Current Track: Blabb

Chapter 2: A Trip Down Memory Lane


David's heart beat furiously against his ribs as Rob and he walked into Kitty's. The atmosphere of the packed bar was stifling. The air was a miasma of differently alcoholic drinks, perfumes and colognes, shampoos, and body sweat. The sound could only be described as a cacophony of random people all shouting at each other to be heard over the surrounding noise. It was all nauseating and disorienting and he wanted to get as far away from it as possible. He knew he shouldn't be there; he was only twenty years old after all. He doubted the bartender would make a big scene over a few months, but he had no intention of testing that theory. No one acknowledged their entrance, but David couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.

He looked around for the mysterious observer. The place was packed with people, making it difficult to see the bar or the booths along the opposite wall. From the door all David could see was a multicolored sea of humans and anthros. He could've been mistaken, but he could swear most of the people were wearing the same shirt.

One of the booths, barely visible near the corner of the bar, was especially packed with people. David assumed they were celebrating something, judging from the loud cheers from the group that could easily be heard over everyone else.

A hand fell heavily on David's shoulder, making him nearly jump out of his fur. He quickly turned around, only to see Rob grinning at him.

“Hey relax, man. You act like you ain't done this before," Rob said, brushing his friend's jacket and straightening it, “You tryin' to get us thrown out?"

David sighed. While it was true that he and Rob had been sneaking into bars ever since they were fourteen, they almost were caught on several occasions. He took a quick glance around. Everyone was so engrossed in their own conversations; no one even so much as glanced at the two still standing by the door. “Excuse me for not being comfortable walking around with a fake identity," he replied, lowering his voice as much as he could over the noise. “I don't have much longer before I'm legally allowed in here. Why can't we wait? You know with my luck, this will be night we get caught."

“We're not gettin' caught. Now look, I need your help now. The place is rarely this packed and you know I can't collect numbers without a proper wingman."

“So you would rather risk me getting arrested than hit on women alone?" David asked incredulously.

Rob looked carefully around the bar. “Look D, I'm pretty sure the bartender ain't gonna make a big deal over a few months. Still remember the rule: If no one asks for ID—"

“—I don't show it to them." David finished in an annoyed tone. “I have done this before. You don't need to treat me like a child."

“I will once you stop actin' like one," Rob retorted, tussling David's hair. “Plus I'm pretty sure we can find a girl for you, too. Now if you'll excuse me, those lovely ladies over there are calling me." Before David could protest, Rob quickly moved through a gap in the crowd over to a group of women sitting in one of the booths. The gap quickly closed, swallowing Rob up in the sea of bodies.

David grumbled under his breath as he straightened his hair and pushed his way through the crowd to the bar. It was unsurprising to have his friend ditch him at the first opportunity. If anything, he should expect it by now, but Rob still always managed to catch him off guard. He should leave. Rob was already twenty-one, so he had nothing to worry about. He was taking all the risk, but Rob seemed to be only one benefitting from it. They both knew the real reason Rob called him out here was because he wanted to use his ace-in-the-hole, the cute, lonely, anthro best friend. All it took was one look at him and most women became putty in Rob's hands. Once it seemed the conversation wasn't going Rob wanted it, he would steer the woman toward David and they would be back under Rob's spell. A few women may stick to him instead of migrating back to Rob which was why he ever agreed to go along with it.

Still grumbling about what a sucker he was, David threw himself into the first empty stool he could reach and waved over the bartender. The bartender, a female black panther, quickly approached. Judging from the look of relief she wore on her face, she was more than happy to get away from whatever conversation she was stuck in.

 “Hi there, welcome to Kitty's," her voice was easily heard over the crowd although she didn't sound as if she were yelling. A large smile spreads across the panther's muzzle. “You're kinda cute. What can I get you handsome?"

“I'll just have a beer."  

“Not a problem." She winked as she placed a beer bottle on the counter and slid it over to David.

 David sipped the drink while looking around for Rob. Out of his peripheral, he noticed the panther hadn't moved from where she was standing. He began scanning the crowd even harder for Rob. He needed an excuse to walk away, fast. Either she found him attractive and wanted to talk, or she suspected something. Regardless, sticking around was a bad idea. A gap opened in the crowd giving him a clear view of Rob standing with the crowd stuffed into one of the booths. Whatever they were talking about, they appeared to be getting along. Before he could move, the gap closed back up, cutting off any hope of escape. He sighed and turned back to the bartender. Now she was leaning on the counter and looking at him.

Deciding it would be best not to be rude and draw attention, he flashed the bartender a friendly smile. “Place is pretty packed tonight. It always like this?"

“There is usually a crowd, but never this thick. I think there's some kind of convention or something," the bartender explained. David nodded and took another sip avoid saying anything. It explained why it seemed like everyone was wearing the same shirt. They were probably being sold wherever the convention was being held.

The panther leaned forward. “I'm not complaining though. You wouldn't believe the kind of tips I'm getting, and there is no shortage of cute guys." She flashed another flirtatious smile. David's ears felt hot. He flattened them against his skull to hide his embarrassment. “So what about you? You only here for the convention?" she asked.

David took a large swig of his drink. He needed to buy time to think. He couldn't deny the panther was attractive, and in any other situation, he would have considered flirting with her. But it wouldn't end well if she found out how old he really was.

Thankfully, someone called for another drink, forcing the panther to leave. He immediately began planning his escape route. A small group of people left one of the tables in the middle of the room unoccupied, and he went after it like it was an oasis in the middle of the desert. The table also gave him a much better view of Rob and the group of women he was talking to.

The main one who seemed to capture Rob's attention was a female cheetah wearing a colorful, cone shaped hat with the words “Happy Birthday" written across it in a rainbow of colors. David couldn't hear what was being said, but whatever it was made the cheetah laugh and place a hand on Rob's arm.

“She's totally faking it," David thought as he watched them. It was like having a front row seat to a live show. All that was missing was some drama.

Rob looked in David's direction. David waved at his friend. Rob nodded once before turning back to the cheetah, ignoring him completely. David rolled his eyes and took another sip of his drink.

“Oh, yeah. I need a wingman," he grumbled under his breath. Sometimes he couldn't believe how easily Rob managed to talk him into these things.

 “Excuse me, is this seat taken?" a female voice asked.

David turned to see a young human woman looking at him. At this distance, he easily saw how attractive she was. He opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out were a few indiscernible noises that even he didn't understand. She smiled nervously as she brushed a few strands of her brown hair away from her equally brown eyes. There was an air of confidence about her and her movements that David couldn't put his finger on.

“Um, is that a no?"

David snapped his mouth shut, drained the last of his beer before trying again. “No. It isn't taken," he said faster than he meant to. He silently kicked himself for acting like a pubescent teenager. The young woman ignored the slip-up and sat down next to David. She took a sip of her drink while looking back at the group she broke away from.

David decided to check the woman out while she was distracted. Her nails were manicured with a color of nail polish that accented her tan skin perfectly. There was nothing special about her outfit; just a pair of jeans and top. But her clothes were still clean and ironed. His eyes moved upward scanning every inch of woman looking for a flaw. She was just too perfect. Her eyebrows were perfectly natural, just the right thickness and distance from one another, her nose, while slightly pointed, fit her face, and her lips were slightly thin yet didn't appear out of place on the woman. Even her hair seemed flawless; her slightly crinkled brown hair nearly touched her shoulders and there wasn't a single strand out of place.

David's tail began to wag a little. He thought people with perfect features only existed in books or movies.

“You know, if you're gonna check me out, you could at least be subtle about it," the woman said without looking at David.

David's tail ducked under his seat. He quickly cast his gaze to the table, “I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare." To his surprise, the woman began laughing. His tail burrowed even further under his seat. He suddenly wished he was invisible or that Rob would magically appear and tell him that they needed to leave right away. He would even take being caught for having a fake I.D. and being thrown out if it meant getting away from this embarrassing situation.

 “Let's try this again," She smiled more openly before holding out her hand, “Hi. My name's Lori."

David stared at her hand, confused. Surely this woman was creeped out by his behavior, yet she was still willing to introduce herself. Regardless, she wasn't making a big deal out of it, so it would be better to pretend it never happened. He shook her hand. “I'm David."

“So, David, you always make a point of staring at women who talk to you?"

David's ears flattened. His ears began to feel hot again. “I'm sorry, I just…I mean, you look…"

Lori laughed again. David's tail began to wag again. Even her laugh was cute.

“I'm just teasing you, David. Besides, I can't talk; I was checking you out before I sat down."

His tail began to wag harder. “Oh, well I guess that means I'm not a total perv then," he said jokingly.

Lori smiled, showing off her straight teeth. “Well that depends, do you always sneak in here to stare at older women?"

“What?! No, I don't sneak in here, o-or stare at older women," he said in a convincingly surprised tone, “I'm definitely old enough to—" his ears lay back against his head as he noticed the disbelieving expression on Lori's face. “Is it that obvious?"

Lori chuckled softly and slid her chair closer to David's. “A little bit. Well, David, let me give you some advice." Lori leaned closer; David caught the scent of her perfume and felt his tail wagging so much, it started hitting the edges of the chair. He quickly brought his tail under control, snatching it under the chair, hoping no one noticed. “You should try not to get that caught-with-your-hand-in-the-cookie-jar look on your face when someone talks to you. It makes it all the more obvious that you're not supposed to be here."

He must have worn his shock on his face because at that moment Lori laughs loudly, distracting David from his thoughts. “Calm down. I'm not going to tell anyone. In fact, I'm not exactly supposed to be here either."

“Wait, how did you figure me out?"

“Psychic powers," Lori responded, mysteriously. David raised an eyebrow. She noticed the skepticism on his face and began laughing again. “I'm joking. Actually, I heard you talking to your friend when you came in."

“Wait, how did you hear us over the crowd?"

“I was standing right next to you. You just didn't notice me. And F.Y.I. you're friend ditching you like this is a total dick move."

Sighing heavily, David passed his hand across his face. He knew it was better to wait until he was old enough. Why did he let Rob talk him into these things? “Well if you're not supposed to be here either than I guess my secret is safe."

“Maybe, depends on how old you really are. I'd hate to find out that I sat here drinking with some 16 year old kid."

David chuckled at her remark. “Don't worry, I'm actually 20. I'll be legally allowed in here in 4 month, 3 weeks and 5 days. And you?"

“I'm 20 as well. Oh, don't give me that look." She playfully pushed David as he raised an eyebrow again. “I'm being serious. Although I only have to wait another 3 weeks—"

“You couldn't wait 3 weeks?"

“My friends couldn't wait three weeks." She motioned towards to the group surrounding the cheetah talking to Rob in the booth. “They just had to drag me here for Courtney's birthday,"  she pointed to the cheetah wearing the birthday hat. “Besides you have no room to talk, Mr. '4 months, 3 weeks, and 5 days'. You sound pretty eager, counting down the days until you're able to buy your own booze."

David shrugged. “Rob"—he pointed to the tall muscular guy wrapping his arm around Courtney—“made it his business to countdown the days until he can drag me out to drink without getting arrested. He became legal at the beginning of the year and has been whining about barhopping alone ever since." he took another sip of his beer even though the bottle was empty. He could just go get another one, but he feared the panther would ask for I.D. once she saw him chatting with someone else. “I don't see why though. He seems more than capable of handling himself."

They both looked at their friends just in time to notice Rob and the cheetah, Courtney, approaching them. Now that she was closer, David couldn't help but notice how thin the cheetah was compared to Rob's muscular physique. In fact, she was even thinner than Lori. Unlike her friend, Courtney showed signs of partying all day. Her clothes were wrinkled and slightly disheveled and she constantly brushed her black hair out of her face. His thoughts are once again interrupted as Rob stumbled into an empty chair.

David rolled his eyes at his friend. Rob was nowhere near that drunk when they got here. Whatever game his friend was playing, it was obvious he was faking it. He glanced at Lori who also wore a look of annoyance on her face directed at the cheetah.

“Heeeeey Davey." Rob leaned against David. David wrinkled his nose at the stench of his friend's breath. “Listen, I'm going to spend the night with this lovely lady here. Are you okay getting home on your own?"

David frowned. “I've had one beer since we got here. You could not have gotten this twisted that fast."

“Okay I might've thrown back a few before I invited you here," Rob replied slowly. He leaned in closer and lowered his voice. David had to strain his ears and barely hear Rob over the surrounding noise, “What are you doing? Are you trying to out me in front of the ladies?"

“Consider it payback for dragging me out here and ditching me, Mr. 'I need a wingman'," David whispered back.

“What are you talking about? I didn't ditch you; I hooked you up with the brunette. You know our plan: we don't hit on women at the same time or else we look like losers. I separated so I could loosen 'em up for you."

David rolled his eyes. Most likely, half of what Rob said was true. However noble Rob's intentions were, what he really wanted was someone to keep Courtney's friends company so they could run off together.

“Lori listen"—Courtney looked at David and winked before turning back to her friend—“I need a ride back to my place. I'm too drunk to drunk to drive and so is my date."

“I know I agreed to be the designated driver, but I'm not gonna be your personal chauffeur just so you can get laid," Lori said, her irritation clear in her voice. “Plus what about everyone else? You're gonna just leave them here?"

David looked over at the booth were the group once stood. Already, most of the people had cleared out and the few that remained were clearly making preparations to leave. Checking out the rest of the bar, most of the crowd was beginning to thin out. It might be a good idea for him to clear out as well.

“Come on," Courtney whined. “It's too far to walk. Plus Rhonda already left. And Benny's car smells like cheese. Besides, it's my birthday."

“That's not my problem. Catch a cab."

“But I don't wannaaaaa. And I, um, don't have any money," she added sheepishly. Everyone turned to Rob.

He must had realized he had no choice if he wanted to get lucky because he slumped his shoulders and said, “Uh, I guess I could pay for you a cab, my furry buttercup."

David made fake retching noises, earning him a sharp jab in the ribs from Rob. Lori put a hand over her mouth to conceal her smile. Courtney didn't seem to notice.

Courtney tilted her head to the side, her face scrunched and her eyes appeared glossy as if she were about to cry. She looked like a stuffed toy. It was obvious that she's had practice using that expression to win people over. David faked coughing to conceal his laughter. “Pleeeease? You can bring your date if you want and you guys just go back to your place afterwards. You still have condoms right?" she asked as if she had lowered her voice. Unfortunately, the volume was unchanged, and  David's fake coughs suddenly became real as he choked on his spit. Rob patted his friend on the back.

Lori's face turned red. “He's not my date," she said, hotly. “And even if he was, I just met him. I'm not taking him home with me, and I'm not sleeping with him," She turned to David, “No offense, it's just that—"

“No, no. I understand," David croaked between coughs. He looked at Courtney and noticing that she was still pouting, burst into another fit of choking laughter.

“Please?" Courtney rubbed her cheek against Lori's shoulder, purring loudly. Now Rob has joined David in coughing to conceal his laughter.  

“Ugh! Fine!" Lori stood as Courtney and Rob head for the exit. “I'm sorry, David, I have to go."

David jumped to his feet, nearly knocking the chair over. “No problem, but can I have your number? You know so I can call you?"

“Sorry stud," Lori replied teasingly, giving him a sly smile. “I don't give out my number to guys I don't know."

“Well then how will I see you again in order to get to know you better?" David teased back.

Lori smiled at his response. “Tell you what, meet me here in 4 months, 3 weeks and 5 days for a proper date, and I'll consider giving you my number." Lori turned and followed her friend out the door.

David fell back in his seat completely dumbstruck. He never had much luck with women. He could talk to them, but it was rare he ever took it into the realm of a relationship. Now here was a beautiful woman talking to him of all people, and she wanted to see him again. He fought back the urge to suddenly begin jumping for joy. Now he had something to look forward for the next 4 months, 3 weeks, and 5 days.


 A hand on David's shoulder caused him to jump, instantly snapping him out of his flashback. He looked around confusedly. The bar wasn't packed, and there was no group of people celebrating a cheetah's birthday. This wasn't six years ago when his life was brightening with each passing day. This was the present, the same gut wrenching, fucked up present. Even as he came to terms with where he was, he could feel the happy memories slipping away taking the image of Lori with them. He desperately tried to grab hold of them, just for a little while longer he wanted to remember her smiling face, the scent of her perfume, and sound of her laughter. The memories slipped away, fading into nothingness like wisps of smoke.

“Hey man you all right?" Rob asked, “I've been talkin' to you for the last hour and you haven't said a word."

“What? Oh, uh, I was just reminiscing, that's all." David stared at the full glass in his hands; he was definitely convinced that Rob chose this place on purpose.

“What were you thinkin' 'bout?"

“The first time you brought me here and I met Lori."

“Oh, shit. I forgot this was the place you two met," Rob said, looking at his friend apologetically, “I'm sorry, man. I never would've brought you here if I remembered."

“It's okay," David lied. “You brought me out here to cheer me up. And this place is closest to my apartment." He turned to the window. It wasn't okay. He had enough problems trying to sleep at night and dealing with everyone's guilty stares and the constant whispering behind his back. Just once he wanted to do something that didn't remind him of the worst day of his life.

The two sat silently for several minutes. David looked around the bar again. There were several new people sitting in bar now, but only a few quiet snippets of conversation and the occasional sound of glass touching wood tore through the thick veil of silence hanging over the place. Thankfully no one seemed to care he was there.

David turned his gaze to his friend. Rob was sitting across from him, absentmindedly playing with his hands while focusing on something on the other side of the window. Every now and again he would glance in David's direction before quickly looking away again as if he didn't want David to know he was watching.

“What the hell are you doing, Rob?" David asked finally.

Rob took a deep breath before turning to David, “You got me. I brought you here on purpose." David rolled his eyes. The much was clear; he knew his friend's memory wasn't that bad. Rob clasped his hands together so tightly, his fingertips turned white. “It's just…you never talk about…it. You always get defensive whenever Lori is brought up, and I thought if I brought to a place that reminded you of her, you might vent a little."

David casually leaned back in his seat. “So I have to get in touch with my feelings now?" he asked, smiling, “I'm supposed to open my heart and start bawling right here? Then what? We hug it out and talk about how we still have each other?"

“Can you not be a smartass for five minutes?" Rob asked solemnly. David straightened up in his chair. This was a side of Rob he definitely hadn't seen before. “I'm being serious, D. It can't be easy on you, even without everyone blaming you for it. Now look, we joke around and everything, but you said it yourself: your life is falling apart and I just want make sure you know you're not alone in this."

David's ears flattened. His tail curled and his fur began to stand on end. He appreciated what Rob was doing, he really did, but sympathy was just as bad as guilt. Either way it's a reminder of something he just didn't want to think about. Good intentions or not, everything wrong with his life was still being thrown in his face. “I get what you're saying," he said carefully as if he was explaining it to a child. It was taking everything he had not to blow up in the middle of the bar.  “I know you're just looking out for me. But I came here hoping to have a normal conversation and hang out with my friend. Since that is not likely to happen, I'm going home. Thanks for the drink." David stood and walked out of the bar, ignoring the other patrons staring, and Rob calling after him.