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Kodis Slime Prison
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Just when he thought it was safe to go back into the sewers it seems as though Kodi has somehow gotten himself stuck in some kind of gooey, sticky blob of slime hanging from the sewer tunnel ceiling.
The blob itself stinks like crazy of a mix of cow manure, rotting meat and a bunch of other aweful smells too disgusting to identify; plus it dribbles its slimy mass all over the place, yet it is still able to support Kodi from the cieling without dripping off in one big sploosh. The coon can barely move his arms and torso as the slime blob keeps him completely immobilised, leaving only his legs free to swing and kick about fruitlessly, and his head free to breath.
However Kodi does enjoy the warmth of the blob, and once you get over the initial "OMG WTF! IM STUCK IN A GIANT BOOGER!" the slime ball is actually quite cosey. Something tells me Kodi isnt going to want to leave his slimy and stench filled prison for some time; then again sticking around might not be such a good idea as its not completely clear yet whether the slime blobs intentions are to simply trap victims and keep them alive, or digest them for food.
The blob itself stinks like crazy of a mix of cow manure, rotting meat and a bunch of other aweful smells too disgusting to identify; plus it dribbles its slimy mass all over the place, yet it is still able to support Kodi from the cieling without dripping off in one big sploosh. The coon can barely move his arms and torso as the slime blob keeps him completely immobilised, leaving only his legs free to swing and kick about fruitlessly, and his head free to breath.
However Kodi does enjoy the warmth of the blob, and once you get over the initial "OMG WTF! IM STUCK IN A GIANT BOOGER!" the slime ball is actually quite cosey. Something tells me Kodi isnt going to want to leave his slimy and stench filled prison for some time; then again sticking around might not be such a good idea as its not completely clear yet whether the slime blobs intentions are to simply trap victims and keep them alive, or digest them for food.
13 years ago
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