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[Commission] Super Collie encounters Mistress Milk Maid
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[i]Damn, now my bra needs adjusting - I've no idea why this keeps happening!"[/i]
A commission piece for Wolfrider on FA of his big super-busty 7ft bovine ex-wrestler and current supervillianess Mistress Milk Maid meeting - or failing to meet in this case - the diminutive 5ft 8in Super Collie. Sometimes what you're looking for can be hidden in plain sight, as it were...
Mistress Milk Maid belongs to Wolfrider
Super Collie belongs to me.
Drawn entirely in Krita, a free open-source multi-platform digital art application that has more front than a row of houses.
A commission piece for Wolfrider on FA of his big super-busty 7ft bovine ex-wrestler and current supervillianess Mistress Milk Maid meeting - or failing to meet in this case - the diminutive 5ft 8in Super Collie. Sometimes what you're looking for can be hidden in plain sight, as it were...
Mistress Milk Maid belongs to Wolfrider
Super Collie belongs to me.
Drawn entirely in Krita, a free open-source multi-platform digital art application that has more front than a row of houses.
7 years ago
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