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Born in Rubble - 003
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[i]It is whispered that any child who mistakes DRIFLOON for a balloon and holds on to it could wind up missing.[/i] -HGSS Pokedex Entry
Did I forget to mention that :linkimmelmann:'s Grey Kanto universe is really dark? Cause it's really dark.
So another thing I intended to do with this series is to showcase all those delightfully dark and/or ridiculous Pokedex entries throughout the Pokemon games. In fact, in preparation for this, I actually went through every single Pokemon's Pokedex entries, recorded them, and sorted them in a spreadsheet based on if they were terrifying or ludicrous or whatever. Fun times, actually.
Did I forget to mention that :linkimmelmann:'s Grey Kanto universe is really dark? Cause it's really dark.
So another thing I intended to do with this series is to showcase all those delightfully dark and/or ridiculous Pokedex entries throughout the Pokemon games. In fact, in preparation for this, I actually went through every single Pokemon's Pokedex entries, recorded them, and sorted them in a spreadsheet based on if they were terrifying or ludicrous or whatever. Fun times, actually.
11 years ago
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