Current Track: Blabb

\n The coyote opened his eyes slowly as the bright rays of the sun flooded his vision. Quickly he placed the back of his hand over his eyes as he tried sit up.


\n “What” The coyote said. “Where am I?”


\n “You’re in Bridge Wood. A small town, about two days travel from Dallas.” A female voice said. “I found you about-a two miles north of here. You’re a lucky one, stranger”


\n Moving his hand away from his face his eyes began to readjust as he slowly began make out shapes, barely piecing together a silhouette of a slender female moving about. The coyote’s ears went flat and his nose took a few sniffs of the air to catch the scent of a fox.


\n “Who are you and what am I doing here?” The coyote said with a slight snarl.


\n “Whoa, my name is Linda, and all I dun was pluck you out the desert” The vixen said as she reached for a glass of water. Eventually the canine could make out her red fur, pointed ears and plain dress. He began to look around noticing that he was in someone’s bedroom. More than likely, this place belonged to his host. Then his eyes met hers.


\n “I thank you kindly ma’am but I really have to go” The canine gave her only a stern stare as he began to shift around in the sheets when he realized that he was wearing very little clothing. The coyote quickly grabbed the sheet to peer underneath, only seeing his boxers.


\n “I took the liberty of washing your clothes Mr…” her voice trailed off. There was a moment of pause before the coyote looked up.


\n “Stanton, Russell Stan…Wait you undressed me and washed my clothes?” the brown furred canine had a look of surprise.


\n “Well why not?” the female could only smile as she extended out the glass of water to him. Quietly he looked at the drink and then glanced at her, his ears were slowly beginning to shift as he found the female’s hospitality to be genuine. “Anyway, Mr. Stanton, I was thinking why don’t you come on down to the Saloon this evening. Maybe I can treat you to a drink or two”


\n The canine sniffed the water and then without hesitation quickly poured it down his throat.


\n “I will take that as a yes” The vixen said as she stood up and began to walk out of the room. The canine didn’t even get a chance to finish his water as he stopped in mid gulp, leaning forward as water came gushing out of his mouth.


\n “What?” Mr. Stanton said with an irritated demeanor “I didn’t agree to anything!” The fox’s tail calmly moved back and forth as she left the bedroom. The coyote’s heart raced as he was left there alone. Looking around before getting up, he could only grab the blanket and did his best to wrap it around his body trying to follow the fox.


\n “Miss Linda, Miss Linda!” the coyote began to yell as he crept near the door, peeking down the hallway.


\n “Mr. Stanton, it would be the gentlemanly thing to do to help an ol’ po’ gal out” Miss Linda said as her voice became louder. The coyote then exited the room and looked down the hallway.


\n “I’m no gentleman” the canine yelled with a scowl. Miss Linda then came into view at the end of the hallway arms crossed and eyes glaring.


\n “And I won’t take no for an answer” The vixen said as she took one good swing, propelling a pile of clothes into the canine’s face. The coyote reacted quickly, reaching his left arm to catch all of his attire.


\n “Now Mr. Stanton, I expect you to put yer pants on, we have somewhere to go!”


\n The coyote felt a little awkward, walking side by side with Miss Linda. In some way he figured he did owe her, though he would never admit it. He hated the position he was in. Reaching up to touch his head fur, he only now began to realize the magnitude of his situation.


\n “I couldn’t even grab my hat” Mr. Stanton said under his breadth.


\n “I’m assuming your going to need some supplies before you head out” The vixen’s ears perked as he focused her attention on the building ahead of her.


\n “I reckon so, that would be nice” replied the coyote, wagging his tail slightly. The vixen smiled and looked at the canine straight in the face. “That’s what I thought. Miles is the owners of the establishment we’re going to and could use some extra help, heck the sheriff position is open in town”


\n The coyote laughed.


\n “Shucks ma’am, I can’t imagine me be’n a sheriff”


\n “Well why not?” The vixen replied with a smile. The coyote just stared off into the distance as he just then caught the sight of the huge building of the Bridge Wood Saloon. He could feel his heart beating and his palms began to sweat.


\n “I can’t touch a pistol for the life of me…at least not anymore” the coyote said, requiring some effort to say it. “You know Miss Linda; I think I could use a shot of whiskey.”


\n The fox could only imagine what experience the young coyote had to go through to cause him such hesitation, though she never pushed the issue.


\n The Bridge Wood Saloon was not unlike any other Saloon. It was a two-story building, with wooden tables and chairs, a bar with stools. The coyote felt a little at home and at the same time a little out of place. The Saloon looked like it was picking up. A group of canines; wolves, coyotes and dogs were sitting in the corner playing cards. A tiger was sitting by himself in the corner, an older wolf was at the bar communicating with the bar tender.


\n “Miles” The vixen said as she came in and approached the old bear behind the counter. The bear broke off his conversation with the wolf and looked at the vixen, then she turned and faced the canine “Miles, this is Mr. Stanton, he’s new in town”


\n “Hello sir” Miles said as he peered at him closely. “Ah well, welcome. Are you going to be staying a while?” The bear asked.


\n “Maybe” the coyote responded, “It really all depends”


\n “Well Mr. Stanton” The vixen spoke up. “Why don’t you sit and git yourself a drink, I suppose we can set up a tab for Mr. Stanton. I have to go and get ready.” Patting the coyote on the back she then proceeded to the door in the back of the Saloon.


\n “So what’ll it be Mr. Stanton?” The bartender said.


\n “Shot of Whiskey…an uh leave the bottle” the coyote said with a smile as the bar tender bent his knees picking out a tall decanter with a black label. Then turning around behind him, grabbed a small shot glass and placed both of them on the bar. Pouring the contents of the Whiskey into the shot glass, the coyote gave it a quick sniff and then drank the entire contents in one gulp.


\n “Thank you kindly” The canine said after a moment’s hesitation. The bartender just nodded as he was being summoned in another area of the bar. Then the canine picked the bottle up along with the shot glass and found himself a nice corner table, one that is out of view but not too obstructed so he could keep watch of everyone else. Then Miss Linda came out from the back door holding a tray. The coyote watched her for a moment as she started to deliver drinks to a few patrons. Taking another shot, the canine could feel a slight buzz, the best time he thought to do a little thinking.


\n Bang! A gunshot echoed in the room. The coyote’s attention quickly diverted as he could see other patrons of the bar falling to the floor, getting on their hands and knees to take cover. He also followed suit but decided to take the bottle of whiskey with him as well. As he peered to the front of the saloon, he could only make out a tall lion, wearing a black trench coat.


\n “Yeehaw, that what I call an entrance” The lion said with a big grin on his face, as he calmly gazed around the room. “Well I guess Bridge Wood is a little short on hos’patalaty.” He then glanced over at the bartender who was cowering behind the counter. “What! No Beer…Come on Mister” The lion said sarcastically, looking at the jittery bear. Quickly he got up, grabbed a glass jug and poured beer into it from the closest tap. All the while the bear kept looking at the lion’s sidearm that was firmly gripped in his right hand. The feline smiled as the bear gently place the glass jug on the counter.


\n “You see? That wasn’t too hard; I just may keep you around.”


\n “Thank you sir” Mr. Miles said as he just back away. The lion didn’t’ seem to care for his reaction as he started to pour the beer down his muzzle. Everyone was still hiding, trying their best not to make sudden moves, except for one. Casually a female vixen walked up to the stranger in the black trench coat.


\n “Well, well, what do we have here” The lion said as he slammed the tankard down on the bar and slowly approached the fox.


\n “Is there anything I can help you with?” The vixen said with a stern look on her muzzle. The coyote just fell silent and calmly placed his bottle on the floor. The feline hid nothing as he leaned a little forward with an evil grin.


\n “Oh there’s plenty of thin’s you can do for me” The lion said as his hand reached around to quickly grab the vixen’s behind.


\n “Oh my, you’re so forward” Miss Linda said with a seductive smile leaning closer. “Mister Lion”


\n “Nate, just call me Nate” the feline said as he leaned forward to connect with the vixen lips. Mr Stanton could only watch with trepidation as he tried to second-guess Miss Linda’s action. Then in an instant, the vixen’s knees made impact with the lion’s groin, causing the feline to shriek in pain. Reacting with the same swiftness and intensity as her first action, the fox lunged at the lion’s right arm. She maneuvered to grab a hold of his right hand and with her other paw reached to move the trench coat and clothing away where she could pierce his skin with her teeth. The lion couldn’t really control himself as he dropped his firearm. The coyote braced himself for a loud noise but none came out of the gun as it hit the floor and slid over a few feet. The coyote could see the lion regain his composure.


\n His gaze focused for a split second on the cold piece of steel that lay silent on the ground. It almost seemed that everyone was content in watching, backed up against a corner, or underneath the assumed safety of a table to risk a move. To Mr. Stanton he knew he had no choice. With one push of his leg, the coyote ran as his right arm reached and took hold of the gun. The vixen’s struggle became pointless now as the lion held both of her arms.


\n “You think you’re smart, you think you can stop me, Huh! Well I’s gonna show you Missy!” Nate said with a snarl.


\n “Hold it right there!” The coyote growled holding the gun firmly in his right hand, pointing it at the lion, his finger gently touching the trigger. The lion just looked at the coyote and smiled.


\n “Really” Nate said. “You going to point a gun at me?” A little laughter was in his voice. Then without much thought, the lion pushed his head forward, meeting the vixen’s head with some force. The vixen didn’t know how to react, which gave Nate enough time to swing his arm, knocking the vixen across the face.


\n Bang! Another loud sound echoed through out the bar as a bottle of Jack Daniels exploded into fine shards of glass. Mr. Nate just brushed his mane and looked menacingly at the canine.


\n “Now you’ve gone and done it, you’ve shot at me”


\n “Look I don wanna kill ya” The coyote said as his voice began to shake.


\n “Really, look at you, you don’t know how to carry that weapon, your stance is all wrong, damn your hands are shaking way too damn much, I imagine you haven’t picked up a gun in yor whole entire life.” Nate said with a smile as he took a step forward.


\n “He may not have held one sir, but I have…and trust me I know how to wield this weapon” The vixen’s voice echoed from behind him as with an audible click.


\n “Reely, that gonna be it” the tall feline tried to say very stoically but his voice definitely had a changed tone as well as his tail and ears tucking away. “Damn I can take on two of you blind folded.”


\n A golden retriever then stood up and pointed his gun, vividly shaking and pointed it at Nate. “I’m go..gonna...s..shot as well mister, If you m..make any moves” The dog said as he pointed the gun. Nate snickered; his look of pride turned into a look of irritation as he saw three guns pointed his direction.


\n “Well, it looks like your outnumbered Mister Lion” were the only words the vixen had to say as the lion began to place his arms above his head.


\n It didn’t take long for the Saloon to recuperate, it seemed that the lion really didn’t have much of a choice and the fox promptly had him detained and arrested, which was no easy task since they had to send word about ten miles south to Dunlap.


\n “So Mr. Stanton, is there any way I can convince you to stay?” The vixen glaring directly at the coyote, her tongue licking her lips slightly. The coyote didn’t seem to notice anything as he strapped his rations to the back of his horse as his eyes peered over at the lady’s from under his new hat.


\n “Well the town was kind enough to extend out their hospitality Miss Linda, and even though how tempting it might be to stay here, ma’am, I think I would rather go.” The vixen’s face visibly changed to a more serious demeanor.


\n “Well I can’t thank you enough” The fox said as she watched the coyote mount his horse. The canine just looked out over the horizon as the sun was making its journey to dive beneath the ground. He then looked off towards the direction of the town, he then looked down at the fox. The coyote grinned as he tipped his hat toward the female.


\n “Happy trails Miss Linda” Stanton said.


\n “Happy trails Mr. Crow” The fox replied. The coyote just froze, as he heard that name. There was a small chuckle as he turned to stare at the fox again.


\n “Excuse me, Ma’am?”


\n “Yes Mr. Jack Crow, I know who you are. You’re Mr. Crow, who was part of Dasher’s gang and didn’t care much for women it seems. He was a left-handed varmint. At least that was the rumor. I also hear that you, Jack Crow, left Dashers gang, up till about a year ago. Word has it that you died during a train robbery. I’m glad to see you in full health.” The vixen said as she crossed her arms.


\n “Miss, you full of crazy ideas. If you hadn’t notice I shot with my right hand not my left” The Coyote said.


\n “Yup” The vixen said with out so much of a smile. Then without any provocation, the fox threw a bottle of whiskey in the air at the coyote. The coyote with out even thinking went to grab the bottle, keeping his right hand on the reigns. The fox smiled. The coyote notice what had happened and began to open his mouth. The vixen just held up her paw.


\n “Look I don’t care. If I cared I would have sent you off with the lion about five hours back. Now I don’t know your reason for joining Dasher’s gang and I sure as hell don’t know what happened out there to motivate you to leave his ass.” The vixen paused, looked at the dirt for a moment and then looked back up at him. “But if today is any indication, Mr. Crow, I just hope you will be able to able to assist in problems instead of being part of it.” Then she turned around, still with her arms crossed, walking slowly to her home. The coyote couldn’t do much of anything but marvel at the girl’s intelligence and intuition. Then he looked down at the bottle.


\n “Keep it Mr. Stanton. You’re probably going to need it” The vixen said as she opened the door to her house. All Mr. Crow could do was smile and remained silent as he stashed the bottle away, then instructed his horse to move. The vixen turned her head for moment, watching the cowboy ride off in the setting sun.
