Current Track: Blabb

of the Hart

Cederwyn Whitefurr

October, 2021

Rights Reserved.

of the Order of the Hart

over thousand years ago, the Order of the Hart was originally a
religious group founded by the Church to hunt down and kill
Therian's, Were's and other creatures that went 'bump' in the night.

beasts were the bane of humanity, often preying upon them as
playthings for their cruel and sadistic pleasures – then when they
tired of them, they were food for the 'beasts' as they came to be

is long forgotten exactly when the Order broke from the Church and
went their own way, making it their self-imposed mission to eliminate
the Were's and the Therian's, wherever and whenever they were found.

have a 'human-centric' belief in their righteousness and an almost
borderline xenophobia about Therian's and Were's. They will capture,
torture and execute these 'beasts' even going so far as to make a
sport out of it, as they view them as godless, soulless 'beasts',
that are a plague against humankind.

in a thousand of the Order members know magicks and can wield them
with terrible and frightening intent. Such magicks lean heavily
towards the destructive and the dark arts, for such is the way of the

it comes to the 'beasts' they hunt. Humans allied or assisting the
beast's are likewise tortured for information on the location and
numbers of known Therian's or Were's, then executed when they are of
no further use.

have refined their art of capture for these 'beasts' and use silver
tipped lances, pikes, swords, daggers and even crossbow bolts and
arrows. They are exceptionally gifted in laying exquisite and
carefully designed traps to catch the 'Beasts'.

caught, a “Beast' is restrained with heavy shackles and leg
bindings, depending on the species being hunted. A iron collar is
often also employed being affixed around their neck with a silver
cored bar from the collar to the wrist shackles and the ankles.

feral-like 'beasts' such restraints are a collar – usually attached to a
long shaft so the handler can maneuver/force said 'beast' to go where
they wish, whilst remaining at range from them. Hobbles are often
infused with silver and cross-tied to prevent escape.

for an indefinite time is their accepted fate, where said 'beast' is
tortured and starved until their will breaks and they divulge their
information such as their numbers, location and any other pertinent
details before they are led into the main square of the keep and
before the whole order – they are usually pierced through with
silver lances.

mercy is shown for these 'beasts', anything they can and do say,
including pleas for leniency or mercy, are merely considered to be
lies and mistruth, intending to elicit responses of remorse or
compassion within the Order Brotherhood. Such a thing will not and
can not, be allowed to happen. They are 'beasts' abominations before
man and the Gods, and as such, shall be according to succour, no
compassion and absolutely, no mercy.

are the Order of the Hart, we have a sacred duty, no, a righteousness
to destroy through whatever
means we deem necessary, these godless, soulless 'beasts' that
threaten humanity's very existence. We rule through fear, for
through fear, we are strong and united as one, with one purpose and
one goal."

order of the Arch-Magi,

Kelias Blackmane,
