all of this is to start from the beginning
>Without the proper context or background, you couldn't really explain why you're on the roof of your school building, why the whole parking lot looks like it's been bowled over, or why you're fighting Vanessa Doermuth, the leader of the goths
>So as she punches your lights out with an unnaturally wild right cross that sends you skittering across the rooftop, your eyes snap shut, and you try to pretend that it's not happening, which has been your strategy for everything in your life that scares you
>You try to pretend that none of this is real and that this is all some really bad teen movie, or that you're trapped in some shitty dubbed anime
>But it's real. It's all real. Vanessa, the moon, Sam, Mike, Alex, Jenna the Behemoth
>You'd rather get a slap to the face to wake you up, but you can't choose how things happen
>Vanessa starts laughing in that really obnoxious laugh that's made you hate her for so many years, and you want to tell her to shut the fuck up, but you can't put your energy into words
>"Outnumbered, outclassed, outdone," she lifts you easily in the air by the collar of your vestments and stares into your eyes. “And here I thought at least you and I could see common ground. I really thought you'd understand. And after all you've done for us, I was perfectly willing to let you live."
>Her lips curl up into a smile, and the fangs, which a doe definitely shouldn't have, slide forward
>"Unlike people, I guess some things change."
>You never thought it'd end like this. In all the fantasies you've had of your demise, death-by-doe was not one of them
>Funny to think how all of this started a week ago, with that fucking flyer