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20190114 - Landscape Sketch
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Title can't be empty.
First upload of the year! Yea, yea, I know I've been terrible again at uploading anything anywhere and I apologize. I'm starting off the year by letting go of some networks to make uploading easier. Google+ for example, I like the concept and I liked how it looked but it never took off and now it feels like a burden just thinking about it. Depending on how things go I could also leave behind Tumblr since I get little to no interaction there, and the same thing happens with Furry Network; heck, I even get more interest on Instagram of all places. I could auto-post from Instagram to Tumblr and Facebook now that I think about it, but unfortunately I can't do that from the web so I'm stuck with individual uploads for now. :,/
What do you think?
Here's to hoping for more art this year! May everyone reading this have the energy and drive to achieve their respective goals this year. :D
[color=gray][b]Did you like my work?[/b][/color]
If so please consider a coffee at [b]Guephren's Ko-Fi[/b]. :)
[color=gray][b]YOU CAN ALSO FIND ME ON[/b][/color]
Twitter || Furaffinity || Furry Network || Deviantart || Tumblr || Telegram Channel
Mastodon || Facebook || Instagram || ArtStation || Pinterest || YouTube || Google+[/sub]
What do you think?
Here's to hoping for more art this year! May everyone reading this have the energy and drive to achieve their respective goals this year. :D
[color=gray][b]Did you like my work?[/b][/color]
If so please consider a coffee at [b]Guephren's Ko-Fi[/b]. :)
[color=gray][b]YOU CAN ALSO FIND ME ON[/b][/color]
Twitter || Furaffinity || Furry Network || Deviantart || Tumblr || Telegram Channel
Mastodon || Facebook || Instagram || ArtStation || Pinterest || YouTube || Google+[/sub]
5 years ago
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