Current Track: Blabb

I peeked out through the balcony window to stare out at the ocean, watching the moonlight shining off the water. Didn't look like a bad night for a view. I was still on the cruise ship, now looking around in Mike's cabin room. I didn't find anything much, except that I found a photo of him and me when we were younger, along with mom before she died. It's been about several hours since me and the others have somehow by luck, found the cruise ship and got on it. I had to say it really wasn't a joke that this feels like a ghost ship now, because it is. It's just too quiet and me, Rick and Emily are the only ones onboard. Other than Damon the dragon.

Me and the others had wandered around on the ship, looking for food that we can carry and all, also to bring along some extra pair of clothes too. We did find some bags that we can use to carry stuff around. And so we did find some food from vending machines, only we had to break into a couple of them to get what we'd wanted. Heh, it's not like we're going to get into trouble doing that now anyways. Emily has found a weapon for her own and it's a pocket knife. Well at least she'd found a weapon to defend herself, like Rick did with the gun. I on the other hand, have found a gun that shoots flares. Hey, it's better than freakin nothing! Other than just shooting those things up in the air, they can be deadly if you shoot at someone too. So I decided to keep it after finding it. But there are about four flares in disposal, so I need to use it sparingly.

So after getting our stuff packed, and after Emily FINALLY had her freakin bath, which was a big relief to her, we all decided to stay the night on the ship, since it seems like a good place to stay right now anyways. So far, things have been quiet. TOO quiet like the moment after we got onboard. Before the night had come during the sunset, I was being restless and I decided to wander around on the ship on my own. And then a thought came to me, realizing that I didn't look around in Mike's room. So I decided to do that, by breaking the door down. I still had my room key to gain access to my cabin room, and so has Rick to his. But I didn't have Mike's room key, so I had to break the darn thing down. So after several times of using my elbow, I barged in here. It's a bit sore, but it'll be fine.

After searching around in here, the only thing that I found was the photo. I never knew Mike brought that with him. I have the same photo too, but it's back at home in Joshua's. And after finding that photo, here I am now gazing out at the ocean through the balcony window. I was probably standing right here since maybe about ten minutes.

I raised my hand that held the photo, looking right at the smiling faces of all three of us. Only directly at Mike. How he'd looked different back then. That he was a different brother back then. I sighed at his face. Mike....I'm glad that you decided to distract the Lost Souls back in that scary place. That you've risked your own life to help ours. And...I'm glad to know that you cared about me.

I closed my eyes, feeling my chest and throat tighten just thinking about him. Mike...I'm sorry for all the horrible things I said to you that night. That you were a horrible brother and a loser. I mean, I know that you were after mother died, but....You changed. You really have changed and I didn't trust you. And now that I think about it...That fight you got into with that guy on the ship, before all this happened...I actually do believe that you never started it. I think Emily was right...You never did. And you proved me wrong by risking your own life.

I stared out at the ocean. Mike...Did you die? Did you not make it? I don't want to think so, but...We....I haven't seen you since the escape. You haven't made an appearance for a long time. I looked up at the stars now. If you did die....Then you know that you didn't die for nothing. You died for something. You died for me.

And Mike...If you see mom up there...Tell her that I love her. And I'll see her again someday.

I let out an breath and looked down at the photo again. Well I better take this with me. I never had this photo with me. I made a nod and shoved it into my pocket. Whirling myself away from the window I trekked past the bed and out the door. Now back in the corridor of rooms, I decided to head up to the main deck, knowing that Emily and Rick are up there watching the stars too. Maybe Damon's back from his hunt already too.

After for a few minutes of trekking back to the deck, I emerged through the doorway to head outside, seeing Emily and Rick standing close together staring out at the ocean like I did back in Mike's room. I stopped in my own tracks just to watch them together for only a moment. I slowly tilted my head.

For all the times I've been with Emily, she did tell me that she and her father were pretty close when she was a little girl. And then things changed when Rick left her mother. Now Rick has came on this cruise a couple days ago, just so he can be with his own daughter. Even get to know me since I'm with her.

I let out a quiet sigh, remembering how much Rick really hates me. How he's just so wrong about me as well. Rick....I know you love Emily, but she's not a little girl anymore. She's growing up and you have to stop being overprotective of her. And I'm not a bad boyfriend also.

When will you get that? When will you?

I took a deep breath, deciding that I should go ahead and get over to them. So I did, by taking very slow strides across the deck. My shoes making small creaks on the wooden floor. I strode until I stood beside them by the barrier of the ship. I was grinning at Emily, "Hey there."

Emily and Rick both turned their heads and Emily grinned back, "Hi, Scott. Finally stopped feeling restless?"

I nodded and answered, "Oh yeah. I just needed to wander around on the ship, nothing more." I looked around for Damon, but apparently he hasn't shown up yet. I said with a quirked brow, "Damon not come back yet?"

Rick didn't appear to have any smile on his face and only looked at the moonlit ocean, "Nope. He's been gone for a long time." He shrugged his shoulders, "Hope there aren't a ragtag team of wolfirs in the forest that want revenge for their fallen member of the family."

I was chuckling at that a bit, "Oh he'll toast those bad boys if he wanted to." Then my eyes perked up real wide, "Come to think of it, maybe he might electrify them, if he can breath electricity. He did say something about dragons doing that."

Emily giggled along with me, shrugging her shoulders with the small bout of wind blowing against her blonde hair, "Or freeze them to death. He said that dragons breathe ice too."

Rick puffed out his chest and let it out in a long whoosh of air, "This is real bizarre." Me and Emily looked to him as he went on, "That dragons have a city of their own and living in it. That dragons can breathe other things out of their mouths other than just fire. That there are evil two legged cheetahs roaming around with Dark Dragons and killing anything in sight. Not to mention dealing with a wolfir that certainly looks like a werewolf. It's like I'm dreaming of all this. That I'm dreaming of everything in my room and none of this is happening. That everyone's safe and alive, and we're still on course to the Bahamas. That we're not in a world called Avarilan. We're all sleeping peacefully and quietly in our own beds."

Emily's face went wide at that, and so did mine. A dream? Well wouldn't that be a laugh? That all of this was just a dream the whole time. Heck, Mike would still be alive right now if it was. Too bad it ain't. It's real.

Emily softened her face and snickered a little, "Boy, what a big twist that would be. That all this was only a dream. Well I'd say this is an intense dream."

I added after her, "And the other big twist is that we all had that same dream. Makes people wonder why we had that dream in the first place."

Rick let out a sorrowful sigh, "Yeah....But who are we kidding? This isn't a dream, this is reality. All of this is happening for real. People have died and we're the only ones left. And...We're travelling with a green scaled dragon, and he's trying to figure out a way back home, and he doesn't know it."

Emily hung her head with a sad frown shone on her face and she reached to his back to start rubbing it up and down, "I'm wondering too. What if we're just...Going to be stuck here forever?"

I shook my head, not believing that, "I'm not giving up that hope." They both turned their eyes to me, "Damon lives in this world, and we're not. He just never heard of something like this before. But he'll figure it out. I'm not giving up that hope that there's a way home, Mike wouldn't want me to. And if there is, Damon will help take us there."

Emily murmured, "I hope so. Mom's still at home and...I'd feel lonely without her."

Rick raised one brow when looking right at her, "What about me?"

Emily sighed, "I'd still want mom here."

"What about Marco?"

She made her face glum and just laid her head on his shoulder, "Dad...He's not you. Can you just drop it?"

But Rick didn't with a narrowed look, "Look, I'm asking a question. Would you want him here too?"

Emily only laid her head on his shoulder and muttered with a bit of stern in her voice, "Dad....I'm not in the mood." Rick was about to press her about it, but he only stopped with his mouth open agape. He shut his trap afterward and hasn't said another word since. He nodded and we all went back to staring out at the moonlit ocean in silence. I moved my eyes only to my girlfriend, she didn't see me staring at her. I can tell that Emily wasn't in the mood for the animosity her father has towards her mother and her boyfriend. She just didn't want to get into it.

Gee...Emily dealing with that kind of drama in her family is tough. From what I remember, mom before she died, and uncle Joshua were telling me stories about dad, before he left mom. That mom and dad had a hard time getting along as well. Every time the drama between Rick and Hilary is brought up, this makes me think of mom and dad. Even of all the times that I went out with Emily, I feel sorry for the girl. That Rick hates her mother, not to mention hates Marco, whom Emily feels close to. But I do know that Emily doesn't love Marco like a father, she loves her real father. She basically thinks of Marco as her best friend, than a father. I think Emily really wants to set the record straight, but she's thinking that Rick, with his own stubborn attitude, won't listen to her. That he'll keep bitchin and moaning about Hilary and Marco, well mostly about Hilary. No daughter would ever want to go through with all that. I remember one time that Emily tells me she sometimes wishes that her family's back together. I can't blame her. She loves them both. But Rick and Hilary can't let go of their animosity towards each other.

Heck, it might sound ridiculous and all, but sometimes I wonder if Rick is still in love with Hilary and is jealous that she's with Marco. And that he's jealous that Marco's been there for Emily than he has, like a father should. Well I do doubt that he still loves Hilary, but I don't doubt that he's probably jealous of Marco. Maybe that's why he really has animosity toward Hilary's boyfriend. I mean, Rick, give your daughter a break instead of just being stubborn. She doesn't consider Marco as her father. She doesn't.

Heh, like I wish that you didn't have to be SO stubborn about me and Emily being together. You really need to stop doing that. Stop being stubborn about everything.

The silence was broken when we can hear flapping in the air. All three of us whirled around to see Damon landing on the wooden deck near the pool. I smiled when he showed up. Well at least he showed up to break the tension.

Damon's form walked around the corner of the pool and advanced himself to us with a grin on his snout, "Hey, I'm back."

Emily began to smile up at him, "Hi, big guy. Did you eat anything?"

The green drake nodded, sitting on his haunches, "Yeah."

Emily said, "Well you've been gone for a long time." She thumbed to her father on her left, "Dad here thought that a ragtag team of wolfirs were out searching for your scaly butt for killing one last night, and you were fighting a lot of them. That's why it took you forever to come back."

Damon tossed up his head and laughed, his yellow eyes focusing on Rick, "Really? You thought that's what took me?"

Rick rolled his eyes, "I was SORTA thinking that. But then again, I would think that Dark Dragons and Lost Souls have found you too."

Damon curled his wings on his back, his long tail moving along the deck, "You don't have a lot of faith in me, do you?"

I giggled and replied with a crack before Rick did, "Me and his daughter do, but Rick here doesn't."

Rick shot daggers at me, "That's not true." He turned his gaze back to the dragon, held out his hands and clasped them together, "I do have faith in you, Damono."

Damon reared back his head and dipped his snout for a laugh, "Oh ancestors, you're trying to say my name again! You really don't have to say Damonen, just Damon."

Emily nudged Rick with her elbow, playfully chastising him, "Yeah, dad, call him Damon!"

Rick just let out a whine, "Ohhh....Whatever." We just laughed at that, except for Rick. He just stood there, with his head hung in embarrassment. Then Rick looked up and gestured toward Damon, "So what did take you so long?"

Damon answered, "Well after I flew around over the trees a bit, but not too long, I landed and started searching for food. Took me awhile though, I mean it always take me awhile to find food on foot!"

Emily was giggling softly, "Makes you wish that you flew all the time, huh?"

"Got that right, little one." He slowly laid down on his stomach, and waving his paw, "But got my fill and I'm back. No worries."

Rick looked up at the night sky, "Did you see any of our enemies out there? Cause I don't want any of them to follow you and find us here."

Damon shook his head, "I wouldn't worry about it. Haven't saw any sign of the enemy." He showed up a tooth filled, confident grin, "I assure you."

Rick then only stood and stared at the dragon, until he said, "If you say so." He motioned his hand to the dragon, "Now which brings us to this question, while you were hunting, did you think of a way for us to get home. If so, how?"

The dragon's snout went toward the sky and he let out a defeated breath, "Sadly no. I mean, I've been trying to think of a way over and over again in my brain, and there's still no solution. I've been thinking of a way all day." He dipped his snout, "I'm sorry."

Emily walked to him, shaking her head, "Don't be sorry, Damon." She put her hand on his shoulder, "I mean, you're trying your best."

He moved his muzzle to her with that same glum look, "I'm just sorry I can't come up with a way. You were expecting me to come up with one solution, but I can't."

I was having a curious frown on my face. On the inside, I started to feel a bit of panic forming in my chest. So...There isn't any way, is that what he's telling us? I honestly don't believe that. Emily held her breath and let it out, from the look in her eyes I can see that she's saddened for the fact that there might not be a way home, but she kept up her cheerful act by cheering up the dragon. Rubbing her hand on his scales, "I know, but still you don't have to be sorry. You really tried your best."

Rick closed his eyes and sighed, "So...What does it mean really?" He shot them open, "That we're stuck in Avarilan forever?"

Damon responded, "I'm trying to figure it out. But...I don't think there's any way home."

I asked away, not wanting to give up on that hope quite yet, "Are you sure, Damon? There's got to be a way." I gestured to him, when an idea popped up in my head, "Look, maybe you don't know how, but...Maybe someone else does? Another dragon? Surely, there's someone who'll know."

Damon appeared to have put some thought into it, tapping his claws on the deck, and then his both his eyes and ears perked up when he sucked in a sharp breath, also his forepaws and wings twitched in surprise too, "Wait!" Emily jumped back sharply with a surprised yelp, while he beamed and his tail was swishing back and forth on the wooden floor, "I just figured it out!"

Me and Rick jumped a bit at his enthusiasm. Wait....There is?! My girlfriend's father asked with surprise mixed with hope in his eyes, "What? What is it?" He took a step forward and demanded, "Tell us! How the hell do we get home?!"

Emily was beaming herself and she placed both her hands onto Damon's chest, with a pleading look in her eyes, "Please, tell us."

Damon finally made a response with a hopeful gleam, "I don't know how to get you home. But, I think I know someone who will." He rolled his eyes to himself, "I can't believe I didn't think of that sooner! I'm such a fool!"

Rick now made a glare, "Well don't keep us in fucking suspense, lizard, tell us!"

I demanded too with a smirk, "Yeah, tell us!"

Damon finally answered when he took a calm deep breath and let it out slowly. Nodding slowly too, "The only one who probably knows how to get you three back home...Is The Great One."

Emily backed up away from the dragon and stood beside me. She alongside me and her father had curious frowns on our faces. 'The Great One'? Who's that? Sounds like somebody of great importance. I asked in a low voice, "Who's The Great One?"

Damon began to explain, "The Great One is a dragon with a lot of wisdom and power. See, he's been around in Avarilan for so long, he really has a lot of knowledge. Quite frankly, he's the most wisest dragon of them all. Plus, taught me a lot when I was a hatchling. And-"

Rick cut him off, holding out his hand, "Alright, alright, we get it."

Emily asked, "So...This Great One may know how to get us home?"

The dragon nodded, "He might. If he's heard of this green light you speak of, then perhaps he might know some kind of clue to it. That maybe if he can figure it out, then he'll figure out a way for you to get back home to your world."

Rick nodded in understanding, "So then where is this dragon?"

Damon's eyes looked out to the forest he sees from the ship, "From what I know, he lives in where I'm from. Where all dragons are from. He lives in Wingspan."

I tilted my head, "The dragon city?"

He nodded, "Yes." He raised a talon, "Now before you get excited, there's a bit of bad news."

Rick rolled up his eyes, "Great."

Damon shook his head at him, "Well it's not REAL bad type of bad news. The only thing that's bad about it, is that Wingspan is so very far away from here. That's the bad news about this idea."

"How far?"

He hung his head and let out a weary sigh, "I'd say...Very far away from here. Days...Weeks travel from here."

Rick stumbled back like the words stung him, "WEEKS?!" My eyes went wide and so did Emily's. Wow...Freakin weeks?

Damon nodded slowly, "Yes." He had a worried look on his face, "Now look, guys. I know it's a bit much for all three of you. But it's the truth. It's very far away from here. And there's nothing much we can do, except...We have to go there. We have to go back home."

Rick made a heated remark, "Are you telling us that we have to walk for weeks to get to your home? That we have to walk in this hostile world to meet up with this Great One?"

Damon replied with a chuckle, and a flutter of his wings, "Heh, pretty scary thought, eh?" He now made a determined look, thumping his tail at the ground, "I know what this sounds like, but we don't have a choice." He shot his head to the right, towards the lands beyond us, "But we have to. If you want to get home, then we have to meet The Great One." He waved a paw in a end of discussion matter, "It's the only way."

Me and the others just stared at his face, his face showing every word holds truth. He's not making this up. He's right. It...Probably is the only way. He can't figure out how to get us home, but maybe this Great One can. If he can help get us home, then that'll be great! I made a step toward him with a determined look and nodded, "You're right, pal. If that's the only way, then we need to find that dragon. I'm going there."

Emily nodded as well, "Me too. We can't stay in this world, we have to get home. If you guys are going there, then I'm going with you."

We both turned to Rick, who still had a bit of a disbelieved glare on his face. He's pissed off about that revelation. He turned his gaze to me and Emily now. I made a look to him. Rick, we don't have a choice. We have to do this. Rick after a moment of silence finally softened his look, sighing in defeat. He glanced at Damon and said, "I'm in too." He raised a finger, "I'm only gonna put up with this crap for my daughter." I chuckled at that. Well I suppose that's good enough coming from Rick.

Damon started to get off the ground on all fours, "That's fine." He started to glance at each one of us, "Now listen to me. Since we're going to do this, I want you to listen. The lands are pretty dangerous, some could have far more dangers than the Lost Souls and Dark Dragons."

Rick rolled his eyes again, "Jesus."

Emily shot a glare at him, "Dad." Rick held up his hands in surrender. Then she grinned and gestured to the green dragon, "Go ahead."

Damon went on, "It's like I said. The lands are pretty dangerous. Some lands have far more dangers than the Lost Souls and Dark Dragons. Not to mention the fact remains that Lost Souls can be everywhere in this world. So who knows when we'll meet with them. So I know that we're doing this. Then you have to do exactly as I say. No arguments, just do what I tell you. I will help you get there, but you have to do what I tell you. And you will stay safe. Understand?"

We all nodded in agreement and Damon formed a grin across his muzzle, "Good." Then he started to arch his neck, letting out a tongue curled yawn, "Well...I'm starting to feel a bit tired. I suggest we all get some sleep. Then we'll leave tomorrow, alright?"

Rick said with sarcasm, "Can't wait." I put a hand to my forehead and groaned. Crap, Rick.

Emily turned her body and started pacing to the doorway to get inside the ship, "Alright, then I'll see you tomorrow, big guy." She moved her body a bit to give him a wave goodnight. She trotted off afterward.

I smiled and said to him, "We'll be up here in the morning. Are you gonna be okay sleeping up here all alone?"

Damon gave me a reassured smile, "I'll be fine. It's not like I haven't slept alone for days anyways." He gestured to the doorway, "Go. Get some rest." I nodded and began to walk away from Damon, Rick following up behind me. When I got to the door, I turned and waved goodnight to the drake. Damon held up one paw and waved back. Rick was pushing past me to get inside the ship and I went in after him, following him to the corridor of rooms. Emily was waiting for us in the middle of the hallway, standing near mine.

Rick groaned in frustration to himself, "I really hate this idea."

Emily crossed her arms under her breasts, "Dad, quit complaining. He said there's no other way."

He made a sharp remark, "This is bullshit and you know it."

Emily rose her eyebrows, "Actually, I don't think it's bullshit at all."

Rick took a deep breath and let it out, "Emily...I really don't like this." Then his eyes filled with a bit of panic, overprotective fatherly instincts kicking in, "I mean, what if you get hurt? I mean, we have found a first aid kit here and we'll take that with us, but there are no hospitals out here and if you are lying around dying, then-"

Emily paced up to him and cupped his cheeks with both hands, looking him directly in the eye with a confident, reassured look, "Dad, I'm not going to die."

But Rick argued, "Domino-"

She made a stern look, "Damon, dad." I giggled a bit. Oh brother.

"Whatever. Damon said that the lands beyond here are dangerous. And there are worse things than evil dragons and two legged cheetahs out there. If something happened to you, then I'll never forgive myself."

"But we don't have a choice, dad. If we don't find The Great One, then we're stuck here forever." She was shaking her head in defiance, "I'm not staying here forever. Mom's waiting for us to get home." She gestured to me with her head, "And his uncle's waiting for him too. Mike helped us escape those monsters, and we won't let that be in vain. We have to go to Wingspan." Emily was giving him a smile, "Dad, please. We just have to trust him on this. Ok?"

Rick was only letting out a sigh and he nodded softly, "....Alright." He pulled away from her grasp and began to stroll to his room, "I'm going to bed. Maybe a nice nap will keep the stress down low." When he got himself to the door, he asked Emily, "You want to sleep by me?"

Emily narrowed her eyes at him, "You know I won't." I shrugged my arms at him. Knowing that he won't like this idea.

Rick glared at me for a moment and grumbled, "Goodnight." With that, he disappeared into his room. Leaving me and Emily alone out in the hallway.

Emily bounded to my room now, brushing past me. I went in after her, shutting the door behind us. I was stretching up my arms and yawned. Feeling tired now. I took all my clothes off tossing them on a chair. Emily took hers off too, leaving only her bra and panties on, and just crawled into bed, pulling the covers over her, "Well...That was interesting."

I made a grin walking up to our bed, "What, that we have to trek our way through several dangerous lands to go to Wingspan, starting tomorrow?"

Emily laughed, "No. What was interesting is that there's a dragon called the Great One, and he has a lot of power and wisdom. And Damon said that he's been around for a long time, or something like that. I wonder how old that dragon is?"

I shrugged my shoulders, crawling into bed with her, "Don't know. But I'm believing we'll find out as time goes by." I pulled the cover over me, laying close to Emily's warm body. We were both laying on our sides, gazing into each other's eyes.

Emily now had a bit of a worried look and said, "Hey, Scott?"


"If...If The Great One doesn't know how to get us home, and if we're stuck here, then-"

I cut her off with two fingers to her lips, "We'll get home." I was making a small grin to her, "Now listen to yourself, you're not acting optimistic again. You need to quit that. I'm worried that you're not my girlfriend right now."

She was giggling and started to caress the side of my face, "I'm sorry. I guess, I'm just...Still a bit scared of this world. I'm also worried of what we'll run into before we get to Wingspan."

I grabbed her wrist, wrapping my fingers around it, "I know, and I am too. But Damon's pretty much on to something and I believe that. I believe that The Great One will get us home. And we can count on Damon for that. Plus, he'll protect us. He'll get us all to Wingspan and then the old dragon will get us home."

Emily and I stared at each other for another second, until we both leaned in and kissed. Emily still caressed the side of my head, "I love you."

"I love you too." She sighed and rolled around in bed, her back facing me. I cuddled closer, wrapping my arm around her body, holding her tight. Emily moaned in comfort and we both looked out at our balcony window, seeing the moonlight. I then laid my head on the pillow, closing my eyes so I'll get to sleep. Several minutes later, I fell into deep slumber.


I hear crickets outside the village walls making their chirping sounds, while taking one slow step at a time up the hill. The hill that leads me to Luna. In my hand I was carrying a small piece of meat that I want to feed her with. I can only imagine that no one hasn't fed the big girl ever since she was held prisoner. I'm thinking that's another reason why she appeared to look depressed...Because she was hungry.

Guilt was making it's form in my chest once again, and it appeared while I was gazing and walking toward her. I see that she's sleeping around all curled up. I even let out a guilty sigh. Now I just feel so terrible. That I've judged her so harshly, instead of listening to her. For not believing a word she was telling me. For not believing that look she gave me. The look that spoke that she was telling me the truth about herself. That she wasn't evil. That she cared about me. And it was after all that Merana told me. She helped me open my eyes and wanted me to give Luna a chance. Like the old female cheetah's willing to give Luna a chance herself. Cause...We both can see that she's not evil.

I stopped myself from walking any further, lowering my eyes to my feet. That story....The whole story that Merana told me....Luna's been through a lot. But...What happened to her back then? Was there really more to it than what everyone knows? I looked at Luna's form again. I mean, it doesn't really make sense. Why would Luna go to the evil dragon who started this war years ago? Why go to him? It doesn't make any sense. Luna really doesn't look evil. I'm just thinking now...Either Luna was evil back then and she now has a new outlook on life and changed her ways, or she wasn't evil before she made her first visit to Abyss and there was more to this story than Merana and everyone knows....And no one knows the truth. I don't know the truth. Or Luna did tell everyone the truth back then and didn't believe it.

I really can understand what she's going through, that no one trusts her and judges the big girl. I get that feeling all too well. We're both alike and it's not fair.

But I became like everyone else to her. I've said a lot of accusing things in front of her scaled face and I've hurt her feelings.

I furrowed my brow. Well I'm going to make it right. I'm going to apologize, and I'm going to listen to her truth, like everyone should. This is not fair.

I'm going to make it right.

With the thought, I continued making steps up the hill. Until I was now standing on top of it with Luna curled up on the grass and dirt. Her tail was thumping softly on the ground and her nose twitched in her sleep. She laid her head on top of her paws. One of her wings moved up a bit and then laid close to the side. She was mumbling in her sleep too.

I smiled at her. She...Looks so peaceful. I giggled quietly. Too bad that I have to wake her up. I want to talk to her.

I took a deep breath and let it out. Well here go nothing.

I make a step quietly toward her, leaned my head to one of her ears and whispered, "Luna. Luna, wake up."

Luna moaned and opened up her eyes, groggily blinking them repeatedly. She shifted her head atop of her forepaws, seeing me. Luna murmured, "Mike?"

I nodded, "Hey." I backed away from her a little bit, hiding the piece of meat behind my back. I wanted it to be a surprise for her.

Luna finally had her vision appear back in her eyes and she was frowning at me, raising her head off her paws now, "Mike? What are you doing here?" Then she was narrowing her look, "Did you come to mock me? To show off to me that you have your freedom and I don't?" Her words stunned me and my smile went away. Her wings were stretching up to the sky, "Or did you have more to say? Did you want to say I hate you and I wish that you were dead? That I never should've trusted you and you're evil? Is that all? Did you come here in the dead of night to say all that to hurt me?" She let out a snort, "Well I've already been hurt enough from you, so how much more can you hurt me? It's not like everybody else hasn't hurt me enough, so why bother? I'm used to it."

I felt really sorry for her hearing that. Poor Luna. She really has been hurt so much. God, I really was wrong about her. And I can see it in her eyes.

I'm not here to hurt you, girl. I want to help.

I softly shook my head, "No."

"No what?"

"No...I'm not here to hurt you."

Luna drew back her head in shock. Looking surprised by my words. She cocked her head in confusion, "I...I don't understand. I thought that-"

I held up a hand, silencing her, "I know what I said." I was lowering it to my side, taking a deep breath and letting it out, "I really am not here to do all those things. I'm not here to hurt the only prisoner of the village. Actually...I came to make things right."

She chuckled deep in her throat in a bit of disbelief, "You came here to make things right?"

I smiled, "Yep. And...As a start, I brought a gift to you." She wrinkled her snout and I held out my other hand that grasped the meat for her dinner. I was waving it right in front of her, "Peace offering?"

Luna seemed hesitant about the whole thing. I can't blame her. She must've thought I wouldn't do this for her, that I would always hate her. But it's all real. She stared at her food another second and finally asked me this, "Why? Why would you do this?"

I let out a breath, putting on a serious face, "Look...I don't blame you if you don't believe any of this. I don't blame if you hate me still. I really don't. But...What I'm doing speaks truth. And...I think I made a mistake about you. A horrible one. And...Seeing you up here all alone...It really got to me. And also...I was remembering your words too. After I accused you of everything....I was thinking real hard about you. And I'm thinking now...I was wrong. I should've just listened to you. And I shouldn't have accused you of...Trying to kill me." I thrust the meat toward her, "Come on, Luna. I'm being truthful. I'm giving you a peace offering."

Luna still had this disbelieved look, until she was nodding at me, her body showing me that she's relaxing, "I guess...I'll give it a chance." She reached out with her talons and took the meat off my hand. Holding it up in front of her eyes. With the glance to her food, she opened her maw and started chewing it. I was smiling at this. Well it's a start anyways. I'm glad she decided to take the peace offering. Now I'll see where we'll go with this.

I see Luna letting out a low trilling noise in her throat, satisfied by the taste of the food. I can agree with that. That meat always tasted good for me. She gulped it down with a swallow and let out a pleasant hum, closing her eyes and holding up her snout in delight, "Mmmm, not bad food." She gazed to me with a small hint of a smile, "Thank you."

I waved her off, "It's no trouble at all. Just trying to cheer someone up."

She was giggling, "Well I'm surprised that you did cheer me up." Then she was showing me a suspicious look, "Unless it was all a trick."

I was chuckling at that, "Me? Tricking you?" I shook my head, adamantly denying it, "I know that I've accused you of tricking me with your so called feelings, but I'm not trying to trick you. I meant everything." I waved my hand at her, "Like you had."

Luna reared back her head in surprise, "Boy, you are believing it now."

I laughed a bit, "I told you that I had a lot to think about the whole day." Then I rose a playful brow, "Or unless you think I was lying to you about that."

She lowered her head close to my face, looking deeply in my eyes. I didn't blink, I didn't move. I wanted to show her that I was meaning everything. For after moment has passed, she finally spoke, "Nope. Look pretty truthful to me."

I was shaking my head at her, chuckling again, "See? Told you."

Luna was showing me a smirk across her snout, "I guess, I was wrong about you too. You don't seem to be like everybody else. Actually...You're acting like the human I've met yesterday." She rose her head above my level, shrugging with a paw, "Well at least I can say thanks for bringing food to me. Nobody hasn't brought me anything all day. I was just...Starving."

I nodded at that, "I figured you would. After watching you up here more than once, I didn't see anyone bringing food to ya."

She asked, "Making you feel sorry for me, right?"

I admitted, "Yeah." I shrugged with my hands and shoulders, "But I did a good deed. Even prisoners deserve food. Especially when....They're accused of such terrible things." I held a guilty look now and started rubbing my neck, "Look Luna....About what happened earlier...I'm sorry. I mean it's just-"

Luna shook her head, showing me a look of sympathy, "No, it's ok. I can understand why you'd be angry and then accuse me, after hearing everything from the chief. After what you went through, I can understand why. You were afraid that I wasn't helping you, that I wasn't trying to get you home, and you were afraid that I was gonna kill you. I understand your fear completely. But I was telling you the truth about me." She turned her snout away from me, holding a sad look in her eyes, "I know I was mad at you, but I couldn't blame you for judging. You're...Not the only one. And I can't...Blame anyone for that matter."

I frowned and tilted my head, "Then let me ask you this." I gestured to her, "I've heard a lot of horrible things about you. Saying that...You were evil...Twelve years ago. I've heard everything, heard the full story." Luna didn't make any glance to me, only away still. So I asked her the question that'll help me get the answers from her, "I've heard everything about you, but....Was everything they said true?" I was giving her a comforting smile, "Look, I'm here to listen now. I want to hear your side. You said that I wouldn't listen to you like a hatchling before, but I am now." I motioned my chin toward her, "Want to talk about it?"

Luna just shut her eyes tight, taking a deep breath through her nose, "It...Always haunted me. Every part of it haunted me." She turned her snout to look down at me now, her wings drooping, "I'm not who you think I am now, but who I was....They weren't lying." She held a guilty look upon her snout and dipped it to the ground, "I'm not proud of the things that I've done. That wasn't who I am at all. I was...Forced to do all those things."

I can see in her eyes that she wasn't lying. So she wasn't evil after all. She never was. But...What happened to her?

Luna answered my question with a sigh, "Look...I don't want to talk about it. It's just...Too haunting and painful." Her body shuddered by her memories, "I know the kind of thing doesn't really go away. Nobody can never forget the past. Even I can't forget it." She let out a sigh, "I know that you know what I did back then, and I know that I don't want to talk about it now, but I'm telling the truth about me. I was forced. I'm not that kind of dragon, and I promise you that everything I did for you was true."

I nodded to her, saying without hesitation, "And I believe you."

She cocked her head, her silver eyes appearing to be showing sorrow still, "How can you? You don't even know me."

I sighed, "I know that we don't...Know each other on a personal level. But...I can tell that you're not evil. Actually...I can see it in your eyes. Heck, you even saved my life, and I didn't believe everything you said to me before...But I do now." I smiled and shook my head confidently at her, "You're not evil. I know you're telling me the truth. Heck, I can imagine you weren't evil back then either. I do believe you that you were forced to do horrible things. I believe you, Luna."

Luna returned the smile by giving me hers, breathing calmly, "Thank you, Mike." She was lowering her head to my level, "Thank you." She began to nuzzle my chest with her cheek. I didn't move, I just took it.

Then without further ado, just to show her some more that I do care about her, I found myself stroking her face and underside of her chin with both hands. That I'm really feeling her scales. I know that I was held in her grasp to escape from the mountain, but I never had the chance to really touch her, I was too scared by flight to even think about touching her. I never thought about touching her even after the flight. I was just thinking about what happened to me and how I ended up in this world. But I am now, and...Man, she feels more differently than I thought!

Her scales...They feel soft and warm, not rough and hard, and a bit cool to the touch. I found myself smiling at the thought, "Your scales feel warm, Luna."

She chuckled and pulled her head back to gaze in my eyes, "You sound like you're surprised."

I stated matter of factly, "Oh I am. I thought that dragon scales would feel rough and a bit cool. Not warm and soft."

Luna winked, "That's right, little guy. I'm warm and soft like a cheetah would."

I softly pushed her head away with both hands, "I'm just asking...Can I touch your body?"

She drew back her nose away from me, "Sure." Then she stretched out one of her wings, "You can even touch my wing membranes too. I know that's what you're gonna ask next."

I laughed, walking up to her chest, "You read my mind." Luna had her head held high over me, watching me doing what I was going to do. As I gotten closer to her chest, I raised my hand and placed it upon her scales chutes. Rubbing it up and down in a slow motion. I think I feel her heart beating a bit within her chest. She was giggling at my eagerness at touching her. That made me smile internally, seeing that she's finding this amusing. I looked down at her forepaws and I actually noticed for the first time that she has five digits on each paw. The fifth one looks like an opposable thumb. Wow, some creatures don't really have that. I guess that explains how she'd gotten a good grip on me yesterday in flight. I didn't even notice that also!

After rubbing her chest, I traced my hand along her chest scales up to her shoulder, moving around her to start moving my hand alongside her body. To her belly to be precise. Her body twitched a bit by my touch. God, she does feel soft. I looked up and saw that her wing is over me. She raised it so I can rub her side. I got out from underneath it and asked her, "Can you...Lower it?"

Luna obliged and lowered it enough for me to touch her wing. I giggled and now I found myself touching her wing membrane now. Hmmm, feels kinda leathery, but soft and warm too! Maybe more warmer than her scales. I think I know why she feels warm. I think she's warm blooded than cold blooded. She's...Not like a lizard. I moved my hand and fingers in a circle around her membrane and she was giggling behind me and her wing flinched. I draw back my hand and looked back at her, "What's so funny?"

Luna said, "Sorry about that. It's just that your hand tickled my wing."

My eyes went wide. Oooo, ticklish, eh? I was grinning at that, "Ticklish? I didn't think your wings were ticklish."

She tossed up her head and laughed, "Yes, and don't get any funny ideas." She rose her wing and curled it upon her back.

I was giggling at that, and walked back up to her front, "What, you think I was gonna tickle you?"

She was showing me a toothy grin, "Perhaps so." She lowered her head back down to me, "But I'm not in the mood for that. I'm in the mood for sleeping." She softly nuzzled my cheek with her nose, "Hey, Mike...Thank you giving me a chance."

I nodded and started rubbing her nose, "You're welcome. And...Thank you for giving me a chance too."

She giggled and used her pink tongue to lick the palm of my hand, making me cry out in surprise. Ham licker! She was giggling some more, "I guess I can't stay mad at you. You look like a cute little creature. All innocent and what not." Then she lowered her eyes to the ground, "I wish I can still help you. But..." She used her talon to point at the shackle around her neck, "Can't really do anything right now. I'm chained up."

I made a pity look and nodded, "I know. And it's not fair. You're not evil and everyone should know that." I wrinkled my face and nodded again, "I have to do something about it. I have to convince them to let you go."

Luna tilted her head to the side, "But how? I don't think everybody would be as understanding as you are. I don't think the cheetahs would believe you." She shook her head with a sad look, "No one never listens."

I waved a dismissive hand, "I know that I don't have proof that you're not evil, but I have to try. I have to tell the chief that you're not who everyone thinks you are. Plus, I'm not alone on this." I thumbed back at Merana's house down the hill, "A cheetah named Merana sees and believes that you're not evil also. So she can help me out on this. Plus, she wants to get to know you too."

Luna was smiling at that, "Merana? That's a pretty name. And she sounds like a nice cheetah."

I smiled and nodded, "She is."

"Maybe you outa tell her I said hello."

I remarked, "You can tell her that yourself. Once you're free." Then I cradled her chin with my hands, looking directly at her silvery eyes, "Look, just hang in there a little longer. I promise, I'll get you out of that chain."

"And what if they won't let me go? What then?"

That hasn't really crossed my mind, "I...Haven't figured that part out yet. But I'll get you out of this, I promise. You're innocent and I know it." I gave her nose one last rub, "Hang in there, alright?"

Luna replied, "Alright. I'll wait." She rose her head and shot her head to the right a bit, "Heh, I was just getting used to this spot anyways."

I raised a brow and remarked, "I know you're getting used to it, but I don't want to leave you here forever. You're probably bored." I made a wave with my hand, "I did see you pacing back and forth earlier."

She let out an exasperated sigh, "Yeah, I'm really bored. So yep, better get me out of here."

I was slowly backing away from her, "I will, don't worry." I gave her a wave, "Goodnight, Luna."

She made a bow with her head, "Goodnight, Mike."

I stared at her eyes backing away a couple more steps, until I whirled around on her, going down the hill to get back in Merana's house for the night. Walking in fast strides, hoping that no one has saw me coming up there. I don't want to get into any sort of trouble right now.

Then my plan for tomorrow came to mind. That settles it then. Luna really is innocent and she's been chained up unfairly.

I'm going to talk to chief Meadow about this. And I'll bring along Merana to help me out on this.

She deserves to be set free.

Hang on, Luna. I'll get you out of this.