Current Track: Blabb

\n All Thad could think about was that it had been three days since they’ve deviated from the trial. On their short but arduous hike they had traverse across harsh terrain, waded across accelerated streams, and push themselves beyond their limits. He should, after all, be proud of himself but something didn’t sit right in his stomach. His eye could only focus on a dull slab of a gray and tall rock reaching to an elevation of 13,180 feet; it was one of most well known mountains in the area. Though as he tilted his head down to look at his map and then tilted his head back up to look at the peak of the snow-covered mountain, something in his stomach turned.


\n “Thad, Thad!” A faint voice wailed from behind him. Quickly, Thad diverted his eyes from his map and started to survey his surrounding. “Thad! There you are!” The voice continued as Thad saw a feminine feline form heading in his direction.


\n “Beca!” Thad yelled in response as he quickly stood up, waving his arms wildly over at her.


\n “Thad, is this where you have been?” Beca said as she approached, closing the gap between them. Thad just smiled at Beca. “Admiring the scenery again?” Beca continued as she now stood next to him. Thad could only sigh and folded his ears back as he then took a glance at the mountain again.


\n “Actually I was looking over at Mt.Juniper, and I’ve been comparing it with the map and Gourd’s calculation and something is just not right about our position.”


\n “Really?” Beca said curiously as she peered over Thad shoulder looking at the map. “Well if you’re that concerned maybe you should tell Gourd” Beca continued now looking at Thad.


\n “Yeah right, like he’ll listen to me, you know how he is. He’s a wolf, I’m a fox, I know what he’ll probably say” Thad said as he finished securing his backpack, only taking a quick glance to ensure there was nothing that he had left behind.


\n “Does it really matter what species you are? Have a little confidence in yourself!” Beca said reassuringly as she turned to look over at the direction she came.


\n “It’s not about confidence, its other things. Besides, I don’t feel like it right now” Thad said with a sigh.


\n “Come on, aren’t both of you sensible creatures? I’m sure he will understand” Beca suddenly grinned. “Oh, I forgot your both are canines; well good luck to you Thad” Beca then finished as she smiled with a toothy grin over at the fox. Thad could only smile as he started walking, yelling out to her.


\n “Thanks. Come on lets go, Gourd probably would want us to set up camp!”


\n *****


“Rise and shine” Gourd yelled out loudly in the middle of the camp, his tail pointing upward in the air as if he was declaring his position in the pack. Thad’s eyes opened only half way as he caught a glimpse of the over enthusiastic wolf and then quickly shut his eyes again hoping he could catch a few more zee’s.\n

\n “Oh no you don’t!” Beca said as she sauntered over to where Thad was laying. “If I have to get up and put up with Gourd you’re going to have to suffer with me!” Thad opened his eyes once more as he turned back over to look up at the lioness.


\n “Really, so what’s in it for me?” Thad said as he opened his eyes looking straight up at Beca, the lioness now standing over him.


\n “The fact that you live for one more day! Now come on” Beca said, a little irritated as she noticed Thad’s stupid grin. “Hey Gourd I’m running low on water!” The lioness then turned her head southwest to shout at a silhouetted figure of a stout wolf.


\n “We’ll be fine, gonna be on the trail here shortly and very soon there after we’ll be at the end of this here hike” Gourd yelled out confidently at Beca. Thad could only cringe at hearing Gourd’s voice again at six in the morning, even if Gourd was his best friend. Thad slowly got up as he started to get ready for the long day ahead of him. Without wasting time Thad checked his supplies, his food and water rations, then took the rest of his camping equipment that he had sprawled across the ground next to him and started assembling them into his backpack.


\n “Hey Gourd” Thad yelled over at the wolf with some reluctance. “Have you ever considered that we might be off track?”


\n “Are you kiddin’, me lost? Why, I never felt so insulted! To think my own best friend…” The wolf began to whine as he purposefully gave the worst acting performance of his life. Thad could only roll his eyes back as he finished tightening the straps on his backpack.


\n “I’m being serious Gourd, I’m not suggesting this to you because I like to hear the sound of my own voice.” Thad began to bellow as he got up and started to approach the wolf.


\n “Please! I know what I’m doin’. Have a little faith in me, will ya?” The wolf interrupted, waiving a paw at Thad. Thad had an irritated look on his face as he watched his friend turn and walk away. “Anyway it’s about time for us to start headin’ out o’ here, so you better start wrappin’ breakfast up” Gourd continued saying with his tail up in the air as began to clean up the trash around him. Thad took a deep breath as he watched him out of the corner of the eye, wanting to push the issue further, but the fox just sighed as he then turned to look at Beca, who was gathering up her things.

\n “Fine, I just hope your right” was the only words Thad could mutter.


\n *****


\n It almost seemed that spring had disappeared and summer had taken its place as temperature took a turn upward. Thad couldn’t believe the heat wave as he took deep, long breaths in and out to try and cool his body down. He could feel the sweat off of his hands and feet. Looking around, Gourd was about 15 feet ahead of him and Beca was moving slower than normal.

\n “Beca! You okay?” Thad yelled, looking behind him.

\n “I’m fine; I just have a head ache”, Beca said stopping for a moment.

\n “Hey Gourd! Maybe we should stop and take a rest?” Thad yelled out to Gourd who was now a few feet further ahead of him. The wolf tilted his head down focusing on the map in front of him, and then he looked forward again into the bushes and the tall pine trees.

\n “Maybe we should, it would give me time to start analyzin’ these here coordinates”, Gourd yelled out as he turned around to face the fox. The fox just shook his head as he walked over to Beca who was finding a place to sit among the soft wet dirt.  Thad reached out his hand and grabbed a hold of Beca’s hand, his pads feeling hers.

\n “Beca, your pads are kind of clammy, are you sure you’re okay?” Thad stated starting to get a little concerned.

\n “I don’t know if I do, I feel a little dizzy. I think I better sit down and rest.” Beca responded.

\n “Hey Gourd, get over here. I don’t know if Beca’s feeling okay” Thad yelled over at the wolf as he began to sit next to the lioness. The confused wolf calmly walked himself over to his friends as he began to fold his map, looking curiously at Beca.

\n “Naw, she looks okay, beside we don’t have much more to go. I suspect that the trail maker is not more than 500 feet that way,” The wolf said pointing a finger directly south east of his position.

\n “Are you even listening to me? We need to rest” Thad said, then hesitated for a bit before muttered underneath his breath. “Besides I don’t think were even close to the trail.”

\n “WHAT DID YOU SAY!?” Gourd yelled back at the fox. Thad was still trying to unfasten her backpack.

\n “What do you think I’ve been trying to tell you this whole time, that the sky is falling? All you’ve been doing is pushing my opinion over to the side,” The fox yelled again as he finished placing Beca’s backpack on the ground.

\n “Because I know my own calculation, I have done this over 46 times, been on harsher trails than this and I’ve always come out on top and on time. How many hikes have you’ve been on, Huh?” Gourd then snarled loudly at the fox. Thad could only pull his ears back and lower his tail, knowing the only answer that he could give his friend.

\n “Two” The fox said meekly.

\n “WILL YOU GUYS SHUT YOUR FANGS UP!?” A loud yell came over from Beca as she quickly stood up, her chest heaving back and forth. “Gourd, swallow that filthy pride of yours and listen for once, and Thad stop being afraid to speak up and bring your issues to attention if you feel they are important. Mistakes are mistakes and…” were the last words Beca could utter out of her mouth as her eyes shot to the back of her head and her knees buckled to the ground. Gourd quickly reacted and caught the falling lioness in time, slowly placing her on the ground. The fox on the other hand noticed the empty canteen that was lying on the ground next to her. Dropping his backpack he tore open the straps, reaching for his first aid kit.

\n “Beca! Beca! Wake up honey” Gourd yelled out to the unconscious cat as he tried to slap her awake. Beca opened her eyes slightly. Thad quickly grasped Beca’s wrist and he held the electronic thermometer to her ear.

\n “Thad, what’s going on”

\n “Not right now Gourd. Great, just great, her pulse is weak” Thad said looking irritated as he looked at the thermometer and threw it back into his pack. Getting up, Thad grabbed Beca by her shoulder and dragged her underneath the shade of a tree. Then with one swift movement, the fox started to unbutton Becca’s clothing.

\n “Hey what are you doin’? You said you didn’t swing that way!”

\n “Beca” Thad raised his voice slightly, looking directly at her. “I’m going to get some water for you just hang in there!”

\n “Thad will you please tell me what’s goin’ on?”

\n “Gourd just shut up and listen. Beca’s suffering from heat exhaustion and I’m treating her. By the way do you have any water left?” Thad stated as he got up and stared at the wolf.

\n  “No, I ran out just now…wait this is crazy, we need to get back on the dang trial and get her to a ranger” Gourd yelled at Thad.

\n “That’s crazy Gourd, I know what I’m talking about when I say were nowhere close to the trail” Thad yelled at the wolf, as he tried to look behind him and sniff the air.

\n “Crazy! Are you calling me crazy?”

\n “No, I’m calling you wrong and we don’t have time for this”

\n “Look we’re taking Beca and were going to SEEK HELP NOW!” Gourd finally yelled at Thad, as the fox drew back his arm and gave one strong swing at the wolf’s muzzle. Gourd couldn’t help but find him self dumbfounded as a large fist came crashing upon his check as he fell over on the ground.

\n “Look, if I have to repeat myself; we don’t have time for this! I’m going to find some water. Just make sure that Beca is safe!” Thad said as he just rapidly walked away.

\n “Pulse is good. Pads are not clammy, I think you’re out of the woods Beca” Thad said with a smile looking the lioness in the eye.

\n “Thanks Thad, you’re a good friend,” Beca uttered silently as she watch Gourd come up from behind them with a swollen face.

\n “Uh… Thad, we need to talk” Gourd said a little more silently than normal. Thad could feel a cold chill creeping up his spine as he began to slowly stand up. He had been focused on Beca for so long that he didn’t quite have enough time to think about Gourd or what he did. Turning around, Thad just smiled a very toothy grin and could only say the one thing he could think of.

\n “Sure”

\n “Now befaw you go and say sorry, I want to tell you somethin’…” Gourd said as he began walking. Thad could only cower, in his mind thinking of how he was a terrible friend, preparing himself for the long lecture that he would receive from Gourd.

\n “I jus’ wanna say thank you for what you did earlier today,” Gourd said looking at Thad straight in the eyes. The fox’s jaw could only dropped as he tried to make sense of the words that was coming out of the wolf’s mouth.

\n “So you’re not angry at me?”

\n “Angry at you? Naw! Surprised maybe, angry never.  It took a lot of guts to do what you did and I admit I needed some sense knocked in to me.” Gourd said with a laugh. He quickly stopped as soon as he started feeling his muscle ache from the bruise engraved into his face. “Seriously, I took at look at our coordinates again and you were right. We’re nowhere near the trail, Thad, but I did some recalculation and it shouldn’t take us more than three hours.

\n “Well thanks, Gourd,” The fox said as he stopped and looked at the wolf in the eyes, smiling just a bit. “But…” Thad tried to say something but Gourd placed his hand over Thad’s muzzle, holding it shut.

\n “Just one thing, though” Gourd whispered softly into Thad’s ear. The fox could only nod.

\n “Don’t you ever do that again!” Gourd said as he released the fox’s muzzle and gave him a few swift pats on the back.

\n “Anyway I guess I owe you this” Gourd said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his map and compass, handing them over to Thad.

\n “What are you doing?” the fox said, a little shocked.

\n “I want you to go over my work and make sure I didn’t make any other mistakes,” Gourd said with a smile, finally letting the map go and releasing into Thad’s hands.  Thad couldn’t really find the words to say after that, and Gourd just smiled and slowly walked away with nothing to say as well, almost like a cowboy heading into the sunset. But something was different about Gourd this time. It took Thad a while to figure it out but finally saw it. Gourd didn’t really have to say anything else. The wolf walked off with his tail relaxed and lowered, swinging with the wind.
