While laying on my side, I hear the birds in the forest as the sunshine pierced through the canopy, hitting right at my face, making me stirring a bit on the grass. Another morning has arrived. I wrinkled my face with my eyes shut and moaned with a closed mouth, not wanting to get up. I still just laid there for a bit, but I opened my eyes several minutes later. Knowing that I cannot stay asleep. I turned myself over and sat up on the ground slowly, stretched up my arms real high. I looked up at the sky, rubbing my eyes while at it. Well that was a nice sleep. Talk about a comfortable spot on the grass.
The night before last night, I know that I didn't exactly sleep comfortably. Made me wish that I had a sleeping bag, or a tent to lay in. But last night, I really felt comfortable. Guess it's no wonder Luna hardly complains about sleeping out here. There really are comfortable spots in the forest.
Lucky you, Luna....Lucky you.
And speaking of Luna, I had my eyes trained on the spot past the wood turned ash from last night she's laying around in. And like yesterday morning, she's gone. My eyes traced the area around me, holding down my fear and worry for her for a moment, figuring that she's close to me, watching over me. I looked over my right shoulder and sure enough like the other morning, there she was sitting on her haunches with her back turned on me. Her tail thumped to the ground and her wings folded against her back. She doesn't know that I'm awake. I smiled at her. Being the guard dog again, eh girl?
I decided to get myself up, standing on my feet, turning to pace myself towards her. My shoes only rustled softly on the grass. Luna's long tail was swishing back and forth, her tip almost brushing at my foot. I made a step over it and walked up alongside her big form. I moved up to her front and saw that she held up her snout and her eyes are closed. I frowned at her. Wait...Is she sleeping? I thought she was watching over me. Maybe she woke up early and she's tired. Well sleeping while sitting around, that's a weird way for her to sleep. She didn't appear to hear me though.
That's when a thought crossed my mind. Hmmm, the way she's closing her eyes like that and not laying down or anything, this is exactly what she did when we first met in the cave up in the mountain. How she'd closed her eyes, then shooting them open a second afterward to gaze directly at my hiding spot...Like she knew immediately where I was at. I had to admit, that was pretty odd. I never made a noise at all, that I can remember. So then...How could she have found me?
What is she doing now really? Is she really sleeping, or is there something else she hadn't told me yet?
Luna opened up her eyes and turned her snout to me, greeting me with a smile, "Hi, Mike."
I greeted her with a smile as well, "Hello there." I let out a yawn and said through it, "I see you're watching over my little self again."
Luna shifted around on her haunches, until she faced me, tail making a swish along the grass, "Yup, and if you're worried about me watching over you, I don't mind it. When you sleep longer than me, I'll be watching." She shot her head to her left, "I can watch you all day long if I want."
I giggled, "Oh I'm not worried about it." I gestured to her stomach, "But now that I think about it, if you're going to watch me all day, wouldn't you have to eat something? Surely you have to eat sometime."
She chuckled deep in her throat, "Actually, the second I got up a few hours ago, I snuck away to hunt something to eat. Didn't last long though." She made a small nod, "Got that covered."
I let out a laugh, "Well that takes care of your stomach." Then I was making a curious frown, "But wouldn't you get tired? Watching over me all day?"
She shook her head, "I'm not tired."
I tilted my head a bit, "Really?" I waved my hand at her, "Cause when I got up close to you, you appeared to have your eyes closed sitting right here."
Luna reared back her head, "Oh!" She laughed, "Oh, no, no, I wasn't sleeping."
I giggled, "Seriously? Come on, just admit that you were just sleepy and I've woke you up."
"But I wasn't really tired. Lets just say I was doing something."
I wrinkled my face. Ok, so she wasn't sleeping. That I can see in her eyes. So...She was doing something else. I asked, "So...What you were doing? I know you weren't sleeping, so what are you doing?" I made a step toward her, "I think I've seen you do...'That' before. Am I correct?"
She admitted while looking up at the sky, "You're probably right. I did this back up in the mountain, finding you in the cave. Which I'm betting you were surprised, huh? Knowing you were hiding in that spot." I nodded at her, "I also did this after you tried to run away from me. Flying up in the air to find out that you were being attacked by Lost Souls. How'd you think that I've found you? And another thing honestly, I did this a couple of times in the village while I was chained up. Actually, I was doing it yesterday morning and just now, while watching over you. Just to make sure there weren't any enemies nearby." She looked down, giggling when she saw my wide expression, with her wings fluttered on her back, "Yeah, I know, there was something I didn't tell you before." She held up a paw, having a wide look of her own in defense, "But I was gonna tell you eventually!"
Now my mind is filled with curiosity, as I asked her this question, "So what were you doing exactly? I mean, what is it really? How'd you even find me at all before? I did remember that I was quiet in the cave, and I know that I was out of your sight after escaping from you. So how'd you find me really?"
Luna replied, "I was using my ability. Something that I was taught how to use years ago." She was lowering her head to me, "I was using, what dragons would call it, 'the sight'."
I gazed into her eyes with a raised brow. 'The sight'? What's that? I asked out loud, "What's the sight? How do you describe it in words?"
She hummed in thought, "Well...It's like looking through other creature's eyes. Seeing through their viewpoints. See, after I see through one of their viewpoints, including yours, that'll give me some kind of sense in my brain of which direction to know where you're at."
I internally gasped at that. What? No way! She can do that? I...I can't believe it. Well with all the stuff that's been going on in this world, I actually do believe her. Makes sense how she'd found me. Apparently, she must've used 'the sight' to find me in her cave, by looking through my eyes. That's how she'd find out where I was hiding. And used it again to search for me on the mountain. That's how she'd come down and saved me from those Lost Souls up there.
The sight...I'm surprised.
Luna's snicker broke my thoughts, seeing that I stared at her for a long time, "Are you SO surprised and you can't talk to me now?"
I laughed at that and shook my head, "Sorry....It's just....I didn't think something like this was possible. I mean, I didn't think you could do that."
She laughed too, "I can tell. You weren't expecting that."
I muttered, brushing some of my hair off my forehead, "I got to say that sounds odd, but also incredible. Now I'm wondering what else you can do." That was when I furrowed my brow, when another thought came, "But wait, does all your kind do that? Do other dragons use the sight?"
She shook her head, "Not all of them. Actually, only a few has ever managed to have this ability. Including me and The Great One. Lets say it's a rare thing among my kind."
I said with a nod, "I see." That's when my brother's face popped up and I exclaimed, "Wait a minute! Since you can do that, that can help you find my brother."
That's when she admitted it, "That was also what I was trying to do other than looking out for our enemy. Trying to find your brother." She held a disappointed look and hung her head with a sigh, "But I haven't found him."
"Huh, why? I thought that-"
"Because he's not nearby." I was staring quizzically at the dragon, until she looked at me, "See in order for the sight to really work, the certain creature's viewpoint that you're trying to search for has to be nearby. Not so very far away."
I hung my head at that, "Crap. So he's not nearby?" Luna shook her head and I gazed back at hers, "And I'm certain that it won't work if he's dead too?"
"Correct." Then she had a hopeful smile, "But I don't think he's dead. Heck, if he's like you, I'm sure it won't be hard to figure out that I'm looking through the eyes of another human. Just don't give up that hope, Mike. We'll both find him. He just has to be nearby. When he's nearby, I'll see his viewpoint."
I smiled at her, "Yeah, alright, and don't worry, I won't."
Luna shot up her head, tail curled around her, "Good. Don't want you to think he's dead, since you just have no idea."
I was nodding at her, "True." I stared at her smiling form, knowing that I'm not gonna worry. Well I guess I can look on the bright side of things. If Scott's nearby, she'll use his viewpoint to find him.
Now an idea came to me. Wait a second...Why don't I use it? Is it possible really? Maybe I should ask her. I broke my silence and asked, "Hey, Luna? Can I ask you something?"
She nodded, "Sure, what is it?"
I was hesitant to ask her at first, but then I found it pretty ridiculous. Come on, Mike. She won't mind it. Just ask her. I asked after a moment of hesitation, "Well the sight...You said that it'd worked on dragons, but does it work on...Creatures other than dragons?" I placed my hand to my chest, "Cause I was thinking...Maybe you could teach me how to use the sight. Is it possible?"
Her eyes went wide, "Really? ...You want to try it?"
I nodded without hesitation, "Yes."
Luna's face went into frown and she was tapping her claw against her chin, "Well...I don't think so. I mean, I never have heard that another creature can use the sight."
"Well then I'll be the first one to do it. Can you teach me?" I shrugged my shoulders, "How bad can it be?" I was flashing her a toothy grin.
She was shaking her head with an uncertain look, "Mike, I'm not sure it's possible."
I sighed, "Look, Luna...I want to try this. Why? Well...What if we're somehow separated? Think about it. What if for some reason at all, we become separated and we're trying to find each other. Well maybe I should use the sight too, try to find you myself. And hell, maybe I could find my brother too when I'm using it. It seems handy to you, well it could be handy to me. I want to see the enemy's viewpoint too, you know." I had a pleading look on my face, "I just want you to teach me how, alright? At least let me try it. Please? For me?"
She looked at my pleading look momentarily, until she nodded slowly and smiled, taking it in consideration, "Well...Alright. I'll teach you."
I smiled back, "Good. And if it doesn't work out, I'll let it go. Deal?"
"Deal." She giggled and raised one talon, lowering it to tap it onto my chest, "Well I'm your teacher. So you have to shut your trap and listen." She winked at that.
I rolled my eyes, saying with sarcasm in my voice, "Yes, ma'am." She was tossing her head, laughing hard at that, smacking her paw at the ground and I was sharing it with her.
Luna went to giggling now, and she coughed to clear her throat. She now has a serious look on her face, "Now there isn't really a lot for me to teach you about. There's just a few things I have to tell you." She lowered her head right in front of mine, peering deeply into my gaze and instructed with a soft voice, "Close your eyes....Relax...And look for me...In your thoughts."
I frowned and asked, "That's it?"
She chuckled, "Do I have to say more? It's easy." She made a quirked brow, raising her head to look down at me, "But question is...Can you do it?"
I was nodding slowly at the dragon as she was waiting for me to do it, "Alright...I'll give it a try." I sucked in a lot of air and let it all out in a slow whoosh of air, trying to relax my whole body and mind. I was doing that a few times, before I went ahead and shut my eyes. My vision now became dark as my eyelids closed on them. I lowered my head a bit, rolling my eyes around beneath the eyelids, trying to search for Luna's viewpoint. From what I think, since she's right in front of me, I should see myself with my eyes closed. Right through her eyes, as she would say.
I wrinkled my face, trying to concentrate a little bit. But...I didn't see anything. All I saw was black. After a minute of trying to search with my thoughts, I shot them open, looking at Luna. My chest just began to fill with disappointment. I didn't see anything with my eyes closed. Am I not trying hard enough? Or what? The female dragon in front of me cocked her head, "Did it work?"
I groaned and shook my head, "No." But then I held a look of determination, "I'm gonna try it again."
She was giggling deeply in her throat with those uncertain eyes, "Honestly, Mike, I'm trying not to not believe in you. But I really don't think it's gonna work for you."
I gestured to her, making a crack, "Maybe you're a bad teacher. That's why it wasn't working."
She made a teasing smile, with her tail moving behind her, "At least I'm not a bad fighter."
I playfully narrowed my eyes at her, "Don't start." She laughed at me and I waved her off, "You just laugh, I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do now, thank you."
Luna motioned her paw repeatedly at me, "Alright, alright, go ahead."
I held up my chin, "Thank you." She snickered in response and I was just standing in front of her, trying it again. I made a nod to myself. Ok...Lets try this again. I was puffing out my chest, taking a deep breath once again, trying to relax myself and my mind. I softly closed my eyes, my vision turning black again. I was breathing deeply through my nose, my eyes rolling around as I'm searching with my thoughts. Come on, Mike....Try. You need to know how to use it, it'll come in handy.
I clenched both my fists, wrinkling my face tightly in concentration. I could feel Luna's gaze is still on me, waiting patiently for me to open my eyes and look back at her. I think it went by more than a minute than the first time, but I didn't want to give up yet. I want to see if it'll work. My brain felt like it was working it's thing. I loosened up my fists, as I was slumping my shoulders to relax my body again.
Then with my eyes closed, as what I'm seeing now is black, the darkness was being replaced by all white. Then I could see images replacing the whiteness in my vision. I could see the background. I could see the blue sky, with the canopy of the trees blocking the view. My heart pounded at the realization at what I'm seeing. My eyes are closed and I'm seeing this. I think it's working! I must be seeing through Luna's point of view, she's looking up at the sky for the moment. Then I think she moved her point of view down to see...Me! I'm seeing myself with my eyes closed! Her head was about a couple feet up from me, but I can tell it's me. No fucking way! I did it! It really worked!!!
Then I see Luna's viewpoint has lowered to right in front of my face, I can feel her breath washing up on me. After a second passed, she lowered it back up, high over me, gazing down at me.
I shot my eyes open with a gasp. Eyes still wide at the shock at what happened. God...It worked...
Luna cocked her head, "Did you see yourself?"
I chuckled in disbelief and muttered, "I...I did." I was starting to laugh now and I shouted at her, "I did it!"
Luna beamed, jumping up to all fours, "You did?!" She got all giddy on her paws and cheered when she held her snout to the sky, "Woohoo!"
I exclaimed, "I can't believe it happened!"
Luna lowered her head to my level and nuzzled my chest with her nose, "Yes, I can't believe it either! It's amazing!" I laughed some more and gave her nose a quick rub. Before she pulled up and said, "Wow...The first other creature to use the sight. That's purely amazing." Now she had a look of curiosity in her eyes, "I wonder if other creatures could do this?"
I waved her off, "Oh I don't know. But oh my god, I did it!" I let out a loud cheer through both my hands, "Woo!!" I laughed in excitement to myself, Luna doing the same with her wings flapping in excitement behind her, tail smacking against the ground a couple of times. I composed myself with a sigh, nodding proudly at her, "Looks like I had a good teacher after all."
I think I see Luna's black scaled cheeks turn a bit red from my compliment, sitting on her haunches again, "I didn't teach you much."
I made another compliment, "Still had a good teacher."
She smiled when she turned her head away from mine, "Thank you."
I was chuckling at that. This is cute.
Then a thought came to me. I'm gonna try using the sight again. I closed my eyes, searching through my thoughts like I did before. And then an image replaced the darkness, but I don't think I was looking through Luna's viewpoint again, but something else. I think it's something in a tree. I think it's small, judging by how short it is walking around on the tree branch. It can actually see me and Luna from where it's at. Then all of a sudden, I think it jumped off the tree and flew off of it.
I opened my eyes quick and followed some kind of sense in my body, telling me where that viewpoint was at. I looked up and I can see a bird flying up in the sky, right through the canopy. I smiled as I realized it was the eyes of a bird I was seeing through. Wow...Amazing.
Scott, Joshua, or anyone won't fucking believe this. This is awesome!
Bizarre...But awesome!
"So I'm just getting it straight...Dragons can breathe other elements?"
Luna nodded as she padded alongside me, "Yup."
I exclaimed, "You're telling me that dragons can shoot other things out of their mouths?"
Luna was starting to snicker now, "Yup."
I motioned my hand near my mouth, like something was shooting out of it, "Not just fire? But like...Something else?"
The black dragon laughed at that, turning her snout down to me, "I think I really made it clear, little man. Dragons can breathe things other than fire."
My mind was now swirling with thoughts. Still in surprise about this. I looked ahead at the land we're walking on, "Gosh...That's strange."
It's been an hour after Luna taught me how to use what she calls the sight. And I still can't believe it happened. I mean, no person could ever believe it happened, UNTIL they experience it. I mean, I really was looking through someone or something else's point of view. Like Luna can. I wonder why it works for me only now? Probably cause I'm in a different world? Or perhaps people can do it the whole time and nobody never knew it was possible? Maybe...Oh, heck, I don't know!
Very soon after her teaching session with me, we both started to continue our journey. Trekking through the woods for only about an hour or two, until we were out of them and are now walking on the rolling fields of grass, totally bare except for a few trees here and there. At first, before we started to walk out in open ground, Luna used the sight to make sure that there weren't any Dark Dragons flying around. She said we were in the clear and since then we were walking on the rolling fields.
Right now, after joking a bit with each other, I decided to ask her what else she can do. I mean, I knew she breathes fire, now this morning I find out she can see through other creatures eyes. So I was pretty curious if there were other powers at all, and she said 'yup'.
Now another thing I find out from her is dragons can breathe other elements! As in, according to Luna just now, can blow things other than fire out of their maws! Holy moly!
Luna was seeing my expression, as I was softening it up. She giggled while I was just speechless, trying to wrap my head around it, "Speechless again? I think I may need to keep my snout shut."
I looked at her with a raised brow, "Why?"
"Cause if I keep telling you things that you didn't know about me, or my kind, you won't be able to speak again." She shot up her head and exclaimed with her wing tip pointed down at me, "Seriously! You're speechless...AGAIN!"
I laughed at her crack, waving her off with a shake of my head, "Oh, I'm not going speechless, just surprised as all."
She tilted her head, wings settled on her back, "You sure? Cause I'm walking with you and I don't want somebody who can't speak." She chuckled deep in her throat, "Heh, be a lot worse than not knowing how to speak my language."
I rolled my eyes, "Hey, I spoke slowly to you when we met, cause I thought you didn't know how to talk or understand me."
She snickered at that, "I know. And here I thought you didn't know how to speak at all." She snickered uncontrollably, remarking this, "Actually, the way you spoke, I thought you were some kind of idiot."
I let out a loud groan, "Aw, come on! Now you're calling me an idiot."
Luna stopped pacing for a second to raise one claw, "CORRECTION! I'm not calling you an idiot. I THOUGHT you WERE an idiot. I THOUGHT, nothing more! I KNOW you're not one."
She resumed her pace, catching up to me as I was a bit ahead of her, making a joke now while gazing at two trees far away from us on the right, "Well you know what? I THOUGHT you were an idiot myself, not saying a word to me at first. Who's the idiot now?" I turned my head and winked at her.
Luna's jaw dropped at that, "What?!" She narrowed her eyes and snorted, "Did you forget that I was curious about you? And you ran away before I could talk to you, you little intruder."
I laughed at her reaction, "Relax, I'm kidding." I giggled, pointing a finger at her expression, "You should've seen your face."
Luna actually knew that I was joking and softened her hard look with a grin on her snout, "Well you should've seen yours when you thought I was calling you an idiot." She lowered her head to my level, still keeping her pace, "Hmmm, you know what? Maybe my thoughts are correct. You look like one, so perhaps...I think-"
I put my hands to my hips, glaring at the dragon's expression, "If you're gonna call me, what I'm thinking you're gonna call me, I'll slap your nose right freakin now."
She formed a devious grin, "I think you really are an idiot." I cried out and tried to slap her nose, but she laughed and dodged my incoming hand by pulling her nose out of reach of me, mocking me, "Can't reach it now!" She stuck her pink tongue at me.
I sighed, shaking my head to myself, making a small grin, "Well guess what, girl? I'm the little idiot and you're the bigger one. How about that?"
She made another crack with another giggle, "Actually, no. I'm the little idiot and YOU'RE the bigger one. Cause I just realized something. I know WHY you keep falling to the ground when you're fighting someone." She held a smug grin and held up her head, "That's what bigger idiots are. They don't know how to fight! Now who's the bigger idiot?"
I muttered under my breath, "Oh, shut up, lizard."
Luna melted that smile away with a wrinkled face and a small chuckle, "What? What's a lizard?"
I laughed at her face, "Oh, it's just a creature from my world. Lizards are...Sorta like dragons, but only they're smaller and have no wings."
She giggled at that, "Oh please, I may not know what a lizard is, but I don't want you to compare me to one of them. I'm not a lizard, I'm a dragon."
I reached out to touch her scales, feeling how warm they are, "I know you're not. Actually, you're pretty incredible than a lizard. They don't talk, they don't breathe fire, they can't fly, hell they don't have warm scales! They're pretty cold blooded."
Luna replied, "Hmpf, I better not be one." Then she had a somewhat frightened look, "I don't want to be a lizard who can't fly! What's the point in being a lizard if you can't fly?"
I laughed a bit and shrugged my shoulders, "They're just meant to be, nothing more. And you're not one of them."
She sighed in relief, "Lucky me. I'm not going to be stuck to the ground like some poor creature who doesn't have the gift of flight." She turned her head down to me, showing apology in her eyes, "No offense, little man."
I waved her off, "None taken. I'm afraid to fly, remember? So I guess it's good that I don't have wings. Actually...I guess if I had wings, I wouldn't want to fly."
She reared back her head, "What?! Even when you have them you won't fly? Then what's the point in having wings if you won't use them?"
I rolled up my eyes and sighed, "Well I don't have them, so I wouldn't worry about it."
Luna groaned at that, "But you SHOULD worry about it! Creatures like you should worry about it! Flying really is amazing and you're missing out."
I imagined how high I was in the sky, VERY high. Like high above the clouds. Like I can imagine standing on top of the empire state building, even though I never went there before. And my heart was pounding by my own fear of it. I shook my head furiously at her, "Ahhh, well I'm just going to stay firmly on the ground."
She formed a smile across her muzzle, as we both walked down a small hill, "I don't know why you hate flying so much, but I'm gonna make you love it one day."
My pit was beginning to form in my stomach, making me grow suspicious of her, "Not gonna just carry me off without warning me first, are you?"
That was when she admitted it, "I was thinking about it, but I'm gonna let it go...Until later." Luna looked down at me with that hopeful gleam in her eyes, "One day, I will make you love it. And when you love it, then you'll worry about wanting to have wings like me!" She stretched out her wings across her back, showing them off, "I mean, look at them!"
I let out a sigh with a amused face, "I doubt it, but we'll see." I am still afraid of flying, but...Oh, I don't know if my perception of it will change or not. But at least I can trust that she won't drop me.
But oh my god, I'm still fearful of flying! And I remember why I am too.
Really has been...A long time since it happened. I can't forget it.
Luna's voice cut through my thoughts, "Mike?"
I shook my head and asked, "Sorry, did you say something?"
She shook her head, "I said we can take a break at that tree over there." She turned her snout ahead, I was staring ahead myself to see a big thick tree in a short distance. Yeah, looks like a good spot to rest up for now. Luna looked back down to see me, "Are you doing alright? You seemed to be thinking about something."
I shrugged my arms, not taking my eyes off the tree, "Oh, it's nothing. Just deep in thought."
Luna mumbled when we walked into the tree's shadow, "Oh." The two of us got close to the base of the tree, laying the stuff I was carrying for the journey on the grass and sat down close to it. While Luna laid down on her stomach, sighing to herself in content. Folding her wings against her back.
I made a comment at her contentness, "Tired already? I think we walked about over an hour and you're tired already."
She chuckled, "I'm not tired. The grass just felt good to lay on." She asked with a small tilt of her head, "Are you, little one?"
I shook my head in answer, "Nah, I'm good." We both shared a smile and then me and her looked out at the long rolling fields we've both walked on for a bit. Enjoying the break we're having. Not saying a word for a long time. I broke the silence when I remembered what we were talking about before we got off track of things. I turned my head and asked her, "So you said that dragons can breathe elements? I had to say, that really is strange."
She giggled deeply in the throat, looking right back, "I figured we'd get back to it." She cocked her head, "And I had to ask, why do you think it's strange?"
I looked up at the big long tree branch I'm sitting under, "Well, its just I thought dragons can only breathe fire. Not do many other things. Like using the sight and breathing other elements out of their big mouths."
She playfully narrowed her eyes at me, "I don't have a big mouth."
I chuckled and pointed up at her snout, "Looks big to me."
She lowered her head to me and snapped her jaws, "Since you say I have a big mouth, want me to use it to say you're an idiot again?"
I rolled my eyes, "Nope."
"Then don't say I have a big mouth." She winked and giggled, raising her head away from me, "Well we dragons can do many things other than just breathe fire. Which I don't understand why you'd think that anyways. I thought you said that you never met a dragon before?"
I nodded and answered, "I haven't and I thought they didn't exist."
Luna cocked her head, eyes full of curiosity, "So now the thought came to me...You have heard of dragons before? Before you came to Avarilan?"
I replied, "Yeah, but only in stories."
"What stories?"
"Stories...About your kind." About how monstrous and dangerous your kind are to mine. But I don't want to tell her that yet. Some other time. I want her to tell me more about the other elements her kind can breathe. I waved a hand at her, "Lets just say I thought dragons only breathed fire, as far as the stories about your kind go."
She hummed, "Stories about my kind...Can you tell me about them?"
"Maybe later. I'm...Actually pretty curious about what other powers your kind has. I'm betting they'll be better than breathing fire, right?"
She giggled at me, "Well since you thought we'd breathe fire, I guess you're in for another surprise."
I shrugged my shoulders, laying my hands upon my lap with a big smile, "I guess I am. So I take it that you can breathe other than fire?"
Luna nodded, "Yes, I can. Only about three elements."
My eyes widened, "THREE elements? Gosh, I know you can use the sight, and now you're telling me you can breathe out THREE elements? What can you not do?"
She laughed at the statement, "I can do plenty of things, Mike."
I said, "I guess so!" We shared our laugh together. I composed myself when clearing my throat and gesturing toward her, "So I know you breathe fire, what are the other two elements?"
"Poison and ice." She put on a serious face, "Trust me, if you know what poison is, then you better not get within range of my poison. Trust me, breathing in it, not to mention walking around in it, will kill you in a matter of seconds."
I winced as I can sorta imagine what her poison looks like coming out of her mouth and making me suffer in those mere seconds. Like I said, I sorta can picture it. I said after my body twitched from my imagination, "What about ice? I know it can make you cold, right?"
She giggled, "Well duh, silly, ice does mean you can get cold!"
I crossed my arms, "Give me a break."
Luna replied with all seriousness in her voice, "But you don't want to get in range of my ice either. You'll be frozen instantly if I blast you in it. Lets just say, frozen enough to be shattered into a million pieces if I struck your frozen self."
My eyes widened up and I whistled, uncrossing my arms, "Wow...Then I don't want to be a frozen statue then."
She laughed and nodded in agreement, "That's a good idea."
I waved my hand toward her, "So what other elements can dragons use? I mean, do you know?"
Luna answered, slightly tilting her head in thought, "Sure. Well...Dragons can breathe...Electricity....Earth....Wind....That's all I got."
I hung my head with a giggle. Gosh, even dragons can do that as well. Man, this is freakin weird, but awesome too. Dragons can breathe more than one element, other than just fire. And I'm sitting with a dragon who can breathe three elements! This really changes everything about how my kind thought about dragons.
Luna started chuckling at me with a closed snout, "You who. Can you speak? I hope you're not gonna be speechless forever."
I laughed hard at that, "Gosh girl, yes I can!" After I was done laughing, I saw that Luna was just grinning at me. I smiled deeply at her, after a moment went by, "You know, Luna? ...Dragons are special than I thought. Including you. I know I'd thought dragons never existed, but the thing is...Your kind is very special."
She responded with fondness in her eyes, "Thanks for the kind words. Glad you think so."
I nodded slowly and took a deep breath, watching out to the fields away from this tree, "Yep." She joined my gaze soon after, ready to enjoy this break as much as possible.
Well after maybe...Thirty minutes pass by, we'll keep going.
I moved my eyes to see her still watching out over the fields, not noticing me staring at her. I grinned to myself, remembering what I said to her.
You really are special, Luna. I haven't met other dragons yet, but I can think you're special most of all.
I sat down close to Damon's big form beside me on my right, just curling his tail around himself, while my girlfriend was sitting by my left. Rick sat on a big rock across from the three of us. All four of us were taking a break from walking today, since we gotten up from our sleep about five hours ago. We were still in the woods, following Damon in every minute.
I shot a glare at Rick, when I see him staring at our dragon with a look of suspicion. I know he's thinking that Damon's up to something devious and pretty much dangerous, but I beg to differ what he thinks about the green dragon. I softened my look, my eyes on Damon now. Damon doesn't seem to be evil. He really isn't. Actually, he seems to be like me and Emily. Not all stern and such, like Damon would say about Rick. Boy, Damon, you have no idea what that human's thinking about.
He doesn't trust you. After you saved his daughter, he stubbornly doesn't trust you one bit. Cause he just finds what we're doing right now too suspicious. That you're probably taking us to the Dark Dragons instead of getting us home.
I looked at Rick, who hasn't took his eyes off the dragon. Furrowing my brow in anger at him. Rick, he's not a bad guy. Do you even get that? Damon's acting like me and Emily, and you're acting like an asshole as usual.
I outa knock his lights out right now, but I know that Emily wouldn't approve...Unless she approves. I slowly grinned at the amused thought. Oh boy, sometimes I want to knock the stubbornness out of him. If only Emily lets me. Or perhaps, SHE will knock that out of him.
Time will tell, time will tell.
Damon cocked his head at Rick, noticing that my girlfriend's father was staring intently at him, "What are you doing, Rick?"
Rick perked up his head, shaking it about three times like he was in a trance, "Oh! Um, nothing."
Emily chuckled, "Are you sleeping with your eyes open? Couldn't sleep last night?" She shrugged her shoulders, "I thought the ground seemed ok to sleep on."
I giggled, wrapping an arm around her, holding her close, "That's because you were cuddled close to me."
Emily muttered and laid her head onto my shoulder, "Aw." We shared a giggle together, while Rick was just glaring at us. Pretty much showing his distaste in his daughter's relationship with me. Me and her rolled up our eyes at his look.
Damon added after me and Emily, shrugging his wings and shoulders, "I didn't think the ground felt bad to me also. So I never had a problem."
Rick said with a gesture toward him, "Of course you don't. You're a lizard who sleeps real good on the ground compared to us. So how can you have a problem sleeping on the grass without a bed?"
Damon giggled, "Cause I'm used to sleeping without one. If you didn't know, dragons do use beds."
Rick sighed, "Well I feel like I want to use one." He got up from the rock, moved both hands behind his back and started rubbing it with his fingers, "Cause my back still hurts from lying on the ground. Humans aren't really made for sleeping on the ground."
Damon's wings fluttered by reflex on his back, "Sorry, I don't have a soft place for you to sleep on. But you'll have to get used to it."
Rick rolled his eyes in sarcasm, his hands to his sides "Wonderful."
Then the dragon laughed a bit in his throat, "Well who knows? Maybe we might find a cheetah village soon. You can use one of their beds to sleep on."
Emily grinned at the idea, "If they're not evil like the Lost Souls, then I'll be glad to use their bed."
Damon dipped his snout with a bit of a worried look, "Well...They might not trust outsiders like you. They never seen humans before."
Rick groaned and sat firmly back down on the big rock, voice full of sarcasm, "Freakin wonderful. We'll be having trouble with them too."
Damon waved him off with a forepaw, "Only just tell them what happened to you and then they'll go easy on you. I don't think it'll be that complicated." HIs ears perked up and he reared back his head, "If it does, I'll have to fly us all away."
Rick slapped at his knee, leaning forward, gazing thoroughly at Damon's yellow eyes, "I hope so."
Emily replied, blowing up a strand of hair off her eye, "Pfft, dad, you worry too much. Maybe they'll trust us."
Then he pulled out his gun in one hand and waved it, "If any of them attacks me, I'll use this at their ass."
Damon giggled, "Not unless they use their arrows at yours." Me, Emily and the dragon laughed at that, but Rick was having a glare thrown at Damon's laughing expression. Damon shook his head at the stern human, "I'm kidding. Can't you take a joke?"
Rick only let out a unsatisfied sigh, "Nope."
Damon reared back his head in shock and gazed down at Emily close to me, "Hey, Emily. Is your father always a grouch?"
She shook her head, "Not ALL the time."
He nodded at her answer, "I figured as much. He did share a few giggles with you last night."
Rick commented on Damon's reply, "You know well I'm not happy of walking all the time in a unfamiliar world that's filled with danger. Let alone my daughter's with me on this dangerous journey."
Damon showed a confident tooth filled smile, "She's not in danger now."
"Yeah, so far."
Emily shot a stern look at her dad, "DAD." He heard her voice and looked at her. He closed his eyes and sighed. Emily reassured, "I'm not gonna get hurt, and he's actually right, I'm not even in danger now."
Rick replied with air quotations, "Yeah, SO far."
She rolled her eyes and got up off the ground, brushing some grass of her pants, "You know what? I'm gonna take a short walk and then I'll be right back." She held out a hand for me, "Want to come with me, Scott?"
I smiled and made a firm grasp with her hand, "Sure. Don't want you to walk alone anyways." She pulled me up and we both turned to Damon, "We'll be back later, ok?"
Rick was about to get up off the rock and protest with his hand held out, "Emily, I don't think that's-"
Emily groaned a bit, turning furiously toward him, "Dad, I'm going with Scott. Don't worry, I'm good." I think by the look in his eyes, he still didn't like the idea. But he backed down and sat on the rock with a huff.
Damon warned us, "Just be careful. And don't go too far."
Me and Emily held our hands and we started to walk on a small dirt path together, Emily said over her shoulder, "Don't worry, we won't." After walking past a couple of bushes, we began our short walk.
Emily asked me when I pushed a low tree branch out of the way for her, "So that's what's up dad's ass? He doesn't trust Damon?"
She ducked under it and I followed her afterward, turning loose of the branch and let it swing back down behind me, groaning in frustration and anger when she was asking me the questions, "Yeah! After Damon fucking saved us from that monster, your dad doesn't trust him! I mean seriously, your dad has trust issues." I sighed, walking beside her, "I mean, when he doesn't trust me, that's one thing. But saying he doesn't trust the dragon who ACTUALLY saved your pretty ass, that's another thing that I don't want to tolerate."
She giggled, "Wow, and you tolerate him calling you a bad boyfriend?" She put a hand to her chest, "I'd find offense to that."
I actually found myself smiling a little at her remark, "I do a little." I rose a finger and made a stern remark myself, "This is a serious conversation."
She laughed and nodded, "Oh I know." Emily was frowning and sighing about her father, "You're right about Damon. He did save our lives. And you're pretty much right that dad has a bit of trust issues."
I waved a dismissive hand, "Not 'a bit'. A lot."
Emily snickered, "Ok, A LOT of trust issues. Damon's helping us get to Wingspan and dad's distrusting him. Honestly, I don't think dad's just used to the idea that we have a dragon by our side. Not the one that's trying to kill us."
I sighed, hanging my head, "Well, I guess that's why he doesn't trust Damon. Because he's still worked up about the Dark Dragons trying to kill us."
She groaned a bit, "But Damon's not flying around, lighting us on fire or anything. He's...Actually kind and sweet."
I nodded, eyes not leaving the trail we're walking on, "I totally agree with that. He...Seems ok." I made a glare, "Rick needs to control his issues and open his eyes to look at Damon and see that he's wrong about him. He's getting out of control."
Emily let out a sigh, "I'll have to talk to him about it. But I won't make promises that he'll change his attitude. He's just so damn stubborn." She held a sad look on her face, "Guess it's no wonder mom doesn't like him that much."
I said sharing that look of my own, wrapping my arm around her shoulder, "I know....But maybe he might. You just need to open his eyes."
Emily replied, "I tried to open his eyes about you, so what makes you think he'll listen to me? He doesn't listen to me about my mom and Marco, he doesn't listen to me about Mike, he doesn't listen to me about you....What makes this any different?"
I giggled and made a remark, "Well what makes this any different, we're talking about your dad distrusting not a human, but a big green scaled dragon."
Emily was giggling with me, "I know. And dad might get a rude awakening when Damon finds out he's distrusting him. He's not distrusting another human, he's distrusting a dragon. A friendly one at that."
I shrugged my shoulders, "I wouldn't be surprised if Damon kicks his ass for treating him that way. I would, if I was in his paws and scales."
Emily turned her head and said with playful eyes, "Now, Scotty. You know I wouldn't want you to kick my dad's ass." She made a devious remark when thumbing at her chest, "Cause I'll do it."
I laughed at that, "I was kinda thinking that earlier! You'll probably be the one to kick his ass."
Emily said with a shot of her head to her left, "Wouldn't get arrested for domestic violence anyways. We can do pretty much whatever we want out here! No police...No rules." I was making a mischievous smirk, literally showing her it. Emily's eyes went wide and playfully smacked my chest, "Don't even think about it!"
"Think about what?"
She rose both her brows, "That since there are no rules out here, you're thinking of doing something...Sexy with me."
I replied, looking around the area for a bit, "Well we are in the woods and away from your dad and the dragon, perhaps-"
Her cheeks changed color to a shad of red, "Scott!"
I laughed hard at her expression, "I'm kidding! I'm kidding."
Her blush went away and she smiled at me, "You better be kidding." She planted a kiss on my cheek, "Or you won't get another kiss from me." I chuckled and then I leaned my head to give her a kiss on the lips, the two of us strolling close together still. The birds singing along the treetops with each step we took.
Damon thumped his tail softly on the grass, his snout held up to look through the canopy. Hearing and seeing about four birds fly over him through the small gap through it. The blue sky and a couple of puffy white clouds can be seen through the gap too. He puffed out his chest and let it out, his wings sagged on his back. The green dragon looked down to watch Rick still sitting on the rock. Tapping his hands on it, and tapping only one foot nonstop in impatience. Damon did have some pity for him. Thinking that Rick's worried a bit for his daughter.
Damon then cocked his head. But Rick shouldn't feel worried for his daughter, since she's not alone. She's with Scott, whom the dragon believes to be her mate. What the dragon doesn't understand though, is why Rick seems to not like Scott. He has seen his angry expression upon the little guy's face throughout the day. So what's the deal with these two?
Come to think of it, he'd seen Rick's angry expression turned onto him more than once today too. Damon's wondering if he'd done something wrong. He's sure he didn't know what, but he's feeling like he did.
Damon twisted his neck to gaze behind him, off to the direction where Emily and Scott started their walk. They have been gone for a bit. He'd wondered what's taking them so long? Damon shook his snout, not trying to worry for them. They wouldn't go far and attract trouble.
Which he hopes there wouldn't be trouble anyways today. They're doing a great job on their journey so far.
The drake turned his eyes back to Rick, curious about what's on his mind. Damon couldn't take it anymore and decided to ask him with a clear of his throat, "Um...Rick?" He was giving him a toothy smile.
Rick looked up at the dragon, words coming out of his mouth that sounded like he was annoyed, "What?"
Damon waved a paw and shook his horned head, "Nothing. I was just...Wanting to talk. You know, since we're alone."
Rick showed a small hint of a smile, chuckling deeply, "Well, true. The kids are running off in the woods without us and here we are, all alone."
Damon responded, "Sounds about it." He slightly tilted his head, "I mean, I haven't gotten to know each of you yet since a few days we met. I realized it more than once. I only told you a bit about me and my kind."
Rick's smile gone away, "Not exactly in the mood for a conversation, big guy."
Damon cocked his head, "Why? You worried about Emily?" The drake had a hopeful smile, shaking his head a bit, "I shouldn't be worried if I were you. She's with Scott and she seems to be in good paws with him." Rick actually, for a little human, growled a bit in his throat, gazing angrily at the direction his daughter and Scott have walked away to. Damon wrinkled his face, "You really don't like Scott, huh? I can see it."
Rick turned to him with a furious gaze that's slowly going away, "You figured it out already?"
"I just see it...Actually saw it more than once." He waved a paw toward him, "Care to explain why? I really thought you were friends at first."
Rick gazed at him for several long moments and finally made a reply to the dragon with heat in his voice, "We're not exactly friends."
He lowered his head, "Why? What seems to be the trouble?" Rick was actually glaring at him, making Damon pull his head back like that look stung him, "Uh...Now I'm wondering why're you looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong?"
Rick remarked with heated words, "I don't know. You tell me. Did you do something wrong?"
That question surprised him, that was evident with a wide look and a reared back head, "Well no, of course not. Why would you ask?"
That was when Rick shot up off the rock and said with that glare still plastered on his little face, "Look, you know what? I'm tired of this bullshit. Why don't you stop acting like a curious child and just tell me why are you here with us really?"
Damon's eyes widened further, as his words sounded like they were accusing the dragon something, "What are you talking about?"
"Why the hell are you with us? Or more importantly, why were you in the area that night when we were attacked? And another thing I'm asking...Why are we going on this journey to your home?"
That seemed to have offended the dragon a little bit and he explained, "I saved your lives and why are we having this journey, I'm taking you to The Great One, remember?" Damon said with a smile, "Look, I know that you don't like this journey and you're scared of travelling in this world. But you really don't have anything to worry about. I will-"
Rick crossed his arms, "You really think that's what this is all about?"
Damon actually showed a glare, "Are you accusing me of something?"
The human shot back with suspicion in his voice, "Does it sound like I am?"
"Actually, yes you are." The dragon started to get up on all fours, "I don't know what you're really thinking. But-"
Rick exclaimed with his rolled eyes, "Boy! I'm surprised you don't really know what I'm thinking! You really are not as smart as you thought, huh? Did your buddies pick the wrong dragon to trick and lie to our faces and then lead us to our deaths?"
Damon's eyes went wide again, "What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about the part that you're taking us to your...Buddies at Wingspan, so you can lead us to our deaths. To your Dark Dragon pals!"
Damon shouted with a hiss, "What?!"
"I know, alright?! You're trying to trick us and then kill us! I can see it plain as day!"
Damon shook his head with a pleaded look, "Rick, listen-"
Rick pointed an accusing finger at him, along with a accusing glare, "You said that you didn't know how to get us home, but it turns out you know all along. Why don't you just admit it and stop with the bullshit already? Stop lying to me, and stop lying to my daughter!"
Damon thrashed his tail behind him, barely hitting the bark of a tree behind him, "I'm not lying to anyone! I wouldn't lie to your daughter, that's absurd." He showed a small smile, "I mean, your daughter seems kind. I wouldn't lie to someone like that."
Rick made a threatening step toward the towering form of the dragon, "You know what? Since you won't tell me why you're here, let me make this clear to you. How about keep your paws off of my daughter and stay away from her."
Damon shot his yellow daggers from his eyes at the human making another stroll to him, "Rick, if you're thinking I'd hurt her, I wouldn't. I wouldn't hurt any of you."
Rick shot back with a look of disbelief, "Really doubt it, lizard face."
He lowered his head to Rick's level, "Rick, I really have saved your life. I saved you from a wolfir."
That's when Rick made a snide remark, "A wolfir is not on your side, nor with the Dark Dragons. Why else would you not kill it?"
Damon growled at him, making Rick back up a bit, "Rick, I'm not working with anyone. I came to save your life, along with the other two humans that night, all on my own. That's it. I've never worked for anybody, nor with anyone. In fact, instead of accusing me of such things you outa be my friend right now. In FACT, a FRIEND would be thanking me for saving another friend's life. Including his daughter's along with his." He brought his eyes real close to Rick's, "You and your daughter wouldn't be here, if it wasn't for me."
Rick said, "I'm not your friend, I'm not your pal, I think you're up to something." He raised a finger and demanded, "I don't want you around me, nor my daughter, got it?"
The green dragon snorted, smacking his air against Rick's face, "I'm not going anywhere. You three need me. And whether you believe it or not, I'm trying to help you. And you're being so ungrateful. I can see why Scott doesn't get along with you. And I've seen it more than once. Is it because you accuse him of things that aren't true also?"
"What me and Scott have between us, is none of your business."
"It is my business when I'm with you. And I really take a lot of offense of your accusations. I've seen another dragon get accused of terrible things myself and I never liked it one bit. As for me, I will not be accused by you."
Rick finally snapped, "Fine! You know what?! Why are you out here then?!" He waved a hand, "If you're not flying around, sent by your evil buddies to search for any humans who'd escaped that night, then why the hell are you not living in your home? Why were you all alone when we met? What...Are you even doing out here?"
Damon softened his look, rose his head above Rick's level and sighed when he hung his snout, "Lets just say...It's a personal matter."
"How personal?"
"Very personal." Damon shot back with another glare, "I'm not up to no good. I have always been a good dragon. I never did ONE single terrible thing in all my life. I have family, believe or not, Dark Dragons do not. They don't care about family, or any other type of feelings we all have. You think that I'm a Dark Dragon pretending to be a normal one, trying to swoop you guys in my paws and kill you later on, well I'm not. I'm pretty decent, compared to you. You outa be lucky that I was flying over the forest that night, far away from home, and found you three being attacked by the wolfir. Actually, your daughter's screams brought me to you. And when I hear a cry of fear, I'd come help. I don't ignore it. And...I would never hurt your daughter, and whatever issues and any distrust that you have towards me, get over it. I'm here to help you, whether or not you'd believe it, I AM."
Rick slowly softened his look, but he didn't wash away that look of disbelief in his eyes. Damon snorted, curled his wings upon his back, "I'm here to help. I'm your hope in bringing you home. The Great One is your other only hope of bringing you guys home. I never knew how to take you home, and that's the truth. I'm taking you to someone who probably knows how. And I promise you, deep within my scaled heart, I will never harm you, or Scott, or your daughter."
The drake took a deep breath and let it out slowly to calm himself down, "Believe me now?"
Damon nodded a bit at that, "I guess, that's good enough for me. And remember what I told you. I'm not here to hurt anyone. I'm here to protect you. And when we're under attack by Lost Souls and Dark Dragons, you'll see my truth."
They both stared at each other for only a long moment, when Rick finally said with a low voice, "I'll keep that in mind....Dromana."
Damon hissed, "It's Damon!"
Rick rolled his eyes and repeated his words with one tiny difference, "I'll keep that in mind...Damon."
Damon held a proud smile, "Thank you."
That's when Rick threatened, "Let me give you a warning. If I find out you were lying to me later on in the journey, I'll kill you with my gun, got it?"
Damon made a nod with a narrowed look, "Now THAT I'll keep in mind."
Their conversation was interrupted by Emily's shout, "Dad, Damon!" They both turned their eyes onto Emily and Scott who'd emerged from the bushes.
Damon slowly turned his body to them, cocking his head, "There you are. What took you so long?"
Rick asked with a bit of worry in his voice, "Did you run into trouble?"
Scott shook his head and answered, "No." He thumbed behind him, "But me and Emily found something up ahead. We want to show you it."
Damon's ears perked up, "Oh." Then he smiled and gestured to them with one paw, "Then in that case, show us."
Emily started to turn around with Scott, beckoning with her hand, "Alright, follow us."
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