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Bleddyn the Gwyllgi
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Bleddyn The Gwyllgi from Toward Dawn, a Welsh Mythology inspired JRPG.
The Gwyllgi were enslaved by the Ampyrians, who used their fierce and powerful builds to carry out assassinations and wreak terror upon those who rebelled. Even today, the Gwyllgi are feared and still utilised by the current nobility. Bleddyn’s father was Gelert, a Gwyllgi personal guard for a noble family. Gelert grew close to the noblewoman Lady Rhian, a friendship that ultimately ended in their deaths. Bleddyn was able to escape the turmoil of the castle, but was left in a world that feared and resented his kind.
The Gwyllgi were enslaved by the Ampyrians, who used their fierce and powerful builds to carry out assassinations and wreak terror upon those who rebelled. Even today, the Gwyllgi are feared and still utilised by the current nobility. Bleddyn’s father was Gelert, a Gwyllgi personal guard for a noble family. Gelert grew close to the noblewoman Lady Rhian, a friendship that ultimately ended in their deaths. Bleddyn was able to escape the turmoil of the castle, but was left in a world that feared and resented his kind.
3 months ago
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