Current Track: Blabb

“Damn right you're back...” Electra said as she leaned against me, panting softly as she licked my ear.

“Ohhh it feels nice to be back!” I laughed as I hugged her. “I can't believe I forgot everything!”

“I thought you were just screwing around at first.” She laughed. “Mewthree is an asshole.”

“Yeah, well guess what...” I said, laughing as I stood up.

“What?” She asked, smiling as we made our way to the door.

“You're in heat...” I chuckled. “You wanted to mate, not me... At least until I got back to my old self...” I laughed. “Plus I can smell it... And you did everything you could to make sure I didn't walk away from the... Situation... And your voice sounds really-”

“Okay hush, I know.” She said, whining as she grabbed me, squeezing hard. “Daaaallaaassss....” She whined. “W-”

“I know...” I laughed as I returned the awkwardly tight hug, purring softly as I rubbed her back. “Come on, I was the one that pointed it out!”

“B-but... A-are we ready?” She asked as she looked me in the eye, a look of dependency and concern, while at the same time, a look of lust and happiness, and maybe even a little excitement showing up within her shiny blue eyes. To tell the truth, there were so many emotions I could see in her eyes that I didn't know what the dominant one was.

“I am... Are you?” I asked, smiling as my tail began to wag.

“Ohhh Dallas...” She said as she hugged me softly, a tear in her eyes as she rubbed her cheek against mine. “Me too!”

“Well... I guess it's final then.” I smiled as I rubbed her back.

“You're having a Pichu?” Stryder asked as he walked in, laughing. “Electra's pregnant?”

“Shut up! Go away!” She snapped as she turned around. “It's none of your business!”

“Wait...” I said as I walked over to him, sighing as I placed my right paw on his shoulder. “What the hell did you do... And why?” I asked.

“Well it's simple. Mewthree placed a psychic block over your memory, I had Mew create a psychic unblock. Mewthree might be powerful, but he's a retard.” Stryder laughed. “Then I just hit you with the unblock and boom. Done.” He said.

“You threw it on the floor and left...” I sighed. “That wasn't even close to hitting me...”

“Well it was a psychic thingy, all it had to do was touch you.” He said. “And you inhaled it. Good enough.” He said.

“Now go away.” Electra said as she waved her paw. “How'd you get out of the PC anyway?”

“How I got IN would be a better question to ask.” He laughed. “I got out when you died, I had to owner, I was released...”

“Starlight came looking for you, told me you were in there...” Electra laughed.

“Eh...?” He asked as he perked up his right ear. “Where is she?”

“I ate her.” Electra said, smiling.

“Eh... Didn't like her that much anyway.” He said.

“I'm joking...” Electra laughed. “She ran off... She was an annoying chatterbox so we teleported and left her alone.” She said.

“Err...” Stryder said as he looked down. “Again... Didn't like her that much anyway...”

“Question...” Electra said as she looked at him, smiling. “Why were you such a dick?”

“Well if you want the truth... I was with Team Onyx at the time...”

“Holy shit who WASN'T with Team Onyx!” Electra yelled. “Jeez! So many ex-members it's ridiculous!”

“Aaanyway... When me and Starlight... Changed-”

“Don't you dare...” Electra growled, a few sparks jumping from her cheeks as she stared at Stryder.

“Um... Well when we... Met Dallas... And we... I have no clue how to word it if you don't want me to just say it out.” He sighed. “When we met Brian and... Ugh, Electra knows what I'm talking about, holy shit.” He said as he grabbed his ears. “Ugh... Skipping that part then... When I...”

“What the heck are you talking about...” I asked. “I didn't understand any of that...”

“Anyway, when Dallas was Dallas, and he coincidentally joined our colony with Rice and stuff... Rice, also being an Onyx member, know about Mewthree and that crap, and he knew that eventually the colony would be in danger.

“Holy crap... This would be like, the perfect time to have Cammy here to place in a few knowledgeable things about Team Onyx that we don't already know...” I said, sighing.

“Yep, you're definitely back.” Electra laughed. “Maybe we can teleport her here... Because I miss her...”

“And just how is that?” I asked. “We can't do that.”

“Yeah we can...” Electra frowned. “Oh yeah, no we can't... I died... I lost my nanobots...”
“Mine don't work.” I frowned.

“Then use your psychic power things.” Electra frowned. “Telepathically call her or something... If anyone can inform Cameron and all those people about what's happening better than anyone it's her.” Electra said.

“Yeah well right now I can't get to her.” I sighed. “So she'll have to stay where she is for now...”

“ANYWAY...” Stryder yelled. “Like I was saying... When... Ugh forget it.” He sighed.

“Wait, so you're not an ass?” Electra asked.

“I'm not answering that...” He said as he walked out of the room. “I'll see if I can get a hold of Cammy...”

“She hates you.” Electra said as she followed him out.

“I know...” He sighed. “When she hears from me she'll come though. All confused and stuff.”

“Well right now we don't have any way of finding her...” I said.

“Actually we do.” Electra said as she tilted her head to the right, before spitting something into her paw.

“What the hell is that...” Stryder asked as I exited the room and looked at Electra's paw.

“It's Cammy's Pokeball. She gave it to me a while back. Told me to eat it. So I faked as if I'd eaten it, and I just stuffed it into one of my cheek pouches.” She said. “In case of an emergency or something.”

“Okay, so you have her ball... But she's so far out of range it's not even remotely possible to call her.” Stryder laughed. “You're stupid.”

“How many... Other random things do you have in your cheek pouches?” I asked, laughing.

“Tons.” She said, laughing. “I don't know how much I can hold either.”

“If you ask me, I don't understand you at all.” Stryder said. “You're the size of a Pikachu, yet when something enters you, no matter where it enters you, be it your mouth or another part of you, it's gone.” He said. “I mean, you weigh fifty million times more than you're supposed to, and you somehow have a bottomless... Everything.” He said. “Not only that, but have you ever been INSIDE her?” He asked, laughing. “It's like HELL!” He said. “You fall for like hours... And then you wind up in the PC somehow.” He said.

“No that's only you...” I said, laughing. “Everything else she's eaten gets eaten. You're the only thing that's been sent to the PC...” I laughed.

“Yeah...” Electra said. “Pokemon aren't supposed to make sense.” She said. “How does a ditto change into everything else and copy their abilities and moves and stuff? I'm not the only thing that doesn't make sense. Logic doesn't apply to us. We defy it like, all the time.” She said.

“But still...” He sighed. “If I had gotten actually eaten, then-”

“Then you would have died a really painful death, as I intended you to at the time.” she said.

“Lovely.” He laughed.

“Hey, what are you two doing back here?” Cameron asked as he looked over the counter, laughing. “Come on, get out of there. I could get in trouble if you're caught.” He said.

“There's your weirdo master kid.” Stryder said as he hopped up onto the counter.

“He's not our master.” Electra growled.

“He's our friend.” I said, smiling as I hopped up onto the counter, then hopped down to the other side.

“Yeah, friends.” He laughed. “Why are you so mean?”

“Because he's an asshole.” Electra said as she hopped over. “And I ate him because he was an asshole a while ago, and he somehow went to the PC.” She said. “So yeah. If you stick around and keep up your shit, I can assure you there's a long painful death in your future.” She said as she patted Stryder on the back. “You can count on it bud.”

“Wow, what's with all the negativity?” Cameron asked.

“Eh it's nothing, just ignore it.” I laughed.

“He said he could get your memory back... Did it work?” Cameron asked.

“Hell yes it worked!” Electra laughed as she grabbed me, pulling me into a tight hug. “I'll give you some positive karma for that bud.” She said as she flashed Stryder a sly smile. “But you're still waaay in the negatives in my eyes.”

“Yeah whatever.” He said. “I did what I had to. If I didn't, the world would be overtaken by Mewthree, a raging lunatic that only thinks about power and selfishness and stuff.” He said.

“This is getting retarded. Can we like, go to the Pokemon Center and pick up a friend?” Electra asked as she held up the Pokeball.

“Um... I'll get in trouble...” Cameron frowned.

“You're the owner of Dallas and Electra... No one gives half a crap what you do.” Electra laughed. “Now take me!”

“Well when you put it that way...” Cameron frowned. “I guess we can go... But I don't have any way to get there...” He frowned.

“I do.” I said as I grabbed his leg, then Electra's tail, smiling as I closed my eyes.

“Can you at least wait for me?” Stryder growled as he grabbed my tail. “Jeez. Sure you grab everyone BUT me...”

“Because everyone else isn't an annoying asshole.” Electra growled.

When I opened my eyes, we were at the Pokemon Center. I looked up at Cameron, who looked down at me and blinked.

“Wait...” He said as he looked at me, then looked around, then back down at me. “Now that you have your memory back... You can use all your moves?” He asked. “AWESOME! Your teleport thing will save us a lot of time!”

“He's not even weirded out by it...” Electra frowned as she held up the Pokeball. “Tell Nurse Joy that you need the Pokemon for this ball.” She said.

“Err... Okay...” Cameron said as he took the ball, frowning. “Why is it wet... and slimy?”

“Don't ask.” She said. “Just do it.”

“Um...” Cameron said as he walked up to the counter.

“Hello, how may I help you?” Nurse Joy asked.

“Well I have this ball...” Cameron said as he placed the ball on the counter. “And I don't know where the Pokemon it belongs to is...” He said.

“Oh, well no problem! I can just reset the ball.” Nurse Joy said as she picked it up.

“NO!” I yelled as I jumped onto the counter, snatching the ball and taking a step back. “NEVER!”

“Yeah, um... The Pokemon that it belongs to is one of Dallas' close friends...” Cameron said, frowning. “And he kind of wants to know if he can somehow get them back...”

“Well you never said it belonged to Dallas...” Nurse Joy laughed. “Lots of people come here with Pokeballs asking for the Pokemon inside, and the majority of them are stolen.” She said. “So we just reset the balls most of the time, unless the person didn't really steal the ball, in which case they will usually speak up when I mention resetting it... However, I had no idea it meant so much to you.” She said as she looked down at me.

“We need her to tell us what's going on.” I said.

“Well then, let me just have a look at it.” Nurse Joy said as she reached out for the ball.

I sighed as I slowly handed it to her, my right ear twitching as I watched her place it on some sort of pad thingy, before pressing a whole bunch of buttons that I couldn't even see.

“Well it seems your Pokemon is all the way across the world... Which doesn't surprise me, because Electra seemed to appear from there too... And so did you...” She said as she looked at me. “Way too far for me to do anything.” She said as she placed the ball into some sort of tube thing, similar to the one I was placed in for my Team Rocket initiation. I tilted my head as it suddenly disappeared in a flash of white light, and Nurse Joy turned back around.

“However...” She said, smiling. “I've just sent it to the nearest Pokemon Center to that area, and Nurse Joy is going to call your Pokemon back and send the ball back here.” She said, smiling.

“Why are there so many Nurse Joys...” Electra said as she hopped up onto the counter. “It makes no sense...”

“Neither do you.” Stryder said.

“Shut up.” Electra growled. “Seriously, quit pushing it...”

“Well tell me this... Why did you restore my memory if you're still being so mean?” I asked as I looked at him.

“Well the way I see it is... If I don't, I die because of the lunatic in the sky. If I do, I die because of the lunatic right here, on the ground.” He said as he pointed to Electra. “So I'm dead either way. So why not do something good before I die.” He said.

“I'm going to ignore that...” Electra said as she hopped down off of the counter.

“Jeez...” Cameron mumbled as Nurse Joy placed the Pokeball down on the counter, smiling. “There, you're all sset.” She said. “Anything else?”

“No, I'm fine.” Cameron smiled.

“Yes actually, there IS something else you can do.” Electra said as she lifted Stryder up by the back of his neck with her right paw, growling. “You can return this moron back to the PC.” She growled.

“Hey, is that any way to treat the guy that saved your mate?” He asked as he wiggled. “Put me down! Stop being abnormally strong!”

“I can pick both of you up.” I said as I picked Electra up by the middle, laughing as I hugged her and spun around once, before putting her down.

“You too!” Stryder said as he looked at me.

“Bleh.” I said as I stuck my tongue out at him.

“That's kind of scary that you can pick up a five hundred, whatever, something over four hundred... Poun Pikachu with no problem...” Cameron said as he stared at me, before picking up the ball. “Err, let's go.” He laughed as he gently grabbed my tail. “Err... To my house!”

“To your what?” I asked.

“The place I live.” Cameron laughed.

“Ohh...” I said as I picked Electra back up, laughing as I teleported us to the house. Right in the middle of the kitchen.

“AAH!” Kevin screamed as he turned around. “What the hell how did you just appear there?” He asked as I put Electra down.

“Well Dallas got his memory back so he knows all his moves and he can teleport things.” Cameron laughed.

“Oh Arceus, THREE now?” The female human said as she walked in. “This is ridiculous Cameron!” She said.

“Actually four.” Electra said as she hopped up and grabbed the ball out of Cameron's hand, grinning as she pushed the button, releasing Cammy with a burst of red light as she materialized.

“No way. Nuh uh, no way am I keeping four.” She said as she folded her arms.

“Dallas said these are the only ones.” Cameron said. “No more.”

“Okay... What the HELL just happened...” Cammy said as she looked around, her eyes seeming to light up as soon as she saw me.

“DALLAS!” She squealed as she tackled me, hugging me tightly as she kissed me right on the mouth, her tail wagging a mile a minute as she hugged me. “OHHHH I'm so glad you're okay!” She squealed.

“Me too!” I laughed. “Good to see you!”

“Please tell me they're not going to... Do THAT... Here...” The female human said.

“Oh come on.” Cammy said as she stood up. “We're not having sex. I just haven't seen him in a while. And even if we were, if you don't like it you could always leave and not sit here and complain.” She said as she helped me up. “Geez... Where am I anyway?” She asked.

“No idea.” I said, laughing. “Just a... Place.”

“Why is HE here?” She asked as she shot a glance over at Stryder, who took a step back.

“If there's going to be a fight I'm kicking you all out.” The human said.

“No you're not. I think they haven't seen each other in a while and they just need to talk for a bit. We should leave them alone.” Cameron said.

“Yeah...” Kevin said as he walked off into the living room. “Come on, leave them be.”

“Ugh, why do you have to bring so many Pokemon in here when I told you we-”

That's all I chose to hear, because at that point I just stopped listening to her as she walked away.

“Okay... Now that we have our second paw source...” Stryder said as he sighed. “Here's how it happened. When I made Dallas... Dallas...” He said. “I was just doing it because Starlight said it would be fun and stuff... And he said he wished he was a Pikachu anyway.” Stryder said. “So we made that wish come true...”

“Like Jirachi?” I asked.

“Yeah, okay...” Stryder said. “Anyway... It was complete coincidence that he joined the colony...” Stryder laughed. “And of course Rice, being a full out member of Team Onyx, knew all about the mewthree plan and stuff, and he also knew about Dallas...” Stryder said. “So, he knew Dallas would become powerful enough to defeat mewthree, but at the same time he knew that if he got rid of Dallas, he'd keep his rank as leader.” He laughed. “He was a selfish retard. But not only that, but he saw you as a threat somehow. He thought that D-”

“Okay you're an idiot.” Cammy said as she held her paw out in front of his face. “Just... Stop talking...”

“Oh come on!” He said. “You're always like that! You always assume everyone but you is wrong! You're all such morons. I try to tell you the truth and you all blame for being wrong. To tell the truth I don't like any of you, I just didn't want to die painfully!” He said.

“No, I always assume YOU'RE wrong.” Cammy snapped. “I hate your guts dude. Don't push it.”

“I hate yours too so we're even.” He said, rolling his eyes.

“Okay then.” She said as she grabbed the Pokeball away from Electra, growling as she fiddled with it.

“Wait what are you doing...” Stryder asked as she bonked him over the head with it.

“Bye!” She said as it opened, sucking him inside.

“Wow... Never knew Cammy had an angry side.” Electra laughed.

“Well this idiot over here seems to trigger it more than anything else I've encountered.” She growled as she sat down, dropping the ball. “What really happened that day, is... Rice was a big member of Onyx, as you already know. He was actually a part of the mewthree project... Stryder here decided to be an idiot and go off with Starlight to do some stupid crap with onyx's new technology.” She said. “So he rounded a bunch of colony members because... I don't know why... And told them what to do. And for some reason they listened.” She said. “After they were all rounded up, he targeted the next human to come by, which was Brian.” She said. “Then blah blah blah, you know. Dallas returning to the colony was planned out. It wasn't coincidence.” She said. “They knew that he would come back looking for answers. And when he did, they offered him a bunch of stuff to stay, that sort of thing. Once he was a member of the colony, Rice began treating him like gold. He didn't want him to leave for two reasons. One of them being, that once Dallas got the word out to Ben who he was, Ben, being their “Leader” and stuff, began asking around. Wanted to know how it happened and why. Now Rice hated Ben. I don't know why, but he did. And since Dallas came back to the colony like he was supposed to, Rice got nervous. He could see that Dallas was getting strong really quickly. So he saw it as a threat, but also an opportunity. He thought that if he got rid of Dallas, he'd keep his rank as leader, and crush Ben's feelings, thus turning more attention to his family and less to Team Onyx. What Rice didn't know, was that Ben didn't even like Kevin and Brian. He was just using them to hide his money and crap like that.” She said. “He thought that killing Dallas would solve two problems. Anyway, when word got out that Dallas could melt rocks with his thunderbolt, Rice knew he'd waited too long, and he didn't stand a chance in defeating Dallas at all. So now, feeling threatened, he did what he could to get on your good side.” She said as she looked at me. “You switching bodies with me wasn't only fucking creepy.” She said as she shivered. “Ugh, I remember that all to well... Anyway, he saw it as a coincidental opportunity. He tried to steal you from Electra to get on your good side, but he didn't know just how attracted to Electra you really were, or about your strange spiritual bond.” She laughed. “So he tried to kill her, then go back and tell you that he found her dead and act all innocent and stuff so he'd be the only one left as far as mates.” She said. “Then, when he had you all depressed and stuff, he planned to catch you off guard with something, I don't know what. I don't even know what happened after that, I'm just taking the most logical answer.” She said. “He still wanted you dead because then he thought he could carry out the whole “Devastate Ben” plan. However, that wouldn't have worked anyway. He pretended to care to gain your trust and planned to kill you. That's basically it.” She said. “And he asked Stryder to do it when he realized he couldn't. So he gave Starlight the job of spying on you to see what foods you two liked the most, and then Stryder was going to put something bad in it and give it to Starlight, who would in turn give it to you and you'd eat it because you trusted her.” She laughed. “I don't know how but that plan got ruined too.” She said.

“I had a feeling Starlight was BSing with the whole “I love Dallas” act. Electra said. “And I heard her talking when we stalked her in the weeds. So I kicked her out.” She said.

“Nice...” She laughed. “Anyhow, when Stryder was asked to poison you himself, after Starlight failed, he refused. Because he knew killing you wouldn't solve anything. So he acted like an ass until Electra got rid of him.” She said. “From that point on Rice had no more “Minions” to do his dirty work. So he came up with the whole “Kill Electra” plan and what not.” She said. “And to answer your question you're about to ask... Yes, Stryder was an ass before all of this even happened. He just decided to be more of an ass so that you really wouldn't trust him.” She said. “He wanted to make sure he wouldn't be able to do any of Rice's dirty work. Not because he hated Rice, but also because he knew right from wrong.” She said. “So yeah. He doesn't like you, and he's still a moron.” She said. “But he acted super moronic throughout all of that to protect you.” She said.

“Yeah well I didn't like it. I wouldn't have accepted food from him anyway.” Electra said.

“Yeah you would.” I laughed.

“Shush.” She pouted. “I wouldn't have!”

“You know... All we needed to know was if Stryder was an ass or not... And you went and gave out this whole speech about how Team Onyx did this and that and this and that.” I laughed. “Don't get me wrong, it was interesting and stuff though.” I laughed.

“Well isn't that what you brought me here for?” She asked. “I mean, you suck me out of nowhere and then release me, and the first thing I see is Stryder, and he starts talking about Team Onyx and Brian and stuff. Of course I'm going to add to it.” She said. “But what I don't understand is... I hate his guts, you all hate his guts, he hates ours... So why the hell does he randomly come and help out?” She asked.

“Then go back to being an ass immediately afterward? I know, it makes no sense.” Electra said. “We hate each other yet he helps out... Despite our circle of hatred.” She said.

Cammy sighed as she picked up the ball, pushing the button and releasing Stryder.

“What the FUCK!” He yelled as he flailed his paws. “You're INSANE! You freaking CAUGHT ME! Pokemon aren't supposed to catch other Pokemon!!!”

“Yeah well Bolt caught other Pokemon, mainly colony members that valued their Team Onyx membership more than the colony... And then fed them to me.” Electra said. “There is no law saying a Pokemon can't catch another.” She said.

“To tell the truth...” Cammy said as she got really close to Stryder, smiling as she rubbed her belly against his. “I'm a little confused by your tactics.”

“What tactics?” He asked as he took a step backwards, only for Cammy to take a step forward.

“You hate our guts, we hate yours. Yet you help.” She said. “And still act like a moron afterward. What's that all about?” She asked.

“Well if you'd pull yourself about two feet out of my ass I'd tell you.” He said as he stepped back. “Geez. No need to be all up on me like that.”

“Wow...” She said as she stood there, folding her arms. “What is it then?”

“It's just the right thing to do. I don't care if I hate you or not.” He said. “I help everyone while remaining enemies with them, because I don't want them to COUNT on me to bail them out of their shit.” He growled. “Enemies never count on the enemy to help them out. So I stay enemies.” He said.

“You're... Weird...” She said as she sat down. “That's just weird... So... You're not an idiot?” She asked.

“No, he is.” Electra said. “I think he's naturally an asshole and just helps everyone out so that he has an excuse.” She said.

“Okay just shut up about it.” He growled.

“Well whatever it is, I don't care.” Cammy said as she stood up. “Just... Leave... Do whatever the hell you do.” She said.

“Whatever.” He said as he walked off, laughing. “Good luck with your Pichu!” He yelled.

“Pichu?” Cammy asked as she tilted her head. “What Pichu?”

“Well if you hadn't noticed...” Electra sighed. “It's-”

“Yes, I know. It's that time again... Mating season... Yay.” Cammy giggled as she wagged her tail. “Now I have an excuse for mating with a bunch of Pokemon that aren't my species!” She laughed. “Can't have a Pichu with an Eevee now can I?” She giggled. “I wonder if there's like, a park nearby that has lots of Pokemon in it...” She asked as she tilted her head. “They're probably all frisky there too...”

“Um...” I laughed as I scratched the back of my head. “Me and Electra kind of... Yeah...” I laughed. “We're having a Pichu...”

“Oh Arceus.” Cammy laughed as she hugged Electra. “A combination of the two of you huh?” She asked. “Wonder what that will be like. An all powerful Pichu with the appetite of Electra.” She laughed. “And imagine if it's male!” She giggled.

“I always wondered what the male version of me would be like...” Electra laughed as she hugged Cammy back.

“Hehe...” I chuckled nervously as I looked down, my tail wagging slowly.

“Well when humans get pregnant I hear they're hungry all the time, and really moody.” Cammy said. “I hope that doesn't mess with things...” She said. “As far as you two being mates I mean...”

“Cammy...” Electra said as she hugged her again. “I'm not a human. And even if those things apply to Pokemon too, I'm ALREADY hungry all the time. AND mean for no reason!” She laughed. “I doubt it can get any worse!”

“Well you have a point...” She laughed as she hugged Electra tightly. “Oooh I missed you so much”

“I missed you Cammy!” I said as I hugged her from behind, laughing. “Group hug!”

“Yay!” Cammy laughed. “But just one thing...”

“Yes?” I asked as I took a step back.

“I told you to get rid of that ball...” Cammy said as she dropped the ball to the floor. “Why didn't you?”

“Well I figured if there was an emergency I could use it...” Electra frowned.

“Oh, well okay then!” Cammy giggled. “Let's like, eat and hang out or something.” She laughed. “Where do we sleep? I wanna see it!” She giggled.

“No you don't.” Electra laughed. “Trust me, you don't.”

“Oh Arceus...” Cammy sighed. “Where is it?”

“Walk down the hallway and follow the icky smell.” Electra said, chuckling as Cammy walked off.

She's going to freak out when she s-

“HOLY SHIT!” Cammy yelled as she stood in the doorway, her right paw over her nose as she pointed to the room. “THAT... Is NOT where I'm SLEEPING!” She yelled. “I REFUSE! NO!” She yelled. “IT'S DISGUSTING!”

“What the hell is going on...” Kevin asked as he walked into the hallway, frowning as he stared at Cammy. “CAMERON!” He yelled. “Your fucking room is scaring the shit out of all three of them!” He shouted. “CLEAN IT!”

“It's not SCARY!” Cammy yelled. “It's DISGUSTING! I'm sleeping out here on the rug or something!” She said as she dashed down the hallway towards us. “Ugh, GROSS!”

“I knew you wouldn't like it.” Electra laughed. “I mean, I don't even think Zeke was this messy...”

“Zeke wasn't messy at all.” Cammy said. “He always cleaned up somehow. He just couldn't get the small things.” She said. “He liked to rip things apart like boxes and stuff and eat pieces...” She laughed. “But no, he always cleaned up afterwards. I mean, he ate most of the boxes he tore up so... There was little to clean, but he always pushed It into a little neat pile.” She said. “Sometimes I have to bribe him with a little reward, if you know what I mean... But he always cleaned up.” She laughed.

“Err...” Electra said as she walked into the living room. “That's... Lovely I guess...”

“Well I have to pee...” Cammy sighed. “Where's the bathroom?”

“Outside?” I said, laughing. “Isn't it always?”

“Well yeah, but... Whatever. I'll just find a way out.” She laughed as she walked back down the hallway, sighing as she walked up to Kevin.

“Hey you, let me out.” She said as she pawed at his leg. “I have to pee.”

“What do you want...” He said as he looked down at her.

“I want to go out...” She said as she walked two fingers across her left paw.

“Go for a walk?” He asked.

”Yes whatever.” She nodded. “Outside...”

“Err... I don't feel like walking...” He said as he frowned down at her.

“Holy crap...” She sighed, her ears drooping to the sides as she looked down in frustration. “I am not asking... To walk WITH you!” She said as she looked at him. “I'm asking to be let OUT!” She said. “Where is the freaking door?”

“Cameron has the translator... I don't know what you're saying...” He said. “Sorry, you're going to have to wait, or explain it a little better.” He said.

“Are you freaking retarded?” She yelled. “I'm pretty civil but I'm two seconds away from just sitting down right here and peeing on the floor.” She growled. “It's not that hard to just let me out! I freaking WALKED my fingers across my paw!” She yelled.

“You don't have to yell... Jeez...” He said as he looked at us. “Just explain it with something.” He said. “Like, act it out.”

“Oh I'll act it out alright...” She growled as she walked all the way down the hallway, sighing as she leapt into Cameron's room.

“Cameron they're yelling at me because your room is messy.” Kevin yelled. “If I get confronted about this one more time I'm going t-”

“I'll clean it later!” He yelled.

“You better.” He said as he walked off.

“This is kind of funny... I don't know why.” I said as I walked into the living room, sighing as I hopped up onto the couch. “Ugh... Today has been excessively retarded...” I sighed.

“Yeah no kidding.” Electra said as she hopped up next to me. “But it was fun.”

“Well yeah...” I smiled as I scooted all the way back, smiling as I pulled her into my lap, my right paw resting on her belly as she leaned back against me, purring softly.

“Okay, so he doesn't want to show me the way out because he doesn't feel like walking, then that's fine with me. I'll just go in there for now on if that's the case.” Cammy laughed. “Smells like death in there. I doubt a little pee will make it much worse.” Cammy said as she hopped up onto the couch.

“You went in Cameron's room?” Electra asked as Cammy sat down next to us.

“Well yeah.” She laughed. “It's a mess already so I figured why not, right?”

“Get over here.” I laughed as I pulled her down against the back of the couch, smiling as I hugged her against my right side, while Electra sat to my left.

“Whoa there, watch it.” She laughed. “You might be able to hold Electra like that but there's no way I can!” She said. “Don't squish me!”

“I would never squish you!” Electra laughed. “I have to watch who I jump on too... I can like, really crush someone if I tried...” She frowned.

“It's a scary thought.” Cammy laughed as she cuddled up to the right of me.

“Awww look, Dallas has two mates!” Kevin laughed as he looked at us.

“That's nice.” The female human said, who was sitting on the other couch.

“They cuddle just like we do! Isn't it neat?” Kevin laughed.

“Yeah, I suppose so.” She said.

“Well... What are we going to do now?” Cammy asked. “I mean, we're in the middle of nowhere and stuff...”

“Well we'll go hunt down mewthree.” I said. “I don't know where we are, but if we go into the woods and stuff I'm sure we'll find our way.” I said.

“But I thought Electra alreadyyyyeeEEEE!” She squealed.

“Shush.” Electra said as she poked Cammy's side, laughing.

“Err... Well okay, we'll go a bit later. Let's relax for now.” I laughed as I hugged Cammy against me, who purred and snuggled up against me.

“Sounds like a plan!” Cammy giggled. “Oh, and again, congratulations Electra.” She giggled. “I can't wait to see the little guy.”

“Thanks!” Electra giggled. “For all I know there could be hundreds of them growing.” She laughed. “But it's really unlikely. I mean if there was, I probably wouldn't feel it anyway, but I think there's probably only one.” She giggled.

“I sure hope it's not hundreds!” Cammy laughed.

--END Chapter Twenty Two.--