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R-Force: Spectre
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“He’s got a mischievous streak ten miles wide, but he’s also got a big heart.”
Real Name: Terrik Mek’arrin
Codename: Spectre
Species: Lizard (technically, half-iguana and half-Narashaou)
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Eye Color: Yellow
Skin Color: Green dorsal with dark green stripes along back, fading to lime-white ventral
Crests Color: Black
Power: Intangibility; can shift his molecules to move through solid objects with ease. This power allows him to become completely untouchable, though due to his inexperience with it, he can only utilize it in limited form so far. While he is still able to see and light can still react with his body in this state, air will pass through him so he must hold his breath while intangible. He also keeps his inertia in this form, so if he wants to move, he has to be moving before shifting, and will be unable to stop until becoming solid again. Luckily, he’s a quick learner and can overcome these setbacks with ingenuity and quick reflexes. Given enough practice, he may someday be able to control his intangible form more precisely.
Physical Description: Thin, athletic build. Scales are smooth and uniform, giving the appearance of unbroken skin. Sinewy body is toned and extremely flexible, rivaling contortionists. Long, broad tail is prehensile and helps in balance; it is strong enough to hold his weight when hanging. Hands and feet have black talons and can stick to walls for a short amount of time. Black crests have varying thicknesses; spike out from his head like wild hair. Possesses a series of tribal-style tattoos along right arms and left shoulder. Left eye has also has black claw-shaped tattoo over eyelid. Eyes are yellow with slitted pupils.
Personality: Brash, cocky, and impulsive. Terrik doesn’t believe in limits and will gladly test whatever they may be perceived as. He is a thrill-seeker who’s not afraid of authority, and will often go out of his way to prod such figures to test how far he can go with them. He never backs down when challenged. However, under all that ego Terrik does have a heart of gold. He has a soft spot for children in particular; he grew up around orphans of all ages and feels he can relate to them since he doesn’t care to “grow up.”
Terrik believes in poetic justice, and can’t stand the thought of wrong-doers going unpunished. This carries over to a belief that good deeds never go unrewarded, and will sometimes go out of his way to make sure it stays that way if he assumes it hasn’t yet. He is extremely loyal to those he considers friends (currently that’s only one person: Rix), though his personal morals ensure that even acquaintances who stay on his good side won’t be bothered. Aside from this he carries resentment against Malivia (due of course to the war, but also partially for the stereotypes against reptiles that it caused), and will get defensive about matters pertaining to it.
Relaxed and carefree, Terrik likes setting things in motion and then riding the waves to see what happens. He rarely considers the consequences of his own actions.
Background: Terrik never knew his parents, nor cared to. In his eyes, it was probably from an unwanted pregnancy and if they never cared to get to know him, then he figured he shouldn’t care about them, either. Being raised without parents never affected him, as he used older orphans as role models and eventually became a role model himself for the younger ones (much to the chagrin of his caretakers).
He met and quickly became friends with Rix at a martial arts class. The two began as sparring partners and soon realized that, aside from working great together, they shared a number of common interests. Though Terrik later dropped out of the class, the friendship remained and the two would often hang out during their free time together. Despite Terrik’s egotistical ways, he saw Rix as the first person he actually enjoyed being around, and quickly gained a respect for the wolf. The feeling was mutual, as Rix saw past the lizard’s ego and found someone to relate to that was brave enough to stand up for himself. Unbeknownst to either of them, Rix’s parents and Terrik’s caretakers realized that the wolf was a positive influence in the lizard’s life, driving him away from the “bad crowd” and acting as a moral conscience of sorts. Terrik inadvertently reciprocated in turn by encouraging the wolf not to be afraid of acting out.
This continued as the years went on. Terrik often had a tendency to go out and cause his own brand of playful, non-harmful-but-potentially-costly mayhem. He was prone to getting into trouble and such “adventures” would sometimes cause more damage that he intended (one occasion being a wildfire that destroyed twelve acres, and another situation resulted in a severely damaged fountain in a park after a wild race on hoverboards). As such, he has a criminal record, but Rix was always there to bail him out and ensure his wild streaks were kept in check.
One aspect Terrik has always kept secret is his genetics. Knowing that Raikonia is a diverse world and that few, if any, have ever seen every species of Ri’khana, Terrik has always claimed he was an iguana. However, that is only partially-correct. It turns out that some species of green iguana are genetically-compatible with the Malivian race of Narashaou, the same race of saurian reptiles waging war against Raikonia. Due to the war, reptiles on Raikonia already have a bad rap and Terrik didn’t want to make things worse for himself by revealing part of his bloodline came from the enemy. It is a secret he keeps extremely close; Rix is the only person he’s ever trusted with it so far, and the wolf has proven his loyalty ever since. This is another factor that has strengthened their bond as friends, and both hope that in the future, such an example might point toward the idea of peace, or at the very least, coexistence, between the two races.
Dominant Hand: Right
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 120 lbs.
Strengths: Confident, energetic, fearless, very agile
Weaknesses: Egotistical, brash, impulsive, a bit of a pervert
Notable Talents: limited martial arts skill; great at sneaking around undetected and getting into things; skilled dancer, traceur, and hoverboarder
Arsenal: Verrocite nunchaku Halicrux (green crystal); switchblade knife; Raesha-2 pistol
Shock Suit: Flexibility enhancements trade shielding for mobility and weight reduction; light-reactive coating aids in stealth and distraction; addition of frictionless fabric material masks sounds of movement; fabric also possesses light-reactive fibers to give an active-camouflage effect in the absence of natural light
Fighting Art: Capoeira; Jeet Kun Do
Team Position: Infiltrator
Nationality: Equivalent of American w/ Caribbean descent
Voice: Will Smith
Theme: “Nine Thou (Superstars Remix)” by Styles of Beyond
Rix's best friend and polar opposite, Terrik is a wild man with a love for getting into trouble and pulling the hapless wolf along with him. When he has to deal with ruthless, armored soldiers and super-powered assassins, however, even he wonders if he's taken on more than he can handle.
This was a rare attempt at reptiles for me. I wanted the R-Force to be a diverse crew and Terrik was one of the original team members I devised for them. I also wanted a bit of creative freedom with his appearance so I came up with his half-Narashaou genetics in order to do design him how I wanted. It also had the benefit of adding more conflict to the story (he and Stealth develop a lot of animosity against each other early on because of this).
Terrik "Spectre" Mek'arrin © Aelius (me)
Real Name: Terrik Mek’arrin
Codename: Spectre
Species: Lizard (technically, half-iguana and half-Narashaou)
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Eye Color: Yellow
Skin Color: Green dorsal with dark green stripes along back, fading to lime-white ventral
Crests Color: Black
Power: Intangibility; can shift his molecules to move through solid objects with ease. This power allows him to become completely untouchable, though due to his inexperience with it, he can only utilize it in limited form so far. While he is still able to see and light can still react with his body in this state, air will pass through him so he must hold his breath while intangible. He also keeps his inertia in this form, so if he wants to move, he has to be moving before shifting, and will be unable to stop until becoming solid again. Luckily, he’s a quick learner and can overcome these setbacks with ingenuity and quick reflexes. Given enough practice, he may someday be able to control his intangible form more precisely.
Physical Description: Thin, athletic build. Scales are smooth and uniform, giving the appearance of unbroken skin. Sinewy body is toned and extremely flexible, rivaling contortionists. Long, broad tail is prehensile and helps in balance; it is strong enough to hold his weight when hanging. Hands and feet have black talons and can stick to walls for a short amount of time. Black crests have varying thicknesses; spike out from his head like wild hair. Possesses a series of tribal-style tattoos along right arms and left shoulder. Left eye has also has black claw-shaped tattoo over eyelid. Eyes are yellow with slitted pupils.
Personality: Brash, cocky, and impulsive. Terrik doesn’t believe in limits and will gladly test whatever they may be perceived as. He is a thrill-seeker who’s not afraid of authority, and will often go out of his way to prod such figures to test how far he can go with them. He never backs down when challenged. However, under all that ego Terrik does have a heart of gold. He has a soft spot for children in particular; he grew up around orphans of all ages and feels he can relate to them since he doesn’t care to “grow up.”
Terrik believes in poetic justice, and can’t stand the thought of wrong-doers going unpunished. This carries over to a belief that good deeds never go unrewarded, and will sometimes go out of his way to make sure it stays that way if he assumes it hasn’t yet. He is extremely loyal to those he considers friends (currently that’s only one person: Rix), though his personal morals ensure that even acquaintances who stay on his good side won’t be bothered. Aside from this he carries resentment against Malivia (due of course to the war, but also partially for the stereotypes against reptiles that it caused), and will get defensive about matters pertaining to it.
Relaxed and carefree, Terrik likes setting things in motion and then riding the waves to see what happens. He rarely considers the consequences of his own actions.
Background: Terrik never knew his parents, nor cared to. In his eyes, it was probably from an unwanted pregnancy and if they never cared to get to know him, then he figured he shouldn’t care about them, either. Being raised without parents never affected him, as he used older orphans as role models and eventually became a role model himself for the younger ones (much to the chagrin of his caretakers).
He met and quickly became friends with Rix at a martial arts class. The two began as sparring partners and soon realized that, aside from working great together, they shared a number of common interests. Though Terrik later dropped out of the class, the friendship remained and the two would often hang out during their free time together. Despite Terrik’s egotistical ways, he saw Rix as the first person he actually enjoyed being around, and quickly gained a respect for the wolf. The feeling was mutual, as Rix saw past the lizard’s ego and found someone to relate to that was brave enough to stand up for himself. Unbeknownst to either of them, Rix’s parents and Terrik’s caretakers realized that the wolf was a positive influence in the lizard’s life, driving him away from the “bad crowd” and acting as a moral conscience of sorts. Terrik inadvertently reciprocated in turn by encouraging the wolf not to be afraid of acting out.
This continued as the years went on. Terrik often had a tendency to go out and cause his own brand of playful, non-harmful-but-potentially-costly mayhem. He was prone to getting into trouble and such “adventures” would sometimes cause more damage that he intended (one occasion being a wildfire that destroyed twelve acres, and another situation resulted in a severely damaged fountain in a park after a wild race on hoverboards). As such, he has a criminal record, but Rix was always there to bail him out and ensure his wild streaks were kept in check.
One aspect Terrik has always kept secret is his genetics. Knowing that Raikonia is a diverse world and that few, if any, have ever seen every species of Ri’khana, Terrik has always claimed he was an iguana. However, that is only partially-correct. It turns out that some species of green iguana are genetically-compatible with the Malivian race of Narashaou, the same race of saurian reptiles waging war against Raikonia. Due to the war, reptiles on Raikonia already have a bad rap and Terrik didn’t want to make things worse for himself by revealing part of his bloodline came from the enemy. It is a secret he keeps extremely close; Rix is the only person he’s ever trusted with it so far, and the wolf has proven his loyalty ever since. This is another factor that has strengthened their bond as friends, and both hope that in the future, such an example might point toward the idea of peace, or at the very least, coexistence, between the two races.
Dominant Hand: Right
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 120 lbs.
Strengths: Confident, energetic, fearless, very agile
Weaknesses: Egotistical, brash, impulsive, a bit of a pervert
Notable Talents: limited martial arts skill; great at sneaking around undetected and getting into things; skilled dancer, traceur, and hoverboarder
Arsenal: Verrocite nunchaku Halicrux (green crystal); switchblade knife; Raesha-2 pistol
Shock Suit: Flexibility enhancements trade shielding for mobility and weight reduction; light-reactive coating aids in stealth and distraction; addition of frictionless fabric material masks sounds of movement; fabric also possesses light-reactive fibers to give an active-camouflage effect in the absence of natural light
Fighting Art: Capoeira; Jeet Kun Do
Team Position: Infiltrator
Nationality: Equivalent of American w/ Caribbean descent
Voice: Will Smith
Theme: “Nine Thou (Superstars Remix)” by Styles of Beyond
Rix's best friend and polar opposite, Terrik is a wild man with a love for getting into trouble and pulling the hapless wolf along with him. When he has to deal with ruthless, armored soldiers and super-powered assassins, however, even he wonders if he's taken on more than he can handle.
This was a rare attempt at reptiles for me. I wanted the R-Force to be a diverse crew and Terrik was one of the original team members I devised for them. I also wanted a bit of creative freedom with his appearance so I came up with his half-Narashaou genetics in order to do design him how I wanted. It also had the benefit of adding more conflict to the story (he and Stealth develop a lot of animosity against each other early on because of this).
Terrik "Spectre" Mek'arrin © Aelius (me)
12 years ago
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