Part 2
The School
It all started on Monday when school started that year, a normal seeming day would take a very strange turn into a world of unknown for the students of Felis High. It was an all Cat school that was becoming a free entry school. This meant that the strict cat only rule was being abolished and now all races could join. Unfortunately just because the law said it was a free school, didn't mean the people who went there made it all that welcoming for other races.
Until recently the schools, and most of society, had been segregated by racial divisions. This was a large step towards equality for the anthro society on paper but unfortunately only a small step in reality. Felis High was one of the first to adopt the whole freedom of race ideal for their students, but only because they received extra funding for doing so. The first students to the school, that were not felines, quickly changed schools to go back into their racial seclusion because of how cruel the students were to them.
For many years this sort of thing went on, other schools opening their doors to other races only to find themselves segregated by choice rather than law now. This all changed on Monday when a new student enrolled in Felis High. Rumors spread like wild fire and soon the entire school already knew they were getting another non feline student. Most of them were not worried as they figured the student wouldn't last a week, but this time it was different.
And so the story begins for Rasha, a hybrid of Japanese Bobtail and Chinese Dragon Li, who took mostly after her mother who was the Chinese Dragon Li. Her coat was golden with a dusting of an almost brown, almond shaped eyes, black stripes along her fur, a strong lithe body, and a sharp tongue that took after her mother. She also had a long, and in feline society, glorious tail that split in two following the Japanese folk lore, with soft silky fur that was, at the thinnest, two inches long to three inches. Many wouldn't think she was anything but pure Dragon Li, except that her eyes were multi colored. Her left eye was a deep gold that seemed to stare into your very soul while the other was a bright blue that seemed mischievous and curious at the same time.
Her part to play in the story was that she was the first one to ever meet the new student. The new student was a male fox, a silver fox to be exact, who had sharp eyes, a silvery black fur that seemed to shine like rippling moonlight, and a thick full tail. He stood about six foot, a good foot and a half over Rasha, Her first sight of this strange and new student was on her way to the school. She was riding the bus, sitting in the front so she could be the first off and try to beat the crowds, when she noticed a man with a large bushy tail running down the street in a hoody sweater and jeans.
Remembering the rumors of a new student she opened the window to stick her head out and watch him. He was defiantly heading to the school so it had to be him...but what was he? She couldn't get a good view because of the way his clothes were, but he seemed to be some sort of fox or wolf maybe? She sighed in annoyance, she hated canines...they were noisy and uncouth creatures that didn't deserve to be in the same school as a refined creature such as the feline race.
The jogging male entered the school as Rasha's bus pulled into the parking lot, the first as usual, and began to unload. Rushing into the school Rasha began to think over what sort of canine the new student would be. Without really paying attention she opened her locker and began to put her school supplies inside and change around her backpack for the coming classes. When the locker next to her, near the back wall, shut with a soft metal clink. She jumped as she turned to see who had made the noise, she was the second to the last on the wall and the locker next to her had always been empty.
Next to her was the silver fox from earlier, not even sweaty from his jog, getting ready for school as well. Normally the other canines had tried to make conversation immediately, probably something to do with the fact they were pack creatures, only to be snubbed by the felines. But this time that didn't happen, she waited with a grimace for the coming torrent of conversation she expected to spill from the fox's vulpine muzzle, only to be surprised when he picked up his bag and walked past her as if she didn't exist.
Shocked and slightly flustered Rasha simply stood with her jaw open as she watched the retreating back of the fox. She was still this way when her best friend came up to her locker right next to Rasha. Curious as always Yvette the Bengal poked her friend's shoulder.
"Hey Rasha what'sup? You look like you just failed a really easy math problem and couldn't believe it."
Still looking rather shocked Rasha turned to her friend and said, "I just saw the new guy...he's a fox and he just TOTALLY ignored me!"
Now it was Yvette's turn to be shocked. "You mean he didn't start like, talking!?"
Shaking her head Rasha closed her locker and picked up her backpack and looked over at Yvette, "No he didn' was...kinda freaky to be honest." Yvette nodded in agreement and quickly hurried off, forgetting to shut her locker, to start gossiping to her friends.
Chuckling at her friend's rushing nature she shut Yvette's locker and headed to class. She was, as usual with all things, the first one in the class. Or so she thought. Looking around she noticed the fox from earlier was sitting in a chair looking out the window. It had snowed last night and as such the trees surrounding the courtyard were covered in a white dusting that seemed to enhance the vivid green of the pine trees. Deciding the best course of action was to just ignore him, like he seemed to ignore her, she moved to her desk and get ready for class.
As she moved into the room the fox never even looked back to see who it was. Now seriously curious about the fox she kept finding herself sneaking quick glances towards him with a curiosity he would not sate by even acknowledging her. Pretty soon after the other teens began to file in as class time drew nearer and nearer. The fox gathered many curious glances and whispers as gossip about him began to spread.
Yvette walked into the room with the crowd and rushed over to sit next to Rasha in the back of the room. "Hey Rasha has he spoken to anyone yet?" Rasha shook her head and continued to watch the fox as he stared out the window, constantly ignoring everything behind him. The bell rang and caused everyone to jump, they had all been watching the new student, and face towards the front of the class.
Their teacher, a British Shorthair named Zerik, walked in and smiled at the class. "Good morning class, we have a new student today. Mr. um..." He looked down at his notes and frowned. "Malamunis?"
Sighing, the first sound she had heard from him, the fox stood up and walked to the front of the class. Picking up a dry erase marker he looked over his shoulder at Zerik and waited.
Zerik stared at him blankly for a second before smiling and nodding, "Go ahead and write out your name Mala-" He was cut off by the sound of the marker being opened and gliding across the board. In clearly written letters was the word Malumunus.
Turning to look at the class the fox sighed again and in a voice like rich silk, a deep voice that was almost sexy, if he wasn't a fox, he said, "My name is Malumunus, Mal-Uh-Moon-Us." He re-capped the pen and folded his arms before looking at the teacher. "Where do I sit?"
Slightly flustered now Zerik picked up his notes and made a tiny edit to the spelling of the word and then looked over the class seating to find an empty seat. Looking relieved he tapped his notes and said, "You will be sitting in the back right next to Rasha."
Everyone in the class was to shocked to say anything at all. Rasha was known for her looks, popularity, and sharp tongue. Not an easy combination to get along with when you were new, or a fox. Shrugging he picked up his bag and walked calmly down the isle to the seat designated as his. Yvette was on the left of Rasha and now Malumunus was on the right of her.
As was his style it seemed he completely ignored her and everyone around him before pulling out his books and preparing to start class. As class progressed at several points Malumunus would pull out a regular book and begin reading silently. At first this began to unnerve poor Zerik as he had never had a student seemingly ignore him. Politely he cleared his throat, every student knew this was a sign to stop whatever they were doing and truly pay attention. When he cleared his throat a few more times everyone began looking around. It soon became apparent that the person Zerik was focusing on was Malumunus.
Walking down the isle to the back of the room Zerik hesitantly asked Malumunus "Um, may I ask why you are not paying attention during my lesson?"
Malumunus slowly placed a bookmark in the pages and closed his book before looking up at Zerik with such a dispassionate look that Zerik almost stepped back as he gulped and began to look a bit worried. Then Malumunus began to quote every word that Zerik had said over the last ten minutes. Everyone in class had their jaws dropped as Malumunus finished his recitation and then sighed again.
"Mr. Zerik, I was paying attention, I just already know the subject and I mean you no disrespect but I was bored listening to it again."
Now slightly embarrassed Zerik just nodded and rushed back to the front of the room to continue with his lecture while Malumunus went back to reading his book. The rest of the day proceeded exactly like the first class. All the teachers introducing Malumunus, he was in every class Rasha was in and always beside her for some reason, and always he had his book and was reading it through class while still able to recite verbatim what the teacher had been saying.
The news spread like a fire in a dry wood store house soaked in gasoline. The fox known as Malumunus was a genius. This immediately began to ruffle the fur of some of the more intelligent felines as well as the jocks of the school. It was an insult to have a canine in the school, but to have him be smarter than the majority of the school? That in and of itself was enough to cause a racial fury in most of the cat that went to the school. Yet none of the obvious hostility seemed to even faze Mal, he answered to this as well from the teachers, as the day wore on.
This went on all the way to lunch time when everyone began to rush for the front of the line at the lunch station. Rasha gracefully made her way to the front of the line, it was an unspoken rule that the most popular kids got to be in the front, where she smiled at everyone kindly and paid for her meal. She grabbed the tuna special with a small carton of milk before heading to her favorite spot in the sunny grass lawn that was designated as the dining area for the lunch goers.
She sat down in the middle of the lawn and began to delicately eat the food off her tray. Her attention though was immediately drawn to one of the trees in the shadier part of the park when she heard a metal click. Sitting under the trees in the darkness was Mal opening a metal padlock on his metal lunch box. Surprised that he went to so much trouble, although once she thought about it the idea was pretty smart in this school, she looked at what he was pulling out.
From inside the box came a small plastic container containing some form of rice, some sort of red meat, and a Sprite. Arching her eyebrows she watched as he mixed the rice and red meat together before eating it with chopsticks. His eating wasn't exactly refined but he was defiantly in no hurry to eat. His motions were slow as methodical as he ate the rice mixture, almost as if he was thinking while he ate.Her observation was interrupted by Yvette as she sat down and started chatting instantly.
"Rasha you won't believe this! The new guy is like totally a genius! He was able to repeat his performance from the first class in each one so far! Even the teachers know about it now so they won't have to ask him!"
Chuckling Rasha turned her head and looked over at Yvette, "You haven't heard? He is in every single on of my classes and always in the last seat right next to me!"
As they talked a few more of the teens from the popular group began to move into the spots around them and add their knowledge of the latest gossip about the new student in as well. It was about half way through lunch, Mal had finished lunch and was just resting with his eyes closed when three of the football team's members walked up. Silence descended instantly around the entire yard as everyone turned to watch.
Sighing Mal opened his eyes but did not move from where he was leaning against the tree. He did not bother to speak, only watch, as the three lions from the team glared down at him.
The first one, the head of the football team, growled "So we hear you are some sort of smartass or something. Think your better than us just because you can memorize something?"
Blandly Mal stated, "I don't quite remember saying that." And then closed his eyes again "But if you want to believe that then go ahead. I cannot control you nor do I have any desire to."
Now embarrassed at being so obviously snubbed the captain of the football team growled and reached down picking up Mal and snarling in his face. "Ok smartass you obviously think you are better than us so why don't you start giving me a reason why I shouldn't beat your smug face in!"
Rasha saw the look in Mal's eyes and felt herself shudder. Mal in turn spoke quietly and with confidence that was not insolence or even a sign of bragging so much as if he was stating the facts of a math question. "Because when I broke both your legs and maybe your arms you wouldn't be able to play in your football team. I know your type, you are the Team captain and these are your two flunkies, probably the quarterback and the linebacker."
Now it was the two lions behind the captain's turn to look at each other nervously. "Um captain, maybe we should just go back to the rest of the team and continue to work on...."
Feeling his teammates beginning to edge away the captain realized his authority was being usurped and lost it completely. He roared and let go with one arm to swing at Mal. This was a large mistake as it let Mal sink a little bit so he had better leverage. At this point Mal pulled his fist back and sunk it deep into the football Captain's stomach. Doubling over the captain wrapped both arms around his stomach and began gasping for air.
Mal turned to look at the other two lion's, which were backing away now, and shook his head. "I didn't damage him, just take him and get out of here. I don't have any interest in you three. Just leave me be." With that he picked up his lunch box and headed back towards the school. No one got in his way and no one said anything as they all watched in shock as Mal disappeared back into the school's main building.
Instantly the yard began to buzz with conversations as everyone began talking at once. The two lions picked up their gasping leader and began to carry him back to the Football hang out in the Gym. The lunch bell rang soon after and everyone filed back in for the last few classes. Rasha was nervous now sitting next to Mal. He obviously knew how to handle himself and was not afraid to. Yet the school day ended with no more altercations or noticeable events. The trip home though, would not be so quiet and uneventful.
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