Current Track: Blabb

"What do you mean... bit?" I heard Helaina ask nearby in the darkness of the loading area.

"Here, here... and here. He was clearly bitten by... them," shivered some fur next to Rusty. Only the fur's outline was visible by the bright lights focused on Shadow and me.

"Someone got bitten?" asked a fur in the dimness.

I dug my nose into Shadow's deep fur, holding him close. My growing tears made what little I could see in the darkness useless. Sounds of the furs around me faded away as my mind closed in on myself and Shadow.

A short sob broke from me. I couldn't stop it.

Furs were arguing loudly nearby.

"James!" shrieked a female some distance away, breaking past my muted ears. "James, where are you?! Help me! I can't find my husband!" The shrieks degraded into gut-wrenching gasps and sobs.

I choked back another sob of my own. I... I still had Shadow; he needed me. This wasn't over. Grimacing and rubbing my leaking eyes against Shadow's furred shoulder, I resolved myself. I could not break.

"Take him over there, where we have more light." I recognized the strained voice as Steve's. He was cradling his own arm while speaking to someone. "I need to check on the others. Don't touch him, you two. Got it? Not a hair until I get back."

Who wasn't to touch...?

"Help me find my husband! Where is he...." the distant female's voice became a long wail. She degraded into babbling unintelligibly through her sobs.

Who was missing?

Burt's big hooves clattered up in the dimness. After whispered words to Steve, who was leaving, he called to us. "Tyler, it's going to be okay. We'll get him patched up."

I nodded into black wolf fur and pulled my nose up.

"Right," directed Rusty briskly, making a quick check on Shadow again. "Burt, get Helaina and Tyler to help you carry Shadow over there. The pup should be okay to move."

My ears pinned back as a huge black shadow loomed over us. The distant female broke into breathless sobs, growing weaker in despair. Others in the distance were upset too.

"Easy there Tyler. You okay to help move him?" Burt asked, leaning over Shadow and me, blocking what little light came to us. Burt seemed like just another black fur who faded into the darkness of the loading area.

My mind juggled meaning slowly, but eventually I nodded. I could feel my fatigue still lingering. Still weak....

"Hey there, Shadow. Can you hear me?" called Burt loudly. "We're going to move you so we can treat your injuries."

There was no response from Shadow. Nothing. Even as close as I was, there was nothing.

"Damn," said Rusty leaning in close with a flashlight. He pulled up Shadow's eyelid and flicked light across, lighting up my tear-streaked face too. "He's just pretty out of it... I think. Let's get him moved."

"We won't move him far. Just outside this loading bay." Burt slowly lifted Shadow up, pulling him away from me as he tested his weight. "I'll get his top here. Helaina, you and Tyler help with the rest there. Turn him... okay. Get ready to lift him.... Lift!"

Burt probably could have done it himself, but he had us help. The bull had his whole upper half, and Helaina had elbowed her way to his middle. I had to settle for his hocks and footpaws. I grimaced at only having claim to his toes as my fur brushed Helaina's. She gave me a shove with her elbow, but never looked at me.

I bit back a petty response, only wanting Shadow to... please be alright.

It was just as well, since I still felt a bit weak. I had only woken up that morning from the aftermath of the bad Curtain. I might have had a hard time supporting much more. I tried to convince myself. But in truth, although I could tell I was still exhausted, the run and adrenaline had helped me perk up.

Dimly, I heard someone kicking a wooden thing out of the way as we started. I wondered vaguely if it was the bat.

I hardly noticed the gathered furs we wove between. I could feel them stare as we passed, Rusty leading the way. Numbness fought with my fear, and neither won.

We slipped through the darkness, back into the FurShopper, trailing a few concerned and curious furs behind. The darkness haunted the store, but everything was still somewhat visible. At least there was dim light coming from the skylights overhead.

Sally and the ferret Peter, were ahead of us setting up lights. They had already set one of the picnic tables with a plastic cover to ready access to treatment. Shadow was the first to be brought in. I felt him shudder when we lay him carefully down.

I hadn't noticed in the dimness how torn and stained Shadow's clothes were - or any of the other furs, I realized as they began to arrive. Torn clothes were common and spatters of blood clearly separated who had gone out and who had remained inside.

After a quick check with arriving injured furs, Rusty came back. "Hold out your paws," he demanded, looking firm.

I held out my paws questioningly. Next to me Helaina held out hers too.

The mouse nodded, "Helaina. Put on a pair of gloves and grab a pair of fur clippers. Tyler, get by his head and talk to him. He may be able to hear you. If he wakes up, you need to keep him calm."

I nodded, looking down at my blood-stained, bruised, and shaking paws. A glance at Helaina showed hers were steady and sure.

Blood and fur! What was this? When Shadow needed me, I... couldn't help. Again.

"Tyler," Rusty gave me a glance, "it's just as important to help him stay calm. Especially if he wakes before we're done. It's needed."

I nodded my thanks, embarrassed I'd needed reassurance.

Shadow looked unnaturally still, lying on the covered table. I went to his head and stroked his fur, my fingers sinking deep to feel his body's warmth. I leaned in close to his muzzle, stroking slowly. I could feel his breath faintly wafting past my whiskers.

Shadow still needed me. My part was important, even if I had to swallow my pride as I watched Helaina and Rusty prepare. They cut away his shirt and shorts, leaving only his boxers. Thankfully, only Rusty checked under those.

 "Shadow, I'm here," I spoke softly to his ear. I clenched my eyes shut, calming myself. "We will be fine. We are together, right?" Ah, I guess I had actually said it out loud....

Maybe he sighed? Probably only my imagination.

Helaina and Rusty were busy clipping away at injured areas. I couldn't look. Even the areas I had clipped a week ago had not grown back much.

"What do I say," I mumbled, moving my paws over his black cheek. "Every grown fur is splattered with blood, I can't even tell who is injured. Must have been a nasty fight. I don't know who was lost. Some female lost her husband.... At least we haven't lost you."

"Do you see any other injuries? Cuts, bites, anything?" asked Rusty, near Shadow's hip. His gaze flicked between newly clipped areas, some temporarily padded with gauze.

Helaina shook her head.

Rusty grimaced,  "He's the only one who's bitten. The other furs who got bit didn't make it inside."

"Shadow?" I asked, pretending he was listening, "When you wake up, let's spend more time on the roof. I like it there, don't you?"

Shadow's eyes twitched; maybe he even faintly mumbled. Painful hope nearly broke the control over my tears.

Rusty look to the side, "Hey... Burt? Can you come back here a moment? Roll him over. We need to check his back, too."

Burt stepped away from the collie father, Roger. He carefully helped to roll Shadow onto his side. Shadow whimpered faintly, but hardly twitched.

Rusty and Helaina looked him over, finding two more minor injuries.

"Okay. Lay him back where he was." Rusty's nose twitched. "These two need stitches.... I've never done it by myself."

"Do what you can, it'll be fine. You're the only one who can try," said Burt, setting a reassuring hoof on Rusty's shoulder.

Rusty gathered his thoughts for a long moment. He nodded, slipping away from Burt and turning to Helaina. "Get those wounds cleaned and get some bandages on them. We'll do those two on his back last." Rusty briskly sifted through the medical materials with efficient mouse paws.

Rusty held his needle and sorted supplies. He hesitated occasionally, counting off steps on his fingers. Oh, gods, he was trying to remember how to do it.... But when he acted, he seemed sure in his movements.

The two furs were quiet as they finished wrapping Shadow with white bandages. They treated the last two, commenting about their care.

I talked Shadow through it and noticed faint responses. A twitch... a tiny whimper. A flex of a finger. I shivered in relief as my nose sank into his fur. He wasn't completely gone. We were together. I sighed into deep, dark fur.

Suddenly I felt calmer. He would come back, he had before. He had returned that day in the farmhouse.

"You'll come back, Shadow. I'll be here when you do," I whispered into his ear.

"Done?" I distantly heard  Helaina ask. I looked up to see her staring at me.

"We're done," replied Rusty with a smile. "He's not badly injured. Most of those cuts and bites shouldn't be a problem in a few days. We'll need to check for infection, but otherwise... uh, probably okay."

Helaina looked relieved. "Thank you so much, Rusty. You're a wonderful mouse!"

Rusty tried to smother a grin behind a paw rubbing his delicate nose. "I should find some antibiotics from the FurShopper pharmacy. I don't know why he's not responding, but I need to check on other furs. We were lucky... mostly. Those who made it aren't badly injured."

I smiled at Rusty and gave Shadow's head a steady stroke. I sagged in relief over Shadow's head, pulling him towards me by his thick shoulderfur.

Helaina looked genuinely concerned, worried. Was her poor behavior towards me simply because she didn't like me? She seemed to treat everyone else very nicely....

She caught me staring and frowned, "Right, pup. I'll take over from here. You need to get some rest anyway, right? You're still recovering too."

I gaped as she approached like an irresistible force of nature. As I hesitated, she turned slightly and intentionally shoved me aside with her body.

Helaina settled in by Shadow's head, cooing ridiculous nothings in his ear. I settled for a paw, massaging it with my own, sore ones. It didn't matter... I kept trying to tell myself. It didn't matter who was at his head. It only mattered that we were there.

No, it made me frustrated. Angry. This couldn't be right. This strange wolf had no place with us.

At the same time, there was nothing I could do right then. There was enough chaos around without me making it worse. But I could feel my stress rising. I wouldn't stand for much more of the wolf's assumptions.

"Shadow, this is enough," huffed Helaina suddenly, seizing his muzzle and trying to peer into his closed eyes. "There are lots of injured furs, and you're not that bad off. Rusty says you should wake up now.... Shadow!" She patted Shadow's muzzle repeatedly, calling his name.

I frowned. Blood and fur, what was she doing. Couldn't she just leave him alone?

Helaina paused, staring down. At least she was done-


She had slapped Shadow!

"Hey!" I yelled.

"Pipe down, it wasn't hard enough to hurt him. Although, I guess he's not faking it."

"Of course he's not! What kind of fur would fake something like this?!" I griped. It had not been hard, but who slaps and injured and senseless fur? I glared at her unhappily as she gave up speaking to Shadow and watched the other furs nearby. I unclenched my free paw and returned to stroking Shadow's paw.

I was growling under my breath to myself when I saw Helaina's gaze fixed somewhere behind me.

I craned my head to see and yelped.


No... that wasn't quite right. Dead zombie. It was lying on the floor.

"What is this thing doing here?" demanded Rusty, stomping up on his little mouse feet.

"Relax, Doc," said a ferret, behind me. "It's dead, see the head is smashed in. This one followed us inside the door before we could stop it. At least it wasn't the ox or leopard zombies who really wanted our furry hides. I wanted you to take a look at this."

"What? I've got living furs to see," complained Rusty. "Also, I keep telling you, Peter, I'm not a Doctor. I only have a little medical training, not even enough to be a nurse."

"Still, you're the closest thing we've got. Just take a look at this!" The ferret, Peter, said excitedly. "The zombies are healing."

This got my attention, though Rusty grumbled and left. Even with me attached to Shadow's paw, I tried to see.

From where I stood, I could see the ferret crouched over the body laid out on the floor. The jaws had the rictus snarl of all the zombies we'd encountered. But the lack of glowing in the eyes and the smashed skull reassured me this one would never get up again.

The ferret grinned at me when he saw my focus. "Come here if you want a closer look."

I frowned and gripped Shadow's paw. There was no way I was going to leave.

Helaina looked hesitant, but only for a moment before leaving Shadow's side. Petty. Selfish.

"Ah, Helaina! Good to see you alive and well." Peter leaned in closer, but I could still hear him, "I see you found yourself another wolf, congratulations." He turned in my direction, "You sure? It's pretty interesting!"

I cleared my throat, "I'll watch from here."

The ferret grinned, "Suit yourself. Now Helaina, you see this long cut here," he leaned over the zombie's body, "along the abdomen?"

Helaina made an affirmative sound.

"There's this substance along the edges, starting to draw it together. Just like healing tissue." I could see Peter point out something on the corpse.

"What is it though?" asked Helaina.

"Don't know... but do you want to touch it?"

"What?!" gawked Helaina prettily.

"I touched it. It feels pretty weird. Like it hums through your skin," the ferret grinned wickedly.

"Like it's part of the Curtain you mean?" I asked.

"The what?" asked the confused ferret.

"Tyler over there named it for us," Helaina gave me a dismissive wave as she leaned over the dead zombie. "The Midday thing. Everyone calls it the Curtain now, because it looks like a curtain falling. Apparently."

"Oh, yeah?" The ferret looked at me with interest. "Well, this... um... zombie tissue feels a little bit like the... Curtain, does."

I shuddered. Creepy-ass zombies. "I guess that means there's no hope of them rotting away?" I asked quietly.

"You got it," the ferret gave me a pleased wink. "At least that's what this looks like. Whatever this substance is, it has something to do with those Curtains." The ferret grinned, "I'll have to tell Clovis about this later."

"Maybe you shouldn't touch it then," I grumbled, turning back to Shadow.

After a few minutes, Helaina returned to Shadow's head. She sat silently looking bored.

Only minutes passed before there was a disturbance nearby, approaching quickly.

"Where is he?!" some fur yelled.

A clot of furs approached the wounded fur area of Camp. Great... another irresistible force....

Burt got to us first. "Now hold on, everyone! I know you have concerns, and they are being dealt with. If you need something to do, please assist furs in finding tents and food."

"Oh, no! We're not going anywhere until that thing is taken care of!" shouted a sleek horse.

"What thing?" asked Burt blandly, but his eyes flashed in his dark face as he crossed his arms.

"That-that... wolf who was bitten by those things!" replied the stallion.

"Yeah, we all saw him get carried over here. Bad enough it's a wolf... but he's also bit?" gaped a young tiger, probably still in high school.

Helaina tensed, looking around with wide eyes. I was frozen in my seat next to Shadow. Not again.

"Is it true?" asked several nearby hushed voices.

"Yes, he was bitten a few times, but he is expected to recover. There is no need to worry," said Burt reassuringly.

"No! We want to see him. Is that him over there? Why isn't he awake?" asked the old cat Margaret, finding support on Ethan, the hound's arm.

"Blood and fur! It's already started! Get rid of him! Kill him! At least tie him up!" shouted the tiger.

"What are you babbling about!" thundered Burt, loosing patience. He calmed a bit when he saw Steve approach, but he still looked annoyed.

"Burt... everyone knows zombie bites create more zombies...." stated some fur I couldn't see in the crowd.

Burt stood dumbstruck. After a long moment, he rumbled a low, "What?!"

"When a zombie bites someone, they get sick and die... then rise up again. Common sense!" said the fur in the crowd.

Steve, still favoring his arm, stepped past a sputtering Burt. "Do we have proof? Has anyone actually seen it happen?"

A few furs mumbled. Helaina shifted, trying to stand without being noticed.

"I have!" growled a lion, as he approached the ex-cops, ignoring their defensive shifting. He was wearing clothes which had once been expensive in the old world, but were now torn and filthy.

"Yeah?" challenged Steve, with a wave of his uninjured arm. "Tell me."

"Uh... it was Axel. He changed."

"Are you sure it was from a bite?" asked Steve.

"Of course!" said the lion.

Steve narrowed his eyes and frowned. His big ears swung angrily, "You're lying."

"Just get rid of the thing anyway! No need to keep his kind in among law-abiding furs!" insisted the stallion.

"They have their own ways of living. Let him loose outside!" some other fur yelled.

"We've been over this already!" Steve shouted in a tone well practiced to carry. He crossed his arms and looked very much the large, angry rabbit he was. He was clearly still strong, regardless of his injury. "If you want to talk about it with everyone else, that's fine. We'll have no angry mobs take this matter over."

"At least tie him up!" yelped a young female black lab, clinging to a young male chocolate lab.

"He's injured," Burt said with a loud grunt over his crossed arms. "Can't tie an injured fur up."

Helaina stood next to Shadow, fidgeting.

"Just- I don't know! Get him somewhere secure until we know for sure! What if he really does turn? I don't think anyone here really knows do they?" the stallion gestured wildly with both hooves.

"All the ones in movies and stories do," agreed the female lab.

"That's what they are!" Burt's voice rose. "These aren't the zombies in those stories! Those were fictional! Legends!"

"All legends are based on some fact!" said the black female lab. She would have been a popular, pretty pup, but I could only see her fear.

Some fur snickered, "Sure they are."

The lion frowned. "Look, you guys aren't cops anymore. There's vulnerable furs here, we can't risk someone turning." He shifted his head, a practiced gesture which fluffed his mane, the red hue clearly visible even in the dim light. "Just turn your backs a moment... we'll take care of things, right? Be good sports about this, you have furs you care about here, yes?"

Burt looked furious. Steve gawked for a moment in dismay.

Steve regained his words first, "What are you? A primitive? Feral?"

The lion chuckled and turned dangerous gleaming eyes on the angry pair, "You have seen how things have changed. It's fine to let this go. Or do you think you can stop all of us?" He turned and glanced back at the angry mob. "Do you think others will feel strongly enough to stop us?"

Helaina lost whatever personal battle she had been facing and moved carefully away from Shadow.

Burt rumbled deeply at the lion, clearly upset and angry.

"We're responsible for these furs," Steve said, nodding to Burt. "Whether we're cops anymore or not is not an issue. For the wolf's safety and to settle your fears -if founded in fact!" he yelled as furs' voices rose, "-we will confine him until we can know for sure the situation."

The lion narrowed his golden eyes.

"In the meantime," Burt grunted, seizing the lion by the shoulders and forcibly turning him, "make yourselves useful and help each other get settled. Don't waste time bothering the injured!" yelled Burt, lowering his horned head threateningly.

"Get your hooves off me!" growled the lion nastily, violently shrugging off the heavy hooves.

"The rest of you, if you're new, see Sally the rhino over there. She'll know what you need to do to get settled." He turned his back confidently to the mob and approached me.

Helaina slipped away with the crowd. She didn't even glance back, though her rigid shoulders and back showed her tension.

I turned from the mess of furs who had previously been part of a wider society. That society was breaking quickly. The world furs had built up was crumbling apart as things disconnected. All I cared for in the world, all I was connected to in the world was lying on the table.

Shadow was immobile on the hard tabletop. Silent and still....

"Any change?" Steve asked.

I shook my head, my ears swinging out as they finally relaxed. I couldn't trust my voice in that moment.

Steve frowned at a few lingering furs, then faced Burt. "Burt, you big lug, can you help Tyler lift Shadow? We need to get him somewhere safe before we really lose control of this."

Burt, looking ready to pursue... certain members of the dispersing mob, turned to me. He looked chagrined. "Ah, I almost lost it there...."

I gripped Shadow's limp paw and looked at the floor.

"You okay?" Burt asked. After my nod he looked around, "Where's Helaina? I saw her here a minute ago...."

I shook my head, fighting back tears of frustration. I looked at the floor, trying to rein in my upset mind. Helaina... selfish, petty fur. The others? Furs... wanted to kill Shadow?!

I heard Burt sigh next to me. I yanked my blurry eyes up to meet his deep, dark eyes.

He looked disheartened. "I thought we'd be able to hold together better than this...."

I looked around, my eyes slowly clearing as my anger overtook my upset mind. Some furs still clustered nearby in dissipating knots.

Violent. All of them were violent, horrible furs who pretended control and civility.

Sally thumped heavily up.  "I despise furs who eagerly jump to conclusions. Especially conclusions that endanger others!" She snorted. "Let's get Shadow some place safe, okay?"

I nodded and fixed my gaze to the floor. Safe? Did such a place exist any more?

Burt carefully maneuvered the bandaged and faintly complaining Shadow up in a fireman's carry. Shadow's half-naked body draped over the black bull's shoulders. "Pup's heavier than he looks. Where to Miss Siku Radi?"

She gave a long sigh, ending with a grunt. "We will take him to the storage closet Mia and I survived in when these Curtains began. If he needs to stay through the next Curtain, he'll be safe enough there."

"I'm staying with him," I found myself stating. I straightened my back and blinked my eyes clear of tears.

Sally frowned at me, "That closet is not a good place for a pup. We must put him there for his safety. We need not put you. Better that you visit him."

I clenched my jaw and laid my ears back.

Before I could say anything, Burt gestured to me. "Tyler here probably doesn't care where he is, as long as it's with this wolf. Right Tyler?"

I nodded and grabbed Shadow's dangling paw. I glared challengingly at Sally, but I probably looked stubborn.

"Right then. No place to hang and play though, pup. Got it?" Sally narrowed her small eyes my way. She passed a folded blanket into my free paw and briskly led the way, "Come before furs ask more questions."

Burt and I silently followed her through the dim store. It would have been bright and hot outside, but there was no sign of it here.

I disliked this place. Dark, dangerous. Full of fear-crazed furs.

I followed, but soon trailed behind. The fatigue was gaining on me, with the urgency was gone. Soon I could curl up somewhere with Shadow and get some sleep.

The closet Sally mentioned was near the front of the store, near the manager's office. Sally flicked on a flashlight and opened a door into a narrow and deep room filled tidily with various supplies. A mop and bucket were just inside the door next to a narrow shelf of cleaning supplies. Further back, I could see shelving parts, old sale signs and snow shovels. Other shadowy things clustered and lurked further back in the darkness.

"It's secure?" asked Burt, looking around the windowless room.

"I was in it myself when the first and second Curtains came. Mia and I were here, and I'd have everyone in here if it were feasible. But we have too large a group now. We would have to clear everything out... some of it has been here a long time. It is safe though."

I sat on the floor and opened the blanket just past the shelf of cleaning supplies. Burt carefully leveraged the black wolf down.

Shadow whimpered softly and was silent again. Still... as if dead. Hardly noticeable breaths escaping him.

"Here," Sally pointed with the flashlight. "It's a good brush seal on the door. We have rats sometimes and didn't want them chewing up things here. With this door closed, you should be fine."

I shrugged and held Shadow's paw. I gripped it gently, trying to let him know I was there as I stroked his black arm slowly.

"Tyler," Burt gained my reluctant attention, "stay in here for now. Until either he recovers or things settle down out here. I'll be back with some food and water."

I stared at him a moment, slowly processing Burt's words, before nodding. Sally passed me the lit flashlight and left. Burt sighed and left too. The door swung slowly towards its frame and I could hear them talking.

"Will this be enough to keep things under control?" That was Burt's hushed voice.

I heard Sally reply, "Don't tell anyone where they are. Just say the wolf's secured in...."

The door closed firmly, and their voices cut off.

I shuddered in relief. Shadow and I were finally alone, in the quiet room. It smelled faintly of cleaning fluids and stale air, but it seemed safer than anywhere we'd been in days.

I sat on the blanket and turned off the flashlight. I was next to Shadow, who was lying curled on his side in silence. Shadow was still there; he would return when he was able. Terrible as the new bandages made him look, I knew the wounds weren't serious. He needed time. If nothing else, I could be there for him whenever he managed to wake.

Wait. What if he never woke?

What if he woke, but he was no longer Shadow? Those angry furs in the store could be right. Shadow might turn. I hadn't even considered it before.

I should leave him here in the closet. It made sense.


I couldn't leave. It didn't make sense, but there was no way I could leave. Why?

There was nothing for me beyond these dark walls. Even if there was, the thought of leaving him alone pained me. What was this reaction? Everything in my life since this began revolved around Shadow. When had that happened? Helaina might be right about the artificial bond... but did I even care? This was where the events of the ten days had taken us. Ten days of our survival.

Now Shadow was torn up and furs wanted to kill him. Not simply toss him out to face the Curtain alone, but kill him.

I tucked my tail close and scooted in to Shadow's warmth in the darkness. My hip leaned gently against him as I blindly gripped a bit of Shadow's boxers, ignoring the twinge in my paw. I could feel my exhaustion closing in, but for now I was able to continue. Shadow was here, I could wait until I was sure he was okay.

Why were things going wrong? It was because I had been separated from Shadow. I had known, somewhere deep inside, being together was the key to our survival. I'd still let him slip away. Whether we had been separated by Helaina or my weakness... it didn't matter which.

He had gone down, and I had stayed on the roof. I had been safe. Stressed and scared even as I recovered from my Curtain shock, but I had never been in danger today. I had played with fireworks; he had played gore-the-bat-more.

I clenched my teeth and growled. My tail whipped a few times in frustration.


It had passed. We had survived; at least I hoped so. That time of separation was over; our future still existed despite our lapse. Was it truly over with now that these furs-


The door.

I startled, nearly out of my skin.

"Tyler?" whispered a deep voice through the cracked door.

My heart stuttered in relief. "Burt?" I tried, but it had no volume. "Burt?" I tried again, more strongly.

"Phweew," he blew out almost comically and opened the door to step in with a bulky bundle. "It was so quiet in here I wasn't sure what... is everything okay?"

"Yeah," I breathed as the door slid shut. I turned on the flashlight and set it to shine on the ceiling. "Why are you so quiet? Is everything alright?"

"Ah," he rubbed a horn, "there's some furs being immature scared asses out there. Steve and I have a handle on things, though. Siku Radi is a great help too, a reliable fur. We can handle this little mob." He chuckled as he settled into a crouch nearby. "They'll settle down as soon as they see nothing's wrong with Shadow." He stilled, "Nothing is wrong, right? He's not showing signs of... you know... changing? Turning?"

I stared at Burt in the dim light. He grew nervous as the moment lengthened, so I said, "I don't think so." I needed to reassure myself too. "He did something like this a few days ago. At least I think it was the same."

Burt's tense shoulders relaxed, and he set the bulky bundle on the floor next to Shadow and me. The bundle eased open. A thick blanket wrapped around two pillows, some supplies, and our sleeping bags.

"Burt?" I asked staring at the supplies and poking a bottled water with a finger. "How long are we stuck in here for? Is this place safe from the Curtain? What if it's a bad one again?" Me and my stupid questions.

Burt looked at the still form of Shadow, "How long? I don't know. It could be a while until things cool down. There are some very upset furs."

"And if it's bad?" I whispered.

"Not much way to tell, but Howard thinks it's unlikely. He times each Curtain on that antique watch of his. The goat enjoys his numbers."

I managed a little smirk at that.

"We're running short on bedding, so I brought your own sleeping bags over. Sorry, if they still smell a bit. The FurShopper's a good superstore. But while it means more varied shopping, it also means there may be fewer of a certain item."

I shrugged. The sleeping bags might smell a little, but I already knew I could handle it. Especially as long as I had Shadow with me.

Ridiculous. I hid a grin behind a bit of sleeping bag, pretending to sniff. Where did this confidence come from? There was nothing I could point to and say, "that's how I know it's true."

"Um, Tyler...." Burt's back bent with a giant sigh. "Best not step a paw's length out of this closet." At my worried look he continued, "It's just that... a few of the furs are getting rowdy about Shadow being bit."

"I know," I whispered, staring down at the sleeping bag corner in my paws. I set it down, my smile long vanished. At least most of Shadow's dried blood had already rubbed away from my paws.

Burt cleared his throat loudly, causing a tiny twitch in Shadow I could feel through my hip.

"Well," Burt rubbed a horn in the dim light, "if you need to use the toilet, use an empty bottle or one of the cleaning buckets for now. It might be a bit smelly, but I want to make sure you two are safe."

I nodded. I didn't mind staying here....

"I'm glad you weren't out there fighting today. That fight was too much for you. Mia got scratched up by the zombie that made it inside. She'll be fine in a few days, but poor Siku Radi is all worry and nerves now."

Burt rummaged through the supplies, sorting food and water to one side. "I've been worried about you two ever since we found you in the gas station. When I realized you and Shadow were alone, I didn't think I could leave you there even if you'd wanted it. Even though you two have been having a hard time since you came, I'm still glad you're here. Thinking of you pups wandering outside, not knowing if you were safe each time the Curtain dropped...."

Even as tired as I was, I was happy to hear some fur cared.

"Even with all that's going on, I want to make this place a safe one for you. I want to change the situation here and make it safe for any fur, regardless of their previous situations. Michelle and our calf will need that kind of life too."

I nodded, looking down at Shadow. I would have wanted a good place for Kaylee, too.

Burt coughed and met my eyes steadily when I looked up, "You two haven't been here long, but I want you to stay. I want to think of you as family. Michelle says I always let my heart go too quickly, especially to difficult cases but-"

"It's okay," I gave Burt a reserved smile. "We appreciate your help. The family part... I...." I gestured helplessly, unable to find words.

"Too early?" Burt ventured, disappointed.

"I don't know, Burt. All that's happened... my head feels like it won't stop spinning. The trouble now with Shadow, and the zombies healing, and I'm exhausted, and this stupid song stuck in my head.... I don't even remember what it is, but it's annoying as all the furry hells."

Burt nodded. "I don't want to stress you any more tonight, then. Think about it later. Michelle and I, we would like you to think of us as your family. If you two aren't comfortable, we will understand that too." He poked around the pile of supplies. "Here, these are good for when you're down."

I fumbled, but caught the candy bar he'd tossed. I turned it over to see it was a Nutty-N-Mess bar.

"Yeah, I do like these. Thanks, Burt."

He nodded firmly, "Make sure to eat the nutritious stuff too. Michelle wrapped burritos for you; they're still warm."

He opened the door a crack and peered silently outside a moment before turning to me.

"I don't know how far this will go. Just keep yourselves quiet in here, and we'll get things settled down."

"Yeah," I mumbled, unsure myself, but his firm look reassured me.

Burt slipped out as quietly as his hooves could manage and shut the door behind him. Bovines are simply not built to be stealthy.

Ah, whatever. He was gone; I could set up for the... afternoon, night - whatever time of day it was.

I organized the supplies within easy reach. I downed half a burrito before realizing I was simply too stressed to eat any more. I opened up the two sleeping bags and laid one over the heavy blanket. I arranged our "bed" as close as I could to Shadow in the narrow space.

With a little maneuvering, I managed to tilt and shift Shadow onto the new sleeping area. I pulled the second sleeping bag over us and settled in facing Shadow, pulling him close. I wrapped him with an arm and drew his paw over me. I sighed and pulled my tail around us too. Turn the flashlight off, pull the second bag up, curl in close to the warm body, and all was ready.

Ready to break.


In the dark were the scents, the memories. The bag, with the artificial scents of Tropical Orchid and Melon fading, it smelled of home. It even smelled faintly of my friend Eric. That crazy raccoon who could make me laugh like no one else could. Kaylee who would "entertain" me for hours before collapsing into a nap. My mom who carefully guarded her children from the harshness of the world which I still experienced outside the house. Memories of my father... who I had not been close to in years. The grimness of his face whenever he saw me had replaced any happy memories I'd had of him.

Now, they were all dead and buried or wandering around. My father was most likely wandering.

I was exhausted and vulnerable to my restless mind. I was so tired, I couldn't relax. I couldn't stop as I thought of more and more memories. Memories of the living, memories of them dying.

I shivered against Shadow; he was warm and still in front of me. I nosed around in his chestfur.

What was it he had told me to help me? Breathe steadily, try to relax. Focus only on this moment.

It was all I could do to fend off my memories while I was assaulted by the scents. I would have thrown aside the sleeping bag, but it was slightly chilly in this storage room. Shadow might be uncomfortable if I did, especially in his nearly naked state. I could feel his heartbeat through my clothes. Slow, so slow, but stable.

I could hold myself together. The last thing either of us needed was for me to go off the deep end in my own crisis.




It was quiet and peaceful, even if it did smell of dust and cleaner. I was calming, slowly. I needed only to draw in the scent of wolf in the black darkness. Feel the deep fur between my fingers. Ignore the nearby pawsteps which-


Hushed and angry voices could be heard outside the door. I tossed the sleeping bag aside, baring us to the dangerous darkness. I rose to my four paws feeling a growing growl. In my rising fear, I could easily ignore the pain in my healing paws. My teeth were already bared to the darkness. I no longer cared about losing what little control I had over the instinctive reaction.

"Here?" asked a hoarse whisper.

"Not many places left to look. The bull came from this direction," stated a voice, not bothering to whisper.

"Open it up, let's see if we can flush 'em out."

I heard a paw twist the doorknob.

"Careful, the wolf may have turned already," said the hoarse voice.

"Just be ready, half-wit."

"I'm always ready," growled the hoarse-voiced fur nastily.

There were a few- make that several furs outside the door. I heard them shifting and readying just outside.

The door swung open and hit the wall with a slam.

My fur stood on end everywhere, hindered in places by the clothes I wore. My ears swung back and my jaw dropped open, and I voiced a snarling growl. My tail was puffed hugely behind me, attempting to cover Shadow.

I knew what they were here for. They were here for Shadow. I wouldn't allow it.