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Canine Study
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I've always avoided drawing canines because to be honest I don't handle protruding muzzles well. So, today I started forcing myself to draw some pups (I had huskies in mind) and this was the best and last of the bunch. I'd show the others but they aren't more than frameworks. something just made me want to clean this little lady up at random.
Please, rip it apart! Any insight would be helpful for future attempts. As always, critiques are welcomed with open arms.
And yes, I know it's lopsided. I normally flip a sketch constantly in digital programs to check for that but didn't here since I'm heavy-handed in physical materials (hard to correct things without ghosting).
Please, rip it apart! Any insight would be helpful for future attempts. As always, critiques are welcomed with open arms.
And yes, I know it's lopsided. I normally flip a sketch constantly in digital programs to check for that but didn't here since I'm heavy-handed in physical materials (hard to correct things without ghosting).
10 years ago
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