Current Track: Blabb
Species: Wildtouched ("Natural Shifters")
Species home: Earth
Average height: Human norm
Average weight: Human norm
Sexual dimorphism: Slightly male
Reproduction: Human norm
Maturation: Human norm
Lifespan: Maximum 120yrs(approximate)
Sensory Summary: Human Norm


Appearing human normally, Wildtouched are in fact a genetically distinct species from humans.  Capable of interbreeding with humans or even through unknown circumstances being born from two humans, each Wildtouched possesses the ability, once Awakened, to change form into a single non-human form.  This form can never be changed, and is that of a nondomestic vertebrate animal species.  (No aquatic examples have been observed, although whether this is evidence of anything is under debate.)  Geographic and hereditary factors have been observed to partially, but not wholly, influence this alternate species.


While as varied as the humans they normally appear as, a Wildtouched cannot specify fine details about their forms.  Coloration of skin, fur, scales, feathers, markings and scars will always be the same each time they shift. (But see "Healing", below)


Genetically distinct from humans, Wildtouched are still capable of interbreeding with humans.  However, they can easily be picked out by genetic scans.  While Wildtouched are immune to many human diseases because of this, speculation is that they may have their own diseases to cope with.


As Wildtouched are very rare, with estimated fewer than 1 million individuals worldwide, there is no coherent culture, with most adopting the local human culture due to lack of other options.

Paranormal abilities:

No Wildtouched has been observed exhibiting any paranormal abilities aside from shapeshifting.  Argument persists as to whether shifting itself is their paranormal ability, or if something prevents them from developing such powers.


Wildtouched are naturally drawn to more natural environments, such as forests, plains, woods, undeveloped land, etc., especially if that is what their animal would prefer.  This "Call", as it has been described, increases in intensity as the moon becomes fuller, and weakens as it wanes.  What data has been collected indicates a feeling of greater inner peace and relaxation in such surroundings.


A Wildtouched will not start shifting until "Awakened", a poorly-understood event which is triggered by one or more of many factors.  A nonexhaustive list of possible influencing factors is as follows: Exposure to other Wildtouched, the full moon, exposure to animals of their alternate form, severe physical, mental, or emotional trauma.  Before Awakening, a Wildtouched does not shapeshift at all, and the allergies are less noticable.


The most notable feature of Wildtouched, each individual has the ability to shapeshift to an animal form that, as noted above, can never be changed.  At first, shifting is involuntary.  With experience, shifting can happen voluntarily, or be held back, as the individual desires.  Further experience yields an "Anthro" form that can also be shifted to.  All Wildtouched may shift involuntarily under significant physical, emotional, or mental stress or trauma.  All Wildtouched MUST shift to a nonhuman form during the full moon.


Wildtouched healing, while no faster than human norm, has no observed limits.  Flesh mends, scars fade, follicles regrow.  Even wounds that should normally not heal have been observed beginning healing.  Due to the fact that no crippled Wildtouched has ever been found, it is speculated that they may be capable of even greater feats of healing over long periods of time.


Wildtouched have a contact allergy to sufficiently pure copper(in large quantities), silver, and gold, each being more harmful than the last.  Initial contact is similar in appearance to a chemical or electrical burn, with effects getting worse as exposure persists.  This effect can be fatal with sufficient time, for reasons unknown.

Other Notes:

While no coherent culture exists, Wildtouched often seek out others of their type, forming(knowingly or not) small enclaves of secrecy where the population is higher than statistically expected.  August Falls, Maine, United States is one such location.

There are rumors of Wildtouched being somehow connected to the "Philosopher's Stone".  Normally such notations would merit only sneering dismissal, but the fact that it appears in nearly all of what little scholarly documentation of Wildtouched exists, makes this rumor persistent.