Authors Note: This story is the start of a series that continues after two previous series of stories I have written. If you are new to reading these then I ask to please look in my stories section and feel free to read both War Tails of the White Wolf and Shadow of a Freelancer before reading this story to better understand the universe it is set in, the plot of the stories and the characters as well. Thanks and enjoy.
February 18, 2342 – Galactic Terra, Conference Room
(4:31 PM) {Six Months Ago}
The sound of heavily armored footsteps echoed through the halls of the Galactic Terra; flagship of the Outcast fleet, as one of the most feared of the leaders of the Electus made his way to meet with the other so called leaders. The other twelve of the thirteen leaders of the Electus waited patiently in the Galactic Terra’s main conference room for their comrade to join them. It was one of those rare times when the thirteen leaders would meet in person, and he was late for their scheduled meeting. Unlike the others however he could care less, as there was nothing the others would do about it; let alone could do about it.
As he stepped into the room from the hall, the other Electus leaders; who had been talking amongst themselves, fell quite. His hazel colored eyes darted from person to person as he scanned the room, quickly sizing the others up. He walked to the far end of the table and took a seat; not only did he do this to watch the others; he did it so he could watch the doors for anyone trying to bust in for a surprise attack. As he took his seat one of the other leaders; who controlled events from behind the scenes of the A.T.W.F (Allied Trade Worlds Federation), spoke up.
“It’s about time you showed up Delta. We’ve been waiting for a quarter of an hour.” The man disrespectfully said. Delta’s gaze never once fell on the man as he quickly drew an energy pistol and aimed at the man’s face.
“Chairman Hoyt” Delta said before looking at him “You may have held one of the top positions within the Federation Council and only recently joined us at this table but… you’ve had plenty of time to learn how I deal with disrespectful people.” Delta said before firing the weapon.
The Chairman fell out of his seat and hit the floor shaking with wide surprised eyes at the fact that Delta had almost killed him. Everyone else was just looking at him save one; who was chuckling from the opposite end of the table. All eyes fell upon the man with platinum blond hair who was laughing before he spoke.
“My my Delta, you killed the last man who spoke to you that way. Why did you let Aiden here live?” Patrick Territh asked in his serine sounding voice.
Delta looked at Patrick as he did the same; both of them locking eyes, he said “If you recall it was the chairman here who called for this meeting with very important strategic information of the movements of the remaining Federation Fleets. Or have you forgotten with all the fun you’re having with your favorite prisoner?”
Breaking into a smile Patrick chuckled again “Oh my, you’re quite right. I’m having an absolutely splendid time. I’m glad he didn’t die right away, I’m learning very interesting things about him that will aid in my research.”
In a slightly disgusted tone of voice, Delta said “Research? You mean taking his DNA and mixing it with that of those creatures you’ve created. It’s a pointless venture Patrick. You think you can control them but the stronger you make them…” Delta shook his head “The sooner they’ll turn on you. Or… didn’t you learn that lesson like the rest of our brothers and sisters, and the one who created us?” Delta stated.
The look on Patrick’s face turned aggressive as he said “I remember that lesson well but it wasn’t I who went and killed off the majority of our siblings or the director… dear brother.”
“Then you know it’s bound to happen again, especially since his strengths are nearly equal to my own.” Delta sneered as he stared Patrick down.
One of the other leaders grew tired of their discussion and decided she should speak up. “Okay you two, that’s enough. I think it’s better to get down to business then argue about the past.” The Electus leader known as Mei Akane said.
They both looked at her; Delta amusingly so while Patrick looked at her with scorn before saying “Well… you would know it just as well as us too, being that it’s your past as well Mei.”
“Shut it Patrick, we’ve wasted enough time on this matter.” Delta said.
Patrick glared at Delta as Mei said “Thanks M.”
“I thought I told you not to refer to me by M.” Delta said as he eyed Mei. All Mei did was shrug and smile as everyone fell silent allowing the meeting to commence.
“Well then, since they’ve finished their little quarrel. Aiden, please inform us of what you’ve learned?” Geoff Holden; the most senior leader, asked.
“Ahem” Aiden cleared his throat as he retook his seat before saying “As you already know, the Federation has tried several times to retake Earth from our control in the past year. All those attempts have been for naught due to the lack of leadership thanks to the capturing the most of their Admirals and Fleet Commanders and most of the Federation Council.”
“Of which we can thank you for Aiden.” Mei said as several others nodded.
“Yes, of course.” He admitted before continuing “With the disappearance of the Freelancers and their Inner Haven three years ago, the Federation has had no backup in its struggles and due to the lack of command most of the fleets have fallen apart. But there’s where a problem has arose, it seems one of the most experienced Admirals; Fleet Admiral Justin Keeton, has rallied a large portion of the remaining fleets into the reformed First, Second and Fourth Fleets. He has taken command of the First Fleet and is using it to guard the last sections of space they control.” Aiden said.
A holographic projection of the galaxy appeared above them; illuminating areas they controlled as well as the area he just mentioned. A picture of Admiral Keeton; dressed in his officers uniform, appeared to the far side while listing details about him and his ship as Aiden went on.
“The Second Fleet is being commanded by Vice Admiral Ronald Harris who will be leading a strike force of around a hundred and fifty or so ships from both the Second and Forth Fleets to retake Earth.” Aiden added as a picture of the Vice Admiral appeared next to Admiral Keeton; dressed in a similar uniform.
“The big problem I see is who’s commanding the Fourth Fleet and will be joining him under his command during the operation. It may be the smallest of the three reformed fleets but… it’s being commanded by Rear Admiral Julia Vazquez; the one who commanded the Federation forces at starbase three.” He informed them as a picture of a female ocelot with brown and beige colored fur, dark colored hair and hazel colored eyes wearing a white captains uniform, was added to the others.
“She was the cause of that humiliating defeat.” One of the other’s stated with anger as well as awe in his voice.
“Yes, she’s the commander of the C.S.F Excalibur.” Geoff added.
“Ah the only ship with a weapon strong enough and systems capable of taking out the Galactic Terra” Patrick stated with the sound of affection in his voice. “That could become a major problem.” He added dropping the tone of affection for one of scorn.
“Agreed” chorused the most of them.
“So what do you plan on doing to stop them?” Delta asked.
“Well I figured we could…” Aiden started to say.
“I’ll take care of that battle.” Patrick interrupted.
“What do you plan on doing Mr. Territh?” Geoff asked with apprehension in his voice.
“A question first, do you happen to know when this attack may happen?” Patrick asked.
“From some of the reports I’ve received, they’re planning for March next year when they can bolster enough forces.” He stated.
“Do you know their possible approach vectors?”
“Currently no, however I’m sure I could get them before they decided to attack.”
“Well then, when you have them give them to me. I can guarantee victory by using the latest weapon that has been fitted on this ship.” Patrick confidently said.
“You plan to take our flagship there and face them head on with a weapon we haven’t even tested?” Geoff asked, astounded.
“Why yes I do besides, most of you; if not all, will have returned to your stations by then but last I knew there was nowhere I had to be. Trust me, even with the Excalibur there… after this battle, they will never try to reclaim Earth again and Geoff…” Patrick said with a sinister smile; one Delta recognized but remained silent.
“The weapon has been tested; trust me when I say I would never have a weapon installed onto the Galactic Terra without having it tested first.”
A little while later, once the meeting ended and the Electus leaders went their separate ways; Delta followed Patrick till he was sure there was no one around before letting him know he was there.
“What are you planning Patrick?” Delta asked.
Turning around with a slightly surprised look on his face Patrick said “How long have you been following me!”
“Just answer the question. I know you’ve been looking for ways to cause mass destruction and I also know you’ve pulled some strings to get a few of our brothers; the True Outcasts together and none of the pansy assed ones either. What are you really planning?” Delta demanded.
“Alright, I’ll tell you. The reason I’ve shown an interest in those weapons is to destroy the Excalibur.” He stated as if it were obvious “Her shields are incredibly resilient to almost every form of attack, not even the Galactic Terra’s Neutron cannon can easily get past them. And as to why I’m gathering some of our old brothers together, well it’s so that I can acquire a particular vixen named Sara Morris…” Patrick was saying when Delta suddenly grabbed him by the throat.
“Patrick…” Delta started coldly; lifting him off the ground “When I had Echo take Rrahkarr to Mors Mortis I figured you were going to have him killed within the first few days, not use him for your experiments or torture him for nearly four years. I know that the majority of the Electus hate furs but I know you’re not one of them… or at least you weren’t when Laura was alive.” Delta said; the last of which clearly made Patrick furious; his eyes bulging with rage.
“Don’t you ever mention that name again!” Patrick spat with fury. “If it wasn’t for you she’d still be alive!”
“Shut up, you idiot.” Delta said as he slammed Patrick into the wall “That was a long time ago, it was a bad call but it was the lesser of two evils. And don’t go blaming it all on me; she took that shot for you and you alone!” Delta added before dropping him to the floor.
“Now, you will not send anyone to engage Federation forces just to get your hands on one person. Why don’t you just finish the job and kill him. By bringing her into this… you may just seal your own fate. That’d be a poor way to thank Laura for giving you hers.” Delta finished before walking off.
It took Patrick more than a few moments to regain his breath and composure before walking down the hall again; more furious then he has been in decades. All the while thinking “Damn you Delta, but it’s too late… I’ve already sent a couple of our brothers after her… and her daughter. Then with Severo’s help… I’ll be rid of you and I’ll finally have avenged her. Hmm I better think of a way to easily kill him off once you’re dead. Well if all goes well, maybe the key in that lay in the girl. I can’t wait to see her genes.”
There was chaos; explosions happening all around him. He didn’t know how he got here; it all seemed like a dream. He couldn’t even control his body as it raced down corridors. He watched as enemy soldiers; all humans, raced out in front of him dressed in power armor and wielding what looked like new models of phase weapons. They tried desperately to kill him but they were all slaughtered horribly as he raced through them and what must have been the enemy’s base. He charged through corridors, rooms and passageways; always seeming to be going up, as explosions happened periodically in the facility. Turning to his right the passageway finally ended with a single door ahead of him.
He charged towards it and raised his right arm; he could see it was covered in white fur so he knew he was at least himself in this dream. After raising his arm he used it to bash open the door and was blinded by bright light, only to come to an abrupt stop. The passageway ended and he was outside, he would have fallen if he hadn’t just run into hand railing. He was looking straight down at what may have been thousands of feet to the ground below before stepping back. Looking up towards the horizon he noticed the building he just raced out of was in the middle of a desert.
Looking around, the desert was not completely barren, every so often; almost like the distant stars in the sky, there were glints of light reflecting off of what looked like giant orange crystals growing in the desert. The sky; which looked like it was burning, held few very thin clouds mostly made of dust. There were also large pointed stone outcroppings that seemed to make mountains in the distance. Smoke was rising from several areas of the tower he was in. Looking further up he noticed there were still several levels above him that could only be reached from the outside where he was.
Looking to his left he noticed the stairs that would take him to the upper levels and the top of the tower. Still without control, he watched as his body rushed up the stairs and continued till he reached the top of the tower. The top was barren except for hand railing surrounding the perimeter of the tower and a lone person in the center of it all.
This person was wearing no protective armor of any kind; he only wore a torn white T-shirt and tan colored slacks. He was fairly muscular but lean too, he had very short hair and it looked like he had hundreds of minuet scars on his arms. The only weapons he had were a couple knives and an energy pistol in its holster on his left side.
He looked over his shoulder and with lightning quick reflexes; drew the weapon and spun around before firing the energy pistol without hesitation…
March 26, 2342 – New Hope Colonial Hospital
(10:45 AM) {Five Months Ago}
Lliam shot up in the bed he was in; panting slightly and clutching the fabric of the medical gown he was wearing near his heart. There was a constant and rapid series of beeps to the left from the machine that monitored his vitals; blood pressure, heart rate, etc. He looked around the room he was in and noticed that it was rather plain. The tile floors, the mechanical bed he was laying on and all the medical equipment told him he was in a hospital room.
Calming down he noticed that the room was fairly lit from the light that was coming in. He looked at where the light was coming in from and noticed the partly open shades that covered the window. The lights were off which meant it was either early morning or possibly late afternoon. Lliam leaned forward and brought his hands up to his face and leaned his head on them.
“What the hell was up with that dream… ugh… and that human. He seemed… familiar.” Lliam thought as he raised his head slightly and peered through his long hair to look around the room again. “Looks like I’m really back. Does that mean I really saw…?” Lliam was thinking when the door to the room opened; causing him to look at the door.
Upon seeing who it was that entered the room, the look on Lliam’s face brightened up and he smiled. The thought “Yeah, it’s her” passed through his mind after seeing who walked in. The person who had entered the room noticed he was awake and flipped the light switch on; blinding him for a moment. When he regained his vision Sara; the black and white furred vixen, was standing next to the bed smiling at him. He noticed that her cheek fur was a little wet and that a fresh tear was about to fall from her eye.
“What’s the matter? Why are you crying Sara?” Lliam asked after seeing this.
“Idiot…” She said as she leaned down and hugged him “Nothing’s wrong, I’m just happy. It’s been two days since you were admitted.” She added before letting him go. Standing back up and wiping her cheeks with the sleeves of her lab coat she asked “How do you feel? Any pains from your chest or other areas?”
“I’m fine… I’ve been through worse.” Lliam told her.
“Are you sure?” She asked; with a little worry still in her voice.
“I feel fine, really.” Lliam said and easily got out of the bed and stood up. He stretched again as she nodded her head. Since he was up he removed the contacts that were on him for the machine next to the bed, he then decided to head to the window and see where he was and started to walk around the bed. As he walked he heard Sara trying to contain a giggle but he shrugged it off after reaching the window and opened the shades to let in the natural light.
After his eyes adjusted to the light coming in through the window Lliam was able to get a good look at the colony. He knew that this colony was set up on the planet that was supposed to be surveyed before the transport incident several years ago. Even though the colony had only been here for a few years there were many tall permanent buildings everywhere; more so then a colony this young should normally have.
He also noticed there was a spaceport inside what looked like the military district of the colony at the northern end. The spaceport still looked like it was under construction but it still had a few functional launch sites. Looking towards the northern horizon, Lliam noticed fierce looking dark clouds heading towards the colony.
Sara was still trying to stop herself from giggling so Lliam asked “What are you giggling about Sara?” as he turned his head to look at her.
She pointed at him and said “The… back of your medical gown is open.”
He twisted around to where he could see what she was talking about. The back of the medical gown he was wearing was indeed open displaying his furry rear for Sara to see.
“Ah… no matter.” He said nonchalantly and shrugged as he looked back out at the colony.
A little surprised at the way he acted Sara asked as she walked towards him “You’re not even a little embarrassed? I remember when you were easily embarrassed by minor things.”
Chuckling he turned around and leaned against the wall next to the window and said “I’ve gotten accustomed to all the body parts being exposed at one point or another. Hell, clothing on that planet actually made it harder to move around and made it easier for the wildlife to spot all of us.” Looking down to his arms he added with a smile “Though I had to dirty up to hide the color of my fur.”
“Us?” Sara asked looking at him.
“Yeah us… me and the other survivors of the crash, we pretty much went around with little more than… well actually… pretty much nothing.” Lliam said to her surprise.
“You mean there were other survivors?” Sara asked.
“What do you mean were? I wasn’t the only one from Echo to survive… and they’re here with me... well not actually here.” Lliam told her.
“Who all survived… and how did you get here?” Sara asked as she looked at him.
“Well out of Echo the only ones to survive were James, Albert and me. Not counting Sylvia who filled in for Rrahkarr on that mission. Then there were multiple survivors from several other units that were on the transport. I think out of the five units that were onboard; being a total of about fifty people not counting the flight crews, twenty seven survived the crash. I don’t know if any of the flight or maintenance crews survived, let alone any of the people in the forward half of the transport.” Lliam said to her.
“So… Albert and James are alive, and Sylvia’s alive too? Where are they and you still didn’t tell me how you got here?” Sara asked, mentally adding “Not to mention how you got that wound.”
“Oh they weren’t hurt. I was accidently shot when we were found by a scout team from the… Darwin. I wasn’t expecting it at all and they were too close for me to act. When did the Darwin become a Capital ship by the way?” Lliam asked and looked at her.
“A couple years ago…” She said before sitting down on the bed, she sighed before continuing “With the way the war is turning out, Admiral Keeton became Fleet Admiral and they transferred to a capital class ship not to mention he’s in charge of the First Fleet now. He’s the oldest surviving officer in the military who hasn’t been captured or killed yet. How many of the twenty seven are alive?” Sara asked.
“Not counting us and the major… uh… five I think.” Lliam said with a little sorrow in his voice. “Being trapped there for so long, we became so use to see each other’s faces that… when someone wouldn’t come back it was like… losing a family member.” Lliam added while looking in no particular direction.
Hearing him say that Sara got an idea, she reached into one of her pockets and pulled out a comm device. She looked at Lliam and said “I got to make a call; I’m just going to be outside the door, kay?”
“Yeah sure, go ahead.” Lliam said as she temporarily exited the room.
Lliam was left in the room by himself and alone with his thoughts. He first sat then leaned back onto the bed, closed his eyes and sighed. Opening his eyes he stared at the ceiling and started thinking “The last time I saw Sara was in Rrahkarr’s room before the attack.” He started smiling as he recalled the memory.
“She was naked and waiting for Rrahkarr to come in. I bet it was a hell of a surprise for her when she tackled me thinking I was him. Oh wait… the reason she was going to jump him like that was to tell him she was pregnant!” Lliam thought and sat up. Shortly another thought entered his mind “Speaking of Rrahkarr… where is he? If all the crew on the Darwin transferred to the Capital class ship, why is Sara here… did he leave her here?”
As he thought about this Sara re-entered the room with a wheelchair and a smile on her face, he looked at her and wondered what was making her smile. “How would you like to get out of this room?” She asked.
Lliam looked at the wheelchair and laughed. “You don’t think I’m actually going to be wheeled about when I can just as easily walk, do you?” he asked.
“It’s hospital procedures. I’m afraid it can’t be helped.” Sara said.
“Oh… really? Well then…” Lliam said after getting up off the bed. He walked over to the wheelchair and easily picked it up. Placing a paw on one of the wheels and the other on the bar that connected them, he easily removed the wheel and bent the bar that connected them together. “No wheelchair, guess I gotta walk.” Lliam said sarcastically, causing Sara to laugh.
“I see you’re not going to let me wheel you around. Okay Lliam you win no wheelchair.” Sara said after laughing.
“Good, ah by the way is it possible for me to get some normal clothes? I would be perfectly fine walking around fully nude, but… I think it would be best if I were more presentable.” Lliam said as his tail moved from side to side; causing the medical gown to move with it.
“Sure, I can easily set up one of the replicators that we use to make the medical gowns to make some plain clothing. We just need to go to one of the replicator operation rooms and let it scan you so you can get the right size.” Sara said as she headed towards the door.
Lliam followed closely behind her as she led him out of the room. She looked to see if anyone was in the hall before taking Lliam to one of the rooms that held the replicators. It only took about two minutes to get to the room Sara spoke of. She checked inside and found it to be empty for the moment. She signaled Lliam to enter and headed towards one of the replicators.
Upon entering the room, Lliam noticed there were several of the oversized replicators. The room was filled with the false light of the florescent lights that filled the hospital and he looked at them with disgust; after spending seven years on the planet Daminia he became use to the natural light of this systems star.
“Okay it’s set up. Stand here please.” Sara said to him.
He nodded and stood on the spot she had pointed at. He waited as she activated the replicator and choose the specific types of clothing it needed to produce. She stopped for a second and asked Lliam “Would you prefer something loose or tight fitting… considering you seem to have not worn clothing for quite a while?”
He cocked his head and thought for a second before saying “Uh… lets go with something more loose fitting please.”
She nodded and selected the option and shortly the replicator started to scan Lliam for his clothing size and dimensions to better fit him. A few moments after the replicator finished Sara reached into a bin and pulled out a large white T-shirt and a pair of large tan colored slacks. The slacks were modified for a fur in the back for a tail; complete with a second button to keep the slacks around the waist.
Sara smiled and said “Here catch” before throwing them at him.
He easily caught them and said “Thanks” before walking over to the other side of the room where there were a couple shelves.
He placed the shirt on the shelf before taking the slacks and putting one of his legs into it. It only took a couple moments before he had them pulled all the way up and started to button the front. He zipped up the zipper and made sure his tail went through the back opening before buttoning the back up too.
Once everything was secured, he then took off the medical gown and looked around. He looked at Sara and asked “What do you want me to do with this?”
“Give it here; these replicators recycle unused and used clothing.” She said as he handed her the piece of clothing.
She deposited the gown into the recycler on the machine and turned around to look at Lliam. She could clearly see his toned muscles underneath his fur as he moved and especially saw the muscles of his shoulders and arms as he went to put on the shirt. His time on Daminia had really strengthened him, but that was not all that changed about him.
The way he walked seemed more alert, from what she could tell he seemed to hold himself as if he was trying to be quiet and not draw attention to himself. Not to mention he seemed taller now compared to before the attack. In fact Lliam was now five feet seven inches tall. Before the attack he was five feet three inches tall, so now he was more of a normal size. As Sara watched him, he quickly put his arms through the sleeves and his head through the neck; once he pulled his long hair out of the shirt he had finished dressing.
Lliam stretched out a bit to see how cumbersome the clothing would be and if he could get use to wearing clothes again. Seemingly fine with how they fit, Lliam asked “So, you wanted to go for a walk?”
Smiling, Sara said as she walked out of the room “Yeah, I have a surprise to show someone.”
“You have a surprise to show me?” Lliam asked, confused as he followed her.
She stopped for a second and said “Yeah, it’ll be a surprise for you too I suppose…” before continuing down the hall a short way and getting on an elevator.
“Wait what do you mean? Hey…” Lliam asked as he quickly followed after her before the doors closed.
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