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Meet Tarys
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Another dragon character?... Yes, another one.
But Tarys is a bit a little bit more special. "But why?" You may ask. Because At first I made him for a now cancelled D&D campaign only, alongside with his mate, Oku, who was only in my mind that time. But when that campaign got cancelled, I couldn't give up on them, and I thought about what if I insert their story into my universe, into Sleazan. So the story, what our GM thought we'd complete, got it's right place, at least a modified version of it, in my universe. And so with this the Middle Ages got their first actual characters too.~
With them not only a part of our GM's universe came into mine, but religions too. But not the ones he came up, but the ones I came up. Most of them was easy to make, since I just had to use my already written stuff. But I might will add more later, as my stories continue. We'll see... (If you want to read more about my characters, Sleazan, or any of my other creations, visit my websites' "central hub".
But Tarys is a bit a little bit more special. "But why?" You may ask. Because At first I made him for a now cancelled D&D campaign only, alongside with his mate, Oku, who was only in my mind that time. But when that campaign got cancelled, I couldn't give up on them, and I thought about what if I insert their story into my universe, into Sleazan. So the story, what our GM thought we'd complete, got it's right place, at least a modified version of it, in my universe. And so with this the Middle Ages got their first actual characters too.~
With them not only a part of our GM's universe came into mine, but religions too. But not the ones he came up, but the ones I came up. Most of them was easy to make, since I just had to use my already written stuff. But I might will add more later, as my stories continue. We'll see... (If you want to read more about my characters, Sleazan, or any of my other creations, visit my websites' "central hub".
Art © Tylbo Dergun
Tarys © Tylbo Dergun
2 months ago
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