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Hey, guys!
This is Diana - Diana (or Di-Di as I like to call her sometimes) is the first one I got back in November 2013 from Woolworths! She is a female adult(?) Ozraptor subotaii and she is one of my favourites (sorry, my 30-odd other dinosaurs; I still love you too)! I used to take her with me in the car and put her in the driver's seat and pretend that she was driving! Everyone smiles when they see me with one of my plush dinosaurs! I am never unhappy when I'm with my dinosaurs and I never for a millisecond wish that I didn't have them, so I hope that you enjoy seeing her too! Also she likes meat... too much. Sometimes, it's like the only word she knows is meat. :)
Her name is related to the fact that she is a dinosaur (Diana-saur)!
Rawr! ^w^
This is Diana - Diana (or Di-Di as I like to call her sometimes) is the first one I got back in November 2013 from Woolworths! She is a female adult(?) Ozraptor subotaii and she is one of my favourites (sorry, my 30-odd other dinosaurs; I still love you too)! I used to take her with me in the car and put her in the driver's seat and pretend that she was driving! Everyone smiles when they see me with one of my plush dinosaurs! I am never unhappy when I'm with my dinosaurs and I never for a millisecond wish that I didn't have them, so I hope that you enjoy seeing her too! Also she likes meat... too much. Sometimes, it's like the only word she knows is meat. :)
Her name is related to the fact that she is a dinosaur (Diana-saur)!
Rawr! ^w^
4 years ago
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