Current Track: Blabb

“Hey... You know... I remember when you were a Pichu...” Electra said as we entered our room.

“Yeah, well I don't...” I said as I sighed, flopping down on my belly on one of the cushions.

“It was a long time ago...” She said, smiling. “I can remind you if you want me to... I mean, I only knew you as a Pichu for a little amount of time, so I can only remind you of a couple things...” she said as she sat down next to me, just as Bolt entered.

“Yes... Remind me... I have to remember this...” I said as I rolled onto my back, staring up at the ceiling.

“Well...” She said as she lay down next to me, smiling as she ran her right paw over my forehead, then scratched behind my ears. Instinctively, I leaned into it and purred softly. There was no human emotions that stopped me from doing it this time. I just did it, and didn't even give it a second thought. It felt so good, the way she used her claws like that...

“Chaaaaa...” I sighed as I pushed my head against her paw, smiling as I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. “I love that!”

“Hehe...” She said as she licked my nose. “I love you more and more every day, you know that?” She said as she slowly licked my nose.

“Awwww... I love you so much Electra!” I said as I kissed her cheek, laughing. “Now, you've gotta remind me of when I was a Pichu!” I said as I rolled back onto my back, smiling.

“Oh yeah...” She said as she rolled over so that she was facing me. “Well... I remember when we met... In your nest...” She said as she smiled. “In the woods... Um... Oh yeah, by the little human nest that's at the other end of the tall grass.” She said as she licked my cheek again. “And you were alone there... Um... Sleeping. I was worried about you and I woke you up... And when I woke you up, you jumped on me because you were so happy to see another Pikachu. You said you were alone for a looong time.” She said as she rolled ontop of me, smiling.

I didn't understand how she was able to smush anyone she laid on except me. I mean, sure she was really heavy, but not heavy enough to smush me... I mean, I'm still comfortable underneath her, it's not like I'm gasping for air or anything... I can breathe fine... Maybe all the others, and even the Raichu... Are just weak? Maybe I'm the most powerful Pikachu in the world...

“Dallas, you were abandoned because your parents didn't want you. They said they weren't ready for a Pichu so they left you in the woods alone... Which was a big mistake because look what you turned out to be!” she giggled as she hugged me tightly.

“Wait, how do you know that?” I asked as I hugged her back, smiling.

“Well you told me, silly!” She laughed as she kissed my cheek. “And then, I offered to watch over you until you grew up... And when you said yes, and I picked you up to hug you, you evolved into a Pikachu!” She giggled as she nuzzled me. “And then you were worried because you didn't know any moves, so I tried to teach you spark, and you made a thunderbolt! Hehe, so I taught you thunderbolt instead, and then iron tail, and then volt tackle, and you learned thunderpunch and thunder by yourself.” she said as she kissed my cheek again. “But... After I taught you thunderbolt, we came here, and after we joined the colony we mated. And that's how we became mates.” She said as she hugged me tightly.

“Well I... Don't remember that...” I said as I tilted my head, despite me laying down.

I remembered her teaching me thunderbolt... As a Pikachu... But... I don't remember us meeting... Wait, I do remember meeting, but I don't remember where... She gave me these fruity worms... And we slept together... But... Was I really a Pichu then? I don't remember...

“Oh! I remember now! I was a Pichu and you fed me those fruity worms in the woods!” I said as I perked my ears up, finding it difficult to do while I was laying down. “And then you taught me thunderbolt, and other moves, and then we came here, yeah I remember now!” I said as I kissed her hard, right on the mouth, giggling as I hugged her with all fours.

“And I evolved after you fed me because I was really happy that you cared!” I said as I looked at Bolt, who made a face at me.

“Yeah! See I knew you'd remember!” She said as she kissed me back, giggling.

“Something didn't feel right though... I've known Electra for a long time now, and I can tell when she's hiding something... And I can tell right now that there's something she's not telling me...

However, I quickly disregarded it as Bolt walked up to us.

“Um... Mr. Dallas... What are you doing?” he asked as I kissed Electra's cheek.

“Nothing.” I said as I looked at him, smiling. “What are YOU doi- Oh yeah...” I said as I pulled myself out form underneath Electra and stood up, sighing. “Where did you get those balls?”

“About that... Bye!” Bolt said as he darted out of the room. “I'll be back later!”

“NO!” I yelled as I dashed into the tunnel after him, frowning as I looked down both paths, but didn't see him anywhere.

“He's... Gone...” I said, frowning as I turned around and looked back at Electra. “I just wanted to know who he was... I wasn't going to hurt him or anything...”

“You scared him...” Electra said as she shrugged.

“Yeah but he DISAPPEARED!” I said as I looked down. “That makes no sense!”

“Well maybe he's just really fast.” Electra smiled. “Besides, I like him. He's all playful and funny. He'll be a good friend.” She said as she smiled at me.

“You know... I don't want any more mates because it always turns out bad... Except with Cammy, that turned out good. But I don't want anymore mates because I never like them... We're still allowed to have as many mates as we want, as long as it doesn't interfere with OUR love... You can mate with him if you want, I mean, I like him, and you like him, so why not?” I said as I smiled at her.

“Well I wasn't going to take it THAT far... But...” She said as she tilted her head. “He said he wanted a mate... And he seemed all happy when you said I was your mate... So I don't see anything wrong with it...” She smiled.

“Yeah, I mean, let him mate with you. It'll be his first time, and he'll be the happiest 'Chu alive. Hehe, I like him too, and I want to see him as happy as I can get him. And mating was one of the things that he said would make him happy, so...”

“So why not try!” Electra said as she hugged me, laughing. “He's fun to be around. And I've only been around him for like a couple minutes.” She said as she wagged her tail.

“You're only saying that because he fed you!” I laughed.

“Am not!” Electra said as she stuck her tongue out. “He's fun too! Besides that!”

“Oh yeah? How?” I asked, laughing.

“Well... The way he... Um...” Electra said as she made a face at me, sticking her tongue out. “Bleeeeehhh!”

“See!” I laughed. “Because he fed you!”

“Nope! The way he acts too! It's fun to be around! But feeding me had a lot to do with it, yup yup.” She said as she wagged her tail again.

“Well I like him because he seemed so interested in EVERYATHING when I found him in here... I mean, he seemed shocked when he saw me, but then he seemed excited, and threw me off my paws with all of his questions... He's curious, and you can't blame a 'Chu for being happy, right? Besides, I like it. He's fun, I agree.” I said as I hugged her.

“Speaking of food...” Electra giggled as she poked my nose.

“Electra no one spoke of food.” I laughed as I hugged her.

“Yeah, well now we both did, sooooo speaking of food, let's get some.” She said as she nudged me.

“Yeah... I said as I licked her cheek, before turning around and dashing into the tunnel, only to have my tail grabbed a few seconds later. I turned around to see Electra running behind me. I tried to pull my tail free but she pulled me backwards and I fell on my belly. I laughed as she hopped over me, and I got up, dashing after her.

“The hungrier go first!” She laughed as she dashed into the main room.

“Since when?” I giggled as I dashed past her, now that we had the room to run alongside each other.

“NOW!” She laughed as she darted into the tunnel, laughing as she dashed out of the other side, jumping into the pile of random things.

“Wrong way.” I laughed as I walked over to the pile of fruits and took an apple.

“Whoopsie...” She laughed as she walked over to me, picking up an orange. “You cheated!”

“Did not.” I said as I poked her belly. “You just didn't go the right way.”

“Hey it's Electra!” Someone shouted as they ran up to us, just as Electra stuffed the orange into her mouth and swallowed it. He tilted his head as he watched it go down, then wagged his tail really fast as he watched her.

“Yes?” Electra said as she frowned at him. “What?”

“Well the way you eat is really cool! Everyone in the main room saw you eat the Pokeballs and they all thing it's amazing that you can do that! And it really is!” He said as he hugged her. “You're awesome!”

She frowned as she hugged him, patting his back. “Well Dallas always says the way I eat is attractive, and if he feeds me, he gets a bon-”

“NOTHING.” I interrupted as I placed my paw over her mouth. “I get nothing. I just feed her because it's what she wants.”

“Was she about to say... Boner?” He asked as he tilted his head.

“Nope, she was going to say... Bo....nana... Yap, bonana. I feed her bananas.” I said as I scratched the back of my head.

“Well okay...” He said as he looked down. “I mean, I think the way Electra eats is attractive too... And if I got the chance, I'd actually offer myself as a meal...” He said as he looked down.

“More like a snack.” I grinned.

“Is that offer still available?” She asked as she tilted her head.

“Not now it isn't.” He laughed. “Because things are going good for me right now! Hehe, but if I had the chance, and I knew I'd survive somehow, I'd definitely let you eat me.” He smiled as he turned around. “It's... Arousing...”

“So I'm not the only one. Good.” I laughed as I poked his back. “It's normal I think. I feel the same way.”

“Yep, normal.” He said nervously. “I have to um... Pee.” He said as he dashed away, turning around and winking at Electra before leaving the room.

“I like him.” She said as she grinned.

“Because he offered himself to you?” I asked as I laughed.

“Hey, that's a lot better than normal tiny food!” She laughed.

“Well I'm sure it is! But what happened to not eating other Pikachu?” I asked as I tilted my head. “You've eaten like seven... Or more, I don't know.” I frowned.

“Well if they're bad, or they offer themselves, why not? I mean, I'm not going to eat one just because I'm hungry. I'm going to eat something else unless they offer themselves, or they're annoying, mean, bad for the colony, stuff like that. I will NOT eat a normal Pikachu just because I'm hungry.” She said as she hugged me. “And besides, I had a dream that you fed me all the Pikachu in the colony... And I was still hungry so I ate everything in the food room because there was no colony to feed anymore... And then I was still hungry so the Raichu offered themselves... And their tails felt soooo good going down... Because they're so long and stuff... So I went outside and you caught every Pokemon you saw and fed them to me. And then we got on a boat and we tried to go out on the lake but the boat was way too heavy to move because I ate so much, so you offered yourself to me. I had you halfway down my throat, and was just about to gulp down your feet and some of your tail when I woke up.” She said as she smiled.

“U-uh...” I said as I turned around, in an attempt to hide my “Excitement”

“Well that's a really strange dream!” I laughed as I scratched my right ear. “I would definitely like to do that! If our colony were something other than 'Chus I would.” I laughed. “I would never feed you a Pikachu though...”

“What about Stryder? Ben? All the Pokeballs?” She laughed.

“That was different! They wee all bad! And Ben was cloned by Team Onyx!” I laughed.

“But we didn't know it then!” She laughed.

“Well we do now so meeeeh!” I said as I stuck out my tongue. “I will only feed you bad Pikachu.”

“And I'll only EAT bad Pikachu!” She laughed as she pushed me playfully.

“See? It works out then.” I laughed.

“Well in the dream everyone had joined Team Onyx, so... They WERE bad.” She laughed as I made my way out into the tunnel, frowning as Electra followed me out with four oranges in her paws.

“Well... That'd be fine them.” I said as I looked back at her, frowning as I looked down at her paws, to see the oranges were gone.

“Wow, gone already... All I did was turn around.” I laughed as I entered the main room.

“Dallas I'm always hungry... And it's getting worse...” She whined as she grabbed me and turned me around, looking into my eyes. “It's getting worse Dallas! I'm so hungry that it almost hurts! It's so uncomfortable! And the only thing that settles it is something biiiig! And it never goes away no matter how much I eat! It just calms down a little for an hour or two, then it comes back full force! There's not a second in my life that I'm not hungry! She whined.

“Well Electra... There's not much I can do... Try to keep your mind off of it, do something fun, I don't know.” I said as I frowned.

“But I feel like every time I eat something big... My belly gets hungrier and hungrier... And then when I eat something small, like those oranges, it gets angry at me for eating small things and...”

“Electra your belly is not mad at you.” I laughed.

“Well I think it is!” She said as we walked into our room.

Just then, the Pikachu from before, the one that kept asking me all those questions, walked in.

“That can't be true...” He said as he walked up to Electra. “Are you serious?” he asked as he tilted his head.

“Yes...” She said, frowning. “I eat whole Pokemon all the time just so th-”

“No, I mean, did you really meet him as a Pichu?” he asked as he tilted his head the other way.

“Of course I did!” She said as she folded her arms. “Why would I lie about that?”

“It's impossible! We turned Brian into a PIKACHU! Not a Pichu! Maybe something went wrong...” He said as he sniffed her.

“Maybe you're crazy. Things like that can't happen.” She said as she smacked his nose. “Get away from me, moron...”

“Hey! Things like that CAN happen!” He said as he rubbed his nose. “I did it to Brian! How'd you get the name Dallas? You should have been able to remember your human name!” He said as he got really close to me.

“I don't know what you're talking about...” I said calmly as I frowned at him. “My name is Dallas... I don't know where I got it from...”

“You had no name. I gave it to you Dallas because I liked it.” she said as she smiled.

“Oh yeah... When we were eating together, I remember...” I said as I tilted my head, trying my best to remember. I remember she called me that when we were eating one day... And I'm pretty sure she was the first one to call me it... So maybe it WAS her that named me...

“Why are you forgetting everything!?! You don't remember any of it and you're just going by what she says!” He said as he growled. “She's filling your head with lies! You're Brian, a human!” He said as he waved his paws around in my face.

“I'm not a human...” I said as I frowned. “You're crazy...”

“I am not lying!” Electra said as she growled back at him.

“You are! You're trying to get him to forget all of his human stuff so that he'll be a normal Pikachu! You're trying to make him forget so that Pokemon like me won't be able to get any answers out of him! So we won't be able to catch him because he'll act like all the others!” He shouted as he waved his paws around in the air. “I know your little games! He's forgetting everything and you're convincing him that YOU were the one that did unexplainable things, like naming him and saving him as a Pichu, which I know he WASN'T!” He said as he folded his arms. “Yeaaaah, I caught you.”

“You're still crazy... And you're making less and less sense...” I said as I sighed. “I remember the things she tells me... I remember when she fed me fruity worms as a Pichu...” I said as I sighed.

“Yeah, you made a mistake, and you're crazy.” Electra said as she walked up to him, growling. “Why the HECK would I lie to my mate? I was the one that found him, and he REMEMBERS it!” She yelled in his face.

“Only because he DOESN'T remember it! He lost his human memory! And some of his early Pikachu memory because his human mind was new, and it interfered! He only vaguely remembers things! Only because his Pikachu mind was just kicking in! He didn't give it time to take over, he just jumped right into action! He only vaguely remembers those actions, and can't piece them together! You only said it was you because one, he'd love you more, and two, because it would make SENSE! He doesn't remember where or when it happened, so you told him where and when, and that's what he believed! And it makes sense to him because you WERE there with him when it happened, but you definitely made up the part about being a Pichu! And now it's stamped into his memory, so that's what he believes now, especially since YOU told him, and he remembers you being there! You just told him you had a bigger role in it than you actually did, and made up a place! I KNOW you lied! I KNOW Brian is THAT Pikachu!” He said as he pointed to me. “I am NOT mistaken! You KNOW about his memory problem, and you're taking ADVANTAGE of it!” he yelled as he got in her face.

“Okay, first of all, you're WRONG!” She yelled as she punched him, right in the stomach, growling as he fell over. “I did NOT make any of It up, because I was the one that made him EVOLVE!” She yelled as she hopped ontop of him. “How the hell can you tell ME what happened when you weren't even THERE?!” she yelled as she hopped off of him, kicking him in the side as she threw her paws into the air. “You DON'T know what you're talking about, and you're WRONG!” She yelled as she grabbed his tail. “Don't you EVER question me! Dallas needed help remembering, and I TOLD him what happened. Do you have ANY idea what he's been through? He's been through a LOT since we met, it's only NAATURAL for him to forget a thing or two!” She yelled as she tugged hard on his tail, flinging him into the wall. Before he could even move, she rushed forward and grabbed his paws, leaning against him as she pressed her nose against his, sparks flying off of her cheeks as she growled under her breath.

“And if you EVER question what I did to help Dallas again, I will KILL you!” She snarled as she pressed her face against his. She stared into his eyes for a couple seconds, before throwing him to the ground, growling as she walked over to me and stood next to me, leaning against my side.

“F-first of all...” He said as he coughed. “Brian is unnaturally powerful. Even for a purebreed, he's way too powerful. And you know why? Because when I helped turn him into a Pikachu, I p-”

“GRAAAAAH!!!!” Electra yelled as she dropped down onto all fours and charged at him, tackling him against the wall. “WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST SAY!?” She yelled as she slammed into him again, swinging around as she threw him to the ground. “You're DEAD!” She yelled as she reached down to pick him up with her claws. But as she reached down, he disappeared.

I tilted my head as I looked around the room, until I saw Bolt. He sighed as he walked over to Electra and picked something up off of the ground. It was one of those tiny Masterballs, except this one was normal sized.

“He was annoying ME too...” Bolt sighed as he placed the ball in Electra's paw, frowning. “Your claws are still out...”

“Well... That's one way to solve it...” I said as I looked down. “I didn't even see you come in... You just.. Appeared....”

“Dead...” Electra repeated as she tossed the ball into her mouth, a grin appearing on her muzzle as she gulped it down.

“How do you even do that?” Bolt asked as he tilted his head, watched It travel down her throat, frowning as he reached out and touched her belly.

“Well I'm bigger on the inside or something!” Electra said as she wagged her tail. “I think it's because I'm special, and can eat anything I want.”

“Well you ARE special, and CAN eat anything you want...” I said as I looked at her, smiling. “But I honestly don't understand where it all goes...”

“Well... I just eat it!” Electra giggled. “And I don't know what will happen to the Pokeballs... I think they melt in my belly!” She giggled as she patted it. “I can eat ANYTHING!” She chuckled as she patted her belly. “Like a Swallot can! I'm like a Swallot with the weight of a Snorlax in a Pikachu's body!” She laughed,

“Well Snorlaxes are a thousand pounds I think...” Bolt said as he tilted his head. “And yeah, judging by what you eat, I'd say the Pokeball will definitely melt...” he said as he smiled. “And when it's gone, the Pokemon inside will become unregistered, because there's no more Pokeball, so the Pokemon will be released inside you... And they'll melt too...” Bolt said as he smiled.

“Oh yeah...” I said as I perked my ears up. “I forgot to ask... Where do you get those Pokeballs?”

Bolt sighed as he looked down, his ears flopping down to the sides as he answered.

“Well...” He said as Electra walked back over to me. “I um... I can't really tell you...”

“Well you can't be a member of Team Onyx... Because you helped us get rid of them...” I said as I walked over to him. “Um... So... What are you?”

“Well there's always the possibility that he IS a Team Onyx member... And got rid of the others because he was afraid they'd identify him...” Electra said as she looked at Bolt.

“Yeah but we let two stay, two that quit because the colony was more important to them... Plus Bolt doesn't have...” I said as I walked over to him and lifted his left ear, then his right ear. “The black thingy underneath... So he can't be one of them...”

“That's because I'm NOT one of them...” He said as he pawed at my paws. “That tickles! Stop it!”

“Well if the Team Onyx members knew him, they would have identified him right away...” Electra frowned.

“We could always question them since Bolt won't tell us...” I said as I frowned at Bolt.

“I ate them, you can't.” Electra giggled.

“I mean the two that are still here...” I said, sighing.

“Yeah, I have NO clue where they ere.” Electra said, frowning.

“Well... You never asked for members of Team Rocket to leave the colony...” Bolt said as he looked at me, frowning.

“Well Team Rocket doesn't bother us. They haven't done anything to us, so why should I make them leave? I hadn't even heard of them until I heard of Mewthree anyway...” I said as I looked down.

“So you don't care about Team Rocket members?” Bolt asked as he tilted his head.

“Well they haven't done anything to us, so no, I don't mind them.” I said as I smiled. “Why?”

“And judging by the whole Mewtwo, Mewthree thing, I'd say that Team Onyx and Team Rocket are enemies.” Electra frowned.

“Yeah, I think I heard that Team Rocket hated Team Ony- Waaaait...” I said as I looked at Bolt, who smiled.

“You got rid of the Team Onyx members, or rather suggested getting rid of them, and then gave me Pokeballs to get rid of them... Not to mention you have all these weird gadgets and stuff... And Pokeballs... Because you hate Team Onyx! You're a member of Team Rocket!” I said as I wagged my tail.

“Yep!” Bolt said as he smiled. “And I act all joyful and stupid and stuff to cover myself so no one finds out what I am. None of the Team Onyx members do that!” He said as he wagged his tail. “Plus, if we tried again, we could make another Mewtwo even better than the one Team Onyx created, and besides, we did it first, so we're smarter, and better, and stuff.” Bolt said as he frowned, walking over to us.

“Heheh...” Electra chuckled as she rubbed her paws together. “You, me, and Dallas... Can go to Team Onyx's hideout... And catch them all... And then you can feed them to me...” She grinned as she patted his back.

“Well I guess I could...” Bolt said as he smiled. “But I don't think we'd get them all by myself...” he said as he chuckled.

“We could always try!” Electra said as she smiled. “Pleaaaase?”

“Well... You two seem like two pretty tough Pikachu... So...” He said as he smiled. “How about I take you back to Team Rocket's base and you two can join?” He asked as he wagged his tail. “I mean, you two hate Team Onyx, and you're capable of taking them down without all these gadgets that I have, so imagine what you could do if you HAD them!” He said as he turned to the side and held out his tail. “You two would be unstoppable! You already hate Team Onyx, so why not join? What do ya say?” He asked as he smiled.

I looked at Electra, and she nodded. Looking back at Bolt, I too nodded as I turned to the side and touched my tail to his, smiling at the little spark that jumped off.

“Deal.” I said as I hugged him, smiling. “We're in.”

--END Chapter Six--