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Ashar the Hunting-Dragon by Onisyra (Commission)
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Oh dear! Ashar just can't get away from people thinking he's a sportsdragon, can he? First he gets stuck as a racing-dragon, and now he's been caught and made into a falcon-dragon! Bound, hooded, perched on a log and even with some bells strapped to his tail, he hasn't just been caught, it looks like the handsome hunting dragon is being shown off, with his wings held apart, the leash to keep his head from wandering too far, that metal brace to keep his chest raised and hold him in this pose... He knows he's a skilled hunter, but he thinks capturing him and training him to do so only on command is a bit much! But he's trapped now, of course, helpless in the mitts, the muzzle-strap, the hood keeping him blind, and it's unlikely he'll be let off his lead until he's [i]very[/i] well trained...
This is a wonderful commission I got from Onisyra, which you can find and fave in her gallery here! The only direction I gave her was "bondage" and she came up with all of this awesomeness 8D Ashar's probably not too happy in there, to have been caught again... But at least he's not chaste this time I guess ;) Small steps! For now he'll just keep very carefully perched on that log, and wait for his next command.
This is a wonderful commission I got from Onisyra, which you can find and fave in her gallery here! The only direction I gave her was "bondage" and she came up with all of this awesomeness 8D Ashar's probably not too happy in there, to have been caught again... But at least he's not chaste this time I guess ;) Small steps! For now he'll just keep very carefully perched on that log, and wait for his next command.
12 years ago
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