Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Upmorning

“Up and at them!” Cried a voice that filled the room. I and Yang yawned, opened our eyes staring at the ceiling above. Quietness had fallen over our ears after hearing a voice and we got up onto our feet, yawning as we prepared ourselves for the day. We were in the mansion’s bedrooms which were on the floor above the living room. White walls surrounded us. A rocking chair sits in the far corner of the room. The bed was huge, taking two-thirds of the entire room itself. That there was no other for us to maneuver about without rolling across the surface of the bed. A bookshelf behind me and a cabinet adjacent to where Yang was standing. We looked at one another; our faces riddle with dirt and puff that our noses seems stuffy at the time. Yet despite looking hideous, we raised our claws and waved. A warm welcomed towards the morning commute. 

Our eyes separated from one another, and we started for the door. Yang got to it first and turned its knob. Opening the door, she entered leaving me behind to close after. As I exited the room, I found myself in the hallway. A staircase was a few feet away from where I was. I started walking across the halls. Reaching the stairs where I descended into the first floor below me. Thus planting my feet upon the hard cold floors of the living room underneath me, I let off another yawn again before turning around and faced myself to the kitchen up ahead of me. Yang was already sitting down, her face staring across the table. She seems to be chatting with someone else, laughing as she was having a good time. I smiled at her after I entered the kitchen. And resulted in silence while Yang and Natty faced me again. Yet with a cheerful voice that exited from her mouth, Natty greeted me with a raised claw high above her head. “Morning!” She said, I nodded in acknowledgment. Joining them upon the brown table as I pulled my chair and sat onto it.

“What is the latest?” I asked suddenly, tilting my head curious and in interest as Natty turned to face me. She rose her claws upward against her head and answered me, “I was just talking to Yang about some mysterious being stalking elementary school. A janitor reported it to the police. He was scared and frightened that his face was pale and whitish. Having lost its normal scale color.” I blinked at her in surprise, thoughts came from my head as I nodded in response. “A ‘mysterious being stalking the school’ Is this some kind of Halloween prank to scare off the students from the school…” I questioned which Yang chuckled in answer before pitching in, “And hoarding the candy to themselves?” The three of us laughed afterward. However, it only lasted a few seconds. And by the time the noise had died down, my ears stood at attention and I turned around. Spotting Zander as he rubbed his eyes with his claws, yawning while greeting us.

“Not a morning dragon are ya?” Natty asked, Zander shook his head. “ I heard you guys laughing downstairs. You were loud.” He complained to us, weakly growling while he stepped to the refrigerator to find something inside. He stayed like that for a few seconds before the door closes and he walked out of it. Joining us also upon the table. “Regardless… Why did the janitor wanted us to investigate the school again? Especially in the summer season?” I asked Natty who raised her shoulder blades and made a face at us. “Not sure.” She replied. “I guess we are what that one popular movie is called,” Yang remarked, I shook my head with a smile upon my face as Natty pouted and crossed her arms across her chest, scowling at Yang. “I thought we are not going to reference that popular entertainment ever again?” Natty remarked glaring at Yang. Sighing, I rose to my feet and turned around. Yang did the same also and growled to us, “Meet us at the schoolyard. This is already taking way too long.” Then she left with me tailing behind her. 

We walked from the kitchen, straight through the halls until we reached the front door. Where Yang tilted the knob and opened the door, we walked outside. The warm winds brushed against our scales as I inhale deeply of the morning air surrounding us. While I do so, I had noticed that Yang had already spread her wings and flew out away from me. I spread mines and flew up to meet her. Heading Westward from the mansion straight into the schoolyard was where we had landed in front of the door. But to our surprise, we had noticed Kyro was already here. Leaning against the school wall staring at the green grass in front of him. For by the time we had already landed, his concentration was interrupted and he raised his head to us. Kyro pushed himself forward and shuffled his wings ridding the dust and dirt that he had accumulated while waiting for us.“What took ya so long?” “How long had you been waiting here for?” Yang asked suddenly. Kyro responded to her, “Since the dawning of the sun.” “Sunrise?” I echoed, joining the conversation as Kyro nodded. “Yeah, that.” He started before turning his attention towards the front door of the school.

“I guess Natty had briefed you about the case presented to us.” Kyro started after a pause of silence. Me and Yang nodded. But the red dragon ignored us and stepped away, walking to the door before opening it. Welcoming us inside, we took the initiative and headed in. Being overwhelmed by the hot air that rain over our heads upon the entrance of the school. The path ahead was a straightaway to the horizon. White walls were on either side of us. As we ceased our footsteps, we turned to  Kyro while he avoided watching us and split his lips asking, “Well Yang? What shall we do?” “I thought about waiting for Zander and Natty. Considering that they are-” But the door opened interrupting Yang as we turned our attention to the door. Zander and Natty were present before us as Zander yawned "We are here... We are here..."

“So some mysterious being is in here?” Yang asked Kyro and Natty; both of which had nodded in reply as I heard the dragoness gave an exhale and turned around, facing the horizon again before ordering. “Alright. Guess we walk on one footing. Straight to the horizon, no one going on their own.” She glared at Natty while she said the last few lines. The pink dragoness blushed red rosy cheek before glancing away. Pinning her eyes upon the white wall next to her, I smiled giggling amongst the silence. Remembering what had happened before when we let Natty off her leash. Thus Yang took the lead and started leading us forth across the shorten hallway. At the end of the halls was a crossroads. Two paths were presented to us. Left and right. Both were lit. However, it seems that the bulbs upon the rooftops were flashy. Perhaps someone had forgotten to change the bulbs? As I raised my eyes upon the bulbs ignoring Yang’s voice while she was telling the rest of her orders, I had noticed something weird. Upon the end of the halls where my eyes laid to the horizon, I had noticed that stranger being up ahead.

It was wearing a clean dark red suit. Not a speck of dust or dirt upon it. His pants were black and dirty. There was animal hair upon them. But from what I had remembered, there were no other animals in Vaster besides dragons. Rising my head to its face, I spotted a spiral line circling around the small black dot at the center of it. ‘This must be what that janitor was talking about.’ I thought to myself, quickly drawing my pistol and walking forward towards the being. I heard some shouts behind me. Perhaps it was Yang or Kyro, I was not sure. My attention was mainly focused upon this being. And drew closer towards the being in front of me while raising my pistol pointing at its face and shouted, “You are under arrest!” But the being had not complied. I rapidly squeezed the trigger, firing some shots against it. But they all went through him and onto the wall. Shatter glasses pieced against my clothes as the sound echoed into my ears. I kept firing, bullet after bullet was released from the barrel of the gun until I felt something upon my shoulder.

Turning around, I spotted Yang behind me. Kyro, Zander, and Natty were looking at me with concern upon their faces. I grunted and said nothing before withdrawing my pistol. At this, Yang gave a small smile to me before casting her eyes upon the scenery before her. Quickly noticing the being before us, she stepped forth to it and threw a claw. It went right through her which surprises her. As her smile grew into a grin, she nodded to herself quietly before turning around. Kyro, Zander, and Natty were gathered around me. Yang reported, "Seems like we found our being. Although, it is virtual. Not real." "Now that we had found that out through..." Natty said before pointing her eyes to me to which I blushed and glanced away, "Ling's aggressive recklessness. We should find the machine." “It cannot be that far, Ling.” Kyro interrupted while I gaze at him, tilting my head to one side asking him "You found it?". "Yeah," Kyro replied then turned around; facing his back to us as he motioned with a claw. "Follow me."

So we followed him as he led us a short distance from where we spotted the being. Stopping once as the clattered of footsteps ceased in our ears, Kyro then raised his claw pointing leftward. We gaze leftward and noticed a door before us. Shut but unlocked for some mysterious reason, I stepped forward and grabbed the knob. Pulling forth until the door opened on its own and allowed us in. Darkness welcomed us as we all walked in. But nothing was here. Six rows and columns of desks emerged before our eyes. No machine was present here as I heard an exclaimed voice. Knowing it was Kyro, we all turned to him. "But it was right here. I saw it in this spot." "You sure?" Natty asked, raising an eye as her claws landed upon her sides. Looking rather annoyed by her mate. Kyro argued with Natty for a moment until Yang stepped into their conversation breaking it up.

"Alright alright!" She screamed into the vocal battle as both Kyro and Natty stopped sealing their lips. "We are not going anywhere with this bickering. So we cannot find the machine here." She growled, glancing at Kyro. "So where is it then?" "I do not know." Kyro protested and Yang nodded silently in answer. "Fine." She finished before facing me and the window behind me. Her face hardened and her eyes narrowed. With her nose twitching, she pitched her nose with her claw before exhaling and spoke. "I propose we split up. Find this machine that Kyro had found. And return back here." There was a collection of nods as the five of us split into pairs. Kyro with Natty. Me with Zander. Which left Yang as she had decided to go on her own.

Kyro, Natty, me, and Zander exited from the door. Then split off from one another afterward. Kyro and Natty moved in the opposite direction from the door. Me and Zander moved opposite of where they were heading. As we were walking along the chosen path, I spotted the being at a distance before me. But before I could snap Zander from his mind, it was gone like a ghost. Although we were not fazed by its actions, we kept on going down the remaining path of the hallway we were in. Thus we reached the end and turned the corner of the halls. And there he was again. I growled and gave a quick rapid nod over to Zander who nodded back at me.

We snatched our pistols from our pockets and raised them pointing to the horizon before us. Zander started shouting after the being who turned around facing us before running away. Down the stairs he had went, disappearing into the abyss as we gave chase. We started running down the stairs. Our feet hitting loudly against the widen steps below us as we climbed down. Finally reaching the final step, we arrived upon the floor below. Silence had fallen upon our ears, I narrowed my eyes and growled. Pointing my pistol upon the horizon as we inched forward, step by step. Farther away from the stairs behind us. We looked upon the alterative paths that branched out from the path we were on. There were three. One to our left. Closest to where the steps were. It rose in elevation and sharply turned right, heading somewhere.

I had wanted to split away from Zander. To try out the first path we were presented to. But I mentally shook my head and rejoined him as he advances a few steps ahead of me. Shortly, we had arrived upon the second alternative path. One to our right. Blocked by a close door, Zander narrowed his eyes before looking at me. I nodded, it had indeed look suspicious enough for us to break. And as Zander got the green light, he rose his foot into the air. Slamming the door before him as it breaks into a million pieces before us, we entered sharply and without hesitation. Before rapidly raising our pistols again and glanced around. The room was lit. Six rows and columns were presented to us again. Four windows were off to the edge of the room. The place was empty.

Biting my tongue, I escorted Zander out of the room and sighed. "We are never finding this being. Are we not?" Zander concluded, I nodded my head and said nothing afterward. But rose my head to the horizon, past my pupils from Zander's blockage of my view, and shifted my attention to the end of the main path we were on. A flickering of lights. Or was that someone working on a project? I could not decide. But involuntarily, poked Zander on the shoulder and rose my claw pointing towards the flickering darkness. The dragon nodded before taking the lead. We walked to the hallway's end before bursting out of our hiding spot. There we spotted again the being, but he had disappeared into the darkness. 

Then the lights lit up at the ceiling above us illuminating the halls once again as I snapped my attention towards my surroundings. Zander growled and slammed his claw against the wall, exclaiming "How do we keep on losing him? Every time!" I nodded in agreeance but kept silent as I raised my eyes towards the ceiling above us. Noticing a small needle sparkled with electricity above us. I blinked as a thought emerged into my mind. But a voice interrupted my train of thoughts as I snapped back into reality and started running down the halls with Zander following behind me. Upon crossing the end, we regrouped with Natty and Kyro. Both were breathing hard. Their mouths opened as sweat covered their faces. Yet they seemed angry or irritated about something as they informed us, 

"Did you guys see the being running?” We both shook our heads, “No.” “Where was he heading into?” Zander added, “Just out the door.” Natty answered him. 'Out the door?' I pondered blinking for a moment before faintly hearing a swing of a door. I stepped to the side and glanced beyond Natty and Kyro. Spotting a silver door on our right swinging faintly. The being was gone. But it could not gone far. As I growled to suppressed the protested though, I quickly grabbed Zander. Made a run past Kyro and Natty and through the silver doors. Entering into the other side, my eyes widened. It was not another path or a hallway. But a single small room. Three white walls interconnect with one another as darkness entered into my visions.

I pouted but said nothing as I was escorted out by Zander. Kyro and Natty rejoined us. Zander broke the silence, "Guess Yang is right. That thing is virtual..." "And a ghost," I added after Zander. Zander nodded in agreeance while I shifted my eyes back upon the silver door. Tempted to even look inside it again a second time, this time with a source of light or my flashlight. But I had decided against it, having realized that the small room was indeed confirmed empty. Nothing was inside it. 'Perhaps would be a waste of time...' I thought to myself.

But as we sealed our mouths and listened to the silence surrounding us, we all heard rapid footsteps suddenly entering into our eardrums as we raised our pistols to the horizon and turned around. Our wings interlocked with one another as our backs traded warmth. Yet despite our shivering, we kept still and waited as the footsteps gone louder in our ears before...

"Hey, guys!" Called Yang as she emerged from the corner of the halls. Dropping a big black object onto the ground, smashing it into pieces. The loud sound it created interrupted our concentration and we snapped our attention towards the dragoness ahead of us. "Yang!" I exclaimed happily. The other three smiled warmly. Excited to see a familiar face around the abandoned schoolyards. "Look at what I found." She started, pointing her claw to the object below her as we looked.

"Is that the one?" Zander muttered, stepping close to it pressing his claw upon the surface of it. The machine hummed loudly in our ears. Vibrating violently while Kyro exclaimed, "What did you do, Zander?" "I just touched it." He shouted back, covering his ears over the loud noise. The machine hummed before it stopped. Out from its center, came the being. All of us were startled. Even I had to grab my pistol in panicked aiming it at the being before me. But Yang smiled and grinned bigger while she stepped to my line. Turned around and glanced at the 'mysterious being', she extended her claw and touched it. But it flickered and vibrated underneath her touch. Yang whispered, loud for us to hear "I wonder who was using this projectile as a means for its owner's goals?" "Must be the janitor." Natty growled, crossing her claws over her chest narrowing her eyes at the black machine adding, "He is always asked us to investigate murders after all." "No." Yang interrupted Natty, "I do not think it's the Janitor. Rather it is someone else." "You know who it is, Yang?" I asked intrigued as Yang shook her head. "Nope. But our best bet is to scout for the drama or film club rooms. They were abandoned by the time summer had started, I think we will find something there."

A collection of nods later and we walked as a group. Straight for the clubrooms that Yang was talking about. Because, who knows we might be able to find something there. Interesting or surprising.