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Inktober Shani & Hugo Game Night
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Shani Nazari and Hugo Kardex being baes and having a raucous rowdy game night! BAETALITY! ^<^
My goodness! October got super busy for me, but I did keep drawing--however, several of my would-be inktober entries I just plain wasn't happy with, so I did not end up uploading them for want of not wanting to open the flood gates for folks. Nevertheless, I FINALLY finished this piece--and it was a little bit of a monstrous undertaking, even if it may not look like it. Super involved, I spent a -ton- of time on this--but I really, really hope that you folks enjoy the results!
Shani is my striped hyena character, and Hugo belongs to krinkels
Here is a link to the time-lapse gif of the process behind this:
My goodness! October got super busy for me, but I did keep drawing--however, several of my would-be inktober entries I just plain wasn't happy with, so I did not end up uploading them for want of not wanting to open the flood gates for folks. Nevertheless, I FINALLY finished this piece--and it was a little bit of a monstrous undertaking, even if it may not look like it. Super involved, I spent a -ton- of time on this--but I really, really hope that you folks enjoy the results!
Shani is my striped hyena character, and Hugo belongs to krinkels
Here is a link to the time-lapse gif of the process behind this:
8 years ago
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