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Sovrim and Sidon
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Art by pinkGirlPen
Going on a trip to the Zora's Domain took some doing, but Sovrim made the long trip across Hyrule. They wanted to know if Prince Sidon was even half as good looking as he appeared to be. Was he really as handsome and wholesome as he'd appeared in Breath of the Wild? Not only was the answer yes, but the prince was happy to indulge a fan in some friendly attention.
Once Sovrim was before the Prince, Sidon smiled down at the fanliz before him. Sovrim was wearing a replica of the Zora Helm, which looked adorable on the amphibian's head. The prince looked Sovrim right in the eye and gave the smaller creature a wink, a cheerful "I believe in you!" and a playful grin as they saw Sovrim's smile turn into a big, beaming grin of their own. The lizard let out a variety of cheerful noises of their own as they tried to regain their composure, but that warm smile from the Zora prince never faded. They were as flattered by the attention as Sovrim was honored to receive it.
1 year ago
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