Current Track: Blabb
I remember it well, most of it anyway, some parts were filled in by my siblings and parents. It was the day of my 15th birthday; I was woken by my father gently nudging my shoulder, it was late, just after midnight if i remember right, I wasn't a fan of being woken up at such a time, I'm still not, well apart from some occasions.

Dawns POV:
"Ugh, dad? what's going on?" I say groggily, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, blinking a few times as they adjust to the dark, we're in a large cave, having came here for some reason no-one would tell me, and to be honest it's been making me nervous, why fly for nearly a full week to come to this old place, its just a valley in the middle of nowhere.

Dad looks down at me with a faint smirk, almost as if he's proud of something, actually, now that I think about it, everyone has been giving me weird looks, even mom. "It's time, Son, the storm's here, tonight you learn what you are and what you can do." he says as the realisation dawns on me, I was 15 today, that means it was time for me to learn what element I would wield.

So that's why everyone was sneaking glances, today they find out what their runt of a brother can do. You see my family does this whenever someone turns 15, they come out here, I guess, I've never been before; we are only allowed to come once we are 15 or older, and do some sort of 'rite of passage' and that's how we learn what element we can breath, all my siblings are different. Some breath fire, water, lightning, even ACID!! I guess today is my day.

Seeing that I finally get what is happening, my dad hands me a pair of leather bracers, they both have a weird pattern of a tree with a symbol to one side and some birds to the other, and my red scarf, I guess mom had it cleaned for me. "Get yourself dressed, and meet us by the caves mouth, your siblings will do their part and then your mother will tell you what you need to do" he says as he walks off, casting a glance back at me over his shoulder.

Standing up off the bed I start getting ready, fastening the buckles round my arms, huh... perfect fit, then tying my scarf tight, dad mentioned a storm so whatever this is, it's bound to be exciting, and terrifying..

Taking a few moments to steady myself I turn and walk into the main chamber of the cave, seeing my siblings gathered with small bowls, Walking over they stop me before I can advance past them, "Wings wide brother, we cant let you go out there without your paints" my eldest sister, Norri says with a proud smile.

With a shrug I just stand there, spread my wings wide hold my arms out as well while my siblings take their time using their fingers to paint intricate patterns over my form, all in the same colour as my scarf, maybe slightly lighter. After this they all smile and nod seeing their work complete, as they usher me forward toward the entrance of the cave.

Walking to the entrance, siding up to my mother and father, both standing a few heads above me, with my siblings gathered behind us gasping as they saw the view, and what a view it was. The storm outside was raging, but not like any I had seen, in the centre of the valley, was a single, dark grey vortex, a literal tornado just staying stationary, not even moving. I don't know how this is possible, or if it is possible, but the proof is right down there in the valley.

"You must go into the vortex son, you must not fly, you can only walk, it has been this way for generations." my mother says not even looking at me, however her face does show a level of concern that makes me nervous all over again. As if she knows what im thinking she turns to me "I know it looks rough, but you are stronger than you think, perhaps stronger than we all think, I guess today we will all find out together just how strong you are" with that, she points to the storm "Go, and remember the lessons we have taught you"

With a unsure smile and a nod. I start off, walking down the path towards the valley, And towards my fate, taking heavy and sure steps to brace myself against the winds.

Parents P.O.V:
"Are you sure about this? He is a runt after all and that storm is far fiercer than any time we've ever seen it, you said so yourself!!" Bassa (my mother) says, looking to her husband with some concern, finally letting her mask drop as she looks towards the storm with worry.

"I'm sure, I have a feeling he will surprise us all, he may be a runt, but he has kept up with his siblings despite that he's overcome his smaller form and shown that he can go toe to to even with our eldest son, if he keeps a clear head" Bevu (My father) says with a faint chuckle, looking out to the storm, seemingly confidant in Dawn's abilities, his mother would tell him that he was almost as stone faced as his epitaph may one day be.

Dawns P.O.V:
I slowly trudge forward, all the lessons about dealing with these conditions that my sire and dam instilled in us from the days of our first flights "do not fight the storm, embrace it, let it guide you, but do not let it control you, remember to keep your sense of self, and you will always make it out" my mothers lessons echoed in my mind.

It takes some time but before I know it I'm near the bade of the vortex, strange, I though tornados pulled you in, the winds throughout the valley sure did, almost like moms lessons, guiding me here, but here the vortex was literally solid, it was as if no light got through, with a few steadying breaths I straiten my scarf, or try anyway, and and bracers before striding through the 'wall' of the vortex.

Inside it, its incredible! It's eerily calm, almost serene, not even an errant breeze or stray leaf on the wind further up, towards the sky, is a different story altogether, there are ominous black thunderheads, streaks of light I know to be lighting flashing through them and there debris everywhere in the sky, and yet, in this perfect little bubble, all is calm, all is peaceful. Apart from the ominous looking stone bench parked perfectly in the centre, great.

"Only when we are at peace do we know who we are, you must be calm and in control if you truly seek to know yourself" my fathers words ring in my head. Knowing what I have to do, I stride on over to the bench and sit Indian style, my hands resting on my knees, and close my eyes, taking slow breaths as I hear the storm starting to close in.

It's barely noticeable at first, just a small gust here or there, that's before the lightning starts, landing all around me, somehow not scorching even a single blade of grass almost as if this place if protected from the elements themselves. The lighting picks up the flashes visible even through my eyelids, shaking my head and focusing on the feeling of the air I remember something my mother said to us all when we asked how we will know which element is ours.

"You simply have to feel it, listen to the elements, let them come to you, and soon if you are at peace, if you truly are ready for them, then yours will choose you, and you will let them." With those wise words in mind I listen, and hear, everything! the roar of the mighty storm, the crackling buzz as lighting streaks through the air, the splattering of the rain as it drenches everything around me and the gentle hiss as the frigid air is met by the searing heat of the ionised plasma lighting up the valley, and as I listen, I start to feel it or rather I notice that I don't, I don't feel the stone bench beneath me any longer. Instead I feel my legs limply dangling below me, as my arms rest at my sides, when did I stand up?  I don't remember.

That's when it happened, the moment I opened my eyes and saw white.

Family's P.O.V:
The gathered dragons stare agasp as the storm rages before them, lightning arching up through the dense clouds of the vortex, illuminating the valley below and the sky above in a single breath. its like nothing they have ever seen, so violent and yet, there was a calm mastery to it, almost purposeful. What was further shocking was that wasn't the only element at play, the winds were fierce and biting, a certain chill to them as they both froze the ground as they passed over it and simultaneously ripped mighty oak trees from the round itself, roots and all, some of the trees are even sliced cleanly as though some unseen blade, as sharp as the will of any dragon, cleaved straight through them, and the rain, it was strange, almost mystical, to see what were essentially mini lakes forming while the ground froze around them, and then almost as if someone flicked a switch, it was over, the storm was over, the vortex dissipated and the skies cleared.

Without even a second thought, they took flight towards the centre of the valley, where a snoozing grey mass lay neatly on a stone bench.

Dawn's P.O.V:
For the second time that night, I am awoken by someone nudging my shoulder, sitting up I'm brought face to face with the proud and somewhat bewildered smiles of my parents and the bamboozled faces of my siblings, well, those of my siblings that weren't looking around in amazement, following their que my eyes scan the valley and instantly I'm awake once more.

It's a mess, there are huge puddles everywhere, trees uprooted and sliced to pieces what ground wasn't covered in frost and ice is blasted and scorched. "What...uh.. What happened?" I say, not even drawing my own conclusions yet, too entranced by what I saw, by what I, apparently, did.

"You did, my young one" My mother smiles down at me, "Though just quite how, I have no idea, I have never heard of one single dragon controlling multiple elements like that! truly it was a sight to see!" she practically gushes.

At the praise, I sheepishly smile and rub the back of my head "I'll take your word for it, I... uh, I don't remember a damn thing besides floating off the bench..."

My father, who until this point had been silent spoke up "Storm Dragon... That is what you are son, I thought they were but a myth, an old dams tale, but the proof is all around us, you can control the very storms themselves and the elements contained within." He looks to me with something I wouldn't recognise till I was older.

It was awe