Current Track: Blabb

Daniel looked over his work
for the hundredth time that day, the numbers all blurring together in
front of his eyes. The big rhino sighed and rubbed his eyes, the
beginnings of a head ache were making themselves known after hours of
staring at the spreadsheet; the rhino had been hard at work since he
had found one error in one of the formulas, which had ended in an
endless goose chase for more errors all through the countless tabs.
By now, Daniel had lost count of how many errors he had fixed but
even after all his work the screen still showed the red cell calling
out an error. He grumbled in frustration while his tail flicked
angrily behind him, his eyes were tired and his mind could no longer
keep focus on any task; a strong huff of air left his nose and,
reluctantly, the stubborn rhino finally admitted his defeat for the
day. His eyes looked down to the corner of the screen where white
bold numbers stood proudly,

“Only thirty more minutes”
Daniel mumbled under his breath while his fingers massaged his
temples. “Only thirty more minutes and you can leave all this

He repeated the words like a
mantra until his budding headache was reduced to a mild discomfort.
Once that was dealt with, Daniel spent the last minutes of his work
day saving and organizing the files he had been working on, the
meddling task helped soothe his nerves greatly and by the time he was
logging off his computer the headache was all but gone. He sped
through his chatty coworker’s latest tale and narrowly avoided the
angry glare of his boss, the old bull more than likely to chide
whoever caught his attention for hours.

The ride back home was the
everyday fare, that is loud, annoying and cramped, his city wasn’t
precisely famous for its accommodations for larger folks such as
himself. This was a thing that many of his fellow passengers were
kind enough to remind him with jabs and pushes as they made their way
to the door. It was no surprise for Daniel that his head was pounding
with a headache by the time he had reached his reddish brown door.
Meaty fingers took out his tiny keys, a string of curses and grumbles
ran across the room as the rhino struggled to open his damned door.
At last, with a victorious click, the door stopped messing with the
tired worker and swiftly made way for him. He stepped inside with a
tired gait and a quiet curse; a deep soprano voice came from the
kitchen, singing an old song that brought a smile to the rhino’s

Daniel closed the door behind
him softly, a playful smile made its way to his face as he delved
deeper into the apartment; his heavy steps were muffled by the
carpet, his things were thrown on the nearest couch and his tail
swung happily behind him. A sweet aroma filled his nose, the scent of
honey, raisins and freshly baked cookies, a distinct combination that
Daniel knew well and that worked well for his plans. The moment he
stepped inside the kitchen, the stiffling heat of the oven and the
pots hit his tough skin and made him huff in surprise; the sound went
unnoticed however by the tall bear dancing around the kitchen in time
with his tune, his body moving with grace and elegance from pot to
frying pan, his cute and short tail wriggling from side to side.
Daniel remained near the door as the bear danced across the room,
moving his wide hips tantalizingly. The moment the bear stepped away
from the kitched, the rhino sprung into action; thick arms snaked
around the bear’s stomach while a horned muzzle nuzzled the
bear’s back; the bear grew stiff in his hold, his song cut short by
the strange attack, a yip left his mouth moments later when he was
lifted of his feet and swung around in a circle. A rough laugh came
from the rhino as he spun his bear around a couple of time before he
let his feet touch the earth again.

The ursine playfully batted
away the hands holding him, an easy going smile on his face, and
turned around to see his husband.

“I swear, you’re
going to give me a heart attack one of these days” said the polar
bear while his hands caressed the rhino’s long face. A soft laugh
left the smaller man, his tail tracing lazy arcs behind him, and he
leaned into his bear’s touch.

“Maybe you’ll learn
how to use those cute ears of yours for something other than songs.”
The rhino rose to the tip of his toes, his hands grasped the ursine’s
apron and brought him down for a quick kiss. “You still taste like
honey, you sneaked some of the cookies before they were ready again,
didn’t you?”

“Maaayyybbbee, I never hear you

“Complaining that a bear’s
lips taste like honey? May as well complain about the clouds for
raining, or the sun for being hot?”

“Or a rhino being grumpy?”
the bear asked with a raised brow, mirth shining in his eyes.

ha, you’re killing me Omar.” Daniel replied in mock anger.

“Only with love, my big
rhino” The bear said, plating a big kiss of the rhino’s lips, and
turned back to stir the frying pan.

“Did you just call
me fat?” teased Daniel, a smile appearing on his face moments

“Well, I’m not the one
that always asks for seconds.”

“You know I need fuel
to grow.”

“Yeah, grow sideways,” Omar shot back and
gave his husband a coy wink. The rhino answered with a grumpy snort,
his hands crossing on his chest before he leaned his weight on one of
the counters.

“Grow sideways, and here I
thought you liked my muscles” grumbled Daniel, moments before a
second snort left his nose.

“Heh heh, I like those too.”
Omar replied, leaving the pan on the stove before he closed the
distance between the two. His meaty hands brought the rhino into a
tight hug, his thick fur hot from a day of cooking while his t-shirt
was matted with sweat; Omar smiled as he fell the rhino melt into his
embrace, the large horn pointed to the side where it would do harm.
“Besides, the bigger you get, the more I have to love, isn’t that
right my big champ?”

The rhino only let a
non-committal grunt but his hands sneaked behind large bear and
hugged him tight. The two husbands enjoying the quiet moment after a
hard day of work. The big bear lowered his head, nuzzling the side of
his husband’s muzzle before he planted a quick kiss on his neck.
With a chuckle, Omar pushed against the rhino’s chest, but the gray
hands held him close to his husband.

“Let me go you big goof, I
need to watch over the food.” said the bear with a light tone.

“Five minutes.” was all
Daniel replied as his arms hugged the ursine tighter. “I missed

“I missed you too,” Omar leaned down, one
finger lifting the rhino’s chin, and planted one passionate kiss on
his lips, “but one of us has to be the responsible adult.”

“Two minutes then?”
pleaded the smaller man with a whine.

Omar lifted his chin, his
black nose sniffed the air a few times before he let out a defeated
sigh. “Fine, two minutes but not one second longer.”

A series of thwaps came from
behind Daniel, the rhino’s tails brushed his legs with vibrant
energy as he took the chance nuzzled the side of the bear’s muzzle.
Rough skin met thick bristle fur, the strange sensation sent shivers
down the spines of both men and brought a relaxed smile to their

“I love you” said Daniel
as he clutched his mate tightly.

“I love you too my big
champ.” answered Omar without missing a bit, one hand idly
caressing the rhino’s mane as he placed a kiss on the side of the
rhino’s lips.

"You're never letting go of that one, are you?"
