Current Track: Blabb
Tainted Glory
By Evan Drake

Chapter 13: The Battle Chateau

When I walked through the entrance to the Battle Chateau, I had expected to see a massive mansion dedicated to Pokémon battles. At least that was what it looked like from the outside. A giant castle sitting on the edge of the river, the place was going to look like a massive dungeon filled with battle-scarred arenas for high-stakes battles.

Instead, I entered what looked like a large fancy vestibule. It had everything, lush carpet, exotic potted plants, tall windows, expensive paintings, and large busts of Pokémon I'd never seen before. Looked fancy enough, but there was something about this place. A tension in the air like a predator on the hunt. I inhaled and sighed. I always found the smell relaxing. It felt pure, primal unlike the Pokémon League which seemed stuffy and overbearing like the Pokémon League, but also not quite as raw as The Under where the smell became nauseating because it was all lust for blood and fear.

I remembered the first time my friends and I passed this place during our League challenge. Patrick really wanted to go in, but I didn't pay it much mind at the time. Since going the Battle Chateau wasn't a requirement for becoming Champion, I saw it as a waste of time. Now I wished I had at least let him see what the inside looked like.

With a firm shake of my head, I pushed the thoughts away. Now was not the time to focus on the things I should've done in the past. If I wanted to play that game, I should've done something about that weirdo who showed up at Beacon two days ago.

            “Maya, are you sure about this?" Cassandra asked. “I mean, you were going to come here anyway, it's just—I don't like that you're being forced into this. We should go to the police."

            “And tell them what? They can't watch my family twenty-four seven and there's no way this guy is going to get away with threatening my family."

            “Well, what makes you think this guy is going to back off if you do what he says? Trust me, these kinds of people do not keep their word."

            I didn't respond. Somehow, I just knew he was going to keep up his end of the bargain. If he really wanted to hurt my family, he could've done it without ever showing his face. Then he kept mentioning that so-called forbidden power. If he wanted to taunt me, there were better ways. There was something else he wanted, something only I could give him. Until I learned what that was and how I could use it to my advantage, I was stuck playing his game. Bastard could've just come out and say it instead playing these stupid games. He seriously watched way too many dramas.

            To be on the safe side, I sent Ian away. If he wasn't on that guy's radar, no point in getting him involved. Ian agreed, saying he was going to stay with his dad in Dedemille Town, but knowing him, he wasn't going to let it drop. Too bad there was nothing I could do stop him. I sent Taylor to stay with my mom. She refused to go back to Johto, and I doubted she would be any safer there. Mom didn't know what was happening, but at least in Aquacorde I knew there were several powerful trainers around. Maybe it would give the guy pause.

            The whole drive there, I researched this so-called forbidden power he insisted on going on about. Some articles on forbidden enhancers and training practices came up but nothing that applied to me. I didn't use any of the abusive training techniques they mentioned, and I never used enhancers on my Pokémon. None of my Pokémon were banned by the League. There was a list of Pokémon banned for one reason or another, but nothing that included an entire species. And I captured all of my Pokémon in the wild; there was no way any of them could've been banned.

All of them except Dorian. I picked him up at a Day Care. I also didn't know anything about the trainer who had him before me. Strangely, when I checked his registration, I was listed as his only trainer. It didn't make sense. The League kept very careful records of a Pokémon's trainer history. I heard there were some ways around it, but I never tested those methods to know if they worked or not. But if there was no history, then who dropped him off at the Day Care? I figured I would get to the bottom of that when I became Grand Champion  of the Battle Chateau or whatever the hell the title was supposed to be.

            Cassandra dropped the argument. Good, I wasn't going to listen anyway. My family had already been ripped apart once. No one was going to put my mother through that pain again.

            A woman with short brown hair wearing a suit approached us. She had all the makings of those femme fatale secretaries in the movies. Her clothes and hair were flawless, not a single wrinkle or hair out of place, marking her attention to detail and lack of tolerance for flaws. The same sharp features that could cut glass, and a cold stare that left no illusions she was all business. “Hello, and welcome to the Battle Chateau, a place of battle for the trainer elite." Even her voice carried the same no-nonsense attitude as her appearance. She bowed to Cassandra and added, “We are pleased to see you again Ms. Knowling. Is this young woman a guest of yours?"

            “No, I'm here because you guys invited me," I said.

The woman didn't skip a beat in her response. “Before you are allowed any further, I'm afraid I must ask for proof of membership and ID."

            “Wow, you guys don't play around, do you?" I said as I fished my trainer ID and the membership ticket from my pocket.

            The woman thanked me as she took the items and placed them on top of the tablet she held in her arms. The screen glowed brightly and there was a loud beep. I assumed it was a good thing because the woman smiled and returned the ticket and ID.

            “Thank you so much, Miss Martin. My name is Genevieve. Allow me to show you around and explain exactly what it is we do here."

            Cassandra patted me on the shoulder. “Good luck. I gotta get back to Beacon. And listen, I'm gonna be making some phone calls and see if I can't figure out who the hell that guy is."

            I nodded and followed Genevieve through the double doors leading inside. The Battle Chateau was exactly as I pictured it, like a massive museum dedicated to Pokémon battling. It looked just like the lobby, a high ceiling, expensive furniture, large paintings depicting famous battles or trainers and their teams. The one room we were in was filled with trainers of varying ages conversating. The ones closest to us noticed us the moment we walked in. I groaned as I saw the recognition in their eyes and the way they whispered excitedly to their friends.

            “It would seem you are becoming popular already," Genevieve said.

            “That's not a problem is it?"

            “No, but I should warn you: At the Battle Chateau, we have our own titles and ranking system that is not influenced by your exploits outside our facility," The woman motioned for me to follow her and started walking through the crowd at a brisk pace. I followed behind at a half-jog just to keep up with her. “Your title of champion will earn you admiration from your peers, but it carries very little weight here." The crowd parted as she approached as if some magical force surrounded her. I could hear people whispering to each other as we walked past them.

            “Hey, isn't that Maya Martin?"

            “Is she a member?"

            “I hope so; I can't wait for a chance to battle her."

            “Isn't she the one who Sharon Harris challenged on TV?"

            I sensed the excitement coming off them like whenever I show my Pokémon a new toy. Right now, Ex-Champion or not, I was fresh meat. The newcomer. If anything, being a former champion put a bigger target on my back. They would scramble to see who could put me in my place first, and teach that “puffed-up trainer" how things really worked. It was written all over their faces.

Genevieve kept walking without acknowledging what anyone said, so I decided to follow her lead. I didn't care either way. They would learn soon enough how tough I was. Only a rookie wasted time talking about how tough they were, and a liar wasted time proving it. Making it to the top rank was all that mattered. They could keep their whispers and rumors to themselves.

We entered a long hallway with a series of double doors on one side and large windows on the other. A few more trainers stood around conversating in the halls. “Here at the Battle Chateau we host Pokémon battles for trainers and nothing more," Genevieve said. “All battles follow standard League rules, although trainers can amend some those rules as they see fit." She looked back at me as if making sure I was paying attention. “Such as limiting the number of Pokémon each trainer can use or establishing handicaps for fairness. We will not condone any illegal activity here, however. Are there any questions?"

Instead of asking the question on my mind, I stopped. At the end of the hall was the trainer Bella who reminded me of a female version of Ian and almost got a bunch of people killed during the Tyranitar attack at the Pokémon League. Looked like they really did take just about anyone. Bella didn't notice me staring at her.

            Being poked in the shoulder pulled me back to reality and Genevieve's disapproving stare. “Ms. Martin, I understand your eagerness to battle other trainers, but I must ask that you refrain from challenging anyone until we finish your evaluation."

            I nodded and turned away from Bella. When the time came to kick her ass, I was gonna enjoy it.

“I gotta ask: How do you get an invite to this place?" I asked.

“Invitations are done usually extended from other members. On the very rare occasion, we may receive word of a rare talent and reach out to them ourselves."

            So once again, it's all about who you know. “Guess that explains why I wasn't asked sooner."

            “Actually, we received several requests from trainers asking us to extend you an invitation," Genevieve said. “We were hesitant to invite you because while you have acquired the lofty title of Champion, you have also begotten a dark reputation for being reckless, ruthless, and uncaring towards your opponents. At the Battle Chateau, we pride ourselves on allowing trainers of good character within our halls."

            “Or basically, so long as no one flaunts their bad habits, they're allowed in," I said.

            The look in Genevieve's eyes said she didn't like my comment. Not that it mattered to me. I meant what I said. A lot of places were more than happy to look the other way so long as they didn't rock the boat. Not like I could fault them. If they wanted all their members to have squeaky-clean records, no one would be there. “Here at the Battle Chateau, we have 6 titles. From lowest to highest they are as follows: Baroness, Viscountess, Countess, Marchioness, Duchess, and Grand Duchess," Genevieve said. “If you are a male your rankings are: Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquis, Duke, and finally Grand Duke." She straightened her glasses and paused as if letting her words sink in. Or for dramatic effect; I couldn't tell. “As you battle here, your rank and title will improve. The rankings are handled differently: Each title has a separate ranking system for the sake of fairness. Do make a note that you will not lose your title and rank should you lose any number of battles."

            Genevieve made a sharp right turn and waltzed through a large pair of doors. I shrugged and followed her into the next room. The room must had been designed for battles because it was almost as large a gym field. A series of fancy-looking chairs were lined along the walls along with more Pokémon statuettes leaving nothing in the middle of the room.

            “But to be clear: if we decide at any given time that you are abusive toward the Pokémon or any of the patrons here you will face possible demotion or even expulsion from our facility," Genevieve said. “The same goes for breaking the rules. As I said before: we follow standard League rules here, so it should be easy to know what is tolerated and what isn't."

            I shrugged to hide my boredom. She wasn't telling me anything I hadn't already heard before. “Seems fair enough. If you can't play nice, you get kicked out," I said. That rule was so common, I wondered why anyone bothered to say it anymore.

            Genevieve walked to the end of the room and faced me. “It pleases me that you understand our policy. Now if you'll just take your place on the far end of the battlefield there, we can begin your preliminary evaluation."

            “I'm sorry, my what?"

            Genevieve looked at me as if the answer was obvious. “It is part of our policy that all new members undergo a preliminary evaluation to properly gauge their appropriate skill level."

            I chuckled. “Can't we skip that since I already made Champion? Doesn't that give you an idea of my skill level? My last battle was on TV."

            “No, we cannot," Genevieve said firmly. “As I said before, it is policy, and your title of Champion carries little weight here. You will be evaluated and treated just like all the other trainers here."

            I decided not to argue any further, especially since I liked not receiving special treatment. After walking to the other side of the room, I tossed Maude's Poké Ball into the air, releasing the Mawile onto the battlefield.

            Genevieve's face remained as still as ever as she looked at my Mawile. She then took a Poké Ball from inside her jacket pocket and tossed it into the air with a casual flick of her wrist. The ball burst open releasing a tall black Pokémon I recognized immediately as a Gothitelle. The psychic Pokémon had the same unreadable look in its blue eyes as its trainer. The two of them resembled except the Gothitelle's entire body looked like a black evening gown with large white bows on it.

            If that woman wore an outfit just like that, I probably couldn't tell those two apart, I thought.

            The Gothitelle suddenly tilted its head and murmured something in Pokémon language in the same monotone voice its trainer used.

            “It would seem that your Mawile is holding an item my Gothitelle doesn't recognize," Genevieve said.

            So, the Gothitelle's ability is frisk. Good to know. “You must mean her scarf," I said. “It's a special item that prevents her from using her ability or mega evolution."

            The disapproving look appeared in Genevieve's eyes again. “You actually use such items on your Pokémon?"

            “Before you go jumping to conclusions, lady, only Maude uses it," I said, keeping my annoyance in check. “It's already been approved by the League, and Maude doesn't mind. Actually, she prefers it that way. Right, Maude?"

            Maude gave a proud cry and rubbed the scarf with her claws.

            “Very well. If your Pokémon wishes to battle with a handicap, I have no objections," Genevieve replied. “But I should caution you that the trainers here are no amateurs. That scarf may prove more of a hindrance than a benefit."

            I shrugged. “If Maude finds someone worthy of her full power, she'll take the scarf off. Now are we battling or not?"

            “Yes, we shall. Just remember that this is an evaluation. Whether you win or lose has no bearing on the results. Now, Ginny, use Psychic."

            The Gothitelle raised its arms and the air around Maude began to shimmer.

            “Maude, Sucker Punch!"

            Maude leapt forward just before the space she was standing in distorted slightly indicating she just avoided the attack. She rushed forward and delivered a punch straight into the Gothitelle's stomach. She cried out and stumbled backward, clutching where she had been struck by the super-effective dark-type attack.

            “Embargo," Genevieve commanded.

            The Gothitelle recovered and suddenly chains shot from her body. I was too stunned to say anything and the chains wrapped around Maude. Before I could figure out the best way to break the chains, they disappeared and Maude could move again. Thanks to Embargo, her scarf was just a fashion statement. Maude shot the woman a dark look at having her handicap taken away.

            “That was a bad move, lady," I said. “I did warn you that Maude holds back her power." I shrugged and added calmly,  “Guess you'll find out why the hard way. Maude, Iron Head."   

            “Reflect," Genevieve ordered.

            Maude launched herself at Ginny just as a wall of light surrounded the Gothitelle. Maude slammed into the barrier and wasn't slowed down in the slightest. She kept going and hit the Gothitelle square in the chest. Ginny cried out in surprise as she slid backward several feet.

            Genevieve's eyes widened. “To do that much damage even with Reflect active…You were right to hinder its power. Ginny, use Telekinesis."

            Ginny raised one hand as if gently lifting something. Suddenly, Maude lifting into the air by the unseen psychic power.

            With a casual wave of her hand Genevieve said, “Now, use Psychic."

            “Maude, use Substitute!"

            The air around Maude began to shimmer just as she vanished and a strange-looking Poké toy took her place. The space around the toy distorted as the psychic struck it and it disappeared.

            “Now Sucker Punch!" I cried.

            Maude reappeared, zooming towards Ginny, aiming a punch for her face. I noticed the air just in front of the Gothitelle was shimmering.

            There was no way to avoid it. Maude rushed straight into the follow-up psychic attack, launching her sideways through the air.

            “Skill Swap," Genevieve said.


            Ginny raised her arms and made a sound that almost sounded like singing. Maude cringed and didn't stop until after Ginny stopped singing and lowered her arms.

            Shit! I made the mistake of thinking Genevieve was just trying to draw out Maude's full power. Instead, she was trying to get a read on Maude's ability and deciding whether or not to have her Gothitelle steal it for herself. Pretty smart strategy. It had been a long time since I battled a trainer who thought that far ahead. “I gotta hand it to you, lady, you're better than I thought," I said.

            “Thank you, Miss Martin, but flattery will get you nowhere. Ginny use Psychic."

            The air shimmered violently around Maude as Ginny raised her arms. Without being told Maude jumped to the side, avoiding the attack.

            “Use Sweet Scent," I ordered.

            Maude cried out, releasing pink mist from her massive jaws. The sweet smell filled the room in no time. Ginny stopped to sniff the air. Maude quickly took advantage of the opening and charged with Iron Head. Ginny realized too late that she was under attack. Maude slammed head-first into her. Ginny flinched and stepped backward.

            “Keep up the pressure, Maude, Ice Fang!"

            Maude whipped her head and bit down on Ginny's outstretched arm with frost-covered fangs. The Gothitelle grunted in pain, but didn't cry out.

            “Ginny, use Psychic and shake her off!" There was panic at the edge of her voice.

            “Maude, toss her and use Sucker Punch!"

            Maude spun around, lifting Ginny, who was twice as big, off her feet and sending her rolling across the floor. She then rushed forward, fist pulled back, ready to deal the finishing blow.

            “Stop. That is enough," Genevieve said straightening her glasses.


            Maude stopped herself when she was just one step away from contacting the downed Gothitelle's face.

            Genevieve and I went to our Pokémon. Ginny's arm was slightly discolored from where Maude had bitten her, but other than that our Pokémon were fine.

            “You did wonderful, Ginny. Now let's get you patched up at the infirmary," Genevieve said reassuringly. “You should get your Mawile looked at as well."

            “I will, thank you," I said as I helped Genevieve, ease her Gothitelle to her feet. “This may be a bad time to ask, but how'd I do?"

   Genevieve smiled—the first I'd seen her do it since meeting her. “You did very well, Miss Martin. I look forward to witnessing your future battles. Welcome to the Battle Chateau."