Current Track: Blabb

Ne Goz navare!1” I exclaim as I look over the notes of Chris’s debrief. “How’d he survive when his peers died? I never thought my brother a coward. Nor would he hide when his comrades died in front of him.” I say these things as I pace in the middle of our room.

Josef’s expression is calm and collected. I can’t believe what I’m reading. He hid as his patients were slaughtered. The questions going through my head just make me feel sick to my stomach. “Was hätte er machen sollen? Er arbeitet bei dem Peace Corps. Er konnte nicht kämpfen.2”Josef states, trying to rationalize my brother’s cowardice.

Humhirn3! He and I are both black belts in Tae Kwon Do, we both know multiple ways to disarm a man with a gun or knife. He was also in the military for a time. He could’ve defended them.”

“No, Nick. He would’ve died had he tried. Stop acting like this is a bad thing. He’s alive, Nikki. You should be happy!”

“Better to die a hero than live a coward! Ne vertean yatsehnath zi sterka lif terkshan zè fa aldè.4” I reply crudely.

Josef is slightly taken aback. “Nikki, Your brother is brave. He’s brave for going to that area in the first place knowing the dangers.” He slaps me across the muzzle.

Chris comes in at that moment. “Josef, why’d you slap my brother?” He asks.

“He was being very…unappreciative of your being alive.” Josef responds.

Omafyr talké!5” I snap and angrily stomp out of the room.

I check my watch. Chow time! I go to the mess hall aboard the MacGyver. I grab a simple burger and try to cool off. I sit down and mutter under my breath “Fe ne terk, Zanas! 6

“Well someone’s grumpy. I can’t imagine why that would be?” A very handsome, very cocky grey wolf looks at me with a sly smirk on his lupine lips.

Aviré bafyr! 7” I say in way of greeting.

Aviré! Captain, why the hell do you look like your about to go berserk?”

“’Cause I just may, Lieutenant Wilson. What can I do for you?” I say rubbing my finger and thumb on either side of the bridge of my muzzle.

His ears splay at the reminder of the rank gap between us, “I just thought I’d keep my fellow officer company.”

“I am in no mood for company.”

“I know you well enough to know that you feel better around people than brooding by your lonesome.”

“True enough, bafyr.” I admit completely unwilling to speak to the grey. I know though, that Wilson will not leave me alone. He and I made fast friends when I boarded the MacGyver. I may not want his company all the time, but he knew me well enough that I’d eventually chipper up if I was around happier people.

Entó, Sez i Josef? 8 How goes it?”

Wu haban niyée adíie. Ne i wu vertans dashi.9” I complain with a slight whine in my voice, ears are splayed, tail is tucked slightly. Then the whine turns to a growl and I snarl, “Chris-obraf man vana eté. Ne yagurum hon vertean lif questó. Ne maunsheant. 10 He fuckin’ hid, Wilson!”

“I heard. Sez verta ne eafyr na Yaguru Coulter. Ne vertean sem obraf. 11 What are you going to do?”

Je ne sais pas! 12 I can’t do anything without the consent of my mate. You know that, Wilson. He’s on Chris’s side. I just don’t understand. The law of the pack is we disown or kill those who hide in the face of combat. Josef wants me to exile my own brother! I don’t want to kill him, but I don’t want to send him away for good. Ni Gozi hafos we! 13

Ni hafeans zoi yu hafeans nizafi. 14” Wilson replies, “Captain, If I may be so bold. Ni Alderi will require you to choose one of those two. But here’s my suggestion, give your brother an ultimatum: Rejoin the military and regain his honor or forever be an onlyfyr.”

I recoil. Onlyfyri are lone wolves. They are packless. They are considered outsiders and are often killed when they come too close to a packs borders. In today’s day and age, Onlyfyri can live only on tropical islands. They are secluded to their sections of the world and we tend to ignore them. “Forcing that life on my brother? Either or would spell disaster. It’d be kinder to sentence him to death.” I admit.

“No. If that’s what you decide, Nick-ofíruna, I will gladly rejoin the military. I’m not going to die because I tried to stay alive in an awful situation.” Chris says from behind me. I jump in surprise. He chuckles.

“Chris-obraf? You’re in the Peace Corps. You’ll have to—”

“—resign? I know.” Chris finishes my sentence, “Fate is a cruel mistress, Nick.”

“If that is what you choose I’ll send word to ni Alderi.

“Li sez rufa, ofíruna. 15 Chris says.

I grab my radio, “Goldilocks, new recruit in the mess hall.”


“Repeat after me: I, [name], do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” Adler orders.

“I, Christopher Coulter, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.” Chris complies.

“Welcome Ensign Coulter. Welcome to the Naval Volantis Corps.” RDML Adler greets the new recruit. “As of now your duties are as follows: reconnaissance, aerial cover, and finally cleaning.”

Chris-obraf, wu vertan wagshita, za sez wala zis. Ne Volantis Corps vertean en gus yesgaru fe sez. Sem hon wirean de restana zif zis.16” I add, smiling and wagging my tail. I am truthfully happy that my brother decided to do this.

Sez Zana, Nick-ofiruna. Sem Mersa wirean niyéen de fergássana.17” Chris replies in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Wu Zanan, Chris-obraf. Ne vertean gye zi luca ruck.18 Here is your uniform. Report to the flight deck at 2300 hours. We’re leaving for home.”

Aya, eafyr.19” Chris replied and turned around to leave.


1: God above! <Wolfyr>

2: What could he have done? He works for the Peace Corps. He couldn’t fight. <German>

3: Bull! <Wolfyr>

4: It is best to die in the hunt than from old age. <Wolfyr>

5: Omega coward! <Wolfyr>

6: For the food you’re thanked. <Wolfyr>

7: Hello, brother <Wolfyr>

8: So, you and Josef? <Wolfyr>

9: I have no idea. He and I are distant.<Wolfyr>

10: Chris-my brother has done something. The pack’s honor is in question. He hid.<Wolfyr>

11: You are the leader of the Coulter Pack. He is your brother.<Wolfyr>

12: I don’t know! <French>

13: The Holy Ones, help me!<Wolfyr>

14:They help those who help themselves.<Wolfyr>

15: As you say, my leader.<Wolfyr>

16: Chris, my brother, I am happy that you chose this. The Volantis Corps is a good group for you. Your honor will be restored by this.<Wolfyr>

17: Thank you (literally “you are thanked”), Nick, my leader. Your mercy will not be forgotten.<Wolfyr>

18: You’re welcome (literally “I am thanked”), Chris, my brother. It’s good to see you back.<Wolfyr>

19: Yes sir.