Current Track: Blabb

This is a repost from Furaffiinty:
Storms of Old

Thunder crashing down
Rushing wind and rain strike out
Against tired earth

Man talks of mighty
Storms that shake the ground around
Their tiny feeble feet

Have they forgotten?
The skies of old held greater
Terror than drizzles

Do they not recall?
Wingbeats of beasts much larger
Screeching into towns

Gral the Imposing
Could spray more lightning than this
Trifle of a storm

Homes floated away
In the aftermath of Oun
The Bringer of Floods

Time makes memory
Fuzzy and so man gets complacent
Fearing simple rain

They lament their trees
And their streets, not realizing
It could be much worse

But I remember
The days when storms brought entire
Continents to ruin.